SHE WENT FROM l BAR TO WORSE / ^ Down to 98 Pounds — Finally Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Cleveland, Ohio.—uAfter having my first baby, I lost weight, no matter what I did. Then a doctor told me I would be better If I had another baby, which I did. But I got worse, was al ways sickly and went down to 98 pounds. My neigh bor told me about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound, as it helped her very much, so I tried it. After taking four bottles, I weigh 116 pounds. It has Just done wonders for me and I can do my house work now without one bit of trouble.” —Mbs. M. Riesst.vqkb, 10004 Nelson Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. If some good fairy should appear, fend offer to grant your heart’s desire, what would you choose? Wealth? Happiness? Health? That’s the best gift. Health Is riches that gold cannot buy and surely health is cause enough for happiness. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Cotfr pound may be the good fairy who offers you better health. For Old Sores Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh Money beck for Ant bottle If not edited All deafen. Just Like a Man A Martinsburg husband read in the Monitor that a woman had lost a scarf. This reminded him that he had found one several days before. He then took it to the Monitor office and learned that it belonged to his wife.— Martinsburg (Mo.) Monitor. CASCARA $ QUININE Get Bed Bax with jxtrtrall Serves Them Right People who have made no effort to avert war cannot very well resist and grumble when through their tacit in vitation war takes hold of them.—• Woman’s Home Companion. Physical wounds may heal, but not those made by unkind words. No mother in this enlightened age would give her baby something she did not know was perfectly harmless, especially when a few drops of plain Castoria will right a baby’s stomach and end almost any little ill. I retful ness and fever, too; it seems no time until everything is serene. That's the beauty of Castoria; its gentle influence seems just what is needed It does ail that castor oil might accomplish, without shock to tbe system. Without the evil taste. It's delicious! Being purely vegeta able, you can give it as often as there’s a sign of colic; constipation; diarrhea; or need to aid sound, nat ural sleep. Just one warning: It is genuine Fletcher’s Cnstoria that physicians rscomruend. Other preparations may be just as free from ail doubtful drugs, but no child of this writer's la going to test them! Besides, tbe book on care and feeding of babfe* that cornea with Fletcher’s Castoria la worth it* weight in gold. Out Our Way By Williams v'~>Nv* 010 'YOU jV „E>EE -THAT?! r. WORK'S RtGHT jyexTT1 ME AM' PASSES Pi 6 BY MY HOUSE, A*H’ * VslOOLDKl' PCl< A FELLER OP* LAiPM TH‘ DlRfY 7 VLU-l’U-— - 'woo ex Peer\/ Too much*, V * Baam ew • 1 ' PlCK'lKl’ UP I . AKiW O' "THIS ' GASJG would Be lire PlCRtKi' UP A GREASED Pi Ur , OMlW j I^MORse. ^ \ \ ^*4 '1 .'Took' A 6awg V HOME. CW£ MIGHT in ms car y am’* Them -took mv * FAmilv -T church TH’ next mornim'. ALL DRESSED IN $ \Amrfc-WHiTe. t WHEN -1HEV A ^ToUGH TIME THE PAST WEEK -TRYING ~To CATCM rWE op "THE 0ARTLETT TWIN'S WHo ALWAYS DRESS EXACTLY ALIKE AN/'D ALWAYS HUN IN oppoSlTE DIRECTIONS. ^ I y/ V* Chemicals Worth $300,000,000,000 Bought by Syndicate in Dead Sea Haifa, Palestine. (AP)—Every tale of buried treasure ever spun by imag inative adventurers or some of buc anneers is dwarfed by the wealth which a British-Palestine syndicate is preparing to extract from the Dead sea. The company has obtained prefer ence over American and continental bidders for the concession, and as soon as the harbor which the govern ment of Palestine has planned here Is constructed and when 20 miles of electric railway are built to link Haifa with the shore of the Dead sea. the work of turning salt into money will begin. Prom the body of water famous in Biblical narrative the syndicate plans to extract some 1.300.000.000 tons of potash worth $70,000,000 and 853,000. 300 tons of bromine valued at $250, 300.000.000. According to representatives of Ma jor Tullooh. British engineer, and Novemevsky, Palestinian chemist and civil engineer, who head the British Palestine syndicate, the Dead sea con tains sodium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride and bromides. By a process of evaporation, the Dead sea produces common salt in great quantities containing carnal Pollowing I’p. Prom the Pathfinder. "Doctor '1 said the woman to her neighbor at the table, "can you tell me who that horrible looking man ia over there?" "Why, yes. I can. That's my broth er." "Oh. pardon." stammered the wo man. all flustered "I ought to have known It by the resemblance” • • Figuratively Mpraking. Prom Life. "What did you do when your hus band duapprovrd of your be thing eult?" I Just laughed It off I" lite, which treated with hot water resolves into solid potassium chloride and the solution containing magnesi um chloride and magnesium bromide. A simple process turns the potassium chloride into potash in demand for fertilizing arable fields. The resources of the Dead sea are considered to be practically inex haustible. since the strength of the brine increases year by year. A good deal of the brine seems to come from the streams which flow from the des olated high lands of Palestine after rains. Potash hitherto has been almost exclusively a German monopoly in Europe. Britain plans by this new development to produce its fertilizer within its own empire. The extraction of potash and other chemicals frem the Dead sea has been under consideration for nearly 30 years. Schemes had about reached a head when the World war broke out. Before the end of the war Palestine had become a British mandate, los ing its Turkish sovereignty, and after the war plans for the new industry acquired fresh life. • • ...--— On hi* first voyage to America Co lumbus landed in the West Indier* on the island of Ran Salvador. Further Details. From the Chicago News. ' What is a ftatesman?" asked the school principal of &-year-old Preda, "A man who goes about making speeches.” answered the little girl. Fair, but not quite correct.' raid , the inspector. "I myself some times make speeches, but I am not a st*t*i man.” "I knowr.” returned Freda, milling, brightly; "a stair*man Is a man who makes good speeches 1” • • More than ll.oonnoo will br pent by American archaeologists in esca lations under the ancient city of Athena. 4 4 4 MUSSOLINI HERO OF 4 4 FASCIST’S NEW PEAY 4 4 4 4 Cremona, Italy, (UP)— Rob- 4 4 erto Farinacci, Premier Musso- 4 4 linl's onetime tlery lieutenant 4 ♦ and former secretary-general of 4 4 the fascist party, has decided to 4 4 devote himself to the theater. 4 4 He has written a three-act 4 4 drama called "Redemption,” 4 4 which is understood to have a 4 4 strong political flavor, and in 4 4 which the hero, a somewhat 4 4 thinly disguised Mussolini, 4 4 saves his country from anarchy 4 4 and disruption. 4 4 The plav is to be given at the 4 4 “Verdi” theater here, by Luigi 4 4 Carini’s company, which will 4 4 afterwards take it on tour 4 4 through the principal cities of 4 4 Italy. 4 4 4 4444444444444444444 #'+ ”r‘ PICTURE ON STAMPS Bucharest.—It always has been custom of the Rumanian covemme. to use the picture of the reigning sovereign on postage stamps. In ac cordance with this. 6-year-old King Michael's likeness is to appear on a forthcoming isrue. even though he is hot an active i ler. The portrait shows the boy in a simple white shlr| cl American design. Hrr Prisoner. " Frotr. the Pathfinder. Harold—If you loved me, why did you refuse me at first?” Pauline- Just to see what you would do. . Harold But f might have ru#h»d off without walling for an explana tion. . „ ,__ Paulina Hardly. I had the dtwe locked. • • Ml* ill lit K BUCK UK New shoulder ornaments include two new buckles, a lover's knot us ually set with lew* , and a tailored buckle entirely «* Brtlttanfa m Names on Ancient Books Serving the same purpose as the lettering on the back or front cover of the modern book, the manuscript rolls of early- Egypt and Greece had projecting lahels of papyrus or vel lum, on which the title of the work was written. These labels hung out wards as the rolls lay on the library shelves or stood fn the buckets which served as portable bookcases.—Gas Logic. For Colds, Grip or Influenza and n a Preventive, take Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablet*. A Safe and Proven Remedy. The box bears the signature of E. W. Grove. 30c.—Adv. Fish Consume Mosquitoes In a recent paper prepared for the Smllhsoninn institution, Dr. David Starr Jordan treats of the efficiency of the so-called mosquito fish as an exterminator of carriers of malaria and other less dangerous but equally irritating mosquitoes. In 1904 Doctor Jordan was Instrumental In introduc ing this fish Into the Hawaiian is lands, where It has since become very abundant and has practically rid the islands of mosquitoes. If Back Hurts Begin on Salts Flush Your Kidneys Occasionally by Drinking Quarts of Good Water - i No man or woman can mnke a mis take by flushing the kidneys occasion ally, says a well-known authority. Too much rich food crentes ncids which clog the kidney pores so that they sluggishly filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons front the blood. Then you get sick. Rheu matism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness, blndder disorders often come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache In the kidneys or your back hurts, or If the urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, Irregular of passage, or at tended by a sensation of scalding, be gin to drink soft water In quantities; also get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful In a glass of wa ter before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of gropes and lemon Juice, com bined with lithia, and has been used for years to help flush clogged kid neys and stimulate them to activity, also to help neutralize the acids In the system so they no loqger cause Irritation, thus often relieving bladder disorders. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive and cnnnot Injure; makes a delightful efferves cent llthln-wnter drink, which every one can take now and then to help keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby often preventing serious kidney complications. Very Easy Kindly Disposed Lady—It must be fery hard to be poor. Needy Individual—Hard? I’ve al ways found It easy enough, rnu’am.— Pathfinder Magazine. - —-* — - - ———— . —JP Encouragement for Weak, Nervous Women Sedalia, Mo.—“For aotne time, at* til about one year ago, 1 wan nutTering with pain in bit aide and Dark ana m very nervous. Thia [weakened me until I] 'bad hut littl« strength Finally Dir. Pierce’s Favorite Pre scription was reoom ynended to me ■■ a very' good remedy foe women and I startnC taking it. I!>egan«ai improve right fraea; the start. Ine snh—J pains and nervousness left roe ami I noon felt better than ever before. I gained ia V weight and felt stronger than I ever did. — Mrs. Cora CurTy, 207 E. Salma 8k. All dealers. Tablets or Liquid. Anybody Hunt in* tci Huy, Hflf, Trade, mm matter where located, write for Uellerjr'a Heal Estate Adv. Bulletin, Logan, Tfnnii Aerophinc Freight Co., Now Organising. M AlRrOKTS being selected Need several small Investor* Write Lewis Organisation Ouua mittee, 211 Mat ket Ft, St. Louis. Uo. Bl Y IIICII t.RAOK POULTRY fUCDi and Mashes direct from manufacturer and save money. Wilts for prices and i^rtloa* lara to J. E liALL, HAC CITY. IOWA. mmt e ij wIT n__ Woman and Ulrls who ▼» ** fwSC. MJ arc lumarm of color to sand for tHKM 4 color publication antttlad “COLou NBW8." W.U41 in Prl*o Content tor thaHa who arc wMHnp to use a little energy in thla connection— No Belling. Jn»t renoinraend In* If rot] faal »ott can recommend HlfNHMT UYKS and ItVTINT. ttaa nan 10c Tint, niito and we will enter you In title Oonteet Adrtroaa lb*pi. U, North American Itro CorporaltoB, Mt. Vernon, N Y. TODAY’S WINNERS Arc you getting “yours," or are bodOy infirmities holding you back? Tha sprightliness of youth, health, strength, success may be yours If you keep yotar system in order. 4 ll^nl H °fell and plenty of freeh water will work dere for you. All dniulitii three Accept no eubstitutee. SIOUX CITY PTG. CO., NO. S-1S2IL Farm Ownership Statistic* More than 85 per cent of all the farms in Canada are owned outright hy those who live on them,, while ths proportion of farms operated by their owners in the United Stntes Is onljj (JO.ti per cent., according to a bulletin Issued hy the Dominion bureau of statistics. You can always bank on finding * well-filled pocketbook interesting 1 I ' f SPIRIN The whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote fog pain. Put it's just as important to know that thrrt is only ons ornuinf Payor Aspirin. The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the box. If it says Bayer, it’s genuine; and if it doesn’t, it is not I Headaches are dispelled by Bayer Aspirin. So are colds. ' and the pain that goes with them; even neuralgia, neuritis, and rheumatism promptly relieved. Get Bayer—at any drugstore— with proven directions. Physicians prescribe Bayer Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart *