The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 26, 1928, Image 7

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By Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
A Vegetable Compound
**A neighbor advised me to try Lydia
f) Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound,
which she said had
helped her so much.
So I bought a few
bottles and tried it
* . out. It sure helped
me wonderfully. I
felt much better.
" My work was no
longer a dread to
me. If I hear of any
one who is troubled
the way I was, I
will gAadly recom
mend the Vegetable
Compound to them and I will answer
any letters in regard to the same.”—■
Mbs. Bebtha Meachan, 1134 N. Penn.
Ave., Lansing, Mich.
“1 had been sickly ever since I was
fifteen years old. After taking Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound I
got so I could do all my housework and
I am in good health.”—Mbs. Marie K.
Williams. Ketchikan, Alaska.
From Michigan to Alaska, from Maine
to Oregon and from Connecticut to
California letters are continually being
written by grateful women recom
mending Lydia J2. Pinkham's Vegetable
The Compound is made from roots
and herbs and for more than fifty years
has been helping to restore run-down,
over-worked women to health.
Are you on the Sunlit Road to Bet
ter Health?
-- • .--x-— "
No more Heartburn
For correcting over-acidity, nor
malizing digestion and quickly
relieving belching, gas, sourness,
heartburn, nausea and other di
gestive disorders. Safe. Pleasant
Normalizes Digestion and
Sweetens the Breath ,
Ends pain at once/
In one minute pain from corns is ended.
Dr. Scholl’s Zino-pads do this safely
by removing the cause—pressing and
rubbing of shoes. They are thin, medi
cated, antiseptic, healing. At all drug
and shoe stores. Cost but a trifle.
Dr Scholl’s
Put one on—the pain is gone!
Alice—Jenny and Louis are pretty
thick. Don't you agree?
Tom—Yeah, both of them.
If You Need a Tonic,
Get the Best!
Sedalia, Mo. —“I can recommend Dr.
Pierce’s Favorite Prescription all right,
although 1 took on ly a
small amount of it,
what I did take re
lieved me. I could
hardly walk and just
hurt all over. The
doctors I had could
do nothing for me it
seemed. But as soon
as 1 learned about the
‘Favorite Prescrip
tion’ I began taking
it and I was soon all
tight. It certainly is a great medicine for
women."— Mrs. Amv L. Paxton, 1003
E. Third St. In Liquid or Tablets, at all
Drug or General Mores.
Bend 10c. to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’
Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y , for trial pkg
Tablets and write for free advice.
" In 1 Day! “
Act quicklv in a cold. It may lead to
grippe or ttu. Break upa cokl withiie
twenty -four hours. HILL’S will do ilk
Combines the four great requise
ment*. Stops the colain a A
day. checks the fever. „
open* the txiwelt. tune* the Hill B
•ntli* ayatatn. tin real box be e
day at .my dru««iU, JDc. Stops
HILL'S Colds
Cucwi — Ihsili —
For Cuts, Burns
Bruises, Sores
il Mm M> isImmI I* nhmt ram mm lm St
Ian With tl m* itt»l
Out Our Way
By Williams
- —s. -h. i.->. >1
/M-M-M—M'"/ \
[ >^<SAW NO?/
\NY\H MOTHERS GET GRA^- aRwill'ams, j
Um.U NADER PRESSURE BtQ U. S. PM Off O l»2» »T HI» StRVKl me J
The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All the Tra ins
By Fox
THE" Village halfwit mas slossomed fcrth with
a Mew home made hand £ar which is faster
' than/ THE TROLLEY and THE 3 K' ff’E'R
'AE°UT ready for murder }
v ;
Fontaine Fc>* I9?». The Beti Syndicate. Inc )_ _'
Getting Mr. Curtis’ Measure.
From the Milwaukee Journal.
Because Charles Curtis, senator
and candidate for president, hails
from Kansas, some people have
thought of him as of the progres
sive mind we associate with the
breezy prairies. But those who have
kept an eye on Senator Curtis have
felt that, while he is “western” by
residence, he is “eastern” in his
thinking. He has been one of the
staunchest spear bearers in the ranks
of the Old Guard. Now, with con
gress in session and the spotlight
upon him as a presidential candi
date, the country may come to know
Mr. Curtis better.
With the 70th congress still in its
swaddling clothes. Candidate Curtis
won the distinction of being on both
sides of the fence in the Vare-Smith
voting. He voted to keep Smith of
Illinois but of his seat; he voted to
let Vare of Pennsylvania take a seat.
Some argument might have been of
fered for voting that both Smith and
Vare take their seats pending investi
gation. But to vote against Smith,
charged with being a $450,000 pri
mary man, and for Vare, the $700,
000 primary man, suggests only one
thin**. The whip cracked. Vare has
been taken up by the Mellons. Curtis
heard the voice of command and fell
Into line with his spear.
That Curtis of Kansas should turn
his thumbs down on Smith, a west
erner, but come to the aid of Vare,
the easterner, created some astonish
ment and comment. And on the next
division between Old Guardbm and
progress!vism. Senator Curtis ducked.
The division came over the Walsh
resolution to investigate the electric
power business, witli the Old Guard
successful in referring the resolution
to its interstate commerce committee,
instead of authorizing a special com
A'k the ( us turners.
From Judge.
Fighter (in the ring>: I can lick
you or anybody else in the middle
weight division.
The Other: Well, we won t quarrel
about it.
iia nn ■niiaw ##i'n i in
Q How many manufacturing ex.
tablUhmmtx are located In Wash*
ington, D C? What la the value
of the output of the factories? S.
A. P
A. There are has manufacturing
rstabUslimrnie. The total value of
the yearly output of factories Is es
timated »| I68JM.S70.
Ambrose W. Vernon.
The Christian man has never
been common; he is not common
today; but he is here—I mean the
man who believes in the spiritual
life; who is not astonished when
a leading senior in a leading col*
lege tells him, what one told me
the other day, that there is noth
ing in which the fellows are so
much interested as religion. 1
an the man who knows that "a
man's life consisteth not in the
abundance of the things which
he “possesseth" but rather in the
strength and purpose of the God
whom he trusteth, who is con
vinced that the way to trans
* form society is to transform hu
man hearts, who really believes
that it is not by might nor by
power but by the spirit that
tenement houses are to be clean
er and politics to be purer, and
the dwellers in the tenements
and the politicians to be made
over as they should be—that, in
a word, the greatest possible s«'
vice a man may render in our
time is the quickening and main
taining of spiritual Ideals to
which men, no matter what the
surface indications, are never in
different nor unresponsive.
mittee. When Curtis’s name was
reached In the roll call he had dis
appeared. although he had answered
to a quorum call not more than 10
minutes before the vote on this
Where was Mr Curtis? Hiding In
the cloakroom'.’ Reports do not say.
But who can doubt that here is one
man the eastern und New England
managers of his parly might let thnr
middle western brethren nominute
Really. Now—
Bewildered Young Man Ho new
salesgirl): Where will I find silk ..n
Salesgirl; Search me.
•• i
Q How much new money is is
sued eaah year? 8 W
A. No set amount Is issued, the
amount depending entirely upon the
demands of the banks. In this way
a surnlus Is avoidtd.
• •
Q About how much meat to kt; t
in cold storage? M I.
A On prMtteaUy any one dav
there are I 000,000 pounds of meat in
cold storage.
at the Kansas City convention, if
the naming of a “western man" bei
ccmes necessary?
Unite to Ilate Americanism.
From the Forum.
The wilder young generation in
American letters is spanked by Paul
Elmer More, distinguished critic, au
thor and editor. He does his spanking
in a calm and superior fashion, it is
true, but spanking it none the less
Amid the castigation, however, he
finds time for a friendly word about
American writers ol an earlier day,
whom it is conventional just now to
“There is no other bond of union
so strong as a common hate.” ob
serves Mr. More, “and if our new
men disagree widely in what they
like, they agree wonderfully in what
they dislike. And though there are.
as we shall see. other forces of a
more positive sort at work among
them, it is this community of revolt
that binds them all together into
the semblance of a school; while it
is chiefly the Americanism of the ob
ject of their revolt that marks them
oil as American from similar schools
in Europe,
They know, as we all know, that
the most characteristic production of
these states to the present day is
Just the output of these Puritan New
Englanders- Emerson. Longfellow,
Lcwell. Whittier. Hawthomp, Thor
eau; and some of us. while recogniz
ing the limitations ot this literature
in comparison with the masterpieces
of Europe, vet esteem It for its orig
inality. and cherish it as something
in its way very fine and precious.
“But not so the children of the re
bellion; they anathematize it for Its
very virtues."
’Mother Scandal.
Professor Por the last time I’m go- <
ing to try to explain this triangle to '
you. |
Co-ed: How nire. Which U the wite !
Q Please list some of the places j
of natural beauty located in West
Virginia. M. T
A. But h a list would include such *
plates as Beneca Brook Hawk’s Nest,
Grandvitw. Ice Mountain, Lost river,
Organ Cave. Image Rocks, Greenbrier
Gap the falls <>l the New. Kanawha,
Tveart. and Hlacawater rivers, and
the valley* ol the Greenbrier. South
and Meadow Branch. Shenandoah
Potomac and Ohio.
Famous Pitcher of the Pittsburgh Pirates, writes.
“It requires splendid physical coiulition and steady
nerves to take your regular turn on the mound
season after season and in looking for my ciga
rette I was anxious to find one which could be
smoked without taxing my wind or
irritating my throat. I decided upon
Luckies and I can safely say that I
am never troubled with
a cough and my wind
is in splendid shape.”
1 •
The Cream of the Tobacco Crop
“Here in the Southland we know good
Tobacco. It is born in us and it is the
livelihood of most of us. ‘The Cream of /
the Crop’ is bought for LUCKY STRIKE.
I know for it has been my duty to pur
chase it on the markets for years for this
Buyer of Tobacco
- at Covington, Ky.
It’s toasted"
No Throat Irritation-No Cough.
Do we take our religion us seri
ously as we do our politics?
To Cure a Cold in one Day
Take Laxative BROMO QUININE Tab
lets. The Safe and Proven Remedy.
Look for signature of E. W. Grove on
the box. 30c.—Adv.
Re not sheep if ye wouldn’t be
1 The BABY]
Why do so many, many bahles of to
day escape all the little fretful spells
and infantile ailments that used to
worry mothers through the duy, and
keep them up half the night?
If you don’t know the answer, you
haven’t discovered pure, harmless Cas
torla. It Is sweet to the taste, and
sweet In the little stomach. And Its
gentle Influence seems felt all through
the tiny system. Not even a distaste
ful dose of castor oil does so much
Fletcher’s Castorla Is purely vege
table, so you may give It freely, at
first sign of colic; or constipation; or j
diarrhea. Or those many times when
you Just don't know what «« the mat
ter. For real sickness, call the doc
tor, always. At other times, a few
drops of Fletcher's Castorla.
The doctor often tells you to do Ju«t
that; and always says Fletcher s.
Other preparations may be Just as
pure, Just as free from dangerous ,
drugs, but why experiment? He-Ides,
the book on care and feeding of babies
that roruos with Fletcher's Castorla Is
worth Its weight In gold!
Children Cry for
Levt It »*> a bank dm9!.
Without Poison
A New Exterminator that la
Absolutely Cats to use Anywbesrut
Will not injure human beings, livestock,
dogs. cats, poultry, yet is deadly to nitu
and mice every time.
Poisons arc too dangerous
K-R-O docs not contain arsenic, phos
phorus, barium carbonateor any deadly
poison. Made of powdered squill asreo
ommcnded by the U. S. Dept, of Agri
culture in their latest bulletin on "Rat
“Never saw anything work like it
did. We are orderi ng f rnm our Whole
saler in our next order. It is not
necessary to say that we are push
ing K-R-O.” Huey’s Pharmacy.
Sardinia, Ohio.
75c at your druggist; large size 'four
times as much) $2.00. Sent postpaid
direct from us if dealer cannot supply
pony, Springfield, Ohio.
Carter’s Little Liver P*R
Purely Vegetable Laaotiev
move the bowele free from
pain and unpleasant a free
effects. They relieve the system of constipa
tion poisons which many times cause pimple*.
Remember they are a doctor’s prescriptium
and can be taken by the entire family.
All Druggists 15c and 73c Red Packages.
ZBH ■P"'-* M. w
(ft 9 I f -dl I
% Quick Ruliuf! A pleasant, effective /
V syrup— Jic and 60c shea. And as- >
Cm tumuli?, ttaa PI AO'S Throat and lA
V Chest Seise, 33c. J
ami Mulif. direct from manufacturer ere.
Hate monm Writs lor tirlcss end perthwm
Ant hotly \l inline lo t'ny, Sell Tswde, e»
matter whei» iotglet? wills tir Lelkep'a
Ileal Ratals Adv. bulletin, Logan. Kansee
•til H 1,1 MIA "■ C l Uedbetgh s iiv.tutiftb
Onto -Photo wlin lllstortcnl biegtaiiltv. Mat#
ie it raids each delivered, eye tleilar vvlam
eultable for frunting W. Koehler. Ike Cash
R..» Net. \ oi It \« i lawanteil enerUlpelea*
smswIIm nttfc P»rh»r4a Hair Ha este, Mdisde
hair i»ft and tut f, M eeete by mad or at krwa
a.sla Ula i t b natal W««bs, Peeil •>* **• * V.