The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 19, 1928, Image 7

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No mother in this enlightened age
Would give her baby something she
did not. know was perfectly harmless,
especially when a few drops of plain
Castoria will right a baby’s stomach
and end almost any little ill. Fretful
ness and fever, too; it seems no time
Until everything is serene.
That's the beauty of Castoria; its
gentle influence seems just what is
needed. It does all that castor oil
plight accomplish, without shock tc
the system. Without the evil taste.
It’s delicious! Being purely vegeta
able, you can give it as often as
there's a sign of colic; constipation;
diarrhea; or need to aid sound, nat
ural sleep.
Just one warning: it is genuine
Fletcher’s Castoria that physicians
recommend. Other preparations may
be just as free from all doubtful drugs,
but no child of this writer’s is going
to test them! Besides, the book on
care and nding of babies that comes
With Fletcher’s Custoria Is worth its
Weight in gold.
from Kidney
and Bladder
Trouble. Don't
f ■■■& let these organs
” make a martyr
of you. Heed the first
warning that “things are
not right.” Drink freely of water
and take Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Cap
sules. A world famous remedy for kid
ney,liver, bladder and uric acid troubles
since 1696.
At all druggists. In three sizes. Look for the
name on the blue and gold box.
Preferred to Wait
Porter (on air pullman lu 1950) —
Let me brush you off, sah.
Passenger (with a glance below) —
No you don’t. It’s an eighth of a mile
down if it’s an inch.
When You Feel a Cold Coming On.
Take Laxative BROMO QUININE Tab
lets to work off the Cold and to fortify
the system against an attack of Grip
or Influenza. 30c.—Adv.
That tlie opium habit in Egypt is
less than the use of alcohol was the
declaration recently of au Egyptian
medical official.
There is a great deal that is pleas
ant in human nature, but self-sacri
flce approaches the divine.
Winter’s Colds
and Chills
Throw Heavy Burdens
on the Kidneys.
pKXDS put ntrt burdens on our
kidneys. When the kidneys slow
up. impurities remain in the blood
and are ept to make one tired and
achy with headaches, dimness and
often nagging backache A common
warning is scanty or burning sorrel ions.
Dob:; $ PiKi. a stimulant diuretic, in
crease the secretion ol the kidneys
and aid In the elimination of watte
iaapui mas. Are endorsed by users
everywhere A»k pour nrigMcr/
•»oux city rre co. no. h*.-*
Out Our Way By Williams
yoR Gom . pass "X
Dim* not room sets \
By Fontaine Fox
Little Guatemala.
Prom the New York World.
Of Guatemala, as of all Central
American states, we are accustomed
to think in terms of minute splotches
of color on a jumbled map where the
North American continent tapers to
the Isthmus. Actually, Guatemala is
by no means so mindte as its size on
the conventional small-scale maps
would indicate; it is about the size of
the state of New York, with a fifth of
New York's population. It is the most
northerly of the Central American
states, lying next to Mexico, roughly
square in shape, mountainous except
for a small strip of land along the
coast and with high plateaus that
are healthful and fertile. Here cof
fee, sugar, bananas and tobacco are
grown for export.
Guatemala is very old and very
new. At one end of its civilization
stand the old monoliths of the
Quirigua ruins, whose inscriptions
archaeologists have not yet succeeded
in deciphering, but whose workman
ship indicates that a highly devel
oped culture flourished here at least
1.000 years before the discovery of
America by Columbus. In sharp con
trast with these honored relics stand
a modern school system, a rapidly
growing trade and a "progressive”
government which is viewed with
some concern by foreigners who re
gard all Latin-American nations as
in duty bound to conform to our tra
ditional conception of them as sleepy,
lazy and politically indifferent. A
little more than a year ago dispatch
es from Washington reported fear of
a revolution following the December
elections, but this revnlu'ion failed
to materialize. In January the new
ly elected government offered to
mediate in the Nicaraguan dispute
which had led to American interven
tion Guatemala is a near neighbor
Thought Fanning.
From Christian Evangelist.
Parmer: Thought you said you had
ploughed the 10-acre field?
Ploughman: No. I only said I was
thinking about ploughing it.
Parmer1 On. 1 see; you've merely
tinned it over in your mind.
• •
Q Was Napoleon’s wife exiled
with him? M C.
A. She was not exiled She re
turned to live with her family.
' #
Q Was Patrick Henry a Roman
Catholic? P P W
A Me was a member of the
Church of England.
of Nicaragua, and the blundering
American policy of last winter did
little for our prestige. Lindbergh flew
recently to a country where our
stock as a fnendiy neighbor has not
been soaring lately.
He landed, when he landed in the
capital of Guatemala. In a city situ
ated 5.000 feet above the sea. sur
rounded by green hills and with the
temperature of a spring day on Long
Island. Good motor roads lead from
this city to interesting ruins of the
old Mayan civilization and to moun
tain ranges with high peaks. We shall
now hear more of this country in
the next five days than we have
heard in the last five years And in
view of our provincial indifference
toward the rest of our own contin
ent, a little new know'.-d^e of this
sort will not do us any harm.
- ■ ■ ■■■■■■♦♦
The Strauss Statue.
From Time.
Which Jew, by his services to the
United States, deserves to be hon
ored with a statue, was the question
that the Jewish Tribune put to its
readers. The decision gave the honor
to Oscar Solomon Straus U850-1926),
He was the friend and aid of four
United States presidents. For Grover
Cleveland he went to Turkey as
United States minister; at Constan
tinople he protected the United
States mission schools and colleges.
For William McKinley he again
went to Turkey as minister. William
Howard Taft sent him there a third
time, as ambassador Meanwhile he
had served as Theodore Roosevelt's
secretary of commerce and labor.
President Roosevelt appoinied lum a
United States member to the Per
manent Court of Arbitration at the
Hague in 1902 and again in 1908;
Woodrow Wilson repealed the ap
Iten Wirldrd 3 Wicked Knife.
From the Glen Elder Sentinel
"Have you seen the puture 'Ben
Hur"?” a Glen Elder flapper was
asked yesterday.
"No. I won't go to see the movie.
1 once saw the real tiling In Kar
ras City. The costumes were swell
and I never will forget how Miami 1
got when that Jew came in and de
manded hi* pound of flesh '
• •
Q Please name two Polish men
who (might in our Revolutionary war
J. E O
A. Tadouu Ku»ctu»»ko and CaM
nhr Pulaaki art two dbtinguialtrti
Poles «hc fought In the Revolution
pointment In 1912 and again in 192u.
President Wilson found his advice
and services great help in getting
the Covenant of the League of Na
tions written into the Treaty of Ver
Wherever Jews were harassed Mr.
Straus used his public power to de
lend them. He was pious in his re
ligious observance, and always kept
nailed to the door-posts of his homes
a mezuzah, a small case containing
the Israelitish creed “Hear, oh Is
rael, the Lord is God, the Lord is
One.” together with appropriate
verses from Deuteronomy.
Such a career, decided the Jewish
Tribune readers, was statuesque. It
deserved a memorial, and for that
the magazine has started a cam
When the statue goes up it will be
only the third statue publicly erected
to a Jew in the United States. One
of the others is in Manhattan, raised
for Heinrich Heine, poet. The other
is on the city hall square of Pater
son, N. J„ and honors Nathan Barn
ert, twice mayor of Paterson. Mr.
Barnert began business in Paterson
in 1855. four years after it was in
corporated as a city. He prospered:
became owner of silk mills; gave
away his money—for a hospital, a
nurses’ home, a home for the aged,
a perpetual fund to provide dowries
for poor girls. Last week he was still
living. 89 years old and a very sick
man. whom his daughter was assid*
uously tending.
His Opportunity.
From London Opinion.
Visitor—I suppose you wife lis
tened in when you were broadcasting.
Professor Tweety?
The Professor—She did. madam.
And for the first time in nearly 30
years I had the pleasure of addx •
mg tier without interruption.
From the Toronto Mail and Empire.
There are mote curious American
laws than the Volstead act. For in
stance. professional boxing Is legal In
New York and Chicago. It Is legal
to take moving pictures of fights in
either state But It Is not legal to ex
hibit in one stale the moving pic
tures u»ktn in another This Is nof
exactly sense, but It ts uplift.
Defeated IDuowlf.
"How is It that /oure not going
to mam Vera after all?**
"Oh. 1 boasted a lot about my rich
uncle In order to impress her. and
now she • going to be my aunt."
Have Kidneys
j Examined By
Your Doctor
Tak# Salts to WaiA Kidneys if
Back Paint You or Bladder
Flush your kidneys by drinking a
quart of water each day, also take
salts occasionally, says a noted au
thority, who tells us that too much
rich food forms odds which almost
paralyze the kidneys in their efforts
to expel it from the blood. They be
come sluggish and weaken; then you
may suffer with a dull misery in the
kidney region, sharp pains in Hie back
or sick headache, dizziness, your
stomach sours, tongue is couted. and
when riie weather Is had you have
rheumatic twinges. The urine gets
cloudy, full of sediment, the channels
often get sore and irritated, obliging
you to seek relief two or three times
during the night.
To help neutralize these irritating
acids, to help cleanse the kidneys
and flush off the body’s urinous waste,
get four ounces of .Tad Salts from any
pharmacy here; take a tablespoonful
in n glass of water before breakfast
for a few days, and your kidneys may
then act fine. This famous salts is
mnde from the acid of grapes and
lemon juice, combined witli llthia, and
has been used for years to help flush
and stimulate sluggish kidneys; also
to neutralize the acids In the system
so they no longer irritate, thus often
relieving bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is Inexpensive, runnot In- ,
Jure and makes a delightful efferves
cent lithia-water drink.
After Marriage
“Your husband never seems to send
you flowers any more.”
“That's all right. He puts that
money Into life Insurance.”
to Bolles &, Rogers, Sioux City, low*
Highest Market I'ric®* nod Prompt Keniros.
Be Independent. write nr ten Bob Smith (Jen Mjir,
| WH Kolirth St HWIN Phillips Atw.
Aiifn Doric
All III ir di IS
301 Jackson St. Sioux City, Iowa
WILL N.W E VOt h Tills. Let us prove it.
Two gallon* fS.OO, aufflrlent for 1*0 r»t|j*.
Ask for testimonial*. HofeienooH, Wank of
Centerville. Shipped direct.
Anybody Wuntim; to Huy, Hell, Trade. n«
inattei where loeated, write for DeBey’O
Real Estate A Iv. Bulletin, Loitan, Kansas.
For Wounds and Sores
Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh
Money buck for Unit bottle If not Kilted All denlnrm.
~ -»..". ..1
The Gay Deceiver
Mrs*. Print*—‘So your husband has
been deceiving you, eh?
Mrs. Sharpe—Yes, the wretch. I’ve
been giving him 20 cents for Ids bus
fare every day, and 1 Just found out
lie's been walking to the otllce ant)
spending the money.
because it outwears all
other all-rubber arctics
TIP NOTCH Corn Belts are
the most economical all
rubber arctics you cnn buy.
They will protect your feet
long after frail, flimsy arctics
have worn out. Corn Belts
are so much more substantial
because made of the toughest
rubber—and plenty of it. We
put into it the sturdy strength
that enables it to withstand
theroughestgoing for months
and months. Fleece-lined, 4
or 5 buckle, red or black.
For dependable, distinctive
boots, arctics and rubbers al
ways look for the Top Notch
Cross. The most reliable |
stores carry the complete Top
Notch line for men, women
and children. The Beacon
Falls Rubber Shoe Co., Bea
con Falls, Conn.
Rubber Footwear
In Itself
“Tou pay you’re an nrfist, but how
cnn you live on a joh like that'/”
“That's the art of it.”
When a girl shows a young man a
photograph of herself she experts
him to ask for it.
A Poor Job
Wife—1 think you're the meanest
man nlive.
Husband—That’s hard on yourself.
According to your mother, you bar*
been the making of me,
ft Is never too late to rend.
The whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for
pain. But it’s just as important to twou* that there is only one
genuine Bayer Aspirin. The name Baver is on every tablet, and
on the box. If it says Raver, it’s genuine; and if it doesn't, it i*
not I Headaches are dispelled by Bayer Aspirin. So are cold*,
and the pain that goes with them; even neuralgia, neuritis, and
rlteumativm promptl" relieved. Get Bayer—at any drugstore—
with proven directions.
Physicians prescribe Bayer Aspirin;
it does NOT affect the heart