THE New Ford has enough power to give you all the speed you can safely use. Strength, durability andquiet operation have been built into the motor. But to keep them there, you must see to it that the motor always has plenty of oil and that the oil is the right grade. POLARINE MEDIUM for winter use will give your new Ford protective lubrication. It will keep your new Ford new. Sold by reliable dealers and Red Crown Service Stations everywhere in Nebraska. STANDARD OIL CO. OF NEBRASKA "A J^brasXa Institution” * * * f' , \ *' \ “FOR THE NEW FORDS” I!1 'V i , FACTS ABOUT NEBRASKA. With the nation’s com crop falling more than a hundred million bushels below that of last year Nebraska’s crop will be more than twice as great as for 1926. The average yield over the state is 33 bushels per acre and the quality is 90 per cent perfect. The yield will be approximately 282 mil lion bushels, which is one-fourth above the ten-year average. The South Platte people tried to secede from Nebraska Territory in 1859. Delegations were sent to Wash ington and to Kansas with a view to being attached to the latter territory. The percapita wealth of Nebraska in 1922 was $4,004, as against a na tional average of $2,918. Nevada led with an average of $6,988, with South Dakota following at $4,482. Iowa with $44274, Oregon with $4,182 and Cal'fornia beating Nebraska by three doliars per head. Mississippi was lo\ est at $1,216 with other Southern ate vs slightly above. 1 our Nebraska counties were named from territorial governors, Burt, Cumming, Richardson and Saunders. SCHOOL NOTTES. The Eighth Grade—The following are up to the standard in Spelling: Phyllis Hough, Helen Hancock, Marie Williams, Elizabeth Henry, John Har bottle, Clarence Saunto, Marjory Brit tell, Marjorie Gillespie, Geralding Madison, and Cecil Sparks. Jean Selah is slightly below the standard. This was determined by taking the quarterly uniform test. The class took up the study of Geography Tues day, and are using the Branom prac tice tests in connection with the work. High School—Semester examina tion for first semester will be given January 12th and 13th. The second semester begins January 16th. Reg istration for second semester work will begin Friday, Januery 6th, when all Seniors will register. The Juniors will register January 9th, the Sopho mores the 10th and Freshman 11th. The Juniors and Seniors held a joint party at the High School Auditorium, Wednesday evening, January 4th. The O’Neill High School basketball team can be seen in action against Inman High School, at the gymna sium, on Friday, January 6th, at 8 p. m. The High School teachers have been busy cataloging the new High School library and many new books have been ordered. The Board of Education at the reg ular meeting of January 2nd, ruled that Normal Training pupils should no longer be permitted to do substi tute teaching and that in the future on the absence of regular teachers that a qualified substitute teacher be employed. The salary for the sub stitute teachers to be $4.00 per day below the 9th grade, and $5.00 per day in the high school. Those who de sire to do substitute teaching should send in their names, and certifications to Superintendent E. H. Suhr, im mediately Parent-Teachers. Parent Teachers will meet at the High School Auditorium, Tuesday, January 10, at 3:30 p. m. The fol lowing program will be given: Pantomime—The Lamp Went Out Ninth Grade Song Second Grade Piano Solo Third Grade The discussion will be on health. LINDBERGH STUDIES MAP JUST BEFORE HIS FLIGHT TO MEXICO CITY' Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, first to fly the Atlantic to Paris, spent several hours at the office of the As sistant .Chief of Naval Aeronautics studying maps of the proposed route to Mexico City, which he completed in a non-top record-breaking feat. EVERGREEN TYPICAL OF CHRISTMAS Midwinter festivals and evergreen decorations go back to the days of Rome when that nation was at the pinnacle of its might. The custom spread and later the Christmas spirit overshadowed the carnival idea. Evergreen trees have long been the symbol of everlasting life, typical of the Christ, and the practice of sup porting gifts and candles from the boughs has caused them to be ic creasingly popular in the late practi cal age. The Christmas celebration came into universal popularity in England. There holly was first used for decorations, and the mistletoe, the sacred plant of the ancient Druids, was employed to give a touch of se rious mien. The idea of illumination of Christmas trees goes back beyond ability to trace. There has been a late revival of the very ancient prac tice of community Chistmas trees and the late beautifully decorated and lighted everygreen trees, with their appropriate emblems and greetings may be found in a majority of the en terprising cities and villages in the state. The impetus given to trade and commerce during the holiday season is scarcely to be considered in con trast with the beautiful spirit which pervades the Yule-tide as it is typi fied by the decorated evergeen trees that are placed in homes and commu nity centers. EDITORS AND DOCTORS. A Roys’ Essay on These Two Public Servants. “I don’t know how newspapers got into the world and I don’t think God does, for He ain’t got nothing to say about them in the Bible. I think the editor is the missing link we read of, and stayed in the bushes after the flood and then came out and wrote the thing up, and has been kept here ever since. If the (■dStor makes mis takes, folks say he ought to be hung; but if the doctor makes mistakes, he buries them and people don’t say nothing because they can’t read and write Latin. When the editor makes mistakes there is a big lawsuit and sweating and a big fuss, but if the doctor makes one. there is a funeral, cut flowers, and a perfect silence. A doctor can use a word a yard long without him or anyone else knowing what it means, but if the editor uses one, he has to spell it. If the doctor goes to see another man’s wife he charges the man for the visit, but if the editor does he gets a charge of buckshot. Any college can make doctors to order, but editors has to be bom.” THE WISE FRIEND. Once upon a time—and not very long ago—there was a brother and sister who had a friend. A very special friend he was, who told them stories about men who flew through the skies over far-flung spaces of the earth; of boys and girls who had thrilling and mysterious adventures: of others who had most unusual situations confront them, yet manag ed to come through their tests with steadfast and courageous hearts; of wild animals in deep jungles—how they lived, hunted, and died. Such a host of things did their good friend tell them of, and how interestingly he told them! Came the time when their friend moved away to another town. Brother and sister were saddened by his go ing, for they knew they would miss his cherry smile and the wonderful stories and anecdotes he was so fond of telling them. Then one day the postman brought them a letter from their friend, in which he told them he was sending them The Youth’s Com panion so that they would not forget him, and that in it they would find just the sort of stories they had so much enjoyed hearing him tell. And sure enough, a day or two later the magazine arrived, and brother ami sister found that it truly did have just such wonderful stories of adven ture and sport and mystery and just »uch jokes as they loved so well. And every lime that a new number of The Youth’s Companion arrived, they write u note to their friend and told him how much pleasure the magazine gave them. You, too, may huve just that same pleasure, or give that pleasure, by means of a subscription to The Youth's Companion. Subscribers will receive: 1. The Youth's Companion—12 big monthly issues in 1928, and 2. Two Ultra numbers to new sub scribers ordering within 30 days. All for only $2. 8. The Companion's new book of humor “1001 One Minute Stories’* also included FREE (send 10 cents to cover postage and handling). THE YOUTH’S COMPANION Subscriptions Received at this Ofllce S. N. Dept., Boston, Mass. VI I.ETIDE A JOLLY TIME. V uletide. as everyone knows, la the time of year when Christmas is cele brated with all its merrymaking and gayety But how did Christmas ever happen to get the strange name of "y uletide?” It appears that the word yule, which used to he the name «f Oiristmas in «ld England, hi per haps descended from a word which means “joly”—perhaps even from the same word whence jolly originat ed! There was an old Iceland Christmas festival known as “jol,” with the j pronounced like y. TTiis bears a strong resemblance to the modern word jolly. The French word “joli,” which means pdetty, is apparently re lated to these same words. There is in all of them a strong suggestion of good! spirits, of happiness, of good will toward one’s fellow beings. In older days there was a custom of dragging in a special log for the great hearth fire. This was known as the yule log, and it was laid, says Webster’s New International Diction ary, “as the foundation of the fire” on Christmas Eve, being “brought in with much ceremony.” Because of a custom that is so old its origin is almost lost in antiquity, holly always brings to mind Christ mas and its attendant good fun and general joy. Holly of course, has no direct connection with Christmas. But since the plant’s green leaves and red berries are attractive for decorative purposes, the holly was early used for interior adornment, being among the avergreens available at Christ mas time. Naturally, various beliefs grew up around the holly. It was considered unlucky to bring it into the house be fore Christmas, for example. Al though at first glance the word holly appears to be related to “jolly,” it really is not—the word is Anglo Saxon in origin. From the same source came the holm or holm oak, als used for decorative purposes. The sprig of misteltoe also belongs to Christmas. The word is Anglo Saxon, showing at once the venerable age of the plant’s holiday significance. It means a twig or branch of mistle toe, which is usually the way the plant is seen nowadays. As for the popular association of mistletoe with kissing if caught un der a branch of it, Webster’s New In ternational Dictionary has thijg to say: The mistletoe “groms pendent from various trees, especially the apple, rarely the oak; when’ found on the latter it was held in special venera tion by the durids, and was at all times a ceremonial plant among early t-•> “Pecan Crisps” Have you tried those pecan crisps? They are something new. We roll them in pe cans, cinnamon and sugar. Everyone asks for more. 1 McMillan Markey The Hume Bakery European nations, whence probable originated1 the modern Christmas custom of kissing under the mistle toe.” CHAMBERS ITEMS. Mrs. J. I). Grimes is ill at the home of her son, G. H. Grimes. Miss Cleta Hanna, of Omaha, spent the holidays with her father, B. G. Hanna. Mrs. Arthur Tibbett, of O’Neill, spent last week with her father, B. G. Hanna at Chambers. Glen Adams, who is a student at Wesleyan University, has been spend ing the holidays at home. The three children of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Osborn are convalescing after an attack of Scarlet fever. E. V. Grubb motored to Tilden, Sun day, and Mrs. Grubb and infant son returped home with him Monday. George DeKay, who is a student at the State University at Lincoln, spent the holidays with his family at Cham bers. 4 Prof, and Mrs. Bower Sageser left for Nickerson, Sunday, after a pleas ant visit with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sageser. Prof. Wm. Kretka, who has been spending the hoidays at Lincoln, re turned to Chambers, Sunday, to re sume his work in the school room. Mrs. Dew'ey Holcomb, who has been ill the past week, was taken to the hospital at Stuait, Saturday, where she was operated on for ap pendicitis with satisfactory results. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Gill entertained at a six o’clock dinner, Thursday, in honor of Prof. H. L. Thompson, of Lincoln, who has been visiting his many friends at Chambers during the holidays. ' 4 Owing to an attack of tonsilitis, with which she has been suffering, Miss Eleanor Sammons, was unable to return to Nickerson, Monday, where she is a student at the Nicker son high school. BRICK BATS. Two politicians, Raw Raw and Rare, are feeling mighty sad; for them the world is full of care, because they have been bad. They wanted fame in politics, they had the kale to spend; so they cooked up schemes and shady tricks to gain a crooked end. They hooked the votes from left and right, and chortled in their glee; their creed was “Having cash is might and all things have their fee." They won the fight—or thought they did—by spend ing loads of yen, and figured that the highest bid won seats as Con gressmen. But Congress does have honest guys—the same we must ad mit—who are not fooled by tricks and lies—So Raw and Rare don’t sit. They’re branded for the world to see that crooks must ever fail; the plums they shook from out the tret* are wormy, sour and stale. There’s lost of men like Raw and Rare who think [that cash is might; who only for themselves do care, unheeding wrong and right. They always seem to win at first because they have the tin; but schemes and crooks are surely cursed—they never really win.—Brick Smith. The Ship Never Returned That Never Left Port You can’t expect YOUR ship to come in—if you never ^ send it out. Thosands of Interstate Power Company customers and other local people have their ships coming in every three months. Every January I, April 1, July 1 and October 1, they get money by mail from the COMPANY. ^ But these folks first sent their ships out—they invested in * the Company’s $7 Dividend Preferred Stock. You’ve heard that “money works” that “MOENY makes money.” This is how it is done—by INVESTING. If you in vest in only 10 shares of this Preferred Stock you will be en titled to receive $17.50 every three months from the INTER STATE POWER COMPANY. It’s the vessel sailing the seas that makes the money—its the dollar safely invested that produces more dollars. INVEST YOUR SAVINGS IN_ Interstate Power Company $7 Dividend Preferred Stock Price $100.00 Per Share / it’s safe and pays DIVIDENDS EVERY 3 MONTHS l^t this coupon start you on the road to regular dividends I Buy yaum turn any em ploy* of Ikf Company lboy ara our »alrt—i INTERSTATE POWER COMPANY Investment Dept. Dubuque, Iowa. (Sdark X in QJ meeting your requirements) □Please send me free copy of booklet udL'ng more about ;our $7 Dividend Preferred Stork and the Company. □ I wish to subscribe for .. .. shares your $7 Divi dend {‘referred Stick at price of $100.00 per shere. Send bill to me showing exact amount due. I wish to subscribe for share* your $7 Dtvi i -vlend Preferred Stock on Kasy Payment Plan of 1_l$7.f>0 per share down and $7.60 per share per month until $100.00 per share is paid. □Please ship _ shares your $7 Dividend Preferred Stock at $100,00 per share with draft at (ached through Name of Your Bank — Nam* - - --— ■■ M Street — | Uisi_——— * n§| ■ A Resale Dept. la main tained for the f benefit of lo cal stock hold era who may w ish to sell their shares {