The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 15, 1925, Image 9

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    MRS. WM. Runs
Gives Foil Credit to Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
for Remarkable Recovery
Wellston, O. — ** I took Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound to make me
strong.l was troubled
with my back and
sides hurting me till
I could not do my
work, and whenever
I caught cold it made
me irregular. Since
I have taken the
Vegetable Com
Bouftd hiy side and
back don’t bother
Kie and I can do my
ousework and care
for my children now,
t wnere Deiore i aia not ieei nice aomg
! anything or going around. After my
first child was Dorn about four years ago
I saw an advertisement in the paper
about the Vegetable Compound. I knew
would help me, but I was afraid to
®Py it because people said it would help
^u to have children and I knew I was
l aving children fast enough. But 1
rjjiought if it would help me it would be
’'(letter to have a whole house full of
■ children and have good health. I be
; came stronger from taking it and my
I husband says I look like a live woman
! Instead of a dead one. When Spring
| comes. I am going to take your Blood
Medicine as I am very thin. I will an
swer letters from any woman who
Wishes to ask about your medicine.
I Mrs. William Butts, Wellston, Ohio.
In one minute—or less—the pain ends. Dr,
Scholl’s Zino-pad is the safe, sure, healing
treatment for corns At drug and shoe store*.
D£ Scholl's
' ZinO’p&ds
Put one on - the pain is gone
Haarlem oil has been a world
wide remedy for kidney, liver and
bladder disorders, rheumatism,
lumbago and uric acid conditions.
correct internal troubles, stimulate vital
organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist
on the original genuine Gold Medal.
Fish Valued at $300
A sturgeon recently caught off the
North Carolina coast measured over
nine feet in length and had a market
value of $300.
Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp.
On retiring gently mb spots of dan
druff and itching with Cuticura Oint
ment. Next morning shampoo with
Cuticura Soap and hot water. Make
them your everyday toilet preparations
and have a clear skin and soft, whit®
Inability to Translate
I know not how it is that we need
an interpreter, but the great majority
of men seem to be minors, who have
not yet come into possession of their
own, or mutes, who cannot report tho
conversation they have had with Na
ture: There is no man who does not
anticipate a supersensuaj utility in the
sun and stars, earth and water. These
stand and wait to render him a pecu
liar service. But there i§ some ob
struction or some excess of phlegm in
our constitution which does not suffer,
them to yield the due effect. Too fee
ble fall the impressions of Nature on
us to make us artists. Every touclt
should thrill.—Emerson.
Take Tablets Without Fear If You
See the Safety “Bayer Cr^ss.”
Warning! ' Unless you see the name
“Bayer” on package or on tablets you
are not getting the genuine Baygr
Aspirin proved safe by millions and
prescribed by physicians for 25 years.
Say “Bayer” when you buy Aspirin.
Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv.
The Master Mind
Peck—Where are you going, m3
Mrs. Peck—Where I please.
Peck—But when will you be back?
Mrs. Peck—When I choose.
Peck—Ah, yes I Of course! But not
a moment later; I forbid it!—Bostoi
Just Dip to Tint or Boil to
Each 15-eent pack
age contains direc
tions so simple any
woman can tint soft,
delicate shades or
dye rich, permanent
colors in lingerie,
silks, ribbons, skirts,
waists, dresses,
coats, stockings,
sweaters, draperies,
coverings, hangings
Buy Diamond Dyes—no other kinu
—and tell your druggist whether the
material you wish to color Is wool or
silk, or whether It is linen, cotton or
mixed goods.
There were 14,000 houses In Reims,
France, In August, 1914; at the end
of November, 1918, only 14 were not
struck by German shells.
Truth crushed to earth, neverthe
less, continues to talk.
Small men seldom insult large ones.
MOTHER:- Fletcher’s
Castoria is especially pre
pared to relieve Infants in
arms and Children all ages of
Constipation, Flatulency, Wind
Colic and Diarrhea; allaying
IPeverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the btomaeh
and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep.
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
Absolutely Harmless - No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it.
in --
A golden plover on the Pacific coast
*aies 2,000 miles from Alaska to the
kwaiian Islands.
Hope thinks nothing ditlicult; de
spair tells us that difficulty is insur
For sweet dough ^ I"!
zzz** least Foam
The wife who
is a good bread
maker is a real
helpmate for the
bread winner*
Send for free booklet
44The Art of Baking Bread”
"Qood bread is the pride
of the thrifty bridef*
Northwestern Yeast Co.
1730 North A«hlao4 Ave.
Chicago. I1L
Oat Our Way -by Williams
fill i I lofcu—^
‘ \NUS HEuO \ j NO MAAM. 1 \
/Come »M». \ Smokes. \ JuS \[ CAimi stqP -1 \
/ vjs/MH n'S \ GOT" WEPE. a \l MEFTuh HuSTuE
smokeh 1 mimute ago 1 back-i jes /
Right IN / Boor TheT Book \ bcxjk qnuA y|
INv SmoKEW* / \oneb FEB HUN.j '
! PggggT. ^5
SMOV<E.W gets am enefol. /0., ,m, by »tA ,«c.
Norse Plan Arctic Flight_
_. pii e> vt.- . _ j
• ———■ ■ mi 1—11—1 i i i r ■———■mmmwmmm ■■ inn i 11 i r imwn »w ■— i m i .thiiim.i .i—ii ■n—m.inwi ■
Ail the comlorts of home, with living and sleeping rooms, are contained
in the dirigible now being built in Italy for Norway, which will attempt a
flight to the North Pole in the spring.
New Low Mark for
Births in London
London,—Fresh emphasis has been
Siven to the scare over England’s
declining birth-rate by the publica
tion of birth-rate figures for Lon
don srowing that 1924 was the lowest
birth-rate on record.
The rate, which was 18.6 per
1,000, shows that London’s wealthier
classes are having smaller families
every year. Westminster 8>orough,
in which live many of the wealth
iest and most aristocratic families
had a rate of only 11.2 per. 1,000.
On the other hand, the eastern
boroughs of the city, in which dwell
most of the poorer population all
had rates of more than 21 per 1,000.
Bad Winter Predicted
By Rag Weeds’ Growth
Danville, Pa.—Deep snows and ex
tremely cold weather next winter are
predicted by farmers of this vicinity,
forming their prediction from height
of tire common ragweed.
They say the size of the ragweed
is always taken as a sign for winter
and when It grows higher than nor
mal it is certain that there will be an
unusual amount of snow and plenty
of zero weather, ltagweed in the vic
inity has grown this summer as
high as three and a half feet and is
much taller than it was at this time
last year.
A Good Bag.
From Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
Philip Miller, the amateur trapshoot
ing champion, told a story at a Chicago
■•Buffalo Bill,’’ he said, "was enter
taining a shooting party at his ranch.
Among the guests was a French count,
and when the day’s sport ended Bill
went up to him and asked how he had
made out.
“ 'Ob ze birds I ’avo none,’ sa'd the
count. ’Zay are to difficile. But of ze
wild cows and calves I ’ave nine over zo
The first woman to obtain a patent
la the United States was Mary Kees,
who invented a machine for weaving
a mix Lure of silk and thread.
U. S. Collectors Redeem
Soviet Revolt Roubles
M o s c o w.—Russia’s revolutionary
roubles are being redeemed by Amer
ican capital. The currency which
poured off the printing presses until
one rouble was worth about 1-20,000
of one cent, Is now being bought up
by an American firm of philatelists
and numismatists for retailing to col
In the Ukraine and far eastern
Russia alone the Americans have al
ready bought $100,000 worth of old
paper roubles and postage stamps.
They have contracted with the Sov
iet government to buy "worthless'*
currency and stamps to the value of
Football Begins.
From the New York World.
The squads have been at it sinco
September 1. The freshmen have had
several days to learn to cheer. This
afternoon we hear again from those
small colleges—Canlslus, Hobart,
Muhlenberg, Norwich—which appar
ently exist to furnish practice games.
The varsity stars are let in gingerly
for a few minutes. The sporting re
porters pass on their spirals, pums
and tackles with more weighty dis
crimination than any music writer
ever gave to Caruso's voice on the
Metropolitan's opening night. m
short, football begins.
There are two or three more big
stadia than ever, there are thou
sands more of alumni and the uni
versity enrollment grows every, year.
And the season is the more prom
An Ingenious Answer.
From the Edinburgh Weekly Scotsman.
At a recent examination the Inspector
asked the children tills question:
"Why was Moses hidden In the bul
rushes? ’
There was no answer for some time.
At last he said:
"Come, come, children, you must
know that."
Then a little hand went up and the
Inspector looking at the elder children
"1 should be ashamed letting a little
chap like him beat you. Well, mv little
man, tell them why Moses was hidden
In the bulrushes!’’
"I’lease, sir, I ’spect 'twas to’seape
being' waxlnated.” was the uneipectad J
ising for the variety of lnterseo
tlonal games scheduled. For some
the eastern "classics" suffice. But
others will tnko Interest in the fact
that Chicago invades the east to play
Pennsylvania, and Notro Dame to
play the Army, while Columbia, the
Navy, Syracuse and Dartmouth go
west to play Ohio State, Indiana,
Michigan and Chicago respectively,
Red Grange, the only football player
who has averaged seven yards ev
ery time he carried the ball, leads
his Illinois team onto Franklin field
in Philadelphia next month. Inter
sectional games seldom prove any
thing, though Princeton In 1922 car
ried off a clear national leadership
by beating Chicago ns well as Har
vard and Yale. But they are welcome
evidence that east and west aro
coming nearer.
Every year sees football attaining
a new record of popularity. In the
oast and middle west 75,000 Is no
longer an unusual crowd: on the Pa
cific coast last year 100,000 witnesses
the Stanford-Callfornli game. Those
in charge of so hugo a sport have a
heavy responsibility in maintaining
Its standards and keeping It subor
dinate to moro Important college In
Minister Called Liar
Gives Man Black Eye
- i
Atlanta, Ga.—Rev. J. N. Tallant,
Macon (Ga.) Baptist minister, be
lieves that a minister has just as
much right to defend himself against
personal slurs and “nasty names" as
any other private citizen. And Rev
erend Tallant demonstrated, after
the Sunday morning service In his
church here, that ho practices what
ho preaches, when he doubled up
his fist and punched Henry Griffin
who Is alleged to havo called hlin a
liar— In the eye.
The dispute arose when Roverand
Tallant accused Griffin’s daughter of
hissing him. He ordered the young
woman to leave the church, and she
did so. After she had related the In
cident to her father, the elder Grlf
"Judge not!"—the good book say»—•
and yet
‘Tis so human-liko to do it.
I think there’s ucarcely one of us
But has, sometime, been through it.
We see, what seems apparent.
And our minds Jump at conclusions
’Twould be ft splendid art
If wo could stand by our Illusions.
The cynic says, "Don’t kid yourself—
Facts are facts, you know it"—
But put aside the mental part
And search th*< heart below it.
It might sound a bit theoretical.
You say, “It doesn't work that way."
But the Father of all wisdom
Has placed on it, His O. K.
Confidentially—did you ever judge
by appearances—someone's little fall?
Then, when you really understood—
Feel foollsh-llke and small?
Perhaps, if we, all of us, honestly
To be charitable, kind and Just,
We’ll find God’s word is practical
And Ho knows what’s best for us.
—Neva McFarland Wadhams.
Crowding 3,000 miles Into ft Inches for
the study of transoceanic cable trans
mission has been accomplished through
a remarkable ’’chemical ocean" of a
few quarts, recently perfected In ths
electrical research laboratories of ths
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The apparatus, consisting of a glass
container In which aluminum plates are
suspended In solution, makes It possible
to duplicate actual transmission condi
tions existing in cables on the bed of
the ocean.
By Ethel M. Doll
(Grosset and Dunlap)
A Lord—a Lady—and a groom.
The groom loves the Lady—the
Lady loves the Lord—and the Lord
loves himself.
As the plot thickens the groom be
comes the hero, the J/ird plays the
villain, the Lady the pawn.
The final denouement Is reason
ably satisfactory; the groom and the
Lady love each other and the Lord
still loves himself.
Ethel M. Dell’s stuff Is intoxicat
ing; you can’t leave it alone having
started it, and when you have fin
ished you have a bad headachf.
benefit as wcR
as pleasure.
Healthful exercisfc for the teeth
and a spur to digestion. A long*
lasting refreshment, soothing to
nerves and stomach.
The Great American
Sweetmeat, untouched
by hands, full of
Nv Soap and
X Keep the Scalp
C!' an and Healthy
iL- Preraot* Hair Growth
»— ■■ ...—-*«—-#
Millet in the Lead
Millet Is the world's most prollfla
grain crop.
Why That Bad Back?
la backache keeping you upset? Feel
all tired out—bo nervous and dispirited
you can hardly keep going? Then look
to your kidneys! Yotir kidneys rid the
body of poisonous waste. But if they
lag, Impurities accumulate and poison
the whole system. Then one is apt to
suffer backache, stabbing pains, head- j
aches, dizziness and other annoying |
kidney irregularities. If your kidneys
are sluggish, help them with a diuretic. ;
[!so Doan's Fills. They are praised
the world over. Ask your neiyhborl
Art Iowa Ca*e
Mrs. W. Tloslno,
I fi 12 Eleventh Ave.,
Eldora. Iowa, says:
"My back ga o out
and ached and
pained so I was
miserable. When I
swept the floor my
back hurt so that
I hud to stop and
rest. My kidneys
acted too freely and,
when I took cold,*
Um' irouuie v ua a a
relieved me.”
Fo>trr>MULu£» Co., Mis. Cl'UuiJale, N. Y»
Material success can be won by
the same energy that Is pul Into the
pursuit of pleasure.
From School Teacher
to Great Eminence
A young man who was brought up on
a farm, oualitied for district school
teacher, then man
aged to save enough
money to put him
thru medical col'
Later, he moved
to Buffalo, N. Y.,
and today the name
of this man, Dr. |
IL V. Pierce, la
known throughout
the world. His
Golden Medical
I Discovery is (he best known blood med-.
icine and tonic. More than fifty million
bottles have been sold. If your dealer
does not sell the Discovery, in liquid
or tablets, you can obtain a pkg. of the
tablets by sending 05c to the Dr. Bierce
Clinic, in Buffalo, N. Y.
Big Pay Jobs
Learn Electricity ant! Anto BTco-ianlcf
—world's fastest growing ia<3 j5?t.-y.
Our MASTER OOUR3H prepares y. 1 ior a 3o<l
Job, or a Business of your Own. Mu A addition.!
equipment makes tills thr but e;i if«t
Kbytdally strong electrical dcpurtnia 1. Write M
Freo Catalog.
Box No. 1316 F AI>erdecu,K. a.
Gains 20 Pounds
Never knows a sick headache;
stomach perfectly well, after
taking Beecham’s Pills.
“I have taken Beecham’s Pills and
best results for the past fifteen years.
I started taking them for sick headaches, from
a catarrhal stomach, and general debility.
Now I don’t know what a headache Is, and
my stomach is perfectly well.
“From a frail woman weighing less than a
hundred pounds, 1 have become well and
healthy and tip the scales at one hundred
and twenty.”
Mrs. Fanny A. Burgess, Billerica, Mass.
A clean inside means a healthy body. Sufferers
from constipation, sick headaches. biLo:isness aid
attendant ills should keep the system clean by the
regular use of Btccham's Pills.
FREE SAMPLE—Write today for free sample
to B. F. Allen Co., 417 Canal St., New York
Buy from your druggist in 3f and JCc boxes
for‘Better Health, ‘Take
Beecham’s Pills
SIOUX CITY PTQ. CO., NO. £2-1921