anmttnmmviunmunmuumunuimi Farm loans—r. h. parrer.—37tf KODAKS. FILMS, KODOK FINISH ing—W. B. Graves, O’Neill. 30-tf FOR SALE OR RENT—6-room house. —P. V. Hickey. 39~tf DURING MY FOURTEEN YEARS of loaning money on farms this is the lowest interest rate I ever had. I can now loan money on good farms at 5Vi% interest.—R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 40-tf LOST—ON STREET, PAIR SHELL rim glasses, II. C Stiner name in case. Finder leave at office. 16 FOR RENT—SIX ROOM MODERN house. Close to school,—John L. Quig. 14-tf WANTED TO BUY — 100 THIN sows.—John T. O’Malley. 16-3 LESSONS GIVEN IN DRESSMAK ing.—Mrs. A. E. Stevens. Phone 369. 16-4 WANTED—A GOOD GIRL FOR general housework.—Mrs. J. B. Ryan. 16-2p IF YOU NEED THE OLD LOAN ON your farm' renewed for anothter 6 or 10 years, of If you need a larger loan I can make it for you.—R H. Parker, D’Neill, Nebraska. 21-tf FOR SALE—SPOTTED POLAND China boars and gilts sired by Wildfire’s Buster, by the 1924 World’s Champion Wildfire.—H. C. Cooper, Chambers. 17-2 WINDMILL & WELL WORK, j Raymond Cyclone proof wind- I mills, well work and repairing | of wells and windmills, i CHESTER MORGAN j /”. PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER Will cry your sales both large and small. Knows how to sell and when to sell. Rates Rea sonable. Satisfaction Guaran teed. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. John Miskimins FOR SALE, CABBAGE, TOMATOES and Potatoes, 2 miles west of In man, Nebr.—Frank Sobotka. 16-3p JUST SOLD TWO FARMS. POS sibly I can sell more. List your |rm with me and I will try.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 62-tf HOUSE TO RENT IN DESIRABLE location. Inquire of Edward M. Gallagher at First National Bank. 17-3 FARM AND RANCH LOANS, 5 AND three-fourth per cent, no commis sion.—F. J. Dishner, County Agent Joint Stock Land Bank. 17-tf LOST—BLACK-HILLS GOLD RING. Finder call Phone 167. 17-1 FOR SALE—VELVET RUG, 9x12, will exchange for small size. Phone 173. 17-1 TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS WILL buy a 6-cylinder Reo automobile.— See R. H. Parker. 3-tf WILL RENT — 6-ROOM HOUSE, modern throughout, to responsible party. Chas. Bailey at the Harris Market, Phone 47. 17 WANTED — VACANCY NOW OF fered to handle Ward’s Reliable Products in Holt County. Gentle manly, steady hustler desired. Pre vious experience not necessary. Par ticulars forwarded on request.. Dr. Ward’s Medical Co., Winona, Minn. Established 1866. 17-3 WANTED—A MAN OF GOOD AP pearance and character to cover an organized territority of about 30 to 40 miles and earn from $200 to $600 on a twelve day proposition. Three or five year contract desired with in dividual. Only those having perma nent positions need apply. A fine proposition for Ministers, real estate or insurance brokers, Drug clerks. Give address and references. Almost guaranteed proposition. Box H. 17-1 CATTLE, HOGS & SHEEP. Do you know that the CORN BELT COMMISSION COMPANY is one of the best commission firms on the South Omaha Market and has the reputation of having some of the best Salesmen in the So. Omaha Yards. Every man that works for this outfit is a hustler and a live wire. When you ship to the Corn Belt Com. Co. you are absolutely as sured of unexcelled service, big prices and big fills. Write, wire or phone the CORN BELT COM. CO. and get thteir live stock quotations before shipping. 17-tf PUBLIC SALE! A" I am going to California, I will sell my personal property, beginning at 2:00 o’clock, p. m., 2 blocks south of the Warner & ^ons hardware store, in the little red house on the corner, on Saturday, Oct. 3rd Household Goods and Tools One book case, 1 library table, 1 dining table, 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 bed springs, 2 feather beds, 1 folding cot, 1 ironing board, some stone fruit jars from 1 to 5 gal., some glassware, 1 set of Asbestos irons, 1 clothes wringer, 1 6x9 rug, 1 step ladder, horse and cow halters, spade post-hole digger, garden fork, 2 hand saws, 1 buck saw, 1 No. 95 bucket pump, 1 meat saw, 1 scythe, 1 set nearly new single harness, 1 Cyclone Washer, 9 grain sacks, 1 shovel board, and other articles. The following articles belonging to C. E. Zimmerman will be sold at this sale. Four pitch forks, 1 scoop, 2 spades, 2 sewing machines, 1 50 gallon galvanized tank, 1 checker board, 2 small baby chicken coops, 1 4-gal. jar, 1 12-doa. egg case, 6 running board carriers, 1 wire stretcher, .1 grindstone. TERMS—Cash. T. T. Waid, Owner COL. JAMES MOORE, Auct. O’NEILL NATL. BANK, Clerk. Wife and Husband Both III With Gas “For years I had gas on the stom ach. The first dose of Adlerika helped. I now sleep well and all gas is gone. It also helped my hus band.” (signed) Mrs. B. Brinkley, ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAS and often brings astonishing relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Brings out old, waste matter you never thought was in your system. This excellent in testinal evacuant is wonderful for constipation. Charles E. Stout, Drug gist. (J-5) TAKEN UP. A four months old calf came to my place about August 1st. Owner can have same by paying for advertising and keep. George Babl, 3 miles north of fair grounds. 17-2p SUPERVISORS’ PROCEEDINGS. (Continued from page five.) to order by the chairman. that the road hereinafter described be declared a public road by usure, t-wit: On sction line between sections 10 and 15 and sections 9 and 13, town ship 32, range 13, West of the Sixth principal meridian, and the county surveyor be instructed to plat the same. And we further recommend that the care of said road be left to the township board under the direction of the supervisor of that district. J C STEIN L C McKIM Motion made and seconded that the report of the committee be accepted and Committee discharged and the road declared a public road of usure and surveyor instructed to survey and plat the same. Upon same being put to a vote by the chairman it was declared carried. The following claims were audited and on separate motion allowed on the bridge fund. Fred Smith .$ 40.70 Wm Goree . 4.50 Lyle C McKim .60.00 Howard SPterktfns .31.50 Ijouis Seibert .27.50 It E Calvert .21.65 Western Bridge .5000.00 Herman Stein ..6.00 Seth Noble ..32.95 H R Sprague . 9.75 J W Bailey .74.00 L C McKim . 15.41 E Gibson . 17.60 C B Nellis .46.35 Wheeler Lbr & Bridge .475.18 C A Coventry .. 7.00 A B McKay .5.20 V C McKim .105.00 Ralph Showles ..9.00 P J McManus Hwd ._.5.55 Westen Bridge & Con Co.5000.00 E D Vargisson . 20.00 A B McKay .24.50 Chas Good . 31.50 Henry Winkler Jr . 8.60 Lyle C McKim . 57.50 .1 W DeWesse .1.50 L E Skidmore . 26.10 Wheeler Lbr & Bridge .763.10 Wheeler Lbr & Bridge .362.12 The following claims were audited and on separate motion were allowed on the general fund: Geo A Miles . $52.86 Frontier . 539.35 ’’ .170.79 ” ~ 73.41 ” 303.45 ” ..-...165.33 J S Jackson .47.05 J S Jackson .. J15.30 Frontier -. 443.92 .-. 97.39 ” ..-.-.142.60 .-.92.57 ” -...56.90 J. S. Jackson .11085 J S Jackson .126.90 J S Jackson ...24.95 Perkins Bros .. 13.31 " ” ...1.34 ” ” -.-.7.30 Omaha Printing Co .440.21 ” ” " ...20.15 *’ .—.6.11 ” —..8.25 -. 48.28 ...60.59 ' ..18.00 ” -.2.69 .. 4.60 ..49.46 .'.. 303.67 .19.19 .. 51.76 ” -.94.05 K B Printing Co . 25.33 .40.50 " 55.36 ” —...-.3.87 ....26.26 1 .— .33.18 ” 18J9 Perkins Bros Co. 31.96 *■ —. ::47.52 v —.-.-.6.49 Omaha Printing Co .277.25 ” .-.18.23 .75.59 ....—.15.15 .. 22.50 ” .-.28.32 ...50.23 .. 12.19 .-...19.95 ” ...-.30.00 .1261.00 .. 57.00 ” -.33.00 - .-. 5.65 K B Printing Co . 63.43 . 99 ’’ 1 .—..49.50 — . 63.32 ” -.-....18.19 " .18.49 - .-.137.33 ” ... 22.84 Lincoln School Sup. 137.22 - . 79.28 " -v...913 . 74.22 .-.25.16 Hammond & Stephens ..20.47 " .....320.54 ” —.41.99 Uni Pub Co. .10.20 Klopp Ptg Co ..:.299.75 ” ...15.00 ” \.-.419.25 *’ .„..18.00 ” .—. 743.75 ” 32.00 ” ...120.00 ” 48.58 Huse Pub Co .5.19 ” ..._.59.88 — ..-77.75 . .20.15 . 1.64.50 — .—59.88 ” ..18.50 .-.21.25 .-.12.76 — ._.42.29 ” .19.50 ” .,..1.50 NOTES FROM THE NORTHEAST. Ralph and Robert Phillips were on the Omaha market Monday with a car load of cattle. George Wadsworth, road overseer of District No. 43, Willowdale pre cinct, was on our strw*tg iWoently. Dewey Wolf and ftaadly, of Mon tana, are visiting at the home of J, C. F. Bush, paranta of Mrs. Wolf. E. L. Clark, owner of the North Pole Telephone Line, was in this vi cinity recently building new line and repairing his line. Willowdale township board met at the township’s office, C. E. Wertz, re cently, transacting township business. They made arrangements to grade two mile of road in Road District No. \2. They report the township has no indebtedness. Justin McDonald has the material on the ground for the new 24-foot bridge, one-haf mile west of the new school house, in District No. 49. He operates a Ford truck and hauls two ton loads. The bridge will be com pleted in the. near future. SURROUNDING AND PLEASANTVIEW ITEMS Mrs. Emma Riese is remodeling her barn on her farm. Jim and Robert Fullerton shipped cattle to Omaha Tuesday. Charley Claussen called on John F. Warner Sunday afternoon. Earl Miller and John Steskal were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone Monday. Mrs. Mary Pickard, of Ft. Madison, Iowa, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Albert Klingler. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Earley and fam ily returned home from attending the Lincoln fair. Mr. and Mre. Ivan Cone were Sun day guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Ramer and Hastily. Mrs. Albert Klingler and Mrs. Han nah Richard called on Mr3. F. Sie bert Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Hannah Richard and son, Charley, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fullerton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hnry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Siebert were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Siebert. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler and daughter, Dorothy, called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pancratz and family Sun day evening. Henry Winkler shipped a car of hogs and cattle from Emmet to Omaha Tuesday. He accompanied the car to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Roise and daughter, Katherene, returned home Monday from a week’s visit in Lin coln with relaties. John F. Warner and Wm. Steskal were in Valentine Wednesday and re turned home Friday and reports a very pleasant trip. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Freed have moved to Atkinson and their daughter, Mrs. Fred Barnes and famiy have moved onto the Freed farm. Mr. and Mrs. John Alfs, Ed Stes kal and children, Ed Earley and Alvin Walnofer spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klingler. Jerald Cone, of Haverton, Iowa, is visiting his uncle, Ivan Cone, and wife this week. He expects to ex tend his visit to California from here. Miss Edna Heeb is spending a few days at her uncles, Frank Heeb, in O’Neill, under the care of Dr. Finley. She had her tonsils removed Satur day. Mrs. Barbara Winkler, of Emmet, and her brother, Anton, and nephew, Ed Spatz, of Abra, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler Thursday evening. PLEASANT VALLEY. G. W. Lush and family spent Sun day at the Glen Cleveland home. Charley Grass and family visited Sunday at the Lslie Hough home in O’Neill. Bill Clyde and family took Sunday dinner at the Frank Vrooman home near Venus. A number of Pleasant Valley peo ple are attending “Ted” North plays in O'Neill this week. Percy Grass and Joe McKinstrey autoed to Sioux City last Sunday morning to attend the annual fair. A. Crumley and son, Lyndley and Arvey and Jay Lush autoed to Colo rado last Wednesday where they ex pect to spend to weeks visiting with Mr. Crumley’s brother. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Fox and Henry Clyde and Edna VanCleek autoed to Sioux City last Sunday morning to attend the fair and visit at the Willard Clyde home. PLEASANT VALLEY. Charley Grass and family were O’Neill visitorst last Sunday. Miss Mary Lush went to Wayne last Saturday where she will continue her schooling. Mrs. David Bowen entertined the N. O. K. club at her home last Thurs day evening. Mrs. L. E. Grass, of O’Neill, is vis iting this week at the home of her | son, Chas. Grass. Mrs. Cora Hamilton and daughter, Elsie, of O’Neill, visited Sunday with Claude Hamilton. Miss Esther Buxton, of Star, spent Saturday evening and Sunday with Miss Helen Anderson. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker and Mrs. Martin Petterson visited Sunday at the Will Anderson home. The Misses Mabel and Grace and George Casey autoed to Battle Creek to spend the week-end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Hough and nephew, Elmer Snyder, of O’Neill, visited Sunday at the Percy Grass home. School District No. 23 opened last Monday morning with Miss Viola Park, of Page, teacher. School open ed with twelve pupils. C. M. Stewart and family, Mr. Kel ly and family, and Wilsie Harris and family spent Saturday evening picnic ing' on the river near Inman. Mrs. Mabel Hayne and daughter, Vivian, and Guy Hamilton autoed to Wayne last Sunday. Miss Vivian remained to attend school there. _ 1 CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. O’Neill, Neb., Aug. 4, 1925. Present: Mayor and al Council men. Minutes of previous meeting read and approwed. City Treasurer’s statements for the month of July were read and ap proved. On motoin the ..following claims were allowed: On General Fund: James Davidson _ $ 3.25 D. Stannard _ 1.00 Min. Elec. Dis. Co. _ 163.34 Scott Hough -- 100.00 H. J. Hammond __ 4.15 W. J. Hammond _ 37.50 Ed. T. Campbell _ 25.00 Ed. T. Campbell City Clerk_ 15.00 A. V. Virgin _ 4.10 N. W. Bell Tel. Co_ 2.50 O’Neill Concert Band _ 64.92 O’Neill Fire Department _ 11.00 Geo. Bay _ 9.00 Scott Hough _ 9.00 H. E. Coyne - 37.85 On Water Fund: Ed. T. Campbell _$ 10.00 Jos. Filsinger - 116.00 R. H. Mills _ 4.00 The Texas Co__ 32.41 On Road Fund: Scott Hough _$ 20.40 . Frank Howard _ 10.25 Ralph Millard _1._ 1.25 Motion made and seconded that the gutter be ordered constructed on Fourth Street as described in Section 2 of Ordinance No. 95A. Carried. Motion made and seconded that the Street Committee be empowered to purchase road grader with full power to act. Carried. On motion the Council adjourned ED. T. CAMPBELL, City Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., Aug. 17, 1925. Council met at call of Mayor. In absence of the Mayor, Council man Johnson presided at the meet ing. Present: Councilman Johnson, Gil lespie, Coyne, Brennan and Phalin. On motion the following claims were allowed: On Genral Fund: Geo. Vanevery _ $150.00 On Road Fund: Scott Houggh - 11.50 On motion the Council adjourned. ED. T. CAMPBELL, City Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., Aug. 21, 1925. Council met at call of the Mayor. Present: Mayor Gilligan and all Councilmen. Motion made and seconded that we accept the estimate as made by the City Engineer for construction of gutter on Fourth Street. Carried. Motion made and seconded that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise GVplAP The FIREPROOF Sheathing It’s fireproof Sheathe with Gyp-Lap and you put a fire-re sistive wall ol gypsum rock on your home at no extra cost. Gyp-Lap, too, is extra strong, heat insulating, quickly erected. The ideal back ing lor stucco, brick veneer or clapboards. Bazelman Lumber Co., O’Neill, Nebraska. __ for bids for the construction of gut ter ordered in. Carried. On motion the Council adjourned. ED. T. CAMPBELL, City Clerk. (First publication Sept. 10.) NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, Estate No. 1781. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, September 9, 1925. In the matter of the Estate of Alvin H. Corbett, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that a peti tion has been filed in said Court for the predate of a written instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Alvin H. Corbett, De ceased, and for the appointment of Edward T. Campbell, as executor thereof; that October 1, 1925, at 10 o’clock A. M., has been set for hearing said petition and proving said in strument in said Court when all per sons concerned may appear and con test the probate thereof. (County Court Seal.) C. J. MALONE, 15- 3 County Judge. (First publication Sept. 17) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 1699. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, September 12, 1925. In the matter of the Estate of George R. Shellhart, Deceased. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that the Ad ministrator of said estate has filed in said court hie final report and a peti tion for final Settlement and distribu tion of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard October 8, 1925, at 10 o’clock A. M. at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and the distribution of said estate C. J. MALONE, County Judge. (County Court Seal.) 16-3 (First publication Sept. 17.) NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT. Estate No. 1736, In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, September 16th, 1925, in the matter of the Estate of William J. Gray, Deceased. The State of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said estate, take notice that the Executor of said es tate has filed in said court his final report, and a petition for final set tlement and distribution of the residue of said Estate, and for a finding and decree of said court that said estate is not subject to a Federal Inheritance Tax or a State Inheritance Tax, and that said report and petition will be heard on October 10th, 1925, at 2 o’clock P. M. at the County Court Room at O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concerning the Final Report, the matter of Inheritance Tax, and the Distribution of said Estate. (County Court Seal.) C. J. MALONE, 16- 3 County Judfee. utttux xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxm THE : O’NEILL ABSTRACT !m COMPANY —Compiles— “Abstract of Title” The only complete set of Ab stract Books in Holt County. : \ dr. l. rsi PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ::: Glasses Correctly Fitted. : Office and Residence, Naylor Blk. :: -Phone 72 O’NEILL :: :: NEBRASKA :i: txxxxxtxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtxxxxxxxxxtxxxxxtxxxtS DR. J. P. GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Special attention given to disease of the eye and cor rect fitting of glasses. tmmtmmmuHHHHHmmmtmmmm i H. L. BENNETT ; Graduate Veterinarian Phone 304. Day or Night. O’Neill, Nebraska : C. H. Lubker M. E. Lubker : DRS. LUBKER Chiropractic Specialists in Chronic, Nervous and Femals ::: Diseases. Phone 316. O’Neill, Nebr. j!j mittttmuximitmutitntixxtittitimttttxx W. F. FINLEY, M. D. j Phone, Office 28 O’Neill :: Nebraska ttttmimimtiitnntsrtmnmrmmtmtmt pfflfflmwttnmmmmmmtmtmwwt Nebraska Culvert and :j Mfg. Cq. Austin-Western Road Armco Culverts Everything in Road : Machinery. Western: Representative. L. C. PETERS O’Neill :: Nebraska i snnuummtmmuummnnmtmmum