/ v VOLUMN XLVI. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1925. NO. 17. _■ ' ..------ . . ... ......_ LOCAL NEWS. I Lyle Smith, of Laurel, is in the city taking in the fair this week. Elmer Surber is building an addi tion of two rooms on the north end of his residence. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Russ, Wednesday, at the Gilligan hospital. Ed Bridges came up Tuesday after noon for a visit with O’Neill friends and to remain for the fair. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oberle, Tuesday even ing, in roims in the Naylor building. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Smith, of Ew ing, arrived in the city Sunday, for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. E. D. Henry, and to take in the fair. S. J. Weekesand Harry Clauson knocked down twelve ducks, including several big Mallards, several miles west of this city Sunday afternoon. W. P. Riddlesbarger, former O’Neill high school coach and now a member of the faculty at the state university, visited O’Neill friends over the week end. Mis. J. S. Ennis left Wednesday for San Francisco, San Diago and on to Jacumba Hot Springs, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. NeMie Briggs Joe Schollmeyer, of Scottville, re ceived a number of severe bruises and minor injuries one day last week when a scaffold broke beneath him causing him to fall about twenty feet. John Miskimins is mourning the loss of his faithful jitney which p secumber to the ravishes of fire last Sunday afternoon at the home of Walter Stewart, eight miles south of O’Neill. The fire is thought to have started from a short circuit under the foot boards. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Reardon drove down to Omaha Sunday morning for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Purcell return ed Sunday evening from Chicago, coming back by way of Broken Bow and Bassett. Sheriff Duffy returned Tuesday morning from Omaha, to which place he took six chicken thieves Sunday for confinement in the Douglas county jail. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shoemaker and family left Wednesday morning for Sioux City, where they will spend the week end, taking in the Interstate Fair. Lynch won the ball game from Royal Wednesday afternoon by a score of 10 to 6. The batteries for Lynch was Ricehill, Steel and Schi fler, for Royal, Johnson, Chalfant and Hamilton. United States Marshal D. H. Cronin came up from Norfolk Monday even ing following adjournment of federal court for a week at that place and left for the west Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Welton and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Welton, of Mullen, Ne braska, drove to O’Neill today for a visit with their mother and grand mother, Mrs. A. Welton of this city. A family reunion is planned for next Sunday, when about twenty-five children and grandchildren will be present. Rev. J. A. Hutchins of this city has recently demonstrated that he is one of the best checker players in the state of Nebraska. This fact was demonstrated to the entire satisfact ion of those present at a recent series of games played at Lincoln with the State Champion Joe Stanton, of Uni versity Place. Rev. Hutchins won two games, Stanton won two and there were three draws in a series of seven games. The O’Neill club is exceedingly proud of the showing made by Rev. Hutchins. Beginning Monday the Burlington passenger train will leave for Sioux City at 6:30 a. m. The Rev. J. A. Hutchins having re turned, the regular services will be held at the Methodist church Sun day. . 1 The missionary society of the Pres byterian church will meet with Mrs. J. H. Meredith, Thursday evening, October 1st. James Brennan and daughter, Helen, of Norfolk, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. Brennan’s sister, Mrs. E. O’Donnell, returning home Monday. J. M. Piatt and W. C. Fores man, of Allenwood, Pennsylvania, came Wed nesday evening for a visit at the J. M. Hunter home. Mr. Piatt and Mr. Hunter are cousins. Alex R. Wertz and son, Emmett, delivered twenty-three head of their fine Poland China hogs to Pruss Bros. The twenty-three head averaged 430 pounds, and sold for $10.70. Fall formally began Monday with winterlike temperatures and all around mean weather. The weather bureau has promised fair and warmer days for the latter part of the week. The many friends of the Reverend J. A. Hutchins of the Methodist church of this city will be pleased to learn that he has been returned to j this charge by the Nebraska district conference which concluded at Lincoln Monday. Other assignments in this vicinity are as follows: Bristow, R. J. Symons; Chambers, J. F. Gaither; Ewing, M. Wayne Pickerel; Inman, W. T. Tayor; Lynch, R. A. Spence; Page, H. H. Todd; Spencer, E. W. Nye; Amelia, Otto Michel; Atkinson, Clinton Senneff; Butte, E. Magill; Emmet, D. C. Winship; Stuart, V. R. Bell. The district superintendent for the Norfolk district in which O’Neill is located, is E. D. Hull; of the North west district in which Amelia, At kinson, Emmet and Stuart are locat ed, E. C. Fintel. POTATOES! I will dig potatoes and make deliveries the first week in October. Potatoes are very scarce this year and will be very high before spring. My potatoes are nice even size and smooth. Price $1.25 per bushel in ten bushel lots or over. Phone your order at once if you want some of our potatoes. Milk Cream Butter Our dairy products speak for themselves. Our best recommendation is the steady increase in business since starting the dairy work. Am de livering to over 250 customers. V • / ' The following increase in butter sales speaks for the quality of the butter: February . 1200 March . 1350 April ._... 1583 May ... 2041 June. 2064 July ._..:.. 2505 August . 2969 Total . 13712 Ask your dealer for our butter if you are not already using it. I invite you to inspect my herd and plant. Sanitary Dairy F. H. LANCASTER, Owner. Phone 84. HOLT COUNTY FAIR OPENS WITH LARGE ATTENDANCE WEDNESDAY The Holt county fair formally opened Wednesday noon with one of the largest first day attendances in its history. The exhibits of live ■stock, agricultural products, etc., are most extensive and exceptionally fine, and the program of amusements pre pared by President Art Hahn and Secretary John L. Quig is a dandy. The racing program comprises eight races Wednesday, six for Thursday and five for Friday. Racing stables from Winner, Colome, Elgin, Ran dolph, Crawford, Cody, Gordon, Bas sett and Albion are represented at the meet, with more than eighty horses here to contest in the several events. A fast baseball game each day also is a feature of the program. The Royal and Lynch teams are play ing Wednesday, Emmet and O’Neill Thursday and the winners of the first two games Friday. An innovation this year is the night program at the grounds instead of up town. The carnival attractions and free acts all are good and the Ted North Players, who present a new play each evening during the entire week is one of the best stock companies ever , ppearing in O’Neill. The North plays are clean and fresh, the actors young and sparkling and the humor really funny. There are no reserved seats in the big show tent, each seat being a comfortable covered chair, with the early arrivals getting the best ones, which is why you should arrive early. Following is the race program for the week: Wednesday, Sept. 23. Purse One-fourth mile, free for all $75.00 Mile and one-half relay race Holt county -- $50.00 One-half mile chariot race . $60.00 One-half mile catch weights, free for all --.... $100.00 One-half mile Roman race $50.00 Five-eights mile 2 year old 90 lbs., 3 year 108, over 116 $100.00 Three-fourths mile, free for all, 3 year 108, over 116_$125.00 One-fourth mile, 3 year old and and up 108, over 116_$50.00 Thursday, Sept. 24. One-half mile 2 year old 90 lb. 3 year 108, over 1T6, free for all - $75.00 Mile and one-half relay, Holt county horses - $50.00 Three-fourths mile, 3 year old and up 108, over 116_$100.00 One-half mile chariot race _ $60.00 One mile and 1-16 handicap, free for all-$150.00 One-half mile, county horses, 3 year and up 108, over 116 -60- $60.0 Friday, Sept. 25. Five-eights mile, 3 year 108 lbs. over 116 - $75.00 Mile and one-half relay, Holt county horses - $50.00 One-half mile chariot race_$60.00 Three-fourths mile, 3 year old and up 108, over 116 _ $100.00 One-mile non-winners meeting for horses finishing not better than third _ $125.00 Mr. and Mrs. William Swigart re turned Friday evening from Pennsyl vania. A supper and reception in h*ior of the Reverend Beers and Mrs. Beers was given at the Presbyterian church Friday evening. Cards have been received from Don ald Gallagher by local friends an nouncing that he has taken over the legal practice of the late T. J. Doyle at Lincoln and has opened offices at 1027 Terminal building, that city. D. A. Criss, Tom Mains, Ben Far ner, John Shaal, William Krotter, L. Willerling, Pearl C. Jones, Dr. L. J. C. Reicherd and Dr. D. K. Stuart com prised a delegation of exceedingly wideawake Stuart business and pro fessional men were in the city Tues day in the interest of the sixth annual fall meeting of the Tri-County Im provement association to be held at Stuart Thursday, October 1. The program of entertainment arrived for the meeting is an extensive one, with Governor Adam McMullen the principal speaker of the day. A fea ture of the big celebration prill be a hay baling contest for the world’s championship and a $200 purse. Dr. Condra of the state university will be present with a movie camera to photograph the contest. An open air movie, with pictures of Nebraska, furnished by the university and of highway building, furnished by the federal department of agriculture, will be shown. The program begins at 8 a. m. and continues through the entire day and evening, with the ad dress of Governor McMullen at 8 p. m., and concluding with a free ball and the movies. The tri-county as sociation has a membership in Holt, Rock and Keya Paha counties and its annual field day is one of the big events of the fall season in north Ne braska. They are the sort that can be made only from the purest, choicest materials, the kind you will find in abundance at this store. Every purchase you make in this store has back of it our guarantee that it will suit you in quality and purity. IT IS A GUARANTEE WORTH YOUR WHILE Call No. 47. Ross E. Harris Meat Market and Grocery McLaughlins kept fresh coffee service A small shed on the Ed Young property just west of the city limits was destroyed by fire Sunday after noon. The regular evening service at the First Presbyterian church will begin at 7:30 o’clock, commencing Sunday evening and continuing until spring; The Omaha World Herald of last Thursday contained a photograph of Joe Beha as the probable fullback on the Creighton varsity team this year and a most eulogistic reference to his work in that position on the freshman team last year. The many O’Neill friends of Eddie Allen, who by his unexcelled pitching made the O’Neill baseball team the winning team it was during the sum mer, will regret to learn that a severe cold and a threatened attack of pneu monia may keep him out of the Creighton line-up in the football game with Midland college Saturday. Al len is one of the regular ends on the Creighton university team and his absence next Saturday,if he should not be able to play, will be severely felt according to the sport writers. Ed die Allen made many friends in O’Neill this summer by his geniality, sportsmanship and gentlemanly con duct and they will follow his ath et»c cnreer this fall and winter with dose attention nnd sincere wishes for his success. Allen, with the Doyle broth ers, will be most heartily welcomed back to O’Neill next spring should they decide to return. R. L. Jordan, local manager of the Bell Telephone company, was pain fully injured Friday of last week while trimming trees along the com pany’s lines near Emmet, when his ax slipped and struck him between the great toe and its neighbor on his right foot. He is able to be about again with the assistance of crutches. O’NEILL DEFEATS VERDIGRE FOURTH TIME SUNDAY The O’Neill baseball team admin istered its fourth defeat to Verdigre at the fair grounds Sunday afternoon by trimming the Knox county men 14 to 1. The day was raw and chilly, the cold hampering the players con siderably. Battery for O’Neill: Brown, Bishop and Holliday. Verdi gre: Higgenbotham and Herbek. O’NEILL AND BLOOMFIELD TO BATTLE AT CREIGHTON NEXT SUNDAY P. M. O’Neill and Bloomfield will settle the championship of northeast Ne braska on the baseball diamond at Creighton Sunday afternoon. The two teams are the speediest of the section and have not met before dur ing the present season. The game is the result of a challenge by Bloom field after O’Neill had so decisively defeated Tyndall at Bloomfield last week and is for the gate receipts and a large side bet. It will be a contest no true baseball fan will care to miss. How Is It With You? i Some men look ahead only a nickel’s worth at a time. However, he who really succeeds in life is looking ahead in hundreds or thousands. This bank can help yon see ahead. This bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders. Resources over $600,000.00. The O’Neill National Bank