The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 17, 1925, Image 1

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    - Neb. state Historical Society
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Your phone orders will get the same prompt,
satisfying service, the same money saving values as
though you might give the order in person and make
the selections yourself.
50c Pkg. Waldorf Soda Crackers, Special 43c
Call No. 47.
Ross E. Harris
Meat Market and Grocery
McLaughlins kept fresh coffee service
Mrs. W. B. Graves was hostess to
the Et-a-virp club last Friday.
Mrs. C. J. Malone entertained the
Tuesday club at her home this week.
Frank Summers has moved into the
Dimmitt house on east Douglas street.
Frank Harrington returned to Lin
coln Sunday to resume the study of
John Cook, Sr., was taken to St.
Catherines hospital, in Omaha, Tues
Miss Roberta Arbuthnot returned
to the state university the first of the
Miss Loretta Ryan left for Chicago,
Monday, where she will enter Rosary
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mellor were in
Tilden last week attending the golf
tournament and banquet.
John Cook, Jr., is suffering with an
attack of appendicitis, at his home
five miles northwest of O’Neill.
Eugene Krier, of Maple Grove, is
confined to his bed following a slight
stroke of paralysis last Saturday.
Mrs. F. H. Lancaster went to
Schuyler Tuesday for a visit with her
mother, Mrs. Kate Bliss, and with
Miss Florence Ryan returned to
O’Neill, Monday, following a week’s
vacation spent with her parents at
Mr. and Mrs. James Seybold and
family drove to Kearney, Nebraska,
the first of the week for a visit with
Miss Fern Hubbard returned to
Lincoln the first of the week where
she will teach in the state university
again this year.
Miss Dorothy Dunhaver is enjoy
ing a vacation, from her duties in the
county attorney’s office, with rela
tives in Kansas City.
W. J. Froelich left last Saturday
for Washington, D. C., where he will
resume the study of law at the
Georgetown university.
Miss Elizabeth O’Malley returned
home Tuesday evening from her an
nual visit to Duluth, Minnesota, in
search of relief from hayfever.
Atkinson Graphic: A fire from
defective wiring caused $100 damage
at the Holmes meat market Saturday
morning, destroying an electric motor.
Mrs. Jessie Ashley has sold her
residence property in the east part of
the city to Frank Spindler and family
of Anoka, Nebraska, who moved to
O’Neill last week. Possession will be
given in a couple of weeks. Mrs.
Ashley and daughter, Miss Opale,
contemplate moving to Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Henry and
daughter, Miss Elizabeth, drove to
Geneva, Nebraska, last Friday where
they spent Sunday with their son,
Paul and family.
C. W. Grant returned home the first
of the week from a business trip to
Texas where he owns a tract of land.
Mr. Grant thinks that Texas land is
good property this year.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shultz went to
Chambers Tuesday where they will
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Gibson and will also visit the
Chambers fair this week.
Wm. Brentson went to York, Ne
braska, Monday where he has secured
employment as fireman at the Mother
Jewett Home. Mrs. Brentson also is
employed at the same place.
Miss Dorothy Neff, of Syracuse,
Nebraska, who has been spending the
summer with friends in O’Neill, re
turned to Lincoln last Saturday where
she will attend business college.
Atkinson Graphic: Robert Martens
reports a yield of thirty-five bushels
of rye per acre from a ten acre tract
threshed last week. This is an ex
traordinary yield. Fifteen bushels is
considered good, and twenty unusual.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Schweitzer and
children, Marie and Jay, drove up
from Milford, Nebraska, the first of
the week for a visit with Mrs. Sch
weitzer’s mother, Mrs. Margarec Al
len and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Haas, and
daughter, Jene, drove up from Uni
versity Place, Nebraska, the first of
the week for a visit with their grand
mother, Mrs. Margaret Allen and with
other relatives in O’Neill.
Mrs. A. L. Smith and son, Chaun
cey, drove up from Arcadia the first
of last week, and visited until Mon
day with their sons, Alvin and For
est and families. Mrs. Forest Smith
returned home with them Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hanley re
ceived word a few days ago announc
ing the death of Wm. Kennedy, of
Spokane, Washington, a brother-in
law of their son, D. C. Hanley, also of
Spokane. Mr. Kennedy died about
two weeks ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Briney and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winters, of Mc
Donald, Kansas, visited for a short
time Wednesday with Mrs. Briney’s
sister, Mrs. W. C. Templeton. The
party were enroute to Rochester,
Minnesota. Mrs. Briney will be re
membered here as Lulu Minor.
The Chambers fair is in full swing
this week. The O’Neill concert band
are furnishing the music today and
Friday. A large number of O’Neill
people are attending. The O’Neill
ball team will play the Ponca Indians
tomorrow as one of the attractions.
The Mell?r Motor Company are ex
hibiting one of the new model Ford
cars at their garage. The car is a
decided improvement over the for
mer type in that it has a stream line
body; higher hood; more leg room in
front and rear and is a trifle lower
built. The gas tank is now in the
dash. All those who have examined
the new car seem to think that it is
dandy and will meet with favor among
car users.
“Ted” North-Players
Feature Night Attraction on Fair Grounds at
O’Neill. Entire week starting Monday, Sept. 21.
PAINLESS PRICE. . Kids 25c, Adults 50c
P One lady admitted free with each
*■ paid adult ticket Monday night
SPECIAL: We have 1000 individual chairs and
there is no charge for reserved seats.
Monday Night Show Starts at 8:30.
Other Nights at 9:00 o’clock.
Big Holt County Fair
Come and see the races. See the stock exhibit. See everybody and
everything at your own Holt County Fair.
Kid’s ten years and under. The Kid’s Parade Friday afternoon at
2:00 o’clock. First premium for girl $2.00. First piremium for boy
$2.00. Every child in this Parade receives 25c in cash.
“Ted” North Players, feature night attractions on Fair Grounds
every night.
County Superintendent Miss Anna
Donohoe has received the information
from the management of the state
fair that Holt county won twenty
four premiums on their school ex
hibit sent to the state fair this year.
Sixty cards were sent. Miss Dono
hoe is quite highly elated over the
showing that Holt county made this
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Grothe and
children returned home Tuesday
from a two week’s auto trip and visit
with relatives in and around Lincoln.
They visited the state fair a couple
of days last week but the rain each
afternoon interfered with the proper
reception of the sport events. Wm.
says that the exhibits were very good.
He says that the crops are pretty
badly damaged in places in that part
of thjfe state.
“Pat” the black and white coach
dog belonging to the T. A. Quilty
family, and well known to all the
residents of this city, especially to the
youngsters, passed to the great be
yond last Sunday evening about nine
o’clock. It is thought that he was
struck by a passing Car. Sixteen
summers have passed since “Pat” be
came the faithful watchman over the
Quilty children and during that time
he refrained from chasing cars or
pedestrians. He had begun to lose
his hearing and it is to this fact that
the accident is attributed.
One of the most entertaining ball
games of the season was played last
Sunday afternoon at the base ball
park between “The Fats” and “The
Leans.” A large crowd was present.
As soon as the game was called the
fans began cheering for their choice
and the merriment ran high until the
end of the tenth inning. The early
part of the game seemed to be a one
sided affair in favor of the Fats, with
Bill Martin, the star southpaw doing
the twirling, but about midway in
the game the old time mound artist
Fred Ratliff who was doing the strike
out stuff for the Leans began to
“come back” and held the Fats. The
Leans managed to tie the score in the
ninth inning but were unable to
match the two score gathered in the
tenth by the Fats. The score was 10
to 12. The features of the game was
a home run by Martin and one by
Mellor, the mound work by Martin
and Ratliff and the fast field work of
each team.
Following is the lineup: <
Fats— j
Mason, c Leans—
Martin, p, rf C. Daugherty, c, c
Kersenbrock, lb Willging, ss, c
McNally, 2b Ratliff, p
Bueford, 3b R. Mellor, lb \
Soukup, 3b M. Golden, 2b
Zimmerman, ss W. Warner, 3b
L. Richardson, rf, p
W. Welsh, cf R. Warner, If
Wm. Primbnow, cfHarris, cf, ss
L. Simonson, If W. Gatz, rf
Umpire, R. L. Jordan.
The members of the local Izaak
Walton League met in the district
court room last Friday evening and
held a business session at which time
a c'ons'titution was adopted. Presi
dent D. H. Clauson and M. F. Kirwin
were elected delegates to attend the
state Waltonian convention at Nor
folk last Monday.
The following account of the wed
ding of Edward M. Gallagher of this
city and Miss Elizabeth Slattery, of
Washington, D. C., appeared in the
Friday issue of the State Journal.
Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher returned to
O’Neill Friday evening and are at
home to their friends at the Gallagher
residence at Fifth and Benton streets.
The marriage of Miss Elizabeth
Slattery of Washington, D. C., a
cousin of Warden W. T. Fenton of
this city and Edward Gallagher of
O’Neill, was solemnized Thursday
morning at 7:30 o’clock at the Blessed
Sacrament church, with the Rev.
Father Cronin officiating. Only im
mediate members of the family were
present for the ceremony and the
bridal couple was attended by Mr.
Gallagher’s brother, Donald Gal
lagher and Mrs. Gallagher of Casper,
Wyoming. A wedding breakfast at
the home of Warden and Mrs. Fenton
followed the ceremony and Mr. Gal
lagher and his bride will go imme
diately to O’Neill where they will
make their home. Later in the fall
they are planning a trip to California.
Mr. Gallagher is a graduate of the
University of Nebraska where he is
a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity.
1 lb. Delicious Comb 4^
Honey_ | | Q
2 Pkgs. Strawberry or Ras
berry Pure Fruit Flavored OEn
Jelly Powder__4uC
20c Pkg. Big Sioux 4 J
Biscuits _ I Q
10 Pounds Pure Granulated
Sugar _ 03 C
Puritan Bohemian Hop rA
Flavored Malt_UuG
35c Bottle Heinz Tomato AT
Ketchup, 14 oz. net wt._C.3G
6 Cans Carnation Milk, AT
small size___Z.3G
1 lb. Pkg. Texwax Pure Re- 4 r _
fined Paraffine _ I3C
Jelly Glasses. Full size, finished
bottoms. Heavy Tin Jj
Caps, each_
Art-WAVE, the perfect water 4A„
WAVE COMB, each_ |UG
London Lavender Silk Striped
Diamond Checked Worsted.
Two Button. Wales Model. •
Men’s Suits. $40.00 009 £f)
Quality at_$Zui3u
57 Steps
Sells for Less
The above doesn’t disclose other important factors
in connection with a
Federal Farm Loan
For instance:—
A Low Interest Rate
Profit Sharing by Borrowers
No Commission
Loan Expenses Paid by Dividends
Long Time Easy Payments With Options
No Red Tape
We are glad to answer any inquiry—address
O’Neill :: :: :: :: Nebraska