| >AID LOCALS t « i wintxtxmixxxtxxuttmxxxxtmtmattxtixtuxxx FARM LOANS—R. IL PARKER.—37tf KODAKS, FILMS, KODOK FINISH ing—W. B. Graves, O’Neill. 30-tf SOR SALE OR RENT—6-room house. —P. V. Hickey. 39-tf DURING MY FOURTEEN YEARS of loaning money on farms this is the lowest interest rate I ever had. F ean now loan money on good farms at 5Vi% interest.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 40-tf ii: WINDMILL & WELL WORK. $ Raymond Cyclone proof wind- | :: mills, well work and repairing | :: of wells and windmills. t CHESTER MORGAN { /-N PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER Will cry your sales both large and small. Knows how to sell and when to sell. Rates Rea sonable. Satisfaction Guaran tsedi O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. John Miskimins >, .> JUST SOLD TWO FARMS. POS sibly I can sell more. List your >rm with me and I will try.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 52-tf HOUSE FOR SALE—SEVEN Rooms and Bath. All modern. Southeast corner of same block as public libra ry.—Mrs. Jessie Ashley. 6-ti TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS WILL buy a 6-cylinder Reo automobile.— See It. H. Parker. 3-tf FOR SALE—A FEW DUROC JElt sey male pigs.—C. F. Baker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 14-2p FOR SALE—SIX ROOM MODERN house. Close to school.—John L. Quig. 14-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE—GOOD 6 100m house and 3 lots.—F. C. Mc "'pnna, 13-3p FOUR-TUBE RADIO TO TRADE for one or two cows.—Burlington depot. 15-2 WILL FURNISH ROOM TO SCHOOL girl or teacher in exchange for company. Address, H. D. B. care Frontier. 15-lp FARM AND RANCH LOANS, 6 AND three-fourth per cent, no commis sion.—F. J. Dlshner, County Agent Joint Stock Land Bank. 17-tf IF YOU NEED THE OLD LOAN ON your farm renewed for anothter 5 or 10 years, of If you need a larger loan t can make it for you.—R H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 21-tf FOR SALE—ONE ARTEMIS, SCH moler and Muller player piano, with fifty rolls, in good condition.—Mrs. F. J. Ratliff. 14-3p t 1 ..^ Combination Sale I will hold a combination sale at niy feed barn, beginning at 2 o’clock, on Saturday, September 19th Come to the Feed Barn and list whatever you have to sell, or list it with Col. Janies Moore. Lists should be in by Monday so that the bills can be printed. ® The Charles Simmons six-room house in O’Neill will be sold at S this sale. | E.F. Roberts ^ A How Is It With You? Some men look ahead only a nickel’s worth at a time. However, he who really succeeds in life is looking ahead in hundreds or thousands. This bank can help yon see ahead. This bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders. Resources over $600,000.00. The O’Neill National Bank 40* Her Majesty Art Ware. The perfect water wave comb. Before retiring dampen the hair and insert 10 - ' Comb. Each . tut* 10c Composition Book OC — each . UDG The secret of better Home Made Cakes—Sw'ans Down Cake Flour. Large Size 94 m packages __ _ 2 Pounds Delicious Fig Bar 40 — Cookies . "tJO 2—20c Packages Fresh QQ — Graham Crackers .,. 4,3 G 1 Gallon Pure Vinegar* 40 100% Quality .. 43 U Puritan Bohemian Hop CO Flavored Malt ... tj3G 12 Dozen Cork Lined, Metal OQm Bottle Caps ____ L OC 2 Dozen Crown Cap Glass Bottles Capacity, each 32 ounces. For beverages, cat sup, etc. Good quality, 70 well shaped . __ yti I 4 ‘ Have you noticed the change in Michael Castello?” He looks like a new man, Azure Blue, Fancy Silk Strip ed Semi-Finished Worsted. AM Virgin Wool Q09 CO) Men’s Suits 'ptu.Sujj JOHN J. MELVIN !57 Steps Sells for Less THE FRONTIER D. H. CRONIN, Publisher W. C. TEMPLETON, i Editor and Business Manager Entered at the postoffice at O’Neill, Nebraska, as second-class matter. MAY BELLE I am pleased to announce to my patrons that I have secured the Line of MAY BELLE Coats and Dresses of the MAY BELLE SHOPPE of Columbus. These Garments are widely known for their superior Workmanship, Quality and Smart Styles. MAY BELLE VIZZARD has just returned from New York City with the Fall Line and we will be pleased to present same to our patrons on the following dates at special prices. I cannot urge my patrons enough to call and see these beautiful Coats and Dresses. You will need Fall Garments—why wait and pay more? Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 10th, 11th and 12th. MARGARET CLINTON MILIINERY STORE, O’NEILL, NEBR. WANTED TO BUY — 100 THIN sows.—John T. O’Malley. 15-3 CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP. “Ship your cottle, hogs and sheep to the CORN BELT COM. CO., So. Omaha. We are not the biggest firm in the yards, but we are absolutely one of the best. Our Salesmen are live wires and hustlers. We will get I you Big Prices and Big Fills. We : believe that we can more than please you. A trial from you will mean more business for us.” CORN BELT COM. CO., South Omaha. 10-tf TOMATOES FOR SALE. At my place, 3 miles south of In man. You can get them any time on Sunday if you make arrangements for them.—Lewis Kopecky. 14-tf Gas on Stomach Made Mrs. Cook Nervous “For years I had gas on the stom ach and was nervous. Adlerika has done more good than enything.” (signed) Lela Cook. ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAS and often brings surprising relief to the stom ach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Don’t waste time with pills or tab lets but let Adlerika give your bowels a REAL cleansing, bringing out mat ter you never thought was in your system! Charles E. Stout, Druggist. (J-4) WHAT MY NEIGHBAR SAYS. Is of Interest to O’Neill Folks. When one has had the misfortune other kidney ills—and has found re to suffer from backache, headaches, dizziness, urinary disorders and other kidney ills—and has found relief from all this sickness and suffering, that person’s advice is of untold value to friends and neighbors. The following case is only one of many thousands, but it is that of an O’Neill resident. Who could ask for a better example? Mrs. Geo. H. Jones, says: “Con stant, bearing down pains across my kidneys taxed my strength. Some times when I bent over quickly, the pains were so bad I couldn’t straigh ten. The soreness in my back kept me awake nights and mornings the muscles across my kidneys were so Strained^ and lame I could hardly drag around. Throbbing headaches wore me out and sometimes specks whirled before my eyes. My kidneys acted too freely also. A couple boxes of Doan’s Pills cured me. 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. ( First publication Sept. 10.) NOTICE OF DESIGNATION OF COUNTY ROADS. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors of Holt County, Nebraska, have designated the fol lowing described roads as County Roads, to-wit: Commencing at the North end of Main Street of the Village of Stuart, Nebraska, thence East on the town ship line between Townships 30 and 31 to the South-east corner of Sec tion 31, Township 31, Range 15 West ONLY 75c DOWN This New Style Famous HOT POINT TOASTER For Only 75c Down Balance $1.00 per month with your light bill.* Think of making two slices at one time of the most delicious toast right at your table. Splendid for toasted Sandwiches for that Noon Luncheon or Midnight Lunch. A Real Offer and Gi od until September 19th Only. » —— DON’T DELAY GET YOURS NOW TRI-STATE UTILITIES COMPANY ■ >f the 6th Principal Meridian, thence North for a distance of 13 miles to he Northwest corner of the NEVi of Section 32, Township 33, Range 15 West of the 6th P. M., thence East 1 Ms miles to the Southeast cor ner of Section 28, Township 33, Range 15 West, thence North 2 miles to the Northwest corner of Section 22, rownship 33, Range 15 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, thence East Ms mile to the Dustin post office and store. And also road commencing at the south end of Main Street in the rown of Inman on the section line Detween Sections 19 and 30, Town ship 28, Range 10. Thence East along section line to the Rail Road a id Road No. 314. Thence on No. 314 to the Section line east of Section 30, thence South on section line to the South east corner of Section 6, Township 27, Range 10, thence East to the Rail Road. Thence southeasterly along south side of Rail Road the section line east of Section 10 to Road No. 35 thence along Road No. 65 as now traveled to No. 154 to the range line, rhence along Road No. 19, 122 and No. 60 along or near the Rail Road to the Town of Ewing, Holt County, Nebraska. That maps showing said roads are on file in the office of the County Clerk and open to public inspection. That on the 22nd day of September, 1925, at 10 o’clock A. M., said Board Df Supervisors will hold a hearing on said designations at their office in the Court House at O’Neill, Nebraska, it which all petitions asking for a change in said designation will be Deard. E. F. PORTER, 15-1 County Clerk. (First publication Sept. 10.) NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL. Estate No. 1781. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, September 9, 1925. In the matter of the Estate of Alvin H. Corbett, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that a peti tion has been filed in said Court for the probate of a written instrument purporting to be the last will ,and testament of Alvin H. Corbett, De ceased, and for the appointment of Edward T. Campbell, as executor thereof; that October 1, 1925, at 10 o’clock A. M., has been set for hearing said petition and proving said in strument in said Court when all per sons concerned may appear and con test the probate thereof. (County Court Seal.) C. J. MALONE, 15-3 County Judge. (First publication Aug. 20.) LEGAL NOTICE. Jane Crowe and all persons having or claiming any interest in Lot 6 in --—-—"—-*• Interstate Fair Sioux City 1 ' i The 23rd Annual Fair and Exposition opens on September 20th with a program of Auto Races— World Famous Speed Demons. Special Reduced Railroad Rates; See Your Rail ! road Agent. ENJOY A WEEK AT THE FAIR! An Educational Display unequalled in the middle west. Second largest Swine Show in the United States. "The best in Beef and Dairy Cattle, Draft Horses, Sheep and Poultry. Large Machinery Dis play. vBIG FIREWORS SPECACLE Every night, commencing Monday, September 21, “Tekoyo,” big Fireworks Spectacle. Four days of 3 . Harness Racing, Bands, Vaudeville. The Rubin & Cherry Shows on the Midway. New Paved Road to the Fair Grounds. j* Sept. 20,21,22,23,24,25 ^ _ Block 25 in the Original Town of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown, defendants, ar© notified that on August 17, 1925, Ed. L. O’Donnell, plaintiff, filed a petition and commenced an action in District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you, the object and prayer of which are to have plaintiff decreed to be the owner of Lot 6 in Block 25 in the Original Town of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska; to have the title to said premises quieted in plaintiff; to have you decreed to have no lien upon or interest in said premises; to have a mortgage of $100 dated Aug ust 9, 1889, recorded August 12, 1889, in Book 49 of mortgages at page 112, decreed to be fully paid and to be barred by the statute of limitations of Nebraska and to be no lien upon said premises; to remove the clouds cast upon plaintiff’s title to said premises by reason of the claims of defend ants; and to have you forever en joined from asserting any lien upon or interest in said premises. You are required to answer said petition on or before September 28, 1925. 1 ED."L. O’DONNELL, 12-4 Plaintiff. (First publication Aug, 27.) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The City of O’Neill, Nebraska, will receive sealed bids for the furnishing of material and construction of a con crete gutter, ten feet in width, on Fourth Street, in front of Lots 21 and 22 in Fahy and Gillispie’s Subdivision of Lots 14, 15 and 16, in Block 9, in the Originial Town of ONeill, Ne braska, and in front of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 15, in the original town of O’Neill, Nebraska; and for the fur nishing of material and construction of a concrete curb to said gutter. Said gutter to be six inches deep, the bottom five inches on which are to be composed of a mixture of five parts of gravel to one of cement, and the top inch of said gutter to be com posed of a mixture of two parts of gravel to one of cement. All bids to include cost of necessary excavation to place such curb and gutter on grade to be established by the City Engineer of O’Neill, Nebraska. Each bidder shall submit with the bid a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of such bid payable to the City of O’Neill, and the person to whom the contract is awarded shall be required to furnish bond in the amount of such bid for the construction of such work and payment for all material fur nished and labor performed on such work. Bids shall be filed with the City Clerk not later than seven o’clock P. M. on September 16, 1925. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The estimate for such work is as follows: “ESTIMATE. I estimate the cost of gutter, ten feet wide, in front of Lots 21 and 22 in Fahy and Gillispie’s subdivision of Lots 14, 15 and 16 in Block 9 in the Original Town of O’Neill, Nebraska, and in front of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 15 in the original Town of O’Neill, Nebraska, to be 21 cents per square foot. Cost of curb in front of said lots 75 cents per running foot. M. F. NORTON, City Engineer.” CITY OF O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. ED. T. CAMPBELL, City Clerk. 13-3 AJNID YUT The above doesn’t disclose other important factors in connection with a Federal Farm Loan For instance:— A Low Interest Rate Profit Sharing by Borrowers No Commission Loan Expenses Paid by Dividends Long Time Easy Payments With Options No Red Tape We are glad to answer any inquiry—address JAS. F. O’DONNELL Secretary-Treasurer O’NeiU :: :: :: :: Nebraska