British Labor Leaders Confer Left to right are Dan Milford, Ernest Bevln, A. G. Walkden, Mr. R. Bromley ana A. M. Clark, leaders Of British labor unions who called a conference to prevent a nation-wide labor walkout. They represent the miners, engineers, railwaymen and transport workers. Most Powerful in the World . ..a.«...n, >-»►.» ~h» ----* ....... .....>«»>• ....„ ,=. ■ ■ »< .»»«■;-»'-—■«• » —— ■———— ' ' "'I" 1,111 I ■■———— On Mount Afrique, near Di;'on, Prance, this searchlight throws a beacon visible 300 miles down the coast. It was started as a guide to French night bombing squadrons and now facilitates night air travel on the Paris-Marseilles route. DARE! Lewis Morris Stand upright! speak thy thoughts! declare The truth thou hast, that all may share! Be bold! proclaim It everywhere! They only live who dare. Dancer to Wed j yypiA i^poukovj% Lydia Lopoukova, famous Rus sian dancer, will soon marry John Maynard Keynes, noted British economist, She was divorced last January. 1 - i Drives Cal * ■ —" - ■ - ■ No matter where President Cool Idgo may be travelling—If he goes by automobile—Chauffeur Robin sod is behind the wheel. Robinson drove the President and Mrs. Cool Idge about the countryside during their stay at Swampscott, Mass. Misses Her Own Sunshine rr' ^ PRESIDE KPT CAI/T/ES" 'Jfclcur- ^OSEDK*^lV^I^*'^ <^OTENr. V- fcfOPXA'. .««*] Attorney-General Sargent Is being groomed by Administration sup porters as a candidate to tucceed Senator Porter H. Dale, of Vermont, In next year’s election, according to Washington reports. President Calles of Mexico called on Governors of Northern border States to elimi nate gambling in border towns. The American Government wants Joseph Caillaux, the French Finance Minister, to come to Washington in person ■ext month to negotiate the funding of France’s $4,000,000,000 war debt John L. Lewis, international president of the United Mine Workers o* America, declared "no progress of any character’’ had been made w avert a nation-wide coal strike «n September 1. I Cinderella Is Hostess I While many in New York storm over the adoption by Ed ward Browning, millionaire, of Mary Spas, little Cinderella is playing hostess to four Tittle friends she has made in the new home, where everything she wants is hers for the asking. But she is said to be pining for her old homo, t ~ " '"L ---■ .| f « Emulates Red Grange j im r ■“ ; /v'^bbh It Stewart Harvey, (above) Yale sophomore, delivered the Ice a the front door of b#roes In the fashionable Lake Forest district of Chlcagt U would be all right because he la tbe son of Byron S. Harvey, dlrectot of the Sante Fe' Railroad. However. Harvey carries the Ice to re* doors as a training stunt for a try at the Yale Varsity next year.