The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 06, 1925, Image 3

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    In the Day’s News |
let/eZSxXs, Stefis isVecWST, Ctohn!h ■ c l'aiCk e?
Mrs. Florence Knapp, New York Secretary of State, was authoi
teed to Install voting machines in New York City. General L. C.
Andrews, field marshal of prohibition, declared the attempts to build
up a fight betweeen Congress and the Treasury were “in the interest
of the bootleg industry.’’ Secretary of Labor Davis was summoned to
a conference with the President over the anthracite mine situation.
Former Justice John II. Clarke will lead a drive on the Senate with a
new plan for American entry into the World Court.
Missing Boy Found
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S KieS. CAKADAY JtrccL. 2osco«,' ^
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Roscoe Canaday, Who had been living with his father at Forest
Rill i, N. Y., and who was kidnaped, was found with his mother at Saij
Antonio, Tex. Mrs. Canaday was indicted by a New York Grand Jury
lor the kidnaping.
Keeping Cool With— j
Judge Raulston solved the problem of solid comfort during the
Scopes trial at Dayton, Tenn. by having a court attendant fan him.
Heads Airmen
Colonel Charles Sweenay, for
merly of the 80th Division of tha
A. E. F„ heads the new American
escadrille which will operate with
the French agatnBt tha Rlffl&a
forces in Morocco.
In Knapp Case]
1*1133 ETHEL JO^ES
Letters from Miss Ethel Jones,
daughter of a wealthy Watertown,
N. Y., family, were found among
the effects of Philip Knapp, wanted
by police for the murder of Louis
Penella, a chauffeur, for a thrill.
Miss Jones said she was just ft
I 1
Rear Admiral \V. V. Pratt, re
cently In command of the Fourti
Battleship Division of the Battle
Fleet succeeds Rear Admiral Clat«
ence Williams as president of the
Naval War College.
8-Hour Day
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The 'pposltlon of John D. Rocko.
feller, Jr., to a twelve hour work
ing day haa resulted In establish
ing an eight-hour day in the oil
fields of the Standard Oil Com
pany. The twelve-hour day has
been In effect throughout the in
dustry since 1849
Darrow in Thick of Fight j
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Clarence Darrow, noted Chicago attorney, who la defending Professor John T. Scopes, Indicted for teach
ing the Darwinian theory, lost the first round when Judge Raulston denied Darrow'aplea to have the Indict
ment quashed on the grounds of the law being unconstitutional.
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Baby Farm Confession
Confesains she substituted a baby for another "to save the life of
the mother,” Mrs. Gelsen-Volk cleared New York's Dab yfarm mystery.
[Mias^ JESSIE 15AE
Mlsfi Jessie Rae, of Los Angeles,
proved that Franc? doesn't lend the
world In styles when she demon
strated her now hair dres» cud
won approval.
mmmr .~1' '
ki&coNSTOo \mmw!
A man characterized as a "bold.
Insolent stranger" accosted Miss
Consuelo Vanderbilt, of New York,
on the street and demanded an In
vitation to the VanderbiJt-Churcll
wedding, late this month.
Child Elope”
j piSNDora. ’ Decker ~ ,,vrl j
Glendora Decker, twelve, of New
Vork. eloped with Frank Durden,
uine years her senior, said to be
of Jacksonville, Fia.
Defense and Prosecution
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Although the Scopes trial continues heatedly, Clarence Darrow
*nd William Jennings Bryan, chief of counsel for Uefenso toed prosecu
tion. respectively, find time for a dally chat.
Test New Giro-Plane
The new auto-glro, a plana built by M. Clorra, noted Spanish
engineer, tested cut before high Spanish officials, Including Kins, proved an Improvement ov<< tHs Helicopter tjrpe ot heavier
chan-a'r machine.