GASOLINE TAX RETURNS HEAVY Income to Nebraska Is $30,~ 000 a Month Larger Than Anticipated Lincoln, Neb., v (Special)- - The 2-cent a gallon tax on gasoline acid In Nebraska has bo far produced for the state highway fund the sum of $680,529, or nearly $30,000 a month more than wus estimated. Because July and August are vacation months and fall weather Is usually excellent, it is expected that the next four months will witness a larger Increase. . The lax receipts for April were $199, 000; for May, $236,172, nnd for June $245,325. All taxes are delinquent on the 15th of the succeeding month, but In spite of the penalties an aver age of 50 dealers have made no re ports by that time. The money Is to he expended in building and maintaining roads, and os none of It has yet been expended the result so far has been to fatten tho treasury surplus. PAYS FOR LAND HIS FIRST CROP One Farmer Near Alliance Threshed 40 Bushels of Wheat to the Acre Alliance, Neb., (, % (Special)— A farmer living near here purchased a tract of land last winter at $27.60 an acre. Tlila year, he produced on It wheat running 40 bushels to the acre. He received $1.32 a bushel, av eraging $62.60 an acre. Other Box Hutte county wheat la reported to be averaging 30 bushels an acre. RESISTS PAVING DAMAGES FOR HIS SON’S ACT Lincoln, Neb., ^ , (Special)— Louis Holbert, Richardson county farmer, haa appealed to the supreme court from a Judgment that he pay $C25 damages to Emerson Kelthley ns damages for Injuries Inflicted when a 14-year-old son of Holbert shot him with a revolver. The boys were at a dance held In honor of a house moving, and while Kelthley was playing the organ the boy start ed to shoot without any warning. The Jury held the father liable because the testimony showed he knew the boy was In the habit of carrying deadly weapons and had encouraged him In the practice. The boy was un der the Influence of liquor, accord ing to one witness. The father says the hoy had been sent to the reform school for trying to hold up a man, and that he was not responsible for his actions because he had been pa roled to a \stor. NEBRASKA FARMER KILLS A HUGE PORCUPINE Bridgeport, Neb.,. , (Special) —Arvid Anderson, farmer, was re quired to put two heavy charges of shot Into the body of a porcupine he found In a field, before he could kill It. It weighed 20 pounds. It Is the first of Its kind seen in this section for several years. STRANGE DISEASE IS FATAL TO SWINE Bridgeport, Neb., , ^ ^ (Special) —A mysterious hog disease, which veterinarian') at the state agricultur al college, Lincoln, could not diag nose has mad» Its appearance in the pure-bred drove of Arthur Davis here. It was necessary to kill several hogs when they became unable to walk. A live hog affected with the malady was sent to the experts but they could not reeogntxe the nature of the malady. GROWING POTATOES FOR SALE AS SEED Hemlngford, Neb., 1 (Spe cial)—Inspection of potato fields for certification has been started In this district. Box Butte county has almost 10,000 acres of potatoes this venr, a smaller acreage than usual. Table stock potatoes have been hard to dis pose of here In the past few years, due to the fact that Irrigated regions can produce a heavier yield and at lower cost. Certified fields are In spected two or three times, to see that all diseased plants have been tut out of the field nod reducing the number of diseased t'ihrrs. COUNTY BOARDS ASKED TO SHOW CAUSE Lincoln. Neb.. (Special) — Boyd and Sioux county boards hav ing failed to correct their assess ments as returned to tile state board, ns Inst: rioted. have been summoned to appear and show cause why 3 per cent, should not be added to the real ♦ state la Biyd and 2 per cent, to that of Sioux. The board, because of the failure last year of Sheridan to raise Its assessment & per cent, and of Garden to Increase Its 12 per cent.. has arbltrally added those figures to the present assessment, which Is made every even year. None of the other counties will be changed. COYOTES AND JACK RABBITS ARE PESTS Alliance, Neb., (Special)— Many coyote scalps are coming Into the county clerk’s office here, for the $2 bounty paid. The animals are —very numerous in some sections of the county. Other residents of the upper rUtto Valley are poisoning rabbits. They have become genuine rests and are destroying much grain and hay. One farmer kllh-d with a ahoUrun. BEGIN CONTEST BARRETT WILL Heirs Charge Undue Influ ence Used in Distribution of Large Estate Lincoln, Neb., ” —A contest was begun In the courts here Wed nesday of the will of Mrs. Mary Bar rett, late of Agnew, who owned 800 acres of land at her death. All of this property came to her by will of Father William Murphy, a priest whose housekeeper she had been lor a number of years. Father Murphy was one of the cen tral figures 80 years ago In the priests' revolt against what thay claimed was Bishop Bonacuni's tyr rnnoue conduct, and finally won in bis court battle with the bishop. Ho was later killed In an automobile crossing accident. Miss Barrett's will gave almost fhr entire estate, valued at $130,000 to her brother William, two sisters get ting but $5,000 each. All the other heirs arc attacking the will on the ground that Miss Barrett was of un sound mind and that the will was the result of undue influence on the part of William Barrett. RESIST BOOSTS VALUE OF LAND Thurston and Boyd County Representatives Before Equalization Board Lincoln, Neb., (Bpeekil)— Boyd and Thurston' counties were Represented before the state hoard of equalization when matters of taxable values of their lands were up for dis cussion. Chairman McQulston of the Boyd county board, said that the de crease of >400.000 in land valuations there had been caused by the refusal of three precinct assessors to obey the state board's order of a year ago and raise the values on lands 4 per cent. The state board is considering 'nlsing the whole county 3 per cent., but Mr. McQuiston thought that this would not be Just as the remainder of the county had obeyed the order of a year ago. County Attorney Bond and County Assessor Tate, of Thurston county, were present to refute assertions of the railroad attorneys that lands were undervalued. They said tlint the Indian lands were being taxed for more than they were worth. The board took testimony and heard ar guments from the railroad attorneys and from several county assessors relative to farm land values. BOHEMIAN SOCIETY ROW TO SUPREME COURT Lincoln. Neb.,, v (Special)— Frank J. Oborny, Colfax county farmer, has appealed to the supreme court from a district court order de nying him any redress from the of ficers of St. Joseph Branch No. 40, Katoltcky Delnlk, a Bohemian fra ternal Insurance organization. claimed that the defendants had ent ered Into a conspiracy to control the affairs of the order, and that they formed a clique that called special meetings to order things done that cost much money, and that they did not notify the other members of the meeting, although they made the rec ords read as though they had done so. One complaint he makes Is that they rented the hall free to a radical political organization known as the nonpartisan league, while they tried to Impede nnd belittle the school sys tem by trying to charge >40 for the hall for school entertainments. MUNICIPAL OIL STATION WINS ANOTHER ROUND Lincoln, Neb.,, (Special)— The Standard OH company lost the first battle In the courts In Its effort to have the municipal gasoline sta tion closed as a competitor. Judge Stewart of the district court sus tained the demurrer of the city which contended that no cause of action existed. The company contends that the amendment to the city charter authorizing the city to enter upon tha retail sale of gasoline was Invalid. The company set up that its property Is being confiscated by the taxes It pays being used to finance competi tion that In the end will be destruc tive of Its property since It ennnot meet cut prices, and that anyway there Is no public necessity such as monopoly price conditions that Justi fied the city entering the business. This is the second court victory for the station. In federal court re cently Judge Munger dismissed the action of the Mutual Oil company, on similar grounds. SECOND AREA TEST IN COUNTY COMPLETED Slayton, Minn., , ' (Special.) —Murray county has completed the second annual “area test" of all cattle in the county. A rc-test of in- ( footed herds will place the county on tlie accredited list. A total of 48.400 cattle were tested. But 278 reactors were found on 180 farms. Last year 2,025 reactors were found on 750 farms. PREPARE MEMORIAL FOR BRYAN AT LINCOLN 1 Lincoln. Neb., -With their i fellow citizen to rest In Arlington cemetery, Lincoln friends of William J. Bryan have started plans for a suitable memorial to be placed where he kept his residence for more than 25 years. While some were In favor of establishing a Bryan shrine, many others remembered his desire to aid in the work of medicine and were favoring enlargement of the Lincoln Methodist hospital to cover the en tire Bryan estate of "Falrvlew” here, j New Cape The cape that la most favored by fashion la not the large, circular af fair of former years, but a section rather, as this one Is. It gives an ex cellent line to the back of a coat, but does not Jeopardize the slender line or the youthful effect. HE DOES TIE FOR BLACKMAIL Ell wood, Neb., Farmer Tried To Raise Money in Il legal Manner Klwood, Neb.. : (Special)— Harvey MoKinzie, Klwood farmer, is in the Dawson county Jail following a supreme court decree upholding the lower court which convicted him of blackmail. He had been fined $450 and costs by the district court and ordered to stay in jail until it is paid. McKenzie was charged with trying to extort $500 from J. H. Miles on the pretext that Miles’ young son had entered his house with two other boyB and taken $500. He demanded that Miles pay it or he would prose cute the boy. Miles started to pay it In installments and had paid $200 when he decided to press a charge of blackmail. Conviction followed. CATFISH THOUGHT BATHER WAS DAINTY MORSEL Hardy, Neb., « ’ (Special)— A 35-pound yellow catfish bit the foot of John Davidson, while he was in the river near here for a swim. Davidson's hand was then grabbed as he stooped. It was then carried to shore. FARM LANDS SELL FOR BETTER PRICES Aurora, Neb., (Special)— Almost 400 acres of the Sarah Braun estate were sold at public auction here and at York this week. The average for the Hamilton county tracts was $153 an acre. The 103 acres with the building brought $104.50. Two eighties in York county brought $145 and $150 an acre. It Is taken as an indication that the re cent slump in farm land prices Is a thing of the past. _ CITY WINS IN CASE, BUT WIDOW GETS PAY Minden, Neb., (Special)— Because the city of Minden did not employ Nels Jensen or pay him any wages, it has been freed of liability for his death. Ilis widow, Olga Jen sen, sued for compensation on the ground of his death from accidental Injuries. He tripped and fell while running to take his place with volun teer firemen, responding to a fire alarm. John S. Pattlson, merchant in whose store Jensen worked must pay tho widow full compensation of $5,250, ut the rate of $15 a week, and $150 for funeral expenses, Judge Dll worth ordered. State Labor Secretary Kennedy at Lincoln had awarded Mrs. Jensen the full amount of compensation with funeral expenses as against both the city and the employer, with their re spective sureties. It is expected that the case will be appealed to the state supreme court. FIND BRAIN OF FRANCE BELOW NORMAL WEIGHT Taris.—nig brains are not neces sary for big thoughts, according to the report of Dr. Felix Uogault. show ing that the brain of Anatole France was 12 ounces below normal weight. When completely isolated from the surrounding organs the brain of the great writer was found to hit the scales at 1.017 grams, as compared with the average weight of 1,390 gram s. However. It was found to have numerous deep •convolutions and ridges which made the organ a mor? complicated S‘rt.than nnv nor mal brain. In this resneot it hies lhat of Oambetta, which was also examined after the great states man's death. RADICALS HAD GUNS Tokio.—A large number of revol vers and other weapons were seized W'hen CO police raided the head quarters of the Great Forward Move ment, a radical organization of young Japanese. Cuba Ranks High As U. S. Customer Washington,—In spite of the fact that Cuba is one of the smallest of the world's nations, this island republic ! ranked sixth in customers of the Uni tod States in ’92‘i. htsha Ou bail enn W anhhgs Cuba was outranked only by the United Kingdom. Canada, Germany, France and Japan, naving purchased i goods to the value of J199,779,279. TODAY BY ARTHUR BRISBANE CongruSfiman Blanton of Texas says the local District of Columbia law forbidding “teaching of disrespect for the Bible,’' will be made a law all over the country. That wouldn’t be a bad Idea, If the supreme court calls It constitutional. All Americans should respect th« feelings and rellgous of all other Americans. No decent man would show disrespect for the Bible, the Talmud, the Koran, the learned and admirable maxims of Confuctug, or any other religious work. To a majority of Americans the Bible Is the book sacred above all others. The constitution forbid pass ing of any law showing favor to any particular religion, and regardless of constitutional rules, the majority would not compel respect for its own religion, or its own sacred book, without doing as much for the views and the books of the various minori ties. The ancient order of Hibernians expresses • utter contempt" for the Ku Klux Klan and demands the re turn of light wine and beer. One good thing, you notice in all protests against prohibition, nobody usks fr return of whiskey or the sa loon. The ancient Hibernians also praise the Jews, and declare that Iiyam Solomon, a Polish Jew, was one of the financial mainstays of the Amer ican revolution has never had the credit due him. The Ancient Hibernians and the Jews, united should give the Ku Klux Klan an interesting contest. The Paris Matin says the bolshe vtst government has shot Prince Golltzine, 70 years old, and 15 grad uates of the Imperial Alexander ac ademy, which in the czar’s days was the center of education for young Russian aristocracy. Golltzine once was the czar’s prime minister. Sixty other graduates of the Imperial school have been exiled to northern Russia, where most of them probably will die of hardship. You say that is horrible, and so It is. Rut the Bolshevists are only fol lowing the example set by the royal Romanoffs. What bolshevism nas done to the imperial Alexander school and to Prince Golltzine, is exactly what the Romanoffs would have done to a communist school its Manao. And to Prince Golitzlne, is exact ly what the Romanoffs would have done to a communist school and to its managers. When those in power set a bad ex ample, they are apt some day to suf fer for it. The New York, New Haven & Hartford road, once a prosperous railroad system, thoroughly gutted and impoverished by mismanagement and worse, needs more money and gets it. Rates are increased 40 per cent, In its local business and 20 per cent, in business between states. That should make things more comfortable for the railroad. When commission, add 40 and 20 per cent to their net incomes? Gentlemen that pick up a living here and there in Wall street seem to have suspected that a kind-hearted government would do something for the New Haven road. Since last Jan uary the price of its stock has gone up 50 per cent. People must use the New Haven road, and they must pay a price that the government obligingly increases. They must also eat the farmers’ wheat, but the government doesn't oblige the farmers by compelling a 40 per cent increase there. Commuters alone, on one little part of the New Haven railroad, will be compelled to pay the railroad inor« than $1,000,000 a year extra. Thin is what you might call effi ciency. IJoyds, British insurance concern, will bet on or against anything, it calls the betting ’’insuring.’’ It bets 7 to 1 that Gertrude Ederle will not swim the channel. At first the betting was 20 to 1 at Lloyds, but American enthusiasm hammered down the odds. Often Lloyds loses Its Insurance bets, when Northcliffe offered a $60, 000 prize to anybody that would fly across the English channel, a few venrs ago, he insured himself with Lloyds against having to pay the money. THE WORM Dickie found a broken spade And said he'd dig himself a well, And then Charles took a piece of tin, And I was digging with a shell. Then Will said he would dig one too; We shaped them out and made them wide, And 1 dug up a piece of clod That had a little worm inside. We watched him pucker up himself And stretch himself to walk away. He tried to go inside the dirt. Hut Dickie made him wait and stay. His shining skin was soft and wet, 1 poked him once to see him squirm, And then Will said, "I wonder if He knows that he’s a worm.” And then we sat back on our feet And wondered for a little bit. And wC forgot to dig our wells A while, and tried to answer it. And while we tried to tlnd it out He puckered in a little wad. And then he stretched himself again And went back home inside the clod. —Elizabeth Madox Roberts, in Atlantic Monthly. A Woman’s Reason, From the Boston Transcript. Hub—Of the two places we have din ner Invitations for I should much prefer goiong to the Lesters. I don't see why you've chosen the Burtons, whom we detest. Wife—It's perfectly plain, my dear. Mrs. Lester has already seen this gown and Mrs. Burton hasn't. After a separation of 30 years, and attempts through all his days of man hood to find her, an English soldier, now in Egypt, has been brought in touch once more with his mother, now in Canada. The Salvation Army in Canada accomplished in a few weeks a la-k that had baffled the soldier for the greater part of 30 years. Is Flower Lover REV. L. R. KECKLER Winside, Neb., Z ~ —(Special) —Rev. L. R. Keekler, pastor of the Winside Methodist Episcopal church, Is more than a preacner and teacher, i He is a leader In community affairs and in the matter of home adorn ment, is an artist. He is a great lover of flowers, net only after they have matured, but while they are growing. He has made a bower of the alley and grounds about the church, in which he has many kinds of flowers artistically arranged in beds. At church services and other affairs held in the church, the result of his labors may be seen in vases In various parts of the building filled with flowers from his garden, or from his home, it it happens to be wlntet or other time when the flower garden Is bare. nebraskatax LEVY TO GO UP Approximately $7,000,000 Must Be Raised To Make Ends Meet Lincoln, Neb., J (Special)— The question of how much of a state levy will be made to take care of the state’s expenses, as per the appro priations of the legislature, will have to be settled some time this week. Douglas county has not yet reported, but estimates of the valuations there are available. These show an In crease in valuation of the entire state over last year, due to the increase in intangibles under the new classifica tion. The total will be around $3,250, 000,000. The total amount to be raised this year by taxation is around $7,000, 000 This will mean an increase in the levy over last year, but this may be taken care of by making a special levy for the nearly $1,000,000 deficit, which while increasing state Wives, will not increase the general fund levy, a distinction that the politi cians seem to make much of. The auditor has not yet made his estimate of receipts from other sources, but will have it ready when the board acts the latter part of the week. OWN ATTORNEY IN HIS APPEAL Lincoln County Cattle Man Seeks Damages for “Un warranted” Arrest Lincoln, Neb., v , (Special)— William Flynn, sTr., a cattleman of Lincoln county, a-ting as his own attorney, has filed an appeal from the direction by the court of a verdict for defendants in a suit for $63,400 damages that Flynn brought against the Stock Yards National bank, of Omaha, F. J. Ennerson, H. H. Piper, Frank Wink and H. M Hansen. Flynn claims that he was feeding and caring for a lot of cattle for the defendants, when he got into a Jam over their removal from one point l.i Lincoln anti McPherson counties to another. The cattle vrere taken from him and lie and his two sons were arrested and charged With removing mortgaged property. They were released on a preliminary hear ing, and Flynn says the prosecution was not justified. Two Wayne Normal instructors Resign Wayne. Neb., . (Special) — I)r. J. T. House, for 15 years head of the English department at the Wayne state normal school, has resigned to accept a similar position at New River college, at Montgomery, W. Ya. Dr. House is a graduate of Doan college, the University of Nebraska and of Chicago unversity. Miss Elsie Ford Piper, head of the latin depart ment of tlie college for 15 years and dean of women in more recent year*, has also resigned. She goes to the university of Nebraska as assistant dean of women. ASSERTS CORN CROP IN DIRE MEED OF RAIN Lincoln. Neb., , (Special) — Need of rain for the corn of Nebraska is real, and if i: does not come soon serious damage will result, in the opinion of General Manager Fiynn, who is ju«t back from a trip over the Burlington railroad. Busi ness is holding up well, and will be bc-U?r if the present scare over corn is ended l»y rains. Some moisture fell Monday night, but it was scat tered and not very heavy. PASS HOLDERS PREFER AUTOS That Explains Decreased Street Car Fares in Omaha Lincoln, Neb.,, § (Special) — To find out why the reports of the Omaha street railway company showed a constant decrease in the number of persons riding on passes, the state railway commission investi gated. Commissioner Randall says that it was found that the decrease lay in the fact that nearly all the men employed at the power house and equipment yards have purchased autos. They said they preferred to ride in these rather than take a free ride on the ears because they saved time, leaving home later and getting bade earlier by auto than by street cars. Mr. Randall thinks this is an answer to the critics of the commis sion who say that if tlie commission would order 5 cent fares back into effect the revenue problem of the companies would be solved, JUSTANECHO OF LAND BOOM Holder of $50,000 Mortgage on 480-Acre Tract Wants His Money Lincoln, Neb., t (Special.)— Richard and Carl RUze, of Wayne county, have filed an appeal from an order of the district court that unless they paid $14,000 within a specified time, the $50,000 mortgage on their 480 acres of land will be foreclosed. The mortgage Is held by Stephen F. Auker, who had sold the land to Edward Perry and E. F. Auker, a son, for $80,000, taking back a $50,000 mortgage. The Ritzes, who bought the land in the peak price period, say that they were deceived into buying the tract for an inflated price; that E. F. Auker Is a son of the plaintiff, and Edward Perry his business partner; that the $80,000 sale was not a real one, but made for the purpose of inflating the value of the land and enabling a $50,000 mortgage to be floated. They deny that they ever assumed the mortgage or are responsible for Its payment, and that the fact that al though it recited on its face that it was not due until 1930, the fact was concealed from them that it also ha«l a clause that if payment was not made of interest it would become due Instanter. The other side says that the Ritzes are trying to got out from under be cause land prices have fallen. SURETY COMPANY WOULD EVADE PAYMENT LARGE SUM Lincoln, Neb., . (Special)—■ The Globe Indemnity company has appealed to the state supreme court for an adjudication of the question of whether the law forbidding county treasurers to put into a bank any deposit in excess of half the bank’s capital and surplus, recently held by the court not to apply to state banks, applies to national banks. The court refused to apply it to state banks because the guaranty deposit law superseded it although the old stat ute was not expressly repealed. Peter Schmidt, treasurer of Scotts bluff county, had $57,500 in the First National of Gering when it failed, and under the law, says the insur ance company, the most he could have legally deposited was $12,500. It objects to being held for the loss, along with three other surety com panies, because it says the treasurer violated the law. FORGOT WHERE HE PARKED CAR, THOUGHT IT STOLEN Fremont, Neb.,. ' —Forgetting where he had parked his automobile and believing it had been stolen, Henry Klahn of Scribner set the po lice to searching and offered a re ward of $25 for recovery of the car. A few minutes later when the auto mobile was found, Klahn remembered that he had parked it there himself. The police did not insist upon the reward being paid and Klahn went away happy. HAD MERRY RIDE IN AUTO RUNNING WILD Arnold, Neb., ^ , -Mrs. David Oberg with her 4-year-old son, Don ald, drove the family car to a field where her husband was working. She threw the switch leaving the gear in Intermediate when the got out of the auto. Donald, unnoticed, remained in the car. lie moved the switch and stepped on the starter. The front wheels being set on a turn, the car went round and round through the fence a few times,-breaking off a post and knocking out the windshield, then crossed a lagoon. The' second time crossing the lagoon the car stalled The child was unhurt. LOVELY FOR DANCING The black tulle frock with the handkerchief points that give a very irregular and fluttering line are very much in evidence at smart functions, ALLEGED DESERTER OF CHILD BEING HELD Lincoln, Neb., ^ _ (Special)— Governor McMullen" has been asked to withhold action for a time on the request of the governor of Minne sota for the return to St. Paul of Ernest Coxwell, who Is held In Lin coln, oil a charge of child desertion. His wife, Florence, is the complain ant, and charges that the desertion of the year-old daughter occurred on March 1, 1924. Coxwell is a printer. He has hired a lawyer and will resist being taken back. Testimony will be taken.