The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 30, 1925, Image 3

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1 -— ■
Mrs. Ashcroft's Remarkable
Recovery After Taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Covington, Ky.—“I was so weak and
nervous! could nardly do my housework
as l could not stand
because of the bear-!
ing-down pains in myj
back and abdomen.
I sat down most of
the time and did whatt
I could do in thati
way—as washing}
dishes, etc. One day
a book describing;
Lydia E. Pinkham’a
medicines was put
in mv mail-box. I
saw how the Vecre-.
table Compound had helped others so I
gave it a trial. I had to take about a
aozen bottles before I gainedmystrpngth
but I certainly praise this medicine.
Then I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Blood,
medicine for poor blood. I waa cold all
the time. I would be so cold I could
hardly sit still and in the palms of my
hands there would be drops of sweat.
1 also used the Sanative Wash and I
recommend it also. You may publish'
this letter and I will gladly answer let-'
ters from women and advise my neigh
bors about these medicines.”—Mrs.
Harry Ashcroft, 632 Beech Avenue,
Covington, Kentucky.
John S. Sumner, head of Now York’s)
anti-vice crusaders, was asked by a
New York reporter the other day If It)
was true that he had been trying t<«
get tlie Bible expurgated.
“That story”—and Mr. Sumnei
laughed heartily—“is just about a1
true as the one they started last month
'.They said last month, you know, that
I was behind a world movement to do
nway with vice presidents.”
Mr. Sumner gme another hearty
la.igh. Then he ended:
“1 guess they’ll be accusing me next
of trying to pass a law to prohibit
boats from hugging the shore.”
Telegraph Wires
To carry on the telegraph «. stem of
the United States l,5t)0,000 miles of*
wire are required. Next in turn comes*
Russia with about one-third this mile-'
age. Germany is third and France
fourth. Canada, despite its great size,
has but 230,000 miles of wire, or about
one-half* as rough as France. The
'United Kingdom is comparatively poor
ly off, with 265,000 miles of wire, while)
British India is somewhat better
equipped.—Nation’s Business.
What Every Grad Knows
Timely taffy from the Washington
Star: “College commencement develops)
interesting essays on current events.
All some of them need is political)
(backing to make them respected and.1
influential expressions of statesman
ship.”—Boston Transcript.
Tuff ’un, That!
Dick--A man shouldn't ever deceive
his wife.
Tom—Well, if he didn’t, how would
he ever get her in the first place?
Dartmouth Jack o’ Lantern. ,
Sad Case
Bunny—So Rabbit’s wife left him.
Cottontail -Yes, indeed. Why, after
only three months the poor sap ran out
of names so half their children didn’t
get labels at all.
Perhaps doctors do not prescribe for
themselves because they cannot send
themselves a bill. ;
Matrimonial history often begins
where romnntic courtship ends.
Sure Relief
—./""“N _'"V.
a 6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
i Banish Pimples’
f By Using
' Soap to Cleanse
* Ointment to Heal
Try oar n^w Shavlng Stlclc, J
Boschee’s Syrup
Coughs and
Lung Troubles
Successful for 69 yean.
30c and 90c bottles—
Removes Dandruff Stop# Hair Falling
Restores Color and
Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair
60o and $1.00 at Druggists.
ITjecox them W ks . PstcWos.N. Y.
HINDER CORNS Be moves Corns. Cal*
louses, etc., stops all pain, ensures comfort to the
m£^es w»'kmg easy. ISc by mall or at Drag
fist*. Hlbcox Chemical Worts, Patchogue. N. T.
An invention you have been waiting for. Take*
the trouble out of all assembling Jobs. The
«reatest time and temper aaver ever Invented.
1 prepaid. William H Tot'er, Aristas. Pm.
The Old Home Town
) ^oBe s - Co°k srov e s 0c
111 CANDIES 0 „
u from y
U LAST'ftAR "y
7 *
/ fc'^ecr/d*
/VESSlR. \7/
(\ SRADOKTCt>) <£
! FOURTH / ^
Board and two fish Pol^s to ed wurulers home
Fliers Given Welcome
""ryg*"..■•"-t.■"■■T'^1-■< " .!. .
Roald Amundsen, explorer, and I>lncoln Ellsworth were given a
great welcome at Oslo, Norway, as they were drawn through the
streets In a royal carriage after the ir return from their unsuccessful at
tempt to fly to the North Pole.
Mr. Rockefeller has given $1,000,
000 to Chicago’s Divinity school.
What will they teach with the money,
round or flat earth, evolution of
Insects, fishes, birds, mammals, plus
Jonah and the whale, and the sun
that stood still to oblige Joshua?
That monkey trial has raised many
Mr. Bryan says evolution is an at
tack on the church, meaning, of
course, his church.
Suppose it is, that should not wor
ry the devout. True religion has Di
vine power back of it. Evolution has
only Darwin, Huxley, Haeckc* and
other mortals. Why does Mr. Bryan
Does he doubt the power of om
nipotence to take care oi Itself and
the truth?
The confidence of those fundamen
talists in their Supreme Being seems
weaker than that of a colored man
in his grave-yard rabbit’s foot.
Time upsets old precedents, you’ll
observe. Bryan, Protestant, repre
sents in that monkey trial the right
of one set of men to tell others what
they shall think, believe and preach.
Dudley Field Malone, Roman Cath
olic, on the other side, defends the
right of man to rely on his own Intel
ligence and think as he pleases.
Quite a change, since Luther nailed
his statement to the church door
at Wittenberg.
It says in the 10th verse of the 96th
Wonderful Behavior.
From the Christian Register.
’’Did you behave In church?" asked
an Interested relative when Junior re
turned from the service.
’’Course I did,’’ replied Junior. "I
heard a lady back of us say she never
saw a child behave so.”
From the Kansas City Star.
"But," protested#Regina!d, “don’t you
cook much more for dinner than we can
use. dearie?"
“Of course,” returned the young wife.
"Of course, I do, Silly! If I didn't, how
could I economize by making leftover
Psalm: “The vorld also shall be
established that it shall not be
That is enuogh for one deeply re
ligious preacher in Tennessee. He
denies indignantly that the earth goes
around the sun and says earth is
flat not round.
A fundamentalist Is bound to ad
mit the reasonableness of that state
ment. If the world was "established
that it shall not be moved,” of course
it can’t move.
And that shows how foolish it is
to take things literally. The earth is
established, so that it cannot be
moved out of the orbit.
It is “established" by the power of
gravitation, in its path around the
sun. It stays in that path, turning
on its axis, so that your house moves
around 25,000 miles every 24 hours.
As the earth turns, it travels hun
dreds of millions of miles around
the sun each year, and with the sun.
As that great organized furnaco
rolls through space, it travels other
hundreds of millions of miles. The j
figures are rather complicated for a 1
genuine fundamentalist.
Iaiigl Cornaro, who built handsome J
palaces in Venice and formulated a ]
plan to drain the Venetian marshes,
made up his mind more than 400
years ago to study food and its ef
fect on human beings. When he was
40 years old, having lived hard, his
doctors said his life was about over. j
That interested him. He investigated !
his own health, ate carefully 12
ounces of solid food, 16 ounces of wine
dally, wrote a book on health when
past 90, and died at 102, having writ
ten to the pope, “I had to live to be
Slight Overalght.
From the Rotary Punch.
Boss: "Say, where In blazes are you
two worthless niggers going? Wfcy
don’t you get to work?’’
Mose: ‘'We’se working, boss. We’se
carrying dls heah plank up to de mill."
Boss: "Plank! I don’t see any plank.’’
Mose: "Well, for de Eord's cake, Sam!
Ef we haln't gone and clean forgit de
Paul Doyon, a blind pianist, won the
1925 Prix d’Europe in the annual com
petition held at the Quebec Academy of
Music. The Prlx d’Europe consists of
a purse of M,000 and was founded by
the Quebec government some years ago.
It entitles the winner to two years in
90 to know that the world la beauti
Judge Gary, head of the big steel
corporation, near 70 years old and In
perfect health, Is studying the ques
tion of diet In 1925 and practicing
what he preaches. How long will he
live? To 120 probably, if he will re
member that the brain also needs
In Henry Ford’s own workshop at
Dearborn you see as fine a building
as there is In the world, a genuine
temple to science.
All down the middle of the build
ing, 1,000 feet long, there Is a wide
strip of highly polished floor. On
either side rows of the most highly
skilled mechanics in the world are
employed, working out new Ideas.
Nothing is made there to bo sold.
When the work is over, the long strip
of smooth floor is used for dancing.
Henry Ford dances and sets the
example. But he doesn’t know the
"Charleston,” a mixture of wiggling
and stamping. This man who leads
in modern industry is still dancing
the polka. In a distressingly jerky
fashion. He can waltz too, but he
keeps turning one way all the time,
he loses his step if he tries to turn
the other way.
"The old dances are In the blood
of the American people and they will
nevc-r die,” says Ford. However, he
is willing to let others wiggle as
they choose. In fact he has hired a
teacher that his employes may learn
modern dances.
You are solemnly warned by Mr.
Cyrus H. K. Curtis in the biggest
type that he ever uses, and this is
the warning: “Every dollar sent to
Russia from America to buy conces
sions there is Immediately sent back
to the United States to be used in
bolshevist propaganda, undermining
our government.”
Isn’t that dreadful?
One njilllon agitators in this coun
try have sworn to destroy the United
States government and set up bol
It is at least a comfort to know
that all money sent to Russia is sent
back to be spent here. As for the
"1,000,000 agitators that have been
sent over to destroy this government"
remember, for your own comfort,
that there are 10,000,000 owners of
corner lots who have sworn to keep
the government going, at least until
they have sold their lots for what
they think they are worth. And that
won’t happen for a long time.
While you hear aimless, foolish
and highly ignorant court discus
sion about evolution, it might inter
est you to read a little book called
"The Mongolian In Our Midst.” In
that book, a learned biologist dem
onstrates the theory that the three
races of men, African, white and
Mongolian, are descendants of the
three great apes, gorlllus, orang
outangs and chimpanzees.
One way to cure the reckless driver
might be to sentence him to walk for
a while.—Canton Daily News.
Sydney Dobell.
And thou liest among the bells
And blossoms, and lookest up to
any star,
And thinkest in some angel's face
to read
The mystery of beauty. Loveliness
Is precious for its essence; time
and space
Make it nor near far nor old nor
Celestial nor terrestrial. Seven
Sister the Pleiads, the primrose is
To Hesper, Hesper to the world
to come!
Patriotism’s Cash Dividends.
From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
In May the Elk Hills oil properties
showed a total revenue of $194,374.
Operating expense for the same peri
od amounted to $6,419. These are the
lands which Mr. Dohcny'leased from
the government in a burst of patriotic
fervor. If patriotism is, as Dr. John
son said, the last refuge of scound
rels, it is also the first resort of the
oil magnate in search of handsome
cash dividends.
When Alaska was bought by the
United States, the names Walrussis,
American Siberia, Zero Island and
°olario were suggested.
Recalls Fox*s Remark
About Saar Grape*
Senator Kenneth McKellar of Ton
lessee vtun talk Ing about Muscle
, "These trust* now turn up tlielr
iv.'«es lit Muscle Shoal**’ fee said.
“They lnmilt Muscle Shoal* Sour
"It’s like the chap wbo proposed 1o
the pretty girl at Palm Reach. The
pretty girl, to his astenislunent and
rage, turned hits down. Then, weeing
Ills face all pale and contorted fta the
moonlight, she sold gently:
■ “ ‘Oh, don’t take It so to heart, Mr.
Featherstonhaagh. There are other
•girls, you know. There's Mae Winter
bottom, Temple Monetaroraary, ¥3<n?ior
ilMcltlllleuddy and K. Blityme Manner
i Itig. Any one of them wwM make you
,a better wife than 1/
"L. C. Brace I’enttierstonhsugh unrt
• tonal a low oath.
" ‘Don’t I know it?’ he grow tod. ‘And
if they’d said yes if any one of them
four queens had wild yes—do ya*i sup
post' 1M luv e come snoopin' around
here after you?’ ”—Detroit Free I*re«<.
Adequate Admiration
The lute Julias Fietecimumnw the
yeast king, w as a lover of mtulc, urxl
at a dinner at the Lotos club In New
York lie said one night:
"Few people are able to appreciate
music. It would take » IVagaer to
appreciate Wagner adequately. Most
of as are a little like the tailor.
“A tailor had a great desire to hear
one of tils patrons, a famous tenor,
sing. So the tenor Rare bln tickets
for a performance :;f •Tcetes/aart naked
him the next duy how he liked tt*e
“‘Well, how did you Uk* It, Mr.
“ ‘OF), It was awful, sinipfy nmful.'
“‘Awful? How so-?'
“ 'Yotir eonf,’ the tailor grew*nett,
‘was too tight under the anBi”
German Dairies
A good market In tfemumy tor
American Holstein dairy '.vires e4 good
milk-production ancestry Is reported
hy die United States Department of
Agriculture. There were MLKM0W
cows in Oevman'y before the war. fart
only 174200,000' in lOEdi. *ChL-» reduc
tion, coincident with an increased de
mand for dairy products, resulted hi
imports of 118,000,000 pounds «af but
ter and 05,000,000 pounds of cheese In
1024, as compared with pre-war tea
ports of 111,000,000 pounds of butter
'and 47,000,000 pounds of cheese.
Theater Finds New Use
In China, a theater does not stand
idle at any tiaie. During the usual
“dark” hours at the day, Chinese mrr
chants engage the various playhouses
us a means of getting iuto chwr eon
tact with customers and prospective
customers. This custom Is particular
ly true in Shanghai:
A Lady of Distinction
Is recognized by the delicate. Marinat
ing influence of the perfsne abet mho.
A bath with Cuticnra Soap and hot
water to thoroughly cleanse the pores
followed by a dusting with Ostlrura
Talcum powder usually aams a dear,
sweet, healthy skin.—AdTCtdamnL
Good Answer
Itishop William Walter Webb of
Wisconsin was asked by a Milwaukee
golfer the other day what be thought
of Sunday golf.
“I think," Bishop Webb answered,
“that if the player* don't need a rust,
the links do.”
"But why are the bricks of lee
rreiun so much more expenatre than
the bulk?"
“Well, nimbi nr, jem know how high
tlie wages of the bricklayers are now •,
Colombia's Air Service
The Colombian gorernmeat ban,
granted a subsidy of $(81,060 for tbe es
tablishment of the passenger air fserr
ice between Battnnqnflla and GJrurdot.
to be started at once.
Right in His Line
“Is Sapleigh really going to marry
that old maid?” “Probaby. He's a
fiend for antiques."
Words of Weight
Think before you speak ff you want
others to think after you speuk.
Say “Bayer Aspirin”
INSIST! Unless you see the
“Bayer Cross” on tablets you
are not getting the genuine
Bayer Aspirin proved safe by
millions and prescribed by phy
sicians for 24 years.
Bayer package
whichcontains proven directions
Handy “Flayer” boxes c{ 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists
Aspirin Is the tmi*e mart rt Ilajvr Mann
tactura of ItuaoaixUuaelJcat.r cC Lalicjilcucld
— ■ . — - - ..... - • ■
After Others Fail
Big Box 69 Cants
The mighty healing power of Pete>
son's Ointment when oxcenia or terrible
Itching of skin ami scalp tortures you
Is known to tens of thousands of peo
ple the country over. Often the itching
goes overnight.
For pimples, acne, rough and red
skin, old sores, ulcers,'piles, chafing
sunburn, burning feet and all blemishes
and eruptions It Is supremely efficient,
as any broad-minded druggist will tell
yon. Peterson Ointment Co., Buffalo,
N. Y.__
What Young Man Will Weal
The Cutter—Ilow did you manage to
sell that suit which turned out to bu
such a terrible misfit?
The Clerk—A young chap thought it
wus “collegiute.”—Youngstown Tele
When the members of a standing
committee meet they usually sit down.
whenyou greased
your car*
was it a hard job? Poor grease clogs
the passages. It oxidizes, hardens, and
fails to lubricate.
Grease that does not oxidize and
harden—Grease that does not cake and
clog the passage—Grease that lubri
cates properly—is MonaMotc-r Grease.
Stop at the MonaMotor sign and get
MsbkKsIse Grease for the next time.
It’ll pay yon!
SEoaavoh, Hunfaotarliir Co.
^ Council Bluffs, Iowa Toledo, Ohio
__Oils & Greases__
nttlnm. Silver, Diamonds, Magneto Points,
False Teeth, Jewelry. Cash by return mall.
Soofhinq And He&linq
Aids Poor Complexions
SIOUX CITY PTG. CO., NO. 31-1925.
Porto Rican Flower Factory
Kive hundred people will he em
ployed In an artificial (lower factory
recently established in Porto Rico by
a New Yorker.
of good, breads least Foam
1 !
Are your
children sturdy 2
If your child is delicate, ir
ritable,backward inschool,
look carefully to the food
eaten. Have plenty of good
home-made bread. It’s
wholesome and children. ^
love its flavors
Send for free booklet
**The Art of Baking Bread”
Northwestern Yeast Co*
1730North Ashland Ave»
Chicago, UL