The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 23, 1925, Image 3

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    I ... —. 1
t Scopes Trial Started Here
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Seated at a table In Robinson’s drug store !n Dayton, Tenn., the men who instigated the anti
evolution law ’’test” case re-enacted tor camera men the scene where was fired the shot that was “heard
•round the world.” They are, left to right, George W. Rappelyea, who swore out the warrant; Walter
White, prosecutor; R. £2. Robinson, druggist, and Clay Green, who brought John Thomas Scopes to the
New Leader
Hoke Donlthen, attorney, Cod
idge’s Ohio campaign manager, has
become a power in Ohio Republi
can politics, and, as chairman of
the executive committee of tha
Harding Memorial Association, hat
beon chiefly responsible for tha
success of that organization.
The moat beautiful and popular
girl in Enaley, Alabama, is Miss
Kathleen Pope, 18 years old. Sh«
ia entered in the Alabama Bob
Hatred Beauty contest.
In the Day’s News_j
J9&CV*. cJAf-CHS4 «T- DAX/iS* ^ GOT cXOPLM 1/ HIXT&S'
Secretary of Labor James J. Davis has gone to Battle Creek, Mich„
to undergo a short treatment in the l^ud baths before leaving on a tour
of Europe. Major-Geneial John L. Hines, Chief of Staff of the Army,
declared the War Department was "entirely satisfied with the result
ot the Defense Day test.” Austen Chamberlain, the British Foreign
Minister, admitted relations between Great Britain and Soviet Russia
have become ‘‘critical.’* General Guillaumat la relied upon by tho
French War Department to lead the French Moroccan forces to victory
against the Riffian tribesmen, who have launched a terrific mew
i’l Locomotive Plows Into Back Yard - i
A broken flange In tbe wheel of a mail car caused the locomotive and three care of the Northwest
ern railroad’s Omaha Limited to leave the rails at St. Paul. Minn. The locomotive crashed into the back
porch of the home of John Alsen.
Earthquake Wrecks Montana School
I^AWHA.TTAJvr,>MOtT<fcAjsJA.#.lAlJG^l. QC-THLOOI^ - - ~_2lt-\
awMttMftmwarfMti.^r'*&?• :'i,.u ■..j.-Jgl
Several student* were injured when *£« Manhattan High School, Manhattan, Mont., was partially
wrecked by earth temblor*. The most ^rious damage occurred at the north and south ends of th«
.--— - ■
\ '•
Professor Oscar P. Turner, In
structor at Louisiana State Uni
versity, was found backed to death
In tbe agronomy building. His
death came after he bad started an
Inquiry Into theft of examination
Deserts McCoy
Called “McCoy’* last friend,”
Dagmar Dahlgren, eighth wife o(
Norman Selby, “Kid McCoy," who
is in San Quentin Prison, Califor
nia, for slaying Mrs. Theresa Mors,
has married her dancing partner,
Alexander Kipper. It Is her third
I Another
| MIS9 MEfftlE- WAGNER '*«|
Miss Nellie Wagnor, of Alaska,
W. Va., is the latest girl to be held
la connection with the sudden
death of her suitor. Arlington
Gortner, her fiance, was shot and
killed while walking in Johnson’s
Heights, Md., with the gtrL She
blamed robbers.
Refuses Helm
Desire to remain at his presem
post as commander of the Frenct
troops on the Rhine has led Gen
eral Guillaumat to decline t® lca«
the French Moroccan forces In i
new counter-offensive against tht
Riffs. Gulilaumat was commander
in chief of the allied operations li
the Balkans.
Engaged ~|
The engagement of Mra. Churchill
Coleman, of Philadelphia and Wash
Ington, to Leland Harrison, first as
Blatant Secretary of State, has been
announced by her father, B. Daw
son Coleman, of Philadelphia.
Heads Teachers
For thirty two years principal
ot the Pierce School, 3rookllne,
Maas., fUiaa Mary McSlmmon was
elected president of the National
Educational Association at the an
nual conference at Indianapolis.
Mae Marsh III
f~ IwAE MA&SH 0' ",1
Mae Marsh, screen actress, will
be kept from the movies for a year,
it was announced as she sailed
from Southampton, England, fol
Queen Wears American “Specs”
ITT"" ' : - " . .. '■-.. II1.-'. ^1—m—
Wearing the "Made In U. S. A.” smoked glasses she recently
adopted. Queen Mary accompanied King George to the royal stand t*
v itness the tennis matches at Wimbledon.