N.Y.Mib Champ] /, H Jimmie Murphy, ten, holds the marble championship of Greater New York as the result of his vic tory la the city’s first tournament >■ Some Bird A race from Danville, Va., U Bayonne. N. 1.. which Included hundreds of homing pigeons, wai won by the above bird, shown witl Its owner, Stanley Lynch, of Bay onne. The bird flew the 400 mllei In two minutes less than 12 hours Won Fortune on Derby . """* 111 ««—1 m* .. r. *■■■ I ——— • ——————~ ----—- - • .•> ■ -- -- - — -- ■———■—A— • Fool’s Fate | \ Unfortunately born blind, Miss Mary Josephine Curds, of Newark, N. J., was unwilling to settle back to a life of useless ease. She studied to such effect that she graduated with honors from the New Jersey College for Women, connected with Rutgers, receiving rpccial honors and a Phi Beto Kappa membership. Student Queen : - .. ...,.rrr,.fc.r. ! Lady Lock presented James Carew, an English shipping clerk, with nearly 1200,000 from a ticket On the Calcutta Derby Sweepstakes. Ho is shown reading the telegram of his good fortune to his wife. Mist Marla Luisa Malda, a schoolgirl, was chosen by student* ol .Mexico City as their scholastic oueen tor the rear 1925. Love Tragedy | P MRS DOROTHEA HOlTT- t ' ’ 1 WM.C.HA-RTMEYEK ^ Infuriated when he found a not# crom Mrs. Dorothea Holt, telling him that their affair was over, Policeman William C. Hartmeyer, in Los Angeles, shot the woman an# killed himself. She may dla. -1---—Jj Scopes Confers with Counsel John T. Scopes (right), the Tennessee high school teacher wh® was Indicted tor violation of the anti-evolution law, and Dr. John R. Neal, of Knoxville. Tenn., went to New York to consult with attorney® for the American Clvl' Liberties Union, who will aid In the professor’® defense. These Men Represented U. S. in International Balloon Race The men who represented America in the annual international balloon race for the Gordon Bennett cup at Brussels, Belgium, are left to right; Captain C. K. W’ollen, W. C. Butler. lieut. W. J. Flood, W. T. Van Orman and Lieut. N. UcCormack. , I _ — Values Wife So groat was the lore of Wilbur Loctus, of St. Charles, Fla., for Mra. Loctus (above) that he applied to a court and received an Injunction restraining other men from making love to her. The step succeeded so well he then asked that the tem porary writ be made permanent. I Six Below Zero Here | It I* eo cold In the beef room of one Chicago’* stockyards plants that Tony Curies* tn employe, appreciated the act of klndaesa when MIsa Bon r Salene, protected against chill by a fur coat, brought him a steam ing cup of coffee. _ Boy Kills Boy in Feud LEONARD