Conditions of the Head, Nose, Throat, Stomach, Bowels and other Organs. Fifty Yean in the Service of the People your nearest dealer Ifgg, CHESSBROUQH MFQ. CO.. CONS’D, J7 Suit* Su Now Yoik - Vaseline • ■CGUS.PATOfr. I PETROLEUM JELLY FOR OVER 200 YEARS haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions, correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sires. All druggists. Insist on the original genuine Gold Medal, Jugoslavia’s Small Area Jugoslavia, the new country knitted together out of eight distinct prewar areas, is about the size of the state of Oregon. The eight original coun tries were Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The leaders from each of these orig inal areas have all shown enough pow er to make the nationality question uj serious one in Jugoslavia. The busier a man is the better Id his memory; it is the idle people who have no memory. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION HBBell-ans Hot water 254 AND 754 BACKAGES EVERYWHERE STOP SUFFERING PULES OFTEN IN 24 HOURS Discovery of Civil War Surgeon Ik Giving Thousands Relief, Often in Few Hours. The awful torture of Piles—even the most stubborn, blind, bleeding end protruding kind—cun now be stopped, often overnight, as a result of the rediscovery of a remark able treatment used by an Army Surgeon during the Civil War days. This old form ula, which stopped an epidemic of Pileq back In 18G3, has byn secured from the heirs of the estate and is now being offered to the public under the grade name of H<o Ointment. This compound Is used at home and seems to work almost like magic in its rapidity of relleC oven in the most chronic cases of long standing. In fact, the distributors are so confident that Ualto Ointment will give you the samn prompt results that It has done for thou sands of uthers, that they offer to send a large $2.00 package for one dollar on l(j days' free trial. If results are not sati/fac tory. It costs you nothing. Send no mrtiey, just your name and address to The Haltd Company, 103 Manufacturers’ Exchange Building. Kansas City. Mo,. Dept. No. $017. and the treatment will be mailed at once. Uae it according to the simple direction. If It docs not give you almost lmmedlata relief, reduce the inflammation and within a few days’ lime, the Piles do not com pletely disappear, send It backtfeid this trial will cost you nothing. This offer is felly guaranteed, so write today and give this compound a trial. It’s invaluable for Rashes Burns Chafing Stings Sunburn Cuts That’s why you need Resinot I _The Old Home Town j ."1 "Bakery eU met -i im gmei ! TIN SHOP ANOFA^Ct [ PLOMR/NGt'_ =- OOF ' J , r NO-NO-1 SAY THAT CITY PRINTER , 1 IS SHOW/N . LOFFACAINiU f HEY FAT- \ /WHERE YOU \ WITH AU. SjTHAT TIME!! ^ f JACK NADI GAN - A TRAVELING PRINTER H DELAYED NEXT WEEKS ISSUE OF THE'CLARION*! POUR DAYS WHEN HE TRIPPED ON AN' INK ROLLER AND *PIED*7NE FRONT PAGE | The Mother Of A Soldier By Catherine Elizabeth Hanson The mother of a soldier I Hats off to her, I say 1 The mother of a soldier who had gone to face the fray. She gave him to her country with a blessing on his head, She found his name that morning in the long list of the dead: “Killed—Sergeant Thomas Watkins, while leading on the rest, “A bible in his pocket and a picture near his breast 1” The mother of a coldierl She gave hijn to her land. She saw him on the transport as he waved his sun-browned hand, She saw Old Glory waving and she heard the people cheer, She clasped her hands and bravely looked away to hide a tear I Oh, hour of bitter sorrow, oh, hour of supreme joy When in the hands of Deatiny that mother placed her boy l The mothers of our soldiers 1 The mothers of our men, Who see them go and never know when they ’ll come back again! They gave them to their country to battle and to die Because the bugles called them and Old Glory waved on high! The mother of a soldier! Hats off to her, I say, Whose head is bowed in prayer with its silver threads of gray. She gave and was not sorry though her poor heart sorely bled When she found his name that morning in the long list of the dead: “Killed—S'ergeant Thomas Watkins, while leading on the rest, “A bible in his pocket and a picture near his breast l” The mother of a soldier 1 Hats off to her, I say 1 All honor to her sacrifice on this Memorial Day 1 TODAY BY ARTHUR BRISBANE This Is Decoration day. If you want to honor the dead, do something for the living. The dead are gone. To honor them, be a credit to their country. Judge McCormick, of the United States court, decides that when Sec- - retary Fallj§accepted $100,000 in cash, in a little black bag, and then turned over the people’s oil properties to the gentleman that gave him the cash, he was "guilty of fraud.” To the ordinary citizen that seems to be putting It mildly. But Judge McCormick’s decision will fill with horror many of our "best minds.” A "big lawyer,” representing those that got the oil lands that Fall sold for cash, announces that h# will ap peal the case, and adds, "I have no further comment to make on Judge McCormick's decision.” That statement shows great self restraint. "Learned counsel," If It had spoken Its mind fully, would have said: “Things have to a pretty pass when a man worth one hundred mil lions or so, and badly in need of a hundred million more, cannot keep the property that he buys from a public official with his own good money. "It is well known that you cannot get what you want from the people in this country without bribing men in office, and so of course you have got to bribe them. What an outrage it is for a judge to set aside a little arrangement of that kind." The every day American will be in terested in the appeal proceedings, first to the circuit appeals court and then to the supreme court of the United States. The face and the "mind” of any Judge who should de cide that'bribing a public official to deliver public property is a normal business transaction ought to be an interesting study. For everything that you get yoa Dr. Stratton may say that the en trance to the Fosdlck church sky scraper ought to be a needle’s eye big enough to let a Rolls-Royce roll through, but the average man will "from the catacombs of Rome to a skyscraper Is progrese." Beeauae the old British aristocracy •an no longer afford to buy hand-made lace, and the machine-made product satisfies the new rich, a famous lace making concern in Bond street, London, has closed Its doors. The firm was es tablished In the eighteenth century, and at one time sold lace cuff ruffles to London dsndtsa must give something. The Hodge brothers, growing alfalfa by Irriga tion on the Mojave desert, will tell you that for every pound of alfalfa you raise you must give BOO pounds of water—a million pounds of wnter for every ton produced. The thing can be calculated with mathematical precision. The coal mine owners tell you that for what they get "they" must do something. For every million tons of coal produced three men lost their lives. They are killed by gas, by cav ing In of W’alls, by flood, accidents to elevators. The thing Is calculated with mathematical precision, like the suicides in various seasons of tilt year. Every time the big steel company burns 1,000,000 tons of coal It burns up three human lives. Every time you order 10 tons of coal put In your cellar you are putting in wMth the coal three one-hundred thousandths of a human life. The present human-life cost of coal has changed for the better. In 1907 1,000,000 tons of coal cost 6.78 deaths. The American mining congress, gathered In Cincinnati, seeks a way to reduce tfie coat to one man to a million tofas. Here's something new in religion, calling for your reverent considera tion. Rev. Fosdlck, who takes literal ly the words, "prove all things, hold fast that which is good," was de nounced by fundamentalists Jvho re luctantly accept the theory that the world Is round. You knew that Dr. Fosdlck wcoild not be burned alive tn 1925, as he certainly would have been In 1425, but hardly expected that ho would be made pastor of the flock In which John D. Rockefeller Is & humble lamb. Yet, that has happened. The stone vthat was rejected by the fundamen talist. or solid, reinforced concrete department of the church, has been made the k,eystone of the arch, In a church so rich that It could rebuild Solomon's temple of solid ivery. Dr. John Roach Stratton mourns over "the deteriorating Influence of great wealth on religion," but what The unenlightened mind wonders what difference partial or complete 'Submersion can possibjy make to the ruler of ^he universe, with its solar systems, nebulae, comets*, all rolling In/Infinite space and endless time. But with such questions the mind unenlightened should not presume to deal. OM Jute from the swamps of India woven on the looms of America or Britain, linseed oil pressed from the flax seeds of Argentina, cork taken from the forests ef Postugal and Spain and Kauri gum of New Zealand form the principal Ingredients In the faotare ef linoleum. THE BOND From Monahan Post News. At the litjtle cemetery of Sureo nes, overlooking Paris, on Me morial Day of 1919, President Wil son closed his address with these words: “Here I stand, consecrated In spirit to the men who were once my comrades and who are now gone, and who have left me under eternal bonds of fidelity.” What better time than this Memorial Day for us to take stock of ourselves, our alms and en deavors, and, In giving reverent and confident thought to the memory of Alonzo Cudworth and of the others, gone before, whom he so truly typifies, to renew our pledge to continue faithful to tho “eternal bonds?” will he say when he reads the condi tions on wrhich Dr. Fosdick takes tho Rockefeller Job? Dr. Fosdick comes In with a "now we’ll sing a new song” set of stipulations. First, he will not accept more than $5,000 salary. How about that, and “deteriorating great wealth," Dr. Stratton? Second, Dr. Fosdick will not preach in that too grand, brand new church that wastes a Park avenue area bet ter suited to fine, tall flats, with stores below. If the Rockefeller church wants Fosdick, it must build a new church. And the new church must be a sky scraper, like the one planned by Dr. Relsner. It must have a church with a huge building built around it, sleeping rooms for the young that might stray In a gTeat city, swimming pools, h great gymnasium, a hall where young people may dance, a fine library and no objection whatever to Darwin's books, any more than to John Bun yan’s. And all kinds of Christians must be allowed and encouraged to use the church, which Is as good as saying that there may be room In heaven for a Unitarian, a hard-shelled Bap tist, and a Quaker to sing, side by side. And then Dr. Fosdick surprises you by his stipulation that the church shall not demand "baptism by Immer sion." There must be good reasons for that, although the Ignorant layman would say, "why not complete Im mersion? At least that means a bath, and back In the night of time, ideas of baptism and cleanliness may havs been closely associated." The Sheaves Where long the shadows of the wind bad rolled Green wheat was yielding to the I change assigned, And as by some vast magic un dlvlned The world was turning slowly Into gold; Like nothing that was ever bought or sold It waited there, the body and the mind, And with a mighty meaning of a kind That tells the more the more it is not told. So in a land where all days are not fair, Fair days went on till on another day A thousand golden sneaves were ly ing there, Shining and still, but not for long to stay— As If a thousand girls with golden hair Might rise from where they slept and go away. The way to discourage these gen tlemen and make them less verbose In their apologies for the United States, would be for Ih-esldent Cool ldge to apply a strict censorship to ■ the business of exchanging American cash for European bonds. The first thing to do would be to stop that “rakeoff* on borrowed prin cipal, a most disgraceful kind of financial “meanness." It represents the sort of usury that ought to put the usurers lh Jail, where the opinions about their own' country wouldn't sound so Important Henir IZ, king of Wanes, was th» first to wear silk stoeklngs. _. - ■- —■ ' v. y roriwwtdoagb ^JT VI sfK»ng«wftfi jfedlSl fOftlll The wife who is a good bread maker is a real helpmate for the bread winner. Send for free booklet 4PThe Art of Baking Bread?* **Qood bread U die pride of (he thrifty bride“ Northwestern Yeast Cow 1730 North Ashland Ave. Chicago, 111. Standing Alone "My boy stood alone at one year.* "Mine can’t do It at twenty."— Louisville Courier-Journal. Of Course Not -My. you walk fust, Miss Darling.* "No, I didn’t know you were fol lowing, Mr. Bore." MOTHER:- Fletcher's Castoria is especially pre pared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the asswrofation of Food; giving natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look far At signature of Absolutely Harmless-No Opiate*. Physicians everywhere recommend it. Use of Oil Enormmsm In 1024 the world production of ell amounted to more than 1,900,000.000 barrels, the nearest exact figure be ing 1,013,139,000 barrels. In five years the world output has nearly doubled. United States prrxttteed 714,000,000 of the total number of barrels and Mexi co was second with 13S>,000.000barrels, Russia being third with 4£>,H >2,000 bar rels. Persia, Ihiteh East Indira and Rumania follow In order with Vene zuela showing great strides fas produc tion also. The Cutioura Toilet Trio. Having cleared your skin keep M ctoar by making Cuticnra your everyday toilet preparations. The Soup t» eteaasa and purify, the Ointment to sooth# and heal, the Talcum to powder and par fume. No toilet table Is csaiplata without them.—Advertisement. In Part “They are getting married' soon." “Does he know her age!" “Some of it r We know that in 6,060 years mere evolution will have mode ns banian beings quite different, but how? One Secret of Beauty U Foot Comfort Frequently you hear people say, “My feet perspire win ter and summer when I put on rubbers or heavier foot wear—then When I remove my shoes my feet chill quickly mid often my bose aecm w ct through." In every ooremun ity thou sands now use Aden's Foot-Ease 1» the foot-bath dally and then dost the feet ant. Mac* Into the shoes this antiseptic, bealtna powder. Pull Directions onbor. Trial netage 1H • root-Kaae waiKtnn won Kw. Addraaa, ABca’aPaat-EaM, Lc Roy,N.V. SIOUX CITY PTQ. CO., No7243l924 Electric Aerials A London clergyman has Invented a wireless apparatus with specially prepared aerials which lights an elec tric globe at a distance of five feet. Let Tanlac restore your health IF your body is all fagged-out and run-down, if you are toeing weight steadily,lack appctnc^hanre no strength or energy—wby not letTanlac help you back to health and strength? So many millions have been ben efited by the Tanlac treatment, so many thousands have written to testify to that effect that it’s sheer folly not to make the test. Tanlac, you know, is a great natural tonic and builder, a com pound, after the famous Tanlac formula, of roots, barks and herbs. It purges the blood stream,revital izes the digestive organs and en ables the sickly body to icgpin its vanished weight. You don't need to wait long to get results. Tanlac goes So the seat of trouble. In a day or so you note a vast difference in your condition. You have mace appe tite, sleep better at night and the color begins to creep back into your washed-out cheeks. Don’t put off taking Tanlac another precious day. Step into Tanlac Restored Her Health Typhoid fever reduced me to 95 lbs. and left me weak at a rag* Fading to get relief from other sources I tried Tasdac and after 6 bottles had gained 20 lbs. Now I enjoy a fine appetite and feci ia» n new woman. As a nurse I give Tanlac to all my the nearest drug store and get a bottle of this world-famed tonic. That's the first important step back to health and vigor. TAKE TAN LAC VEGBTAMJI FILLS FOR CONSTIPATION TAN LAC FOR. YOUR HEAJLTH