Hello Dad4y'dortt^ forget mg Wri§i&F Slip & pack**? in your pocket when you go home to* Give the youngster* this wholesome. Ion* lasting sweet-for pleasures* fegneflj. r 7 Use It yonrsrif after fmokind or when W\kdra<*. Rfca . greet litfle freshener/ Her Own Business A woman, charged with assault upon a neighbor, pleaded mil guilty. The prosecutor leaned forward, Ehcok his finger In her face and shout ed: “If we prove you. guilty, which we will do, will you tell us why you committed this offense?” "I will not!” retorted the defendant, hotly. “I had my own reasons.” When You Buy Shoes for Hard Service See that they have USKSDE SOLES The Wonder Sole for Wear— Wear* twice as long as best leather I —and for n Better Heel ••V. S." SPRING-STEP Heels United States Rubber Company rSBo you r realize The od in your motor must stand the intense heat of 350 degrees. It must stand dilution by gas and water. Bearings burn out, cylinders are scored unless the oil remains good under these tests. HoraMotot Oil ■stands every test and meets every need. The question of lubrication is rightly settled when you decide to give your motor the oil it needs— MonaMotor Oil. Monarch Manufacturing- Co. - Council HJufCs, Iowa Toledo, Ohlq MonaMotor Oils & Greases * **V r' «■ all your walls For sleeping rooms — formal parlors and reception halls — dining room and living room — for the library — and for public buildings. Properly applied it won’t rub off. Ask your dealer for Ala bastine Colorchart, or write Miss Ruby Brandon, Alabas tine Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Alabastine—a powder in white and tints. Packed in 5-pound packages, ready for use by mixing with cold er warm water. Full directions on every package. Apply with an ordi> nary wall brush. Suitable for all interior surfaces — plaster, wall board, brick, cement, or canvas. The OIJ Town ■5T6AM CAUNOftV St BlAOCSM»TH VHof> 'BAKERY & PAINTS HOLD ER NEWT , SHE'S AR.EAR1NJ * pop GOES Th'weaseJ f ACCOR^ TO ^ ; th' rules , YOUR. CHINS (got to Touch (well his > WHISKERS ARE FASTENED hi TO HIS CH/N I\aint theyt (YOU SAY-HE \ \MISSED »T I! I) BY A TEN \ ^INCH SPACE? '''NO-NO-) SAY] HIS WHISKERS/ ARE A ( PERMANENT) art of his/ face\y r ^SUCH quarrels, 3 r___.--TT7-=-,: I Mil — ^ ■ I THERE WAS QUITE A DISCUSSION AS To | = WHETHER. UNCLE Z.EB HOWE REALLY I CHINNED HIMSELF THREE TIMES /N 1 FRONT OF THE TIN TYPE GALLERY TODAY yfefef " ' ' "*" ..j.■■■-iasati> 'TOTMfr bt nea mwvicc. ihc- feaviS TODAY BY ARTHUR BRISBANE Don’t trifle with smallpox. The trifling goes too far. Many will dis cover to their sorrow, that Jenner was a great benefactor of the human race, and was not a man “responsible for injecting poison Into mllions of his fellow men.” Nineteen smallpox deaths in Wash ington, D. C., since January 1, worry the public health service, and with cause. If an epidemic starts and makes headway, which it will not do in the capital of the nation, 19 deaths may soon grow into thousands. An unfortuate woman, Mrs. Mar garet Sloan, probably demented, kil led her 17-year-old son and her 17 year-old daughter while they slept. The boy, deaf and dumb, was of un sound mind. His life meant misery to him arid others. His mother says 6he killed her normal daughter also because “I knew I would have to die and I did not want to leave her here.” The woman failed in her effort to kill herself with the ax that killed her children. I Her explanation to the police was, “It is my God-given right to kill my deficient boy, because I know it is better for him.” You shudder at this tragedy, and 1 remember that once the heads of great religions acted upon the belief that it was their God-given right to kill those that disagreed with them, on questions of theology. Ip this be lief tens of thousands were tortured and burned alive. At least that "God given right to kill” has been with drawn from religious leaders, except among a few savage tribes. In civilization it is confined to in sane mothers. There is comfort in that. On board in the American steamer Wytheville, bound from Africa to Norfolk, Va., a vigorous rhinoceros broke out of its coop on deck. The crew took to the riggings, the rhin oceros took command of the ship. The heavy-footed. boast smashed a few hatch coverings, as it charged around, glaring out of its little eyes. Then it was lassoed and that was over. The short reign of the rhinoceros reminds you of some revolutions in history. The rhinoceros didn’t know the difference between bow and stern, tiller and main sail, yet he knew as much seamanship ns some Individuals that thihk tftfey shobld govern, know about government. Like the rhlq ocerqs, those individuals feel that all would be well if they could only take charge. The Fayetteville Observer, w'ith an editor of aefive conscience, will be published for J6 days.without criminal news. .Thep readers will be asked how they like it. A majority will answer In words of the great Bacon, “Nothing concerning human beings can be foreign to me.” Can you Imagine any editor leaving out the death of Cleopatra after the snake bite? That was suicide, there fore crime. Read Shakespeare’s re port of It. Who would omit the killing of his best friend by Alexander the Great at a drunken banquet or Ravaillac’s attack on the French king, or Rav aillac’s horribly cruel death, winding up with the cooking and eating of part, of his body. Who would leave out the assassina tion of Lincoln, Garfield or McKin ley? All that was crime news. Would you refuse to print the strange case of the Titehborno clai mant, the beheading of Louis the Sixteenth, Marie Antoinette, Charles the First, poor Lady Jane Cray’s fate in the tower, the killing of Mara by Charlotte Corday, the guillotining of Danton and his enemy Roblespierre. A Fatal Omission From the Argonaut. A few minutes after the alarm was given in the fire at Hotel Del Monte last year one of the guests joined a group of friends that were watching the spectacle and chaffed them on their apparent excitement. “There was nothing to be excited about," he said. "When the alarm sounded I jumped out of bed, lighted a cigaret, brushed my hair and took my time about dressing. I didn’t like the knot in my necktie, so I tied it over again—that’s how cool I was.” “Fine,” one of his friends remarked "but why didn’t you put on your trousers?” Resigns Title mm • Mlsg, • }Jary .Catfhcrlno ' Campbell, . of .Columbus, Ohio,., twice -winner at the Atlantic City beauty pageant,' will not' enter the i92tS. .iotttest for the title of "Miss America,” ■ , * » ■ , 1 the burning alive of Qlprdano Bruno, ■pr John Hus?, the execution "of Moore because of his Catholic religidn, the murder of Mary; Queen of 'Scots, by ' her cousin Elizabeth, the “Virgin Queen,’’ or that, virgin's treatment of various gentlemen after they had ceased to be attracted by her royal virginity, or had been faithless to it? Could you leave all that out? Cer tainly not, although it’s all . crime news. Men want the news. They want to understand human beings, and, to un derstand them, you must know what they do. Von Hindenburg, the kaiser’s ;flne old soldier, will roar as gently as any dove, now that he finds himself transformed into a president of (ho German republic. He plans to be in augurated without any uniform, dressed In civilian’s clothes, nothing to indicate that he still remains, as he does, commander in chief of the German army. When things start, they move rap idly. Some time before 1914, von Hindenburg, an old soldier, straight Strong Medicine. From the American Legion Weekly "Doctah," asked a lady of color, "Ah’s come to see ef yo' am gwine order Iias tus one o’ dem mustard plasters ag in today?" “I think perhaps he had better have one more,” answered the medico. "Well, he says to ax yo’ kin he have a slice o’ ham wid it, 'count of it’s a moghty pow’ful perschlptlon to take alone." For giving hand signals when driv ing an automobile at night, three sim ple devices have been found useful. One is a white disk painted on the left glove; another is a polished disk of white metal and a third Is a small ruby lens, ail of which reflect the | light from any following car. I as an arrow, but with many years weighing upon him. Including 49 years of military life and fighting, bado farewell to the German kaiser and his army, retiring “to spend hla old age in peace." A little while nf terwards he found himself at the head of the German army In the greatest war the world had seen, and hero of Germany. Now he wakes up in the morning to find himself president of the German republic. His motto must bo “let nothing amaze you.’’ Pungent Paragraphs A go-getter: A customer in a cafeteria.—Detroit Newt. An entire play is to be broadcast Gy radio from New York, but it’ll bo a long time before the actors hoar the a ppla use.—Shreveport Journal. With some the eighteenth amend ment Is as unpopula’ as the Ten Commandments.—Newark Star Eagle. The Liberal is much liko other people, except that he is madder about things in general.—Vancouver Sun. Stretching the imagination is a poor way to attempt to mako both ends meet.—Roanoke Times. No war is over until allies again feel friendly toward one another.— Reading Tribune. Perhaps tho cynic prefers a metro polis because it contains more people to despise.—Pittsburg Sun. We can’t hope for much In the way ef prison reform till we get to send ing a better class of folks there.— Fort Worth Star Telegram. Still, if there were no crooked lawyers, what would crooked clients do?—Baltimore Sun. Odd that the bulls are rampant everywhere but in the cattle market, —San Antonio Express. Old Law. From the Wilkes Barre Tlmes-Leader. There’s an old English maxim, by the famous old English Judge Coke, that ‘‘every dog is entitled to one bite." Modern application of that ruling is to be found in a recent court decision in w Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health r —in— i rs^u.m-, .1 —ia MRS. HENRY HOLLISTER WVANOOTTf, MICHIGAN Wyandotte, Michigan. — “After my baby was bom I o*id not do my own work for six months and could hardly take care of my own baby I always had a pain in my right side and it was no bad I was getting roundshouldem. 1 would fed well one day and then ♦eel so bad for three or four days that 1 would' be in bed. One Sunday my bother came to see how I was, and she said a friend told her to tell me to xy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. So the next day I got a *ottfe and before it was b 'If taken I jot relief. After 1 was well again I went to the docu— «,(] jie asked rr.<* how I was getting alo..B j told hiia was taking Lydia b. /*Hkharn'a table Compound, and ne&-. .. any one to take it. I a«, Spending the Vegetable Another Woman *.Cn«« St. Paul, Minnesota. — "i *ave a little girl three years old ana „.ver since ner birth I have suffered wo, my bsck as if it were breaking in two, and bearing-down pains all . the time. I also had dizzy spe'b. 1 had read several letters of 'women in the newspapers, and the druggist recommended Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound to my husband for me. As a result of taking it my back has stopped aching and the awful bearing-down .feeling is gone. I feel stronger and do all of ray house* work and tend to my little girl, i have also taken Lydia E. Finkham’s Liver Pills for constipation. I have recommended these medicines to some of my friends and you may use this letter as a testimonial it you wish. I will be pleased to answer letters of other women if I can help them by telling them what this medi cine has done forme."—Mrs. Pric*^ 147 West Summit Avenue, St. Faral.i Minnesota. What Wan He? Mother was out, ond Amelia was putting on her best blouse, so six-year old Johnny had to entertain Amelia's young man. As la the way with hla kind, he began to ply the unfortunate caller with questions. “Mr. Jinks,” he began, “what Js a popinjay?" “Why—er—a popinjay Is a—er— vain bird.” “Are you n bird, Mr. Jinks?” "No, of course not.” “Well, that’s funny. Mother said you were a popinjay and father said ♦here was no doubt about you being a Jay, and Amelia said there didn’t seem much chance of your poppln’, and now you say you aren’t a bird at all." Present for Wilhelmina Although Queen Wilhelmina lias ex pressed a desire Is celebrate her sil ver wedding next year within her do mestic circle, plans are on foot throughout the country to make her a I splendid present. The gift will be a painted portrait of tlie queen, the prince consort and Princess Juliana. The frame for the picture will be sculptured and will bear the arms of the royal family and all the Dutch provinces. Skunk Frozen to Track F. L. Rice, n member of the section crew at Woolwich, Maine, reported one day last winter that ns the men started over the track In the morning they saw a skunk on the track ahead of them. Drawing near, they discov ered that it had been caught there by its fur being frozen to the frosty rail. Rice killed the skunk, and then it was quite a pull to free its carcuss from the rail. Scripture Goes Post Free Under a new law and regulation of the Post OfHce department Holy Scrip ture manuscript for the blind may be sent free if it is to be given to the blind, and Jf it is to be sold to the blind the postage is only 1 cent a pound Instead of the regular rated. New Gun-Tilting Plan Thomas A. Edison proposes that guns be elevated on battleships by tilting the vessels with an apparatus somewhat lika the lateral tin or rud der which submarines use in diving or coming to the surface. * - ' — *—' - A Pessimist in New Bedford Teacher—Tell me, Johnny, how many mills make a cent? Johnny—Is'ct a one of them.—Bos ara Post. J The trrn of n woman’s head often turns a man’s head. FAT CONSTIPATION Both of These Evils Can Bo BANISHED No drugs—no dope to Impair your health The complete course costs only $2.00—Two Dollars—nothing more to pay. Don't stay fat and constipated. Send fot the course today. This course la approved by all reputable physicians and other au thorities. Fat and constipation are banished In a natural way, eliminating thi poison frt/In the system snd rebuilding the body to a healthy, normal condition. NATURE'S NATURAL LAW B-rSI ... Toledo. Ohle WE WILL GIVE AWAY absolutely free any of the 'following articles!: A one hundred piece, beautifully Inlaid Din ner Set. Twenty-inch Solid Leather Travel ing Hag. handsome large size Walnut Writ ing Desk. Floor Lamp with hamlHume Shades Twenty-year Gold Watch, Lady * or Gentle man's Size. A Three-Bulb Radio Set. A Twenty-Dollar Gold Piece. And ir.uny other v®ry beautiful articles tor Ju.*t a few ^our* ot your time. Write nt onea for full list aUd Information to J. A XL WILLIAMS CO., Minneapolis. Min*,. —- -------— .—• -a 320-Acre Highly Improved STOCK ANI) DRAIN I ARM In Sargent County. Hot! black loam, clay subsoil; part fenced and cross-fenced; 2 story, 9-room house; lc - rnent barn 50x100, cement floor and feeding troughs; steel -tan chions; driveways to haymow und granary from able; machine shed and hog house 20x40 and 16x40; chicken house 14x20. Build ings are worth $12,000. Fries for quick sale only $63.50 per acre- $2,000 cash, bab ance terms. Write for full particulars. NORTH STAR LAND CO.. Cayuga, N. D. PARKER'S Hair balsam Removea Dandruff Stops Bair t'alUac Restores Color and Beauty to Cray and Faded Hair 60c and $1 CO at Druwists. Hlarox Client. Wki . I'stchogue.N.T. HINDERCORN3 Removes Coma, Cal louses. etc., stops all pain, ensures comfort to th« feet, makes walking easy. 13c by mall or at Drug gist*. Uisoox Chemical Works, Palebogue, H. Y. RESINOL Soothinq &nd He&linq , lor Skin and ScalpTrouMef ~JEM TIRE REPAIR Put on cold In two minutes; will or twet the tire. Will- repair other rubber 'hinge, will save 80P% on vulcanissnu bills; saves time, trouble ami money. Enough for 40 punctures; applied quickly; curry a can In your car. Do It yourself Postpaid. *1.00. Something new—The Gordon Autpmatlo Wrench; worka quickly, with either hand. In‘smalCplaces; will tuke up to 11*-In. nut. Wall made. Postpaid, *1 25. W. D. BOIES, 861 North State. St., CHICAGO,. ILLINOia SIOUX CITY PTG. eo., NO. 19-192&! Teach Rules of Road Following a number of street acci dents at Haney, England, policemen, with the aid of blackboards, are teach ing pupils at Behool the rules of the road. A committee is appointed so that one man can do the work and divide the responsibility. MOTHERFletcher’s Cas toria is a pleasant, harmless Sub§titutf for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syruys, especially prepared for Infanta in arms and Children all ?ges. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of proven directions on each package. JPhysidans everywhere recommend H i