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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1925)
mxnxxnunxtxtiitttiiiinttuiiutmmmxxm ' t PAID LOCALS 1 « ' J FARM LOANS—R. H. PARKER.—37tf POTATOES FOR SALE AT C. P. Uhl’s. 44-tf FOR SALE OR RENT—6-room house. —P. V. Hickey. 39-tf FOR RENT—FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, dose in.—L. G. Gillespie. 45-2 KODAKS, FILMS, KODOK FINISII ing—W. B. Graves, O’Neill. 30-tf WANTED—WORK, SEWING OR laundry.—Mrs. D. D. Hunt. 45-3p NO. 2 HAWKE YE CAMERA, SPEC lal $1.98, Graves Jewelry Store. 27tf FOR SALE—EARLY OHIO SEED potatoes, at 50c per bushel, —Martin Conway. 45-3p LOST—ONE WHITEFACE COMING yearling bull, no mark. Suitable re ward.—John Miskimins. 45-tf WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS FOR Hatching, $3.00 per 100.—Mrs. Har ry Ressell, Chambers, Neb. 42-4p FOR SALE—(5-ROOM HOUSE IN the east part of O’Neill; 3 lots, good buildings.—Charles Simmons. 43-tf LOST ON THE STREETS OF O’Neill last Saturday, a tan silk glove for the right hand. Leave at this office. 45 TRY A CASE OF JETTERS OR Blue Ribbon Near Beer.—Stanley A. Souktip, Local Distributor. Phone 315, O’Neill, Neb. 45-tf FOR SALE — WHITE BLOSSOM Sweet Clover and Millet seed. Some Poland China and Duroc bred sows— P. V. Hickey, 39-tf FORM AND RANCH LOANS, 5 AND three-fourth per cent, no commis sion.—F. J. Dlshner, County Agent Joint Stock Land Hank. 17-tf FOR SALE—BUFF ORPINGTON haby chicks and hatching eggs. Chicks 12c each. Eggs $3.00 per 100, or 60c per 15.—Mrs. G. A. Fox. 42-tf IF YOU NEED THE OLD LOAN ON your farm renewed for anothter 6 or 10 years, of If you need a larger loan I can malte it for you.—R H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 21-tf I'TTRE BRED BARRED ROCK Eggs for hatching. 100 eggs, $3.00; 1(3 eggs, 50c. Hen hatched baby chicks 12c each. Phone 3F210.—Mrs. Frank Pribil, Jr. 45-5p FOR SALE—ONE PAIR MARES, weight 2800, aged 5 and 0 years; one low wagon; 200 bushels corn, two sets heavy work harness good as new.—Hugh McKenna. 44-2 DURING MY FOURTEEN YEARS of loaning money on farms this is the lowest interest rate I ever had. I can now loan money on good farms ■at 5Mi % interest.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 40-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE—80 ACRES unincumbered land, 12 miles north east of Atkinson. Would consider property in O’Neill or Atkinson. Im mediate possession.—Mrs. Efiie lames, Atkinson, Nebr'’. Box 435. 45-3 FAINT YOUR HOUSE NOW, AND pay later. The partial payment plan will enable the Home owner to th> that long deferred painting job. Protect your property with a good coating of Lead and Oil paint, you have 10 months in which to pay. See . me and I will ggladly explain this plan.—M. F. Kirwan. 45-2 * NOTICE. 1 will be ready to start my class in Beauty Culture Monday, April 13th. 45-1 MRS. CHAS. COLE. FEMALE HELP WANTED. Lady to demonstrate our Radium Hot Pad and give Radium Apron free with each pad. We pay $22 week to workers. Write for free offer. In ternaiionl Radium Syndicate, Hof xnan Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 44-3 ARE YOU ALL RUN DOWN? Many O’Neill Folks Have Felt That Way. Feel all out of sorts? Tired, achy, blue, irritable? Back lame and stiff? It may be the story of weak kid neys! Of toxic poisons circulating about Upsetting blood and nerves. There’s a way to feel right again. Help your weakened kidneys with Doan’s Pills—a stimulant diuretic. Doan’s are recommended by many O’Neill people: A. W. Gunn, carpenter, O’Neill, ■says: “My kidneys acted irregularly and I had to get up many times at night to pass the secretions. I had a lameness in the small of my back that bothered me a great deal when I lifted or bent over. Doan’s Pills cor rected the trouble and I wasn’t bother «ed for years until a cold disordered my kidneys. I took Doan’s again and they relieved me so I haven’t been bothered since.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidntfy remedy—get Doan’s Pills -the same tMtet Mr. liunn had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. SUPERVISORS’ PROCEEDINGS. (Continued from page five.) of road prayed for in a certain reso lution of County Board duly signed and filed in the office of the County Clerk on the 25th day of November, 1924, as follows, to-wit: To the Board of County Commission ers: The undersigned electors ask that a Public Road commencing at the Westerly side of the North Western Rail Road Right of Way on the Sec tion line running east between Sec tions 19 and 30, Township 28, R. 10, and running thence parallel to and joining onto the North Western R. R. Right of Way through NE14 of Sec tion 30, Township 28, Range 10. Said road to be Sixty Six feet wide and terminate at the east line of above 'named Section 30, Township 28, N. Range 10 West of the 6th P. M. irl Holt County, Nebraska, be established Signed by E. Gibson and John Sulli van, Supervisors. You are required to file your re port on the same on or before Decem ber 20, 1924. E. F. PORTER, (Seal) County Clerk. Report of M. F. Norton, County Sur veyor, Holt County, Special Com missioner. To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of Holt County, Nebraska: Refering to the Commission here unto attached. I beg to report as fol lows: Having viewed the Resolution adopted by your honorable body; and noting the advantages named therein, which come under my own observa tions and knowledge I believe the adoption of this line of road would be a great benefit to the traveling public and a great guard to their safety and after taking all matters into consid eration would most respectfully rec ommend that the road be allowed and established as set forth in the Reso lution and Commission. Signed this 15th day of December, 1924. M. F. NORTON, County Sur. Commissioner. O’Neill, Neb., Feb. 27, 1925. The County of Holt, to C. A. Van Valkonburg, Dr. For road through NEl,4 Sec. 30, T. 28, R. 10 W. 6th P. M., 66 feet wide, 215 R. Long 5 3-8 acres . $666.00 190 posts at 75c .. 172.00 1200 pounds bnrbed wire ... 72.00 Labor building fence .. ... 50.00 Maintenance of fence for 99 years ... 990.00 Damage for removing trees . 200.00 Amended claim reason first claim failed to have it acknowledged. .. $2,090.00 Motion by Mr. Havens and seconded by Mr. Gibson that the above matter be laid over for further investigation. Upon same being put to vote by the Chairman it was declared carried. Mr. Laird appeared before the board in the matter of a bridge be tween Sec. 17-18-33-16. At 5 o’clock p. m. on motion board adjourned until March 25, 1925, at 9 O’clock a. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., Mar. 26, 1925, 9 a. fn. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present. Board called to order by the "^Chairman. Minutes for March 24, 1925, read and approved. Resolution On Sunday Babe Ball. WHEREAS, it appearing to the Board that certain persons for re creation and amusement desire to play base ball on Sunday, THEREFORE, be it resolved that any and all persons be permitted and allowed to engage in competitive base ball games on the first day of the week commonly called Sunday in any and all parts of Holt County outside of incorporated cities and villages. E. GIBSON. C. E. HAVENS. Upon same being put to vote by Chairman it was declared carried. On mofion the following official bonds were approved: * Lloyd Phelps, road overseer District No. 71, Steel Creek township. F. W. Pierce, road overseer Dis trict No. 49, Wyoming township. Mat Henefin, road overseer Dis trict No. 13, Paddock township. Lew Cunningham, road overseer District No. Iowa township. Thomas Welsh, road overseer Dis trict No. Emmet township. George H. Rowse, road overseer District No. 66, Wyoming township. Chris Westrom, road overseer Dis trict No. 62, Green Valley township. Joseph E. Judge, road overseer Dis trict No. Sand Creek township. A. R. Coakley, road overseer Dis trict No. 41, Steel Creek township. Ferdinand Siebert, road overseer District No. 32, Pleasantview town ship. Jos. R. Matousek, clerk, Sheridan. Romaine J. Rohde, clerk, Coleman. Anton Dobrovoly, clerk, Holt Creek township. Henry Hookstra, Justice of the Peace, Holt Creek township. At 12 o’clock noon on motion board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Neb. Mar. 25, 1925, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present. Board called to order by the Chairman. Delegation from Inman appeared before the board in the matter of the proposed road along N. W. Railroad across NE^4 Sec. 30-28-10. After considerable discussion the matter was laid over until the April meeting. At 5:30 p. m. on motion board ad journed until March 26, 1925, at 9 o’clock a. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., Mar. 26, 1926, 9 a. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present. Board called to order by charman. Minutes for March 26, 1926, read and ap proved. Mr. Chairman: I move that the combined insurance policy including hail, written by L. G. Gillespie, Agent for Mercantile Ins. Co., for $2,000.00, covering $1,600.00 on Court House and $400 on contents, commencing April 3, 1926, and expiring April 3, 1930, be accepted. L. E. SKIDMORE. E. GIBSON. Upon same being put to vote by the Chairman is was declared carried. The following claims were audited and On separate motion allowed on the Ceneral fund. k)pal Ashley _ $ 90.00 Loretta Sullivan _ 90.00 M. F. Norton _ 392.00 Margaret L. Donohoe _ 90.00 C. J. Malone _ 183.34 Grace Joyce-- 90.00 C. D. Keyes _ 177.00 E. F. Porter _ 67.44 Edna Crowe . 4.00 Peter W. Duffy . 65.56 Anna Donohoe . 30.20 B. T. Winchell . 104.17 Winnie Shaughnesy ._ 90.00 Dorothy Dunhaver _ 90.00 Milwaukee Dustless Brush ... 7.70 Ira II. Moss .. 161.25 C. C. Bergstrm __ 182.00 Julius D. Cronin _ 467.75 E. F. Porter . 168.5G Peter W, Duffy __ 301.80 Harry Bowen . 110.00 Anna Donohoe __ 158.33 At 12 o’clock noon on motion board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., Mar. 26, 1925, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present. Board called to order by Chairman. The following claims were audited and on separate motion allowed on the Bridge fund: F. E. Foreman _ $19.50 E. C. French _ 8.24 J. C. Nelson . 11.25 Nye Schneider Jenks _ 11.90 Frank Webber . 7.50 J. F. Todd . .. 15.75 Tom Welsh . 6.00 James Dcmming . 11.70 Byron Larson .. 12.00 John Timmerman ._. 1.50 Nye Schneider Jenks _ 25.45 Lrowell Lumber Co. . 60.80 W. C. Kelley . 12.80 T. F. Mathew3 _ 9.60 Lew Shober _ 9.00 J. L. Witherwax _ 25.00 Roy Worden . 37.20 Donald Todd ___ 5.70 Carl Barthel _ 27.40 S. W. Harris _ 1.50 L. L. Larson .. 53.30 L. E. Skidmore.. 17.70 Elmer Harris __ H.85 Nye Schneider Jenks _ 10.10 Crowell Lumber Co.. 76.50 The following claims were audited and on separate motion allowed on the road fund: L. C. McKim _ $ 32.50 C. E. Havens _ 19.40 Harry Bowen _ 4.00 Ralph McElvain _ 6.00 Geo. F. Shoemaker_ 4.00 John Sullivan _ 13.00 L. E. Skidmore ......_ 37.70 Geo. H. Jones___ 4.00 Jas. Raymond _ 3.15 Geo. E. Collins _>_ 59.77 Alex Beebe _ 71.60 C. B. Nellis . 39.50 E. Gibson . 42.45 The following claims were audited and on separate motion allowed on the Highway fund: Geo. H. Jones _ $ 2.00 C. E. Havens _ 19.80 Crowell Lumber Co__ 22.55 W. H. Stein _ 6.70 Lloyd Gibson ... 88.00 H. L. Chapman _ 8.05 Ed Welke _ 54.00 Nash-Vriesema Auto _ 16.18 O’Neill Gas & Oil ..295.21 Frank Howard _ 31.25 Frank Howard _.__ 16.45 A. L. Alexander . 45.00 J. H. McIntosh ..75.00 Carl R. Miller Tra _ .90 L. E. Skidmore __ 19.90 A. B. McKay _ 10.80 Richard Minton __ 82.00 W. H. Crippen _ 88.00 F. H. Ashby _ 140.00 Fred Lowery __ 20.00 S. J. Faulhaber ... 82.00 Ed Welke _ 48.00 J. J. Stilson_ 21.00 John Ketterl _ 20.10 J. W. Bailey _ 11.73 Standard Oil Co. ____ 11.60 J. D. Adams & Co__ 1,506.00 Shelden Engine Co._ 2.39 J. H. McIntosh__ 36.00 Jol.n Sullivan __ 3J 00 A. B. McKuv .. .... 18.00 Delegation from Iowa township ap peared before the board in the mat ter of some work on the road run ning east from the end of the State and Federal highway where it turns South to Page to the East line of the County. At 5 o’clock p. m. on motion board adjourned until March 27, 1925, at 9 o’clock a. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., Mar. 27, 1926, 9 a. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present. Board called to order by Chariman. Minutes for March 26, 1926, read and approved. On motion the following parties were appointed as drag masters for 1925: District No 1—Albert Ellis, Steel Creek, Dorsey, Neb. District No. 2—Chas. Richter, Scott, Opportunity. District No. 3—M. R. Shellkoff, Pad dock, Meek. District No. 4—August Wabbs, Coleman, Spencer. District No. 5—John Damero, Sara toga, Phoenix. District No. 6—Chris Nelson, Dus tin, Stuart. District No. 7—James Beck, Cleve land, Stuart. District No. 8—Henry Fuelberth, Cleveland, Dustin. District No. 9—Jas. Deming, Sand Creek, Stuart. District No. 10—C. A. Hammer berg, Sand Creek, Atkinson. District No. 12—W. E. Sterns, Rock Falls, Catalpa. District No. 13—John Rhode, Rock Falls, O’Neill. District No. 14—John Berger, Wil lowdale, Opportunity. District No. 15—Thomas Donohoe, Shields, O’Neill. District No. 16—Thos. Marring, Pleasant View, Atkinson. District No. 17—Frank O. Ham merberg, Atkinson, Atkinson. District No. 18—John Steinhauser, Stuart, Stuart. District No. 19—Adolph Pacha, Green Valley, Stuart. District No. 19—Chris Westrom, Green Valley, Stuart. District No. 20—Geo. Meals, Sheri dan, Atkinson. District No. 21—Guy Cole, Emmet, Emmet. District No. 22—Joe McNichols, Grattan, O’Neill. District No. 23—James Kelly, Grat tan, O’Neill. District No. 24—Winfield Hayne, Antelope, Page. District No. 25—M. B. Gilmore, Iowa, Page. District No. 26—M. O. Howard, Verdigris, Page. District No. 27—Geo.” Coventry, In man, Inman. District No. 288—W. T. McElvain, Grattan, O’Neill. District No. 29—Theo. Moss, Sheri dan, Atkinson. District No. 30—E. A. White, Fran cis, Inez. District No. 31—F. J. Dobrovolny, Holt Creek, Atkinson. District No. 32—John J. Kenney, Fairview, Amelia. District No. 33—Wm. Jutte, Sham rock, O’Neill. District No. 34—James Hawk, Golden, Ewing. District No. 35—J. F. Johnson, Golden, Ewing. District No. 36—Arthur Marquardt, Ewing, Ewing. District No. 37—John McClennahan, McClure, Martha. District No. 38—A. B. Hubbard, Chambers, O’Neill, Star Route. District No. 39—Alfred Walter, Chambers, Chambers. District No. 40—E. H. White, Wy oming, Amelia. District No. 41—Cheever Moss, Swan, Amelia. District No. 42—Rafe Shaw, Swan, Tona wanda. District No. 43—Lewis Barthell, Josie, Kola. District No. 44—Roy Worden, Swan, Amelia. District No. 44—S. E. Dexter, Wy. oming, Ballagh. District No. 44—R. H. Lienhart, Conley, Chambers. District No. 48—Geo. Barnhart, Lake, Martha. District No. 48—Frank Burke, De loit, Ewing. On motion the following schedule was adopted as wages to be paid by the County for 1925, to-wit: Single man 30 cents per hour. Man and one team 60 cents per hour. Man and two teams 70 cents per hour. Dragging 70 cents per mile. The following claims were audited and on separate motion allowed on the General fund: L. V. Lee _____ $ 16.19 W. O. Feezer . 50.30 Wunner Bros. _ 33.80 O. F. Biglin _ 80.00 W. T. Finley _ 27.00 John Hoffman . 4.00 John Sullivan . 23.50 L. E. Skidmore _ 19.20 E. Gibson . 19.20 Ed Hawk _ 4.30 Weifenbach, Mrs. C. _ 4.60 Ernest Cracher _ 2.05 John Hawk, Jr. 4.30 Leo Snyder _ 4.60 Stockwell Tax Table Co. 6.00 F. P. Murphy _ 21.60 Crowell Lumber Co. 15.75 Flax Mfg. Co. _ 8.00 VanZandt Bros. . 11.20 O. E. Roben _ 39.47 F. D. Wilhelm _:.. 12.00 Geo. Bressler _ 4.55 Lineatime Mfg. Co. 18.00 Burroughs Adding Mch.. 3.13 Ira H. Moss _ 494.15 H. E. Pelcer.. 54.00 Goo. Bay _ 27.30 W. O. Feezer _ 21.59 Wunner Bros. _ 46.75 O. F. Biglin _ 45.00 W. F. Finley_ 21.50 L. V. Lee _ 18.97 John Sullivan _ 30.00 L. C. McKim_ 39.40 L. L. Larson _ 24.40 Elmer Whipple _ 4.30 F. L. Hall_ 4.20 Henry Zimmerman _ 2.05 John Tom jack _ 5.00 Bill Libby . 4.60 C. E. Havens .. 24.40 N. P. McKee, M. D__ 33.00 C. B. Scott .. 18.00 Thomas Quinn _ 58.80 C. B. Nellis _ 27.00 J. T. Bauman _ 20.58. C. P. Carrol _ 10.00 Dr. L. A. Carter___ 20.00 Industrial Chem. Co--- 15.00 Burroughs Adding Mch.— 39.80 Richardson Transfer - 3.20 C. J, Malone - 18.06 St. Mary’s Hospital_ 80.00 On motion the following claim was allowed on the bridge fund for the purpose of paying freight on bridge lumber: E. F. Porter -*. $1,500.00 At 12 o’clock noon on motion board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. JOHN SULLIVAN, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., Mar. 27, 1925, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present. Board called to order by Chairman. The following claims were audited and on separate motion were allowed on the Road Dragging fund: B. J. Sherry_._$ 9.60 Frank Wilbur _ 6.75 W. C. Joslyn - 10.50 Art Densberger _ 4.20 J. B. Fullerton _ 14.40 George Montgomery _ 9.80 E. W. Hubbard _ 23.10 Marcus Snyder _ 18.00 Alice Beebe _ 15.00 Tom Donohoe _ 4.90 H. G. Tucker _ 9.98 Joy Dasa__ 17.55 Tom Doolittle _ 13.50 Ray Coolridge _ 50.85 Claude Bates _ 16.90 Roy Warden _ 5.75 Franz. F. Friesen _ 12.60 Ralph McElvain _ 22.20 Walter C. Smith _ 3.90 C. B. Peshek_ 26.60 J. F. Johnson _ 11.20 Alfred Walter _20.00 Ray Coolridge _ 20.40 Aug. H. Smith _ 27.30 Toney Lockman _ 32.20 Baker & Carpenter _ 23.25‘ II. V. Berry . 11.20 Whereas, the County of Holt has been paying a stipulated sum monthly for the support and maintenance of Lena Damero for some time past, and Whereas, it appears to the Board that the said Lena Damero has broth ers and sisters of sufficient ability to properly support and care for her which care and support they are by law required to provide, and Whereas, the County of Holt has expended the sum of $414.93 for such support and maintenance for the said Lena Damero, Therefore, be it resolved by the County Board of Supervisors of Holt County, Nebraska, in regular meet ing assembled, that the County At torney of Holt County be, and he hereby is, ordered and instructed to take the necessary legal action to re cover on behalf of said County the amount herein expended. C. E. HAVENS. L. E. SKIDMORE. Upon sam6 being put to vote by Chairman it was declared carried. WHEREAS, certain citizens have fded with the Board petitions asking that certain roads hereinafter de scribed be designated as County Roads, and, WHEREAS, it appearing to the Board that such roads are laid out, platted public roads which are direct highways leading to and from villages and market centers and which roads are main traveled roads, THEREFORE, be it Resolved, by the Board of Supervisors of Holt County, Nebraska, in regular meet ing assembled, that the following roads be, and they are, designated as County Roads, to-wit: Commencing at the Section corner common to Sections 19, 20, 29 and 30, Township 26 North, Range 12 West of the 6th P. M. in Holt County, Ne braska. Said point being the center of the Corporate Town of Chambers, thence West on the section line Eight miles to the corner common to Sec tions 23, 24, 25, 26 of Township 26, Range 14. Thence North Two Miles to the corner common to Sections 11, 12, 13, 14. Thence West on the Sec tion line One-Half Mile to the quar ter Section corner between Sections 11 and 14, Township 26, Range 14, and there terminate. The last named point being the southwest corner of the Town of Amelia, Nebraska. Also a road Commencing at the center of Section 3, Township 26 North of Range 9 West of the 6th P. M. in Holt County, Nebraska. Said point being the Southwest corner of the Town of Ewing. Running thence West on the one-fourth section line one-half mile. Thence South between Sections 3 and 4, One Half mile. Thence West between Sections 4 and 9 One mile. Thence Southwest through the NEx/4 of NE>4 of Sec tion 8. Thence West on the Section line three-fourths of a mile. Thence South three-fourths of a mile between Sections 7 and 8. Thence West on the section line south of Sec tion 7 (of Twp. 26, R. 9> and south of Sections 12, 11, 10 and three-fourths of a mile south of Section 9 of (Twp. 26, R. 10). Thence Southwest through the NWV4 of the NW'4 of Section 16. Thence South one-fourth mile to the one-fourth Section corner between (Continued) (First publication April J9.) NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 1736. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, April 7, 1925. In the matter of the Estate of William J. Gray, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that a peti tion has been filed in said Court for the probate of a written instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of William J. Gray, De ceased, and for the appointment of E. J. Mack, as executor thereof; that April 30, 1925, at 10 o’clock A. M., has been set for hearing said petition and proving said instrument in said Court when all persons concerned may appear and contest the probate there of. (County Court Seal) C. J. MALONE, 45-3 County Judge. (First publication April 9.) JNITrJD STATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA, NOR FOLK DIVISION. In the Matter of John S. Kalkowski, Banlyupt. In Bankruptcy. To the Creditors of the above named Bankrupt; of Atkinson, County of Holt, within said District: Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of April, A. D., 1925, the said John S. Kalkowski, was duly adjudged bankrupt, and that the first meeting of creditors will be held at the office of the Referee, in the City of Norfolk, County of Madison, and State of Ne braska, on the 20th day of April, A. D., 1925, at one o’clock in the after noon, at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, ap point a trustee, examine the bank rupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at Norfolk, Nebraska, April 3r 1925. H. F. BARNHART, 44-1 Referee in Bankruptcy. (First publication March 26.) (W. J. Hammond, Attorney, O’Neill) LEGAL NOTICE. All persons having or* claiming any interest in West Half of Northwest Quarter, Section 19, Township 28 North, Range 9 West, 6th Principal Meridian in Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown, defendants are notified that on March 24, 1925, M. 0. Howard, plaintiff, commenced an action in District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you, the object of which is to have quieted and confirmed in plaintiff the title to and possession of West Half of North west Quarter, Section 19, Township 28 North, Range 9 West 6th Principal Meridian in Holt County, Nebraska; to have you decreed to have no title to or interest in said premises; to re move the clouds cast on plaintiff’s title by reason of your claims or ap parent interest therein; and to forever enjoin you from asserting any title to or interest in said premises ad verse to plaintiff. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before May 4, 1925. M. O. HOWARD, 43-4 Plaintiff. || Nebraska Culvert and : Mfg.Co. 1: I Austin-Western Road I: Armco Culverts I; Everything in Road f Machinery. Western! Representative. f L.C. PETERS O’Neill :: Nebraska f; O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY —Compiles— “Abstract of Title” The only complete set of Ab stract Books in Holt County. I ^ ^ 1 NEW FEED STORE i|| il v In the Roberts Barn il! in connection with the ii! : Feed Barn. All kinds of : feeds and hay carried ii in stock. We make de- i;: i; lively. I We do custom grinding, j Office 336. Res. 270 or 303. ' ROBERTS & HOUGH I m,)iiiaiiint,fiiiiiiiiiunini',ii!ini{mmi « l « I W. F. FINLEY, M. D. ||| Phone, Office 28 O’Nefll :: Nebraska i* | H. L. BENNETT | | Graduate Veterinarian | il Phone 304. Day or Night. 3 § O’Neill, Nebraska * ^ . . . .......... ...... ..A tttttmtnnttmtnttmmtttnHtmatfflntre | DR. J. P. GILLIGAN | a Physician and Surgeon | Special attention given to tf 3 disease of the eye and cor- if 3 rect fitting of glasses. i;