Scenes of Destruction In Ohio Valley Tornado .... «—■—■ ■ ' ■ ■ ^ ———— ' ' 1 Ruins of the Longfellow grade school at Murphysboro, 111., where approximately 70 children were crushed to death when a tornado of unprecedented fury swept through the town, snatched oft the roof of the building and piled the dead and Injured la heaps. . — i. ■ I.I..III in ■■ ii I., n i hi in i in, ii - ■■ What was once the main street of Frankfort, 111., reduced now to nothing but a pile of twisted debris and desolation, following the ruin and death that visited the town during the terrific tornado of March 18. • _ k This is the first picture to come from Annapolis, Mo., where the tornado of March 18 marshaled its winds of death and havoc and sent them roaring through five states, whose death toll from tho disaster totals approximately 1,000. a -■ 1 111 J 1 M ■ m J1UL 1J1 !■ MWMIMI . Here is a view of Main street a t Orifftn^ Ind., after the storm. Clock Tells Time When Tornado Struck A little mantel clock (shown by arrow) m the home of George Doll, at iBrlffln, Ind., points its hands to the exact time the tornado struck—s«*/e» minutes to four. Mrs. Doll *3caped with a broken arm. A little dog waa the only survivor of a family at Griffin, Ind. The dog was sitting In the ruins when found by rescue squads. Lorlne Majors, 18, or urtrrin, mo, Caw her father and brother killed When their home was destroyed. All that’s left of the Kokomo restaurant at Griffin, Ind., ^hafa «U perished. The storm played strange pranks. Here Is a house turned on Its side and lodged between two trees on the Main street of Griffin. The gins* windows were not broken.