The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 02, 1925, Image 3

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    "after every meal"
Parents* encourage the
children to care for their teeth f
Clive them Wrigleyis.
It remove* food particles
frocu the teeth. Strengthens
the gums. Combats add
Refreshing and beneficial!
liJhat makes an oil
Its ability to maintain the best lu
bricating body at motor heat (350°).
The above chart shows six promi
nent oils in a comparative test with
three weights of MonaMotot Oil.
This laboratory test is the key to re
sults. It proves MonaMotot superiority.
Buy your oil at the MonaMotot sign.
Monarch Manufacturing Co.
Council Bluffs, Iowa Toledo. Ohio
Oils & Greases
Esteem never makes Migrates.—
Sales 2*/s Times Those
ot Any Other Brand
The Old Home Town
r~ ii ■ i --—
/while you're
May Help Railroad But Will Be
Rough on Owners of Securities
From the Minneapolis Journal
The Milwaukee road, once one of the soundest and most pro
fitable railroads of the west, now finds it necessary to effect a
complete financial reorganization by means of a receivership.
Out of this process will eventually issue a new Milwaukee,
shorn of a mountain of obligations, and ready to engage in rail
roading on a sound and businesslike basis. But that will mean
losses to the scattered holders of its securities. It is they who will
pay for the rejuvenation of the Milwaukee.
They have been somewhat prepared for this overturn by the
steady decline in the quotations of their securities, as the day ap
proached when forty-five million dollars had to be found some
where, and nowhere to find it. But these losses of capital invested
in supposedly sound securities mean many individual hurts.
It is explained that the Milwaukee has had a long run of bad
luck, beginning with the transcontinental extension and aggravat
ed by the war and government mismanagement. But other well
managed railroad properties have weathered the war and govern
ment operation successfully and are now on the upgrade to steady
So it comes back, for the Milwaukee, to the 2,000-mile trans
continental extension. That was badly planned and badly exe
cuted. It ought to have tapped new and unserved territory as far •
as possible. Instead its projectors chose to parallel existing lines
for hundreds of miles. At the western end they might have opened
a new route through Central Oregon, w'here there were no rail
roads and where the country is susceptible of rich development,
just as James J. Hill developed the new territory through which
he built the Great Northern coast extension. But instead a com
peting line was built, which had to share traffic with established
lines, and which runs through much territory that is not productive
and probably never will be.
Nor was the financing of the extension soundly managed. The
work wras expensively done and these costs, of course, w'erc trans
lated into securities on which charges had to be earned. t
Now' there is nothing for it but the heroic expedient of a re
ceivership. The treatment is painful for the security holders, but
it will effect a cure for the road.
Pungent Paragraphs
It is a rare conscience that will
come out of hiding and bark fur
iously when there is a profit in sight.
—Dubuque Times Journal.
Somebody’# always knocking Chi
cago. Now it is claimed Bhe has
mors telephones than all of France.—
Wichita Beacon.
And then again, maybe Lot’s wife
heard somebody yell "fore!’’—Little
Hock (Arkansaa) Democrat.
An Englishman demands that
young men grow beards and boss
their wives. But what If their wives
won’t let them grow beards?—Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
Sometimes we get mad and think
all we get for our taxes are the re
ceipts.—Harrisburg Patriot.
No wonder a hen cackles when she
lays an egg worth a nickel.—Kala
mazoo Gazette.
When a nation hasn’t got a greater
leader to abuse, It can always flat
ter a little leader.—Binghamton
Just outside the Whits House
grounds Is a traffic epigram: "Use
your brakes more and your horn
less." Tourists are likely to wonder
whether It Is a quotation from one of
President Coolidgs’s addresses to
congress.—Washington Evening Star.
Some men are born great, some
shrink, and others never find out
how small they really are.—Illinois
State Journal.
Some people can find fault where
none has ever been lost.—Toledo
Nicotine has become one of the most
Important Insecticides on the market.
5***imi Report Corrected.
From the Bos Angeles Times.
“Sir,” said the tramp, "I've 'walked
a long way to pee you, because people
told me you wore kind to poor fellows
like me.”
•‘They said that, did they?’’
“Yee, sir: That's why I've called.’’
“Oh, and are you going back the
same way?”
“Then, In that case. Just contradict
It. will you? Good day!”
"Yes, sir.” _
A reasonable figure for the spark
ing voltage under average conditions
In an aircraft engine at full power
at sea level ie 6,000 volts; ander extreme
conditions U may rise to 10,000 or fall
te 1,000.
Geologists Often Err.
From the Montana Oil Journal.
Can anyone respect the judgment
or heneety or Integrity of a geologist
who will advance the theory that a
manmade theoretical state line can
establish for the Almighty the loca
tion of oil pools?
There are geologists who stood on
the Wyoming border a few years ago
and staked their judgment and pro
fessional reputation on the statement
that no oil would be found in Mon
There are today geologist* In both
Montana and Wyoming w>ho are
shaking their heads about the pos
sibility of finding oil In the Dakotas.
The Black Hills uplift on the south
west side is producing oil in Wyom
ing. Yet they shake their heads about
the possibility of finding oil on the
bther sides of the Black Hills uplift,
because they are in South Dakota. If
the men who made the state lines had
made Wyoming Include all of Mon
tana and western South Dakota, tlhe
value of the entire area for pros
pecting would be doubled and trebled,
under this commonly propounded
The geologists who made the wise
cracks about Montana are now de
voting their tljne and attention to
South Dakota which has deeper
drilling snd where U is more diffi
cult to call the He*.
The same theory applies on the
Pacific coaat. There are hair-brained
Individuals who decry attempts to
find oil In Oregon and Washington,
convinced that all the oil west of
the Rocky mountains Is cooped up In
100.000 acres of oil lands In the stats
of California. Similar structural
conditions, similar sands, similar
strata, even similar topographical
Has Beene.
From the Cincinnati Enquirer.
"You look discouraged,” remarked
the first germ.
"I am,” replied the second germ.
'What chance kta a mere germ In
these days of motor cars, wood alcohol
and guns In the hands of women?”
The revenue to meet the expenses of
France’s general budget not Inclusive
of the postal receipts during last Jan
uary, reached a total figure of 2,749,
(93,600 francs—out of which unusual re
ceipts such as revenue from sale of
war stocks, tax on excess war profits
’ and floss amounted to 72.222,600 francs.
By Jean O'Brien.
Give me the sun, and sometimes,
Give me the moon, and snow;
Give me a friend to show me Love,
And give me then—a foe.
Give me desire unsatisfied.
And sometimes—full delight;
Give me still watches in the dark,
And then—deep sleep—at night.
Give me not too much sweetness,
lest I know satiety; .
Give me—all things that make a
...-.. -
features are extant in Washington
Were these same structures sur«
rounded by the California line they
would be pounced upon by greedy
operators who are willing to pay
$100 an acre for lands with half as
good prospects, within the present
confines of California.
“Heart-Easing Things.**
And they shall be accounted poet
Who simply tell the most heart
easing things.
Is there anyone who sings
In our day heart-easing things?
Such, the Graces and the Hours
Bringing simple fruits and flowers
Down a bowery aisle of treee,
As in some old dancing frieze.
Would such delicacies please?
No! Our tastes ask subtleties;
In the wholesome meadow bloom.
Poison find, with rank'perfume;
Know that greenwood shades conceal
111, not crushed by .woman's heel!
Innocence?—tihe mask for Guilt,
Plunge the dagger to the hilt!
Let the altar wine be spilt—
All old shrines be now unbuilt!
Listen not, if any cry
"Comfort me!” Let that go by;
No heart-easing thing they tell
Who Today’s harsh chorus swell.
Faith—or legend—they ar* one;
Know you not that tihey are done?
Satyr's hoofs alone are seen,
Footprints round Pleria’s green.
Where the roses used to grow
(So 'twas said—but who may know?)!
Io! to their tramping rout—
To Prlapus, also, shout!
Now -the Art of Song must be.
As the theme, unchained and Free;
Heap up monstrous words, Instead
Of pure Sense with Muslo wed.
Oh, heart-easing things, once said.
Long and long ago are fled . . .
Poet-kings, then laurel-crowned.
From their laurel! guarded ground
Will not rise to bid you Nay!
Though you Rhyme and Reason flay,
Safely you shall hold your way—
Io! Bards of our Today!
—Edtth M. Thomas, in New York
Unusual Information.
From the Kansas City Star.
Unique replies were received In re
cent mid-year examinations at Betty
Zane Junior high school of Martins
Ferry, O., according to the Zane
graph, a school paper. They follow:
The ‘ Star Spangled Banner” waa
written by William Scott Kay. Ha
was captura and waa on a ahlp at
about Don whan he eald O, Say Caa
You See, etc., on the back of a let
The North agreed that the South
should have Missouri as a slave.
The president has a cabinet In
order to keep his china In It.
Ohio was omitted Into the Union In
The Story of the Erie Canal. Some
men started to build the canal and
the mosquttoes broke out and about
all the men died.
Francis Scott Key went down In
his bunk and walked the floor all
A senator has to be 14 years old,
It you have any vacancies go at
once to a dpntlst.
An Ideal stream for the lasy or
Impatient fisherman, who craves nour
ishment rather than the thrill of the
catch, has been discovered by Interior
department engineers In the Inacces
sible, turbid San Juan river, one of
the main tributaries of the Colorado In
Utah. The ewlftly flowing San Juan,
called Fawhuska (mad water) by the
Navajo Indians who live nearby, never
gets clear and sometimes It carries
three times as much silt as water. At
tlmee the river runs with a smooth,
oily movement like that of molten met
el so red and vicious Is It with silt.
At such times the fish become exhaust
ed and flounder on the surface, their
dorsal fins projecting Into the air.
Then the fisherman needs only to arm
himself with a club and wade cautious,
ly Into the mud to catch a fish with
bare hands after he has stunned It
20,000 Housewives
to Be Made Happy
Mrs. Harry Burke of Hudson, Ohio,
hns Just had the good fortune to win
an unexpected prize. She wrots for a
10c bottle of Liquid Veneer, which was
sent her free and postpaid. The mak
ers wrots asking her to tell her
friends, If she liked It. She writes
that she was so delighted the way It
made her furniture look brand new
that she told 10 of her friends and
the makers sent her, entirely free and
postpaid, a great big beautiful $2.00
Liquid Veneer Polishing Mop. Tm
simply delighted,” she writes.
Twenty thousand more of these
$2.00 Mops will be given away to
housewives. Write for a frrailOc
bottle and ask for descriptive circular
15, telling you how to get this mag
nificent polishing mop entirely free.
Address Liquid Veneer Co., Buffalo,
N. Y/—Adv.
English Using “Dope?*
Dope Is making dreadful Inroads in
England, its dangers being principally
due to British certainty that It could
never get a hold "with English men
and women.” It has got Its hold.
One seizure, recently, was of $500,000
worth. The students of one girls’
school have been revealed as leading
the most amazing night lives In the
search for pleasure. Cocaine has been
promoted among them till tremendous
harm has been accomplished.—London
—* W.J» -
Do You Know
That boiled frostlngs or uncooked
Icings will be much Improved by add
ing a small amount of Calumet Baking
Smallest Dictionary
Mrs. Otto Frederick of Minneapolis,
Minn., claims to lmve the smallest dic
tionary in the world. It is carried In
a locket and contains nearly 15,000
definitions. It is one am) one-eighth
Indies long, three-quarters of an Inch
wide and three-sixteenths of an inch
It is difficult to persuade men that
the lore of virtue is the love of them
Alabastine. Alabastine is
a dry powder in white and
tints. Packed in 5-pound
packages, ready for use by
mixing with cold or warm
water. Full directions on
every package. Apply with
an ordinary wall brush.
Suitable for all interior sur
faces—plaster, wall board,
brick, cement or canvas. It
won’t rub off, properly ap
plied. Ask your dealer for
color chart and suggestions
or wnte Miss Ruby Brandon,
the Alabastine Company,
Grand Rapids, Mich. ,
save money
Teach Children
eioUX CITY PTO. CO,“NO. 14-192ft!
The incomparable Star chassis, the Million-Dollar Star Motor
and the modern roomy and comfortable body of the Star 4-door
Sedan offer a total value per dollar of cost that warrants first
consideration by all of the millions who seek up-to-date, low
cost transportation.
2292 Star owners report an average cost of 1/14 cent per mile
for mechanical repairs and replacements.
2292 owners report an average of238/10miles per gallon of gaa,
2292 owners report an average of 9617 miles per set of tires.
To drive their cars it cost these owners on the average of
2 1/10 cents per mile for gasoline, oil, tires and mechanical
repairs and replacements.
This sort of low cost transportation Is of vital interest to any
man or woman who travels. Ask tha nearest Star Car Dealer
to give you more detailed facta.
Star Car Mon C a. Ik. Mich.
Touring $140 Roadster £540 Comfit $711 2-Door Sedan $710
4-Door Sedan $820 Commercial Chassis $443
Broadway at 37th Street, New York
Drains and inner Statietu Thnuffitae tie United Stairs and Canada
HANTS: Elizabeth, N. J.. Lamia*. Mich.. Oakland.Cal., Toronto.Ont.
When Coal Mines Explode
Coal mine explosions are most like
ly to occur between six and nine In
the morning, and between three and
seven in the afternoon.
The same heart beats in eveqr hu
man breast.
Knights and Baronets
The British title of baronet passe*
down from father to son, while in the
ease of a mere kniphts the title dies
with the holder.
No man can climb out beyond the
limitations of ids own character.
r^.%ast Foam
iwMMiMWMiii ■ mi rn ir miinniiiiniiin
f ' to
A /f ~ F “If your children do not possess
JVlOWlCrS# a very keen appetite for baker’s
bread) try homemade bread ana note the sudden
increase in the youngsters* bread consumption."
—Dr. Philip B. Hawk.
Send for free booklet
"The Art of Baking Bread"
Northwestern Yeast Cow
1730 North Aahlpnd Am
Chicago* UL