THE FRONTIER I). H. CRONIN, Publisher. W. C. TEMPLETON. Editor and Business Manager. Entered at the postoffice at O’Neill, Nebraska, as second-class matter. PROMISE TO HARNESS NIOBRARA RIVER SOON Spencer, Neb., March 10: Promised by a representative of the North Ne braska Ppwer company, incorporated, that work on a water power plant with a sufficient capacity to furnish all the towns in this part of the state with electricity would be started by April 16, the Spencer council last night signed a contract with the power com pany to furnish light and power to the city at a considerable reduction under present rates. The company’s representative said that the dam woujd be located eighty rods west of the Whiting bridge on the Niobrara. He declared that a good-sized force of workmen would push the project through rapidly and that the company would be prepared to furnish current before many months. It was not announced here who is behind the North Dakota Power company. It is said that several other towns have been solicited to make contracts with the new company. AMERICAN LEGION DRIVE INCREASES MEMBERSHIP TO 81 In last week’s issue we gave the membership of Simonson Post No. 93 at 73 but the drive not ending until Saturday night, that was increased by eight more members which now brings the total up to 81. The members signed up since the last issue are: Edgar E. Stevens. Levi Yantzi. Claude Barnhill. Edmund L. McKone. John McManus. Ralph Millard. Joel Parker. Bernard Naughton. This does not include all the ex service men in this neighborhood and the post does not expect to let up on the membership drive until all available men are signed up as we want every ex-service man to become a member of the American Legion this year. , Publicity Officer, MAJOR OWEN R. MEREDITH WRITES LENGTHY ARTICLE ON STABILITY OF INFANTRY The February 22nd, issue of the Columbus (Georgia) Ledger, contains an article covering a number of col umns written by Major Owen R. Meredith, a former resident, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Meredith of thtis city. Major Meredith of Chemical War fare Service, strongly upholds the idea that the Infantry is and always will be the "strong arm” of the United States Army, and that the infantry will be the main factor in the next war in spite of the many inventions and discoveries being brought to the attention of the government. An article waa published in a Kan sas City paper last January that In ferred that the next war would be fought, not by trained soldiers upon the field of action but through aviation. The writer thought that planes would use chemicals and ex plosives that would wipe out entire cities and non-combatant population. It was in reply to this article that Major Meredith penned the article re ferred to. In regard to' Major Meredith the editor of the Columbus Ledger has the following to say: Major Meredith is an accomplished Mflcer who knows whereof he speaks. He is an expert on machine guns and their use. Besides -his training as an Infantry officer, he has had wide ex perience in the chemical warfare service. He has commanded Edgewood ar senal, the greatest chemical warfare plant in the United States, and was also instructed in machine guns at the Infantry school. His varied experience in the army give weight to his ideas, and this article may be profitably read and studied by army officers as well as by civilians. THE GRANTS SURPRISED ON SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY, SATURDAY Saturday, March 7th, being Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grant’s twenty-fifth wed ding anniversary, the ladies of the club oi which Mrs. Grant is a member, planned a surprise for them. The Grant’s are now living in a small house near the ranch house while Frank Cook and family are yv ing on the ranch. Through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Cook the guests were invited to the ranch house and at eight o’clock about twenty-five ladies and gentle men gathered at Mr. Cook’s and then invited Mr. and Mrs. Grant over to spend the evening. Mrs. Grant insist ed she was expecting company but Mr. Grant confessed it was a com plete surprise to him. A short program was tendered, con sisting of songs, readings and con numdrums; Mr. Grant played the guitar and sang several old time songs, which everyone enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Grant were presented with a silver jelly kr.ife by the club as a remembrance. At 11:30 lunch was served and at twelve o’clock the guests departed, all agreeeing Mr. and Mrg. Cook were royal entertainers and hoping Mr. and Mrs. Grant would have another silver wedding soon. Elizabeth Wermstrum and Carl Grant were married at Harris, Iowa, in 1900. They have spent the greater part of their married life in Ne braska, living at Lynch, O’Neill, Ann car and Dorsey. We take this opportunity in saying we welcome Mr. and Mrs. Cook to our community most heartily. A Guest. DEATH CAME itf ACCIDENT. Supreme Court Decides Disputed Lawsuit. Banker Found Dead In Fasture and Court Says Inference Properly Drawn That Accident Was Cause. ,, (Lincoln Journal, March 7.) A judicial determination that Eu gene H. Smith, former head of a state bank at Page. Holt County, came to his death as the result of an accident was entered Friday by the supreme court. On the morning of July 6 1920, Smith was found dead in his pasture, where he had gone to milk a . cow. Close by a fence which he hatl to mount to get into the pasture wai a half barrel embedded in the grounc and partly filled with water. Arounc the fence on the pasture side it was muddy and slippery. When a neighbor found Smith his body was bent over the edge of th« barrel and his head immersed in the I water. Rigor mortis had not set ir , so that death had been but a fev t minutes before. Smith carried a $5, \ 000 policy in the National Accident o1 , Lincoln. The company disputed th< theory of accident. Developments following Smith’i . death disclosed that his bank had beei , insolvent for some time. The theorj j of the defense was that he had eithei k committed suicide because of worrj l ur)d the dread of exposure or that in . had had a return of an old hear , trouble while bent over the tank. Th< ' theory of the beneficiary of the policy [ was that he had slipped in the muc . »nd had fallen against the tank ant then his head, while he was uncon i scious, had fallen into the water , where he was suffocated or drowned The defense objected to a decisior based on building up one inferenct upon another, but the supreme courl j says that any of the several infer ences justified the conclusion of acci dent. His hat and glasses were stil | [n place. On his forehead, just when he might have hit his head against tht tank, was a discoloration. The courl ■ says that if he had had an attach of heart trouble the circulation woulc Snow Adds to the Problem Of Providing Telephone Service After a deep snow, tele phone service is often taxed to the utmost. At such times, people have difficulty in getting about town and more than ever rely upon the telephone. Furthermore, when trans portation is more or less tied up after a snow, it is difficult for the telephone operators to get to work promptly. v And heavy snow, if ac eompanied by wind, fre quently tears down poles and wires, shutting off both local and long distance tele phone service. Uniformly satisfactory telephone service is our con stant aim, but occasionally conditions arise which are temporarily beyond all hu man control. At such a time we especially appreciate the patience of our pati >ns un til the situation can be met. Our constant endeavor is to famish reliable telephone service at the lowest possible charges. ® B*u. System' Northwestern Beu Telephone Cohmnv have stopped and there would have been no discoloration. ' The claim of suicide was not pressed very hard, and the court says this was highly im- \ probable in view of the testimony that «3 he had been cheerful the night before \ and the circumstances surrounding his ) death. c WILL ROGERS f ADVERTISING WRITER E When Will Rogers’ bones are inches * beneath the sod, his stone will bear a J new epitaph. There will be no men- * tion of his fame as cow puncher, no . praise of his gift of humor, no eulogy 1 of his career before the Follies bright lights and the movie Kleig lights. It’s going to be an original epitaph, the one and only one in the world. It will read: 5 - t WILL ROGERS I “An Honest Ad Writer” Will hung out his shingle in the 1 advertising profession by agreeing to ( write Bull Durham advertising. For the first time in the history of the ( printed word, a copy writer was given c carte blanche to say whatever he \ wished about a produck Rogers was to write as he felt. The first startle he gave the ad- ; vertising world was to write a tes- ' timonial advertisement about Bull ! Durham, in which he talked of noth ing but cross word puzzles. '• “Everywhere you go, everybody is figuring out Cross Word Puzzle. Nobody is working or even exercising. America will lose the next war but win the next puzzle contest. It’s the greatest craze that has hit the country since Prohibition. “People says to me ‘Why Will, you don’t understand. It’s an education. It learns you more ways to say one word.’ If you know one way to say a word, what do you need to know any more for. Nobody is going to give you something for nothing. I don’t care how many ways you ask for it. This puzzle has done one thing. It has learned us which is horizontal and which is vertical.” This paper is fortunate to be among those in which the Bull Durham ad vertising is running. The next time you see an advertisement headed the “Bulls Eye”—read it. We guaran tee it will make you laugh, no mat ter if you’re suffering with chronic dyspepsia. MYER-RANDALL. William Meyer and Bessie Randell, both of O’Neill, were granted a mar riage license in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Wednesday. CHAMBERS ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Van Robertson, Dr. and Mrs. J. , W. Gill, T. H. Osborn, Hylas Farrier,< David Holcomb and Rev. R. E. Carl-: yon attended the Masonic reception held at O’Neill Saturday evening, March 7th, in honor of Judge R. R. Dickson, grand master of Masons of Nebraska. The illustrated lecture by the Rev. C. M. Shephard, of Lincoln, was greatly enjoyed by those present as was also the musical numbers, and Judge Dickson’s words of response. ■ The luncheon was a real treat. i Edna Hansen, of Amelia, who has been confined to ber home since last i November, is now getting along nicely i and will soon be able to walk. Edna ■ had the misfortune to be thrown from • a horse and sustained a fracture of ' tbe right leg which was mending > satisfactorily when she fell and opened ; up the old fracture. ' Through the courtesy of T. V. New house, radio dealer, a radio was tern ‘ porarily installed in the Chambers 1 public school Wednesday, March 4th, to give the pupils an opportunity to ' hear the inaugural address of Presi ■ dent Coolidge. Mrs. E. V. Sageser, who accom panied Mr. Sageser to the hospital at Grand Island, returned to Chambers, luesday. Mr. Sageser will remain at the hospital a few weeks longer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCarrol, of 1 Creek, moved their household effects to Chambers last Tuesday and are nicely located on the Jack Tag gart ranch. _Mr. and Mrs. Aca Hubbard enter tained the Masonic club at their home Wednesday, March 4th. A dainty luncheon was served. OLGA KRIEGER SCHLEEF. *" The community, atid especially the members of the Lutheran church, are deeply grieved over the death of the beloved wife of their pastor, Rev. A. H. Schleef, of Chambers. **ad been in failing health for some time. She submitted to nn operation January 19, 1925, at Chicago. March 1st, she contracted Influenza, complication set in and in her enfeebled condition she was un able to stand the strain. She was taken to Norfolk Saturday, March i th, but she passed away about seven mUes from the Lutheran hospital where it was hoped she would find relief. . 0,Sa.Kriert happens to prove true we nil soon be a city. FRANK,RISER REUNITED WITH HIS STEPMOTHER AFTER A LONG SEARCH The following article clipped from he Omaha News of last Tuesday evening, recites the story of the re jniting of Frank Riser, of Milford, Nebraska, with his step-mother, who aas been conducting a search for him for a number of years. Riser was located by L. C. Peters of this city for the Omaha News. Frank Riser, as many of the older residents of this vicinity will remem ber, was adopted from the Nebraska Children’s Home Society by Mr. and Mrs. Dave Riser, then residing north west of O’Neill, about thirty years ago. The O’Neill people who were ?iven as reference at the time of the adoption of Frank Riser have all pass ad to the great beyond or have moved from O’Neill; they were O. O. Snyder, Fannie C. Morris, Alberta Uttley, Mrs Minnie Cole and Mrs. E. H. Cress. Mrs. Minnie Cole accompanied Mr. Riser to Omaha and brought the child ;o O’Neill. rranx grew to mannooa upon tne ^ ’arm and later was united in marriage :o Miss Letha Cromwell of this city, ' md personally conducted the farm for several years. During the land boom Mr. Riser sold the farm and moved to Milford where he again purchased a farm six miles north of Friend and Frank took charge of the operation of the place and upon which he and his family still reside. Frank and family moved from O’Neill about four years ago. They were in O’Neill during the summer of 1923 and spe it some time visiting with relatives here. Frank is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Yantzi of this city.. The Omaha News article follows: A twenty-year search for her step son, to locate whom she came to Omaha recently, is over today for Mrs. Frank Brandt, of El Reno, Okla. The two-decade hunt, in which the woman has spent a small fortune in advertising in newspapers and in traveling expenses to interview over fifty persons in various parts of the country, suspected of being the mis sing step-son, ended when Mrs. Brandt took into her arms and wept over Frank Riser, farmer, whose place is twelve miles southwest of Milford, Nebraska. The meeting, which took place on the Riser farm Monday afternoon, was dramatic, Riser had no idea that he was being sought, and the meeting was the biggest surprise of his life. The finding of his step-mother means for Frank Riser that he now has first news of his real father and will in the near future, meet his brother and sister for the first time since they were small children. The brother and sister are in Oklahoma, whither Mrs. Brandt returned Mon day evening from Lincoln after her successful trip to Nebraska. When Frank Brandt was two years old his mother died. For a short time he lived with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brandt of Gretna, Ne braska. Then he was placed with the Nebraska Children’s Home society, Omaha. Later he was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. J. D. (Dave) Riser of Mil ford. They lived near O’Neeill and had been the parents of three child ren, who died. Frank was reared as their only son and took their name. In the meantime Frank’s father, sister and brother moved to Okla homa. The father remarried. It was his second wife whose tireless efforts finally have reunited the family. Frank Riser’s brother is Henry P. Brandt, 34, of El Reno, Oklahoma, and his sister is now Mrs. A. R. Rabhi, 33, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Mrs. Brandt while in Omaha on her search for Frank Brandt (Riser), stopped at the home of Mrs. C. Dohr man, 3715 South Twenty-eighth street. The final clew that brought about the meeting of Mrs. Brandt and her stepson Monday was the record of the Nebraska Children Home society of Omaha. “Frank and Henry,” Mrs. Brandt said, “lock just alike.” To Han'y slie is carrying the news that his brother, whom they thought dead for years, is a bright, above the ordinary man, with a comely wife and four sweet children: Veronica, 8; Lois Evelyn, 7; Cleta Irene, 6; and Francis Lysle, 2. Frank, overjoyed at learning of his blood relations, despite his love for his foster parents, plans to drive to Oklahoma this summer to visit his relatives. At one time in her search, Mrs. Brandt became convinced that Joe Sesto, in the state penitentiary for EXTRA GOOD HARNESS There is s reliable harness | man near you who sella H. B. Brand harness. He has prob ably sold it for years, knowing it s honest value. Made of finest leather by expert harness mak ers, H. B. Brand outwears and outworks ordinary harness. Costs less in the long run. A style for every purpose. Reason able prices. Your H. B. Brand dealer will be glad to show them to you. Get a copy of our 1925 catalog from him or write us. ^uSSEST" J J horse stealing, was her husband’s lost son. She came from Oklahoma to assist in obtaining a parole for him and decided to take him home. - To re move all doubt, however, she came to Omaha, sought Y^ur Muny Agent of The Omaha Daily News and, with the assistance of the latter, she was per mitted to examine the records of the Nebraska Children’s home. These records showed that Sesto was not Brandt’s son, revealed that the boy had been adopted by Riser and gave the clew that resulted in finding Frank Brandt (Riser). “I have been wondering for years who my blood relatives could be, or if I had any,” Riser said. “I didn't know what my name was, so I had no place to start from. I’m not even sure whether I’m 31 or 32 years old.” “I’ll find out and you know,” prom ised Mrs. Brandt. Frank Riser, records of the Ne braska Children’s home revealed, will be 32 on April 9. Frank asked about his real mother. She was Miss Emma Hijka, Bruno, Nebraska, whose brothers, Jerry and Frank Hijka, are said to still live there. *7fie BULL’S EYE Editor and QeneratManaqer _WILL ROGERS J THE fourth of March is a Politician’s uncertain day. He is either coming in or going out. If he is staying in it’s because they haven’t got wise to him yet. I have always said Office holders should be elected for life (subject, of course, to im peachment for neglect or dishonesty). Then they could give their work all of their time, instead of worry ing about how to stay in,, and that would do away en tirely with the biggest so cial problem we have to face in this country. And that is the thousands of Individuals who go through life just try ing to get in office. If we could get their mind off of fices, and get ’em to working at something useful. But what’s the use talking about a Heaven on earth. We got to die to get rid of the Office seeker, and then I bet you we will find them, either wanting to have Saint Peter impeached, or to get a job as Superintendent of the Fur nace. Oh Yes, I like to for got ‘Bull’ Durham. It will Be on sale in both places, no advance in prices. $trp-esig, P. S. I’m going to write some more pieces that will appear in this paper. Keep look* ing for them. MORE OF EVERYTHIN6 for a lot less money. That’s the net of this Bull’ Durham propo sition. More flavor— more enjoyment—and alot more money leftin the bankroll at the end’ of a week’s smoking. TWO BAGS fur 15 cent* 100 cigarettes for 15 cents >