Monarch of All He Surveys This big spotted cat, who can't change his spots. Is certainly an ele gant looking fellow. While, frankly, he’s not a vegetarian, he Isn't as black as some have painted him. It la easy to see that whatever his faults may be. he’s a perfect gentleman; something on the order of the mildest man that ever scuttled a ship or cut a throat. Society Girl Bride j Star Ball Player i J Miss Alice Ileough, prominent socially in East Boston, Mass., and Valentine Plcinlch, catcher for the Boston baseball team of the American League, were mar« ried recently, it became known when friends cf the couple re ceived gifts sent by “Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Plcinlch." When Plcinlch returned frbm his Euro pean tour as a member of the Gtants-Wbite Sox combination, It was learned. Miss Keough met him at the pier. They were mar ried the next day In New Jersey, Wife Has First Spouse These are the principals in tne *klan wedding” now being aired in Denver courts. Mae Nash, the hride, is seen above. Keith Boehm, high school boy, who says Dr. John Oalen Locke, klan officer, forced him to marry her, is shown below. A wife has first claim upon the affections of her husband. Magistrate Simpson, of New York, Cold Mrs. Betty Gluck, wife of a vaudeville actor, when she was arraigned on a charge of annoying a feminine friend of her husband. Simpson dismissed the complaint and told Mrs. Gluck she has a right to annoy any woman who attempts to trifle with the affections of her husband. A Continental Daredevil r Vtlhelmle Banky is but 19 years old. but already has become one of the favorites of the Fvropean movie public, for her daredevil stunts in the air. She Is an all-round athlete, besides being an expert aviator. Divorce Decision Is Knocked Out by Wife —r*T-t—?— iJSPg VEX3/V gHEAT^ER,. Two years ago Vera and Henry Shearer lived In New York, where she ran a tearoom and he sold pianos. Last July he got a Chicago divorce, charg ing desertion and misbehavior. One of the witnesses was Em mallne Hammond, whom he later married, and moved to Indian apolis. Now Vera has gotten Judge Joseph Sabath to set aside the divorce decree on the grounds she.was never served. "He'll answer aplenty," si » told the court. Toiled and Prayed To Free Floyd Collins in Johnnie Geralds, top. Is ill with pneumonia contracted from his at tempts to rescue Floyd Collins from Sand Cave, near Cave City, Ky. Lee Collins, center, Floyd's father, plead ed for persons throughout the coun try to pray for his son’s release Norman Parker, below, was the Iasi man to talk to Collins. He was 1> the cave when the passage to Col lins was blocked the second time. Mrs. Helen Collin Thellman haa brought suit In New York for dlH ■orce from Dr. Henry Thellmanj toted dental surgeon and expert clay pigeon shot. Doctors may^be curing tuberculosis with gold before long. Dr. Peter C. Clemensen of Chicago has Just re turned from Copenhagen with enough sanocrysln, or salt of gold, far tb« treatment of three patients. It is ta be administered with a serum. Where Eight Met Death Firemen hunting through the rulne of the fire which destroyed a double apartment building In the heart of Chicago’s university district, taking eight Uvea. Thirty-four housekeeping suites hi the four-story brick structure were reduced to ashes. Mine Bites at Building 1—*——1 Citizens of Halleyvllle, Okla., were thrown Into a panto when the T M. C. A. dropped three feet on its foundations Into a tunnel of tht abandoned Halley-Okla mine. The building Is being saved by props. Shark Is Death Clue .nil '■ Hair believed that of Amalia Rivas, Cuban actress, was discovered la tk« body of a monster shark captured near Tampico harbor by Fred Van Doren, fisherman. Miss Rivas was on the Ward Line steamer Es peranza when it sank near the harbor in March, 1924. Her body wa» not recovered. The shark la l, meter 80 centimeters long This is Mrs. U Kellogg, 'rtte of the newly appoint secretary •f state. Washington society eagerly Is anticipating her return to the *t pltal. X - ' ' James Newton Owens la just eight But he’s a sophomore in high school at Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee. Okla. He is studying Caesar and Greek, reads Spanish fluently and works mathematical problems that most of tha seniors.