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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1925)
11 Low-cost Transportation Siari The Quality Leader of the Low-Triced Field " From the beginning the Star Car has established a newer, higher standard of engineering in the low priced field, being the first to include the following quality features : 1. Forced Feed Motor La- 6. Worm and Gear Type brication Steering Gear 2. Silent Chain Front-end 6. Vacuum Fuel Feed with Drive Tank at Rear 3. Single-plate Dry-disc 7. Durant Tubular Back Clutch bone 4 Semi-elliptic Springs, 8. Removable Valve and front and rear Tappet Guides 9. All Main Units Separately Removable Prices, f. o, b. Lansing, Mich. Touring $540 Roadster $540 Coupe $715 Two-door Sedan $750 Four-door Sedan $820 Commercial ChaSis $443 . DURANT MOTORS . INC - m Broadway at 57th Street, New York , Dealers and Service Stations Throughout the United States and Canada Plano: Elizabeth, N. J. * Lansing. Mich. • Oakland, Cal. • Toronto,One «u—. . The Verdict Slim—“How did your wife enjoy .your vacation?” Tim—“Oh, she tella fne I had a wonderul time.” Classification Knocking usually Indicates either carbon or envy.—Rochester Times* Union. least Foam Is your dough always light and sweet? Be sure of a well raised dough by using a cake of Yeast Foam each time you bake. Send for free booklet “The Artof Baking Bread” The favorite of , good bread makers Northwestern Yeast Co 1730 North Ashland Ave. Chicago, 111. Some girls require a lot of ready cash in order to succeed In the busi ness of looking for a husband. If some men were paid only for what they know they would never pos sess more than 30 cents. DEMAND “BAYER” ASPIRIN Aspirin Marked With "Bayer Cross" Has Been Proved Safe by Millions. - • Warning! Unless you see the name "“Bayer” on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 23 years. Say “Bayer” when you buy Aspirin. Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv. Some women try to attract attention by trying to look miserable. No woman cares to be silent partner In a matrimonial firm. Easily Answered “Why Is one of the billiard balls al ways red?” “Because it is kissed so much.” A methodical man is almost certain to make his daily program so long that it rides him. Cuticura Soothes Baby Rashes That itch and burn, by hot baths of Cuticura Soap followed by gentle anointings of Cuticura Ointment. Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espe cially if a little of the fragrant Cuti cura Talcum is dusted on at the fin ish. 25c each.—Advertisement. 1 Some women would be without an earthly mission if there were no gos sip to circulate. A parachute that will bring both passengers and plane safely to the ground has been invented by a French aviator. CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER the next time you bake—give it just one honest and fair trial* jgpj One test in your own kitchen will prove to you that there is a big difference between Calumet BmSQH and any other brand—that for HEE53ggp2g9 uniform and wholesome bak big it has no equal. JlW-ahs., * Bast By Teat Actress to Wed Manager Lucille Upton, sister of Peggy Joyce, and herself an actress just making her first appearance on the stage, has announced her engage ment to wed Martin B. Jones, Jr, wealthy society man now managing theatrical production In New York. Shepherds Face Accusers Mr. and Mrs. William D. Shepher d, snapped as they arrived in Chicago the second time to face their invest! gators in the probe begun into the death at William Nelson McClintock. Shepherd’s millionaire foster son. Denies Charge of Breaking Up Home search Hospitals For Noted Pianist Miss Teddy Gerard, who emphat ically denies that she is interested in any way in the reported es trangement of W. A. Harriman and his wife. The Harriman* are living apart in London and it has been rumored that Teddy was to be the next Mrs. Harriman. New Swede Premier Former Shoemaker Stockholm, Jan 31.—F. V. Thors son, formerly a shoemaker, is the new premier of Sweden and has selected vhe. post of finance minis ter in the Swed ish cabinet. He is a member of the second cham ber of the liiks dag and has been finance minister In three previous cabinets. ETHEL LEGINSKA New York, Jan. 31.—Hospitals lu this city and other cities are being searched for Ethel Leglnska, pianist, who disappeared last Monday night on the theory that she may have been taken to some hospital suffer ing from amnesia or mental aber ation. Friends are of the opinion she suffered a nervous breakdown. Artist r ac claimed an artistic genius by three artists who awarded him two gold medals for his work in a school drawlne contest held tu New York. Predicted End of World Mrs. Margaret Rowan, prophetess, and Dr. F. E. Fullmer, chief dtsctple of the Reformed Seventh Day Ad ventist church at I.os Angeles, are positive the world will end February 6, that 144,000 will be saved and the remainder of the world’s population destroyed by fire, hailstones and earthquakes. They have *\ following of nearly 1,000 persons in the United States. Mrs. Rowan says the world's end was revealed to her In a vision. Cat Has Mother’s Soul, Girl Says i-s: — -* IP. -3 , "Nlfcf,” woman-hating cat of San Francisco city prison, In the arms of Dorothy Ellingson, called “Jazz slay er” because she killed her mother In an argument over dancing, and laug hed about It. She doesn’t laugh at the cat. She thinks the cat has her mother’s soul, she tells prison off!- i dais. So she pets “Nig” and feeds h 1m. Doctor and Nurse Fighting Diptheria Plague This photo taken at the Maynard-Coluinbus hospital in Nome, Alaska, shows Miss Bertha Saville and Dr. Curtis Welch director of the U. S. Public Health Service, who are tae entlie medical force battling in diptharla-strlclieB Nome, walle they wait for the lifa-aaving serum being * rushed there i) tits apt* dor. tetim race.