The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 12, 1925, Image 1

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    The Frontier.
| “Lost—A Chaperon” |
Produced in K. C. Opera House
Thursday, February 19th
With the Following Cast:
Ruth French _,___ Ellen Shaughnesy ;
Alice Bennett _ Margaret Leach
:| Blanche Westcott____ Neva BrentsOn :::
Agnes Arabella Bates___ Marjorie Alderson
Margie Tyndall---Lucile Vaught
: Mrs. Sparrow _Margaret Rhode |
Lizzie Sparrow_ Ruby Martin
Mandy Sparrow ___ Ellie Butterfield
George Higgins, an A. B.---Jack Arbuthnot
Jack Abbott, a Freshman_James Chapman
Fred Lawton, a Freshman_Clark Hough
Raymond Fitzhenry, off hill engineer- Frances Welsh
Tom Crosby, off hill engineer---Leo Ryan
Dick Norton, off hill engineer_- Erwin Cronin
Mrs. Higgins, the chaperon_ Lillian Simonson
Scenes—First and Third—Girls Camp in Maine.
Second—Boys Camp Across Lake.
< H I ' " 1
Admission—Adult, 50c. Matinee, 25c.
Managers—Donald Alderson, Russell Shoemaker.
Herbert Webb, of Opportunity, has
moved to Ewing.
Miss Bessie McLeod spent Sunday
with friends in Omaha.
The old folks enjoyed a hop at the
H. W. Tomlinson home Friday even
— Mrs. Margret Clinton and Mrs.
Mary Zastrov are in Omaha this
A daughter was born February 2nd
to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds, of
y~ Ewing.
Mrs. J. A. Donohoe went to Chicago
last week for a visit with her sister,
Mrs. Coulter.
Bernard Fitzsimmons came up from
Omaha last week and is visiting with
O’Neill friends.
Mrs. L. E. Skidmore, of Ewing, has
been quite ill at the home of her son
near Chambers.
+ Edw. Adams, of Chambers, was in
the city last Friday and called on us
at our new location.
A daugter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton Perry, of Stuart, Ne
braska, on February 2nd.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tomlinson re
turned home last Friday from a short
wedding trip and honeymoon.
“Lost—A Chaperon.” A generous
reward offered for her return. Junior
class, K. of C. Hall, February 19.
E. 0. Elvidge came up from Sioux
City last Saturday and was shaking
hands with former O’Neill friends.
A. V. Virgin has installed new
radio receiving sets recently for Levi
Hull, Ralph Lawrence and O. G.
Rev. E. T. Connelly, representing
the Wesleyan university, occupied the
pulpit of the Methodist church last
Rev. E. D. Hull, district superin
tendent, held quarterly conference in
the Methodist church Friday evening,
February 6th.
Be sure to see the Junior play
“Lost A Chaperon,” in the K. C. Hall,
Thursday, February 19, 1925.
Matinee at 3 o’clock.
Mrs. Ben J. Grady came home last
Sunday from a couple of weeks’ visit
with her sister, Miss Margaret Dono
hoe and other relatives and friends.
A son was born Wednesday after
noon to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Flaherty,
residing ten miles north on the high
J. C. Harnish went to York, Ne
braska, last Sunday and has been at
tending a meeting of the Home Board
of the I. O. O. F. home.
Thursday will be the first appear
ance in public of the High School Glee
Club, when they will sing a group of
songs, between acts of the Junior
Miss Kathleen Roskoff and Miss
Rose Taylor were hostess to the Mon
day night club this week. Mrs. E. T.
Campbell won the high score prize at
A rip roaring comedy in three acts
entitled “Lost, A Chaperon,” present
ed by the Junior class Thursday even
ing, February 19. You will enjoy
every minute.
Carl J. Sauser left Thursday morn
ing for Lincoln where he goes to be
present at the installation of Pi
Chapter of Phi 'Kappa at the local
fraternity Nu Alpha of which he is a
Elmer Bergstrom, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Nils Bergstrom residing in the
eastern part of the county, suffered a
broken right arm while cranking a
car in Page last Thursday.
The many O’Neill friends of Miss
Ellen Clare Donovan, of St. Paul,
Minnesota, enjoyed listening to
several vocal selections rendered by
her, Sunday evening from radio sta
tion WCCO, at Minneapolis.
The Episcopal services on Sunday,
February 15th, at 8:00 o’clock a. m.
Holy communion; 11 morning prayer
and sermon; 8:00 p. m. evening
prayer and sermon. Strangers are
welcome to any and all of these
services. Rev. Mr. Diggs, priest in
Your Bank
In every sense, it is the desire of this bank
that it be known to you as YOUR bank. Only
by giving our depositors the feeling that the in
stitution is part theirs, can we hope to succeed
and render the fullest measure of service.
Our advice is free and it can be of value to you
in your affairs. It is generously given, without
“strings to it.”
It is our business to know things you are likely
to ask about.
We shall welcome you as a depositor and ex
tend every facility to help you solve your prob
lems. »
The Nebraska
State Bank
A son, Harold Arthur, tfas born to
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Brouse, of Valen
tine, Nebraska, on Tuesday, Febru
ary 10th. Mrs. Brouse will be re
membered as Hazel French, formerly
of Page.
Mrs. M. A. Summers, of Middle
Branch, is spending this week at the
home of her son, Frank and family,
in this city. Through the death of an
aunt in Scotland, Mrs. Summers has
just received a legacy of severel
hundred pounds Sterling.
C. M. Lawrence of the College of
Agriculture, Lincoln, was in O’Neill
last week arranging for a boys and
girls pig and calf club; 14 members
are already listed and Mr. Lawrence
expects to assemble a large club in
the near future.
Wert L. Kirk, editor and publisher
of the Spencer Advocate for the past
ten years, has sold interests in the
business to Carl G. Ratliff and W. A.
Alexander, of Sioux City, who will
conduct the business in the future.
The next meeting of the G. P. C.
will be held at the Stahley home and
will be entertained by Lucille Hough,
on Thursday, February 19th. All
rrtembers as well as all prospective
members are asked to be present.
A. C. Tilley, division engineer, De
partment of Public Works, with
headquarters at Norfolk, was in
O’Neill a short time Wednesday con
ferring with the chairman of the
County Board. Mr. Tilley was also
inspecting a bridge southeast of Ew
E. N. Purcell and daughter, Mrs. W.
L. Caldwell and little daughter, Ana
mae, expect to go up to Crawford,
Nebraska, this evening. Mr. Purcell
has installed a new produce station at
Crawford. Mr. Caldwell will manage
the produce house.
A foreign mission meeting will be
held at the Presbyterian church in
O’Neill, on Wednesday evening, at 8
o'clock. Rev. Sullenberger, returned
missionary from South America, will
lecture on foreign mission work. A
good turnout is desired. A collection
at the close of the meeting.
Chairman of the County Board John
Sullivan and County Clerk E. F. Por
ter returned home from Lincoln the
first of the week where they met with
a legislative committee in regard to
having an appropriation made for the
remainder of the money due the
road projects, and also to arrange for
state and federal money for further
road work.
The Purcell Produce company have
jqst received and unloaded another
car of Glendora Wonder coal and are
expecting another car the first of the
week. This coal sells for $11.00 de
livered from the car. We deliver. No
clinkers, very low in ash and very last
ing. If you are in need of coal phone
your orders to 66. Ask your neigh
bors what they think of Glendora. 37-1
The W. W. W. club in the Middle
Branch country in the eastern part of
the county has been seriously con
templating adding a nursery to their
club. Three families, Mr. and Mrs.
Moody Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Grubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvey
are the proud parents of sons, and Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Stauffer, a daughter,
all born during the last week of Jan
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stahley, residing
near Emmet, quietly arranged a sur
prise party for Miss Lucille Hough
last Thursday evening in honor of
Miss Hough’s birthday anniversary.
Miss Hough is teaching school in that
district. The guests were her school
patrons and many friends. The even
ing was spent at games and other
amusement. Miss Hough was pre
sented with a fountain pen by the
pupils of her ninth grade. Luncheon
was served at midnight.
A short time ago W. B. Graves re
ceived notice from the postoffice at
Valentine that there was a letter in
that office addressed to him with two
cents postage due. Mr. Graves im
mediately sent the two cents and in
return received a letter dated October
6, 1922, that had come to that office
from the postoffice at Harmony, Ne
braska. When Mr. Graves finally re
ceived the letter the newly affixed
stamps was not cancelled.
The letter contained a request for
information in regard to work that
Mr. Graves was doing for the party
at that time.
Mr. Graves and those interested
have been trying to figure out where
that letter has been resting during
the twenty-eight months.
Charles Peterson, of Ewing, was
arrested last Saturday and brought
before the county judge charged with
setting fire to the Ewing mill which
burned some time ago. Peterson
gave bond for his appearance in
county court Friday, February 13th,
at which time he will be arraigned
for a preliminary hearing.
The arrest of Peterson is the result
of an investigation which has been
made recently by the chief fire in
spector of the state.
Fire was discovered eminating from
the roof of the Abe Saunto store last
Monday morning. The firemen were
soon upon the scene and put out the
blaze before any great amount of
damage was done.
The Sunday Bee contained a large
picture of Mrs. Fay Goree Lewis, for
merly Fay Goree, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Wm. Goree, of Inman, who
is now night superintendent of the
hospital at Cave City, Kentucky. She
is a cousin of D. H. Clauson of this
“Fay Goree Lewis, former Omaha
girl, is one of the Red Cross nurses
assisting in the work of releasing
Floyd Collins from fhe underground
passage in which he is a pridbner near
Cave City, Kentucky. She was
graduated from Lord Lister hospital
nurses’ training school in 1918 and
then became superintendent of a
hospital in Iowa, after which she
joined the Red Cross service. Dr. E
C. Henry spoke highly of MiBS Lewis
work.” %
An unruly oil stove in the Soukup
pool hall caused the fire alarm to be
sounded last Friday morning. The
fife was extinguished before thw fire
men arrived.
Mrs. T. S. Roche died at her home
in the eastern part of the county
Wednesday morning following an ill
ness of several months.
She was born at Keokuk, Iowa,
April 7, 1856, and was sixty-eight
years, ten months and four days
Funeral services will be held Friday
morning, February 13th, at St. Pat
rick’s church in this city. ,
An obituary notice will appear next
On Saturday, February 7, O’Neil!
High school quintet played and de
feated the Ainsworth cagers in a fast
but onesided game, the final count be
ing 25 to 3.
Bazelman scoring 12 points, Quinr
10, and Welsh 3, were the O’Neil!
stars, while Davis and Law got out J
points between them for Ainsworth
who were held scoreless for three
quarters. Then Law looped a baskei
and Davis a free throw, but thas wai
the extejnt of their luck.
Thejft*Neill High Basket ball tean
Why This Should
Be Your Bank
We invite the business of all who
appreciate the comfort of security, the
advantage of good service and the pleas
ure of courtesy.
This bank carries no indebtedness
of officers or stockholders.
Resources over $600,000.00.
O’Neill National
f i • . »
played and defeated the Stuart five
by a score of 27 to 4 at the high school
gymnasium Wednesday night. The
success of the O’Neill boys was due
Ic the close guarding and accurate
The game started with a basket for
> Stuart; this put our boys on guard.
; Then Phalin louped one of the mast
[ picturesque shots from the center of
the fleer, followed by the throw from
i Arbuthnot, leaving the score 3 to 2 at'
the end of the first quarter.
Bazelman and Quinn rallied in
points continuously, leaving a count
of 10 to 2 at the end of the half.
Second half opened with another
eager by Allman, of Stuart, and Bazel
man piled up the count so the score
was 19 to 4 at the end of the third
In the last quarter Phalin made a
free throw, and Welsh louned three
ringers, leaving a score of 27 to 1.
Quality Service
A Complete
Dairy Line
Milk Cream
Buttermilk Skim Milk
Have installed new modem butter making equipment and can supply you
with the finest Pure Dairy butter throughout the year. Have an expert
butter maker with twenty-one years experience.
A trial is all I ask. «
Sanitary Dairy
Phone 84. F. H. Lancaster