BREEME HOUSE __j By Katherine Newlin Burt i Aloe joining them presently lonnd Aline trying for the peg, her eyes full of laughter ami her mouth of gra -a. “AVliy can’t you leave ns alone, Alee?” she cried. “Sir Geoffrey and 1 are always having an idiotically good time when up you t ome with your long face and spoil it all.” Alee, for a fraction of a second, looked stung. “Don’t mind me. I like to watch idiots. You and Sir Geof frey have a gift for drawing each oth t out.” Brooke gave Trcmont a keen j glance. “How about your trip? Good fun?” inquired Brooke, fitting in bis eyeglass as lie spoke, and lfting bis eyebrows. “Very jolly trp,” said Alee. “Met .lane and Miss Wilton on the boat. Wonderful girl— | vvliat ?” “Charming,” said Sir Geof frey, and let fall his eyeglass. “I like her,” he went on. “We might liven up Dive Pastures for her, mightn’t we? What about a dance in my place, eh, Aline?” | “M- ss Wilton says that visit ing here is a holiday from liv ing,” Tremont quoted drily. ^‘Perhaps we’d better bestir our •selves. Where did you leave her, AH” “With the children.” “Vi ,nd Humphrey must be resting her,” drawled Tremont. “Hadn’t you better go back*” She stood up and started for the house without a world. But Ktr Geoffrey caught her, half sternly by the hand. “No, Aline,” said he, “you arc to come out in my ear for a •pin. I’ll fix it with Lady Brceme. It was Miss Wilton’s own idea to take your place for a bit, and I’ll bet a fiver she’s the sort, who’ll enjoy doing it, what’s more. She’s a topper Don’t undo her good deeds You’re coming with me.” Alec’s face was white as he watched them moving rapidly across the lawn. Aline did not speak till she found herself on the front seat of Sir Geoffrey’s motor, Brooke having arranged things with Lady Brceme. “Where are we going?” she naked him in rather a vague fashion. “Isn’t there going to be n shower?” “There is,” he answered cheerfully. I’m going to take ] you to see your sister. Ah! 1 thought that would delght you up a hit. We’ll have time to get there before the rain comes, I think. We’ll chat with Bet tie till it’s over, and he back in time for dinner. I’ve carte blanche from Lady Brceme.” They were off at a wicked speed. Aline clutched the side of the car. Her eyes shone. This was better than presiding over the nursery supper. As they swerved out of the gage a tall young man, just entering, nar rowly escaped with his* life by a dexterous backward leap. “Oh, I say!” called out Sir Geoffrey in a tone of apology, slowing down at once. “Don't mention it,” answered the other cheerfully, “it’s the most homelike thing that’s hap pened to me yet.” Aline looked back as they sped on. “lie’s going in at Brceme House,” said she. “Tourist, 1 fancy,” Sir Geof frey guessed; “American, lie’ll get caught by the shower, and will be invited to dinner, if I know Lord Brceme.” Claire Wilton, when a servant appeared with the children's supper and intimated that her reign in the nursery was at an end, strayed down to her beloved gallery. Claire leaned against the gallery railing, looking down at the portrait. Far off were the voices of Lord Tremont and his stepmother, in one of the eastern rooms. Cla re felt no desire to join them. To hide here, com made pains torture you at every step ? 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