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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1925)
y' ■ * - ' • ■ "V'. . • ■ : .. •;y ■ ' i1"- v'' .r *.*7 . 90t'cW **•**'" The Frontier. VOLUME XLV. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1925. NO. 367" J. I. Gray, R. L. Drayton and John T. Walker came up from Page Tues day. Elmer Merriman came over from Sioux City last week and visited a few days with former O’Neill friends. S. A. Hiatt, of Amelia, has been on the sick list for some time. We learn that he is somewhat improved at this writing. The Rebekahs and Odd Fellows en joyed a card party in the lodge rooms last Thursday evening. About sixty five were present. Christie Yantzi entertained his Sun day school class of boys at the church parlors of the Presbyterian church last Friday evening. A daughter weighing eight and one half pounds was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wrede, Tuesday, January 27, at the Gilligan hospital. The married folks Tuesday evening enjoyed the first of a series of invi tation dances that will be given each week in the K. C. lodge rooms. Monday was ground hog day. The sun shone beautifully almost all day and if the little chipmunk did not see his shadow it was not on account of the nice weather. Miss Helen Willcox left last Satur day for Los Angeles, California, and will spend a month visiting relatives and enjoying the flowers and sunshine of the Pacific coast. Norfolk is not the only city that can brag about their robbins. Pat Biglin says that the robbins were singing when he came down town jWednesday morning. County Superintendent Anna Dono hoe went to Lincoln Tuesday morning to attend the annual meeting of the county superintendents of the state which will be in session there this week. The weather turned considerably colder last Saturday and remained that way over Sunday. However, the weather this week has been nice and warm through the day causing the snow to disappear rapidly. A number of farmers were in town last Monday and Tuesday for the first time since the holidays. The roads have been almost impassable for a month and are just getting in shape bo that a car can be operated. The W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. DeLand on Tuesday, Febru ary 3rd. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. George Bressler on Tuesday, February 17th. This meeting will be a Mothers’ Meeting conducted by Mrs. Pine. The Minnesota Electric Light Com pany are busy making arrangements for the installation of their new 300 horse power Diesel engine. Scott Hough is putting in the base for the engine this week. The base is thirty feet four inches long, six feet thick and eight feet wide. When the new machinery is installed O’Neill should have much better service than they have enjoyed during the past few months. Easter Sunday comes on April 12th this year. _ % I Mrs. Gene Sanford spent Sunday with her sister in Ewing. Father Alberts, of Ewing, was in the city Wednesday. Judge and Mrs. R. R. Dickson re turned last week from a visit in Omaha. Leon W. Mellor and Guy Wilson, of Redbird, were looking after business in the city Wednesday. Grand Master R. R. Dickson at tended Masonic functions at Ponca and Sioux City last week. : James Pinkerman has been in poor 'health for some time and Tuesday he was taken to Omaha where he will re ceive treatment in a hospital. Atkinson Graphic: Gilbert Mc Creath returned Friday from attend ing the funeral of his father-in-law, John Milnes, whose death occcrred at the home of a daughter of the deceas ed, Mrs. Halverson, at Akron, Iowa. Ewing Advocate: Word has been received here of the death of Mr. Joe Austin, at Lincoln, Nebraska, who ran a hardware store in the early days. | He has been living at Broken Bow the last two years and moved to Lincoln a short time ago. Russell Shoemaker has been suffer ing with infection in his left hand. During the latter part of December Russell injured his hand slightly. The injury gave him no trouble until about a month had elapsed when the hand and arm began to swell and give him serious concern. I Mrs. Dan Harrington received a let ter a few days ago from her son, John W. Harrington, who is now conduct ing an auto repair shop in San Fran cisco, California. John left O’Neill , about twenty-seven years ago. Mrs. I Harrington had not heard from him for twenty years. I - ' Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blake and son, Robert Joseph, formerly of Chambers, were visiting at the home of Mrs. Lucy Grass last Friday. They were 'enroute from their former home near Chambers to their homestead near Dull Center, Wyoming, where thejr will make their future home. Inman Leader, Janunry 29th: A touring c arcaught fire five miles east of Inman last Thursday. The blaze destroyed the car and sample cases belonging to Harry Hove, Big Sioux Biscuit salesman of Norfolk. M. L. Snock, of Lincoln, salesman for the Western Paint Co., who was riding with him, lost his grips and samples in the fire. Inman Leader, January 29th: Word has been received by friends here re garding the marriage of John Surber, a former resident of this vicinity, to [Miss Stevernens, of Coleridge. The [ marriage took place at Coleridge, Jan uary 16. They will make their home [with Mr. Surber’s parents until spring j when they will move onto a farm near Page. The bride is one of Knox county’s popular young school teach ers. Enclosed FindGheck Three pleasant words with a deep meaning. They mean that the sender is one who knows how to do business; who has a bank account and who, .there fore, is likely to have a good credit rating and whose business is a reliable, going concern. Pay by check. It’s the modern way to do business and to meet your obli gations. Open an account today. The Nebraska State Bank _J R: W. Menuey, of Newport, was in O’Neill Wednesday. Paul Deck, of Norfolk, was in O’Neill on business today. Wm. Dailey and Guy Cole were down from Emmet last Saturday. H. W. Ward of the Emmet Hay Company, was an O’Neill visitor Sun day. James Dendinger, of Randolph, was visiting at the home of E. M. Hayden last Thursday. Ezra Cook, of Chambers, shipped in 100 head of steers last week which he will feed on his ranch near Cham bers. / ___ The team belonging to A. J. Bart lett, of Chambers, took a little spin in soulffi O’Neill last Monday. No damage was done. Late word from Con Keys, who is again in St. Catherines hospital in Omaha, is to the effect that he is im proving nicely. R. W. Pugh, of Deadwood, South Dakota, stopped in O’Neill, Wednes day on his way to Chambers where he has business interests. Ira Puckett, of Allen, formerly a resident south of Emmet, was in the city Tuesday on his way to the home of his son near Emmet. A few public sales have been held recently and we learn that the live stock and other property is bringing exceptionally good prices. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ryan and child ren left for points in California Wed nesday where they will visit friends and relatives for several weeks. The hay market in South O’Neill is being flooded with hay the past week. The hay is of excellent quality and the old timers say that it is the finest hay that they have seen in many years. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schacht and baby departed Wednesday for points in Texas where they own property near the oil fields. They expect to spend some time looking over their interests there. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunter received the announcement of the death of a brother-in-law, James Williams, of Tipton, Iowa, who died Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter went from Lin coln Thursday to attend the funeral. Mr. Williams will be remembered as having visited here a number of times in the past few years. Albert Gibson, residing in the Mineola country, northeast of O’Neill, received word last Friday announcing the death of his brother-in-law, Ed Darr, at Denver, where he was em ployed in a smelting works. Mr. Darr’s death was caused by burns re ceived by the breaking of steam pipes in the smelting works. The deceased was well known in the eastern part of the county. E. I. Ruben, traveling salesman for the Paramount Film Co., sustained a couple of badly frozen ears last Thursday night when he became stall ed with his car about fourteen miles north of O’Neill on the highway, and was compelled to remain in the car all night. Friday morning he walked mile and a half to the Stein farm and obtaind assistance. Mr. Ruben re ceived first aid treatment for the fro zen ears from local physicians and left at once for Omaha for further treatment. Miss Georgia Hall, formerly of this city, is starring in the drama “Rain.” From the following announcement of the drama in an Omaha paper of a few days ago it is evident that Miss Georgia is one of the prominent actors of the country. “ ‘Rain,’ a drama of the south sea tropics has been booked for four days starting Thursday, Jan uary 19, at the Brandeis theatre, Manager Joy Sutphen announced Thursday. The part taken in the original cast by Miss Jeane Eagels will be played by Georgia Lee Hall.” The Sunday issue of the Omaha Bee under an O’Neill date line, con tained the picture of James Trigg, of this city and recounts an event in his early life that brings back old memories. Following is the article appearing beneath the picture: James Triggs, recently retired chief of the O’Neill fire department, was a fire man at the great Chicago fire in 1871, which resulted when Mrs. O’Leary’s cow kicked over the lamp. Mr. Triggs, who still is hale and hearty at the time was a member of Liberty hose company No. 1, Michigan City fire department. The night the historic conflagration broke out his department was summoned to Chi cago and there remained on duty until the flames were subdued. THE FRONTIER SETTING OWN TYPE THIS WEEK The Frontier is being set up and is sued by itself this week. For the past six or seven weeks we have relied upon the generosity of our neighbor and es teemed contemporary, The Holt County Independent. Mr. Miles and Gerald have been very kind to us in every way and vfe are more than grateful to them for the many courtesies shown. The Frontier will continue to print on the Independent press until a new building id erected, which will be Borne time during the coming summer. The Frontier invites all its friends to visit our new office under the Royal theatre. We do not have a modern place but we will try and make you welcome. Anyone having news items will con fer a favor by phoning them to us at any time. Phone 61. PERSONAL INJURY SUITS FILED IN DISTRICT COURT AGAINST THE C. & N. W. Theodore Zaborowski Louis Tom jack, Joe Tom jack as guardian of John Tom jack and Sylvester Tom jack respectively, have filed, through their attorney, J. J. Harrington, per sonal injury suits against the Chi cago & Northwestern Railway Com pany, in the separate amounts of $3, 000.00 each, for injuries they claim to have received when the auto driven by Theodore Zaborowski went into the ditch on December 26, 1923, just after crossing the defendants right of way southeast of Ewing. The plaintiffs claim that the crossing was high and for that reason they were unable to see a defective culvert and roadway until they were upon it causing their car to go to the ditch, injuring the en tire party. O’NEILL PUBLIC SCHOOL BONDS WANTED BY THE BOND INVESTORS Secretary of the School Board C. B. Scott has received several phone calls recently from buyers of bonds, wanting the O’Neill school district to refund their bonds at a slightly lower figure. The bonds are now held by the state 4#d are drawing 6 per cent; and the prospective buyers are offering to handle them at 4% per cent. That the difference of one-fourth of one per cent would not justify the district in refunding the bonds seems to be the opinion of the board. It is quite gratifying to the members of the board and to those interested in the welfare of the school to know that the district is in such a healthy condition as to attract the attention of in vestors. When the new school house was erected in 1913 there was an indebted ness incurred of $60,000. There has been paid, of that amount, $27,000, leaving a balance unpaid of $23,000. WOMAN’S CLUB CALANDAR FOR FEBRUARY Feb. 4—Department of Literary and Art. Leader, Mrs. Wise. Feb. 11—Department Home Eco nomics. Leader, Mrs. J. M. Hunter. Hostesses, Mesdames, Gillespie, Templeton, Ha' j-.rd. Subject, Easily Prepared Lunches from the Emergency Shelf —Mrs Suhr. Demonstration Rarebit, Mrs. Swig gart. Feb. 18—Department of Music. Leader, Mrs. G. A. Miles. Feb. 20—Reception for State Presi dent, Mrs. Perryman, and District President, Mrs. S. W. Thompson. Feb. 26—General Meeting. Elect jort of Officers. LITERARY AND ART DEPARTMENT The Literary and Art Department held their usual meeting on Wednes day afternoon, February 4th. Mrs. J. H. Wise was leader, and a very inter esting musical program was enjoyed by the department, besides the Book Review. “The Able McLaughlins” was reviewed by Mrs. C. ,i Malone, and those who stayed at home, missed a rare treat. The Able McLaughlins, is a book written by Margaret Wilson, daughter of the first Secretary cf Ag riculture, Jaiyes Wilson. It is a modern book, well written, and was well treated by Mrs. Malone. Sirs. J. J. Harrington led the discuss! in and her remarks on the good nnd bad points of the story were in every way profitable and enjoyable. Club Reporter. Mike Enright has purchased the city delivery business of Sam Thompson and Hank Ritts and will take posses sion next Monday. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Ritts are contemplating enter ing other business in the city in the near future. Mrs. Georgia O. Rasley. of the Royal Theatre, vjas in Norfolk Wed nesday on business. SONG O’ O’NEILL. (By Holt County's Poet Laureate.) Out on the wind-swept prairie Where a man had need of brawn; Out where herds of bison Tramped at desk and dawn; Out where the lurking Indians Gave mens’ nerves a test, Came John O’Neill, in the seventies, Out to the Wilder West. He brought a youthful Spirit, And muscles the strength of steel; A trusty muzzle-loader That spoke for woe or weal; And a strong determination Came, as he saw the loam, To stay amid the dangers And hew himself a home. There by the flowing Elkhorn On the prairies' wide expanse, He took time by the forelock, He grasped the hand of chance, For he reared himself a shanty, There on the virgin sod, Keeping his rifle ready Yet asking the help of God. He found around him riches, Enough for himself, and more; So setting out for colonists He led them to his door. Men like himself, he piloted; Men who would do or dare, Thus was the O’Neill colony Firmly established there. There, amid yapping coyotes Who nightlj sent their call, Where the sight of a watching Indian Sent a chill to the heart of all. Where prairie fires were a menace Too dire for us to feel, They founded a tiny village, The village of O’Neill. Father Time, in his annual passings, Would hide his face and frown; But he took from the O’Neill body And gave to the O’Neill town Until the poor old body Could stand the theft no more. Tho the town grew and flourished And added store on store. Gone are the fearsome Indians! Gone is the bisons’ tread! Gone is the city’s founder To swell the nation’s dead! But like a living statute, Fed by his spirits’ flame, tfrows the O’Neill city Honoring the O’Neill name. Oh Time, who took from us, Woulds’t Thou now make amends ? Then arouse him for a moment And let him view his friends. Sit him upon his casket, At the church bell’s loud appeal, And let him view to-day, his own, His own O’Neill. —F. O. HAZEN. JAMES JENNINGS. R. J. Marsh of this city received the announcement a few days ago of the death of his brother-in-law, James Jennings, at his home in Park City, Utah, where he has made home for the past twenty-nine years. His death occurred on January 28th, and resulted from complications. Mr. Jennings held a responsible position with the Kearns Mining Co. Mr. Jenning was one of the early set tlers of Holt county, coming here in 1878 and continued to make his home here until he moved to Utah. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. Applied For At O’Neill. January 27th— Joe Soukup, O’Neill. Frances Jirak, O’Neill. January 28th— Leo Funk, Ewing. Margaret Sehi, Clearwater. January 31st— Frank Hawk, Ewing. Mary Tomjack, Ewing. Max F. Weichman, Stuart. Bessie Skudler, Stuart. FARMERS UNION ENJOY ANNUAL BANQUET AT J. B. DONOHOE HOME That realization often time sur passes anticipation was brought home with more than usual force when the Farmers Union members gathered at the pleasant country home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Donohoe who reside a few miles north of O’Neill on the Spencer Highway, where they enjoyed a regular banquet and dance. As I was present and thoroughly enjoyed the evening I will take the liberty to send you a writeup of the occasion as I saw it. Most people like to see their names in print although some of them pretend that they do not, but I claim there are no real ex ceptions to the rule. Owing to the large crowd present it will be impos sible for me to give you the names of those present. The crowd gathered earlier than usual and outrivaled any of the pre vious gatherings. Many new faces were present. The program com mittee which was assigned at the an nual meeting had everything arranged for the great affair. The Donohoe band assisted by Miss Welsh on the violin mounted the restum and the dance began. T. J. Donohoe and Mrs. Fred Meuting led the spirited grand march which was greatly enjoyed by all the participants. Then came the Miller Boy so that everyone had a chance to get acquainted with each other. Leo Matthews was floor manager and his voice flowed with such smoothness and rhythm that it would seem impossible to add to or take from to improve the evening’s enjoyment. About 12:30 o’clock an elaborate banquet followed. The mere appearance of the festive board pro duced an atmosphere of pleasant anti cipation among the guests that argued well for the social success of the oc casion. Joe Gokke presided as toastmaster and called upon the following who ably responded to the subjects as signed to them: "111 Never Marry Again.”—Mrs. Fred Meuting. “From This Valley”—Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Donohoe. “In The Breaker Long Ago”—T. F. Donohoe. ^ “Yankee Girl"—Edw. S. Early. “Water Caresses”—J. B. Donohoe. “Guilty Or Not Guilty”—John Mc Nichols. The “light fantastic” again shook the house until about 4:30 a. m. Con gratulations were extended for the hospitality shown by Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Donohoe. One of the Number. There Is A Difference Good service and personal interest await the depositor here in this bank. Don’t overlook these two valuable aids to your business. This bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders. Resources over $600,000.00. The O’Neill National Bank