The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 22, 1925, Image 2

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Nebraska Board Resists Ef.
fort to Secure Further
Lincoln, Nch., Jnn. _ (Special)—
The elate board of assessment and
equalization, through Its attorney,
filed answer Wednesday In federal
court to the suit brought by the
Northwestern railroad company,
which claims that the board has as
sessed it 30 per cent, more than Its
property Is w'orth. The board said It
was worlh $38,000,000 and the com
pany pills the value at $30,000,000.
B’rnnk admission Is made by ttie
state that the taxing authorities do
not and have not assessed property
at full value for years, and that while
It is true that f^rm lands and other
property are valued at about 75 per
cent, of their real worlh, the rail
roads have been equally favored. In
(the matter of the Northwestern com
pany the farmers are discriminated
against, It Is claimed, the real val'ie
of the railroad being $62,000,000.
The state takes the position that
thf suit cannot he maintained for
the rearm that the railroad waited
until after the taxes had been ex
tended upon the books of tlie various
county treasurers, when It had plenty
of opportunity to go into court before
that had been done. Asa legal prop
osition, it Is urged, this estops the
company. A similar answer, save os
to valuaticr's of properties, will b«
filed In the su^s brought by the other
Omaha. Neb., Jan, . (Special)—
Attorneys for the Richardson Drug
company of Omaha have asked the
supreme court for a rehearing In the
ease wherein the court held It liable
for damages to a painter at work' for
an Independent contractor hired to
paint its building. The company says
that If the court's decision Is allowed
to stand every person who hires a
casual worker to repair or refinish his
property will be compelled to pay
workmen’s compensation to one that
happens to get hurt. They say the
legislature never Intended to have
the law stretched that far, and that
It will work a hardship on both em
ployers and Insurance companies.
--- -—
Omaha Man Intervenes Hold
ing Nebraska Law Is
Uncons titutional
Omaha, Neb., Jan.. (Special) —
E. M. Morsman, Jr., of Omaha, as a
friend of the court, has Intervened In
this suit brought by the banks of the
state, national and state, to prevent
the collection ■*if taxes on the basis of
100 per cent valuation. They claim
they should be In the Intangible class.
In spite of the stnte law to the con
Mr. Morsman says that this state
law Is contrary to the federal law,
which prohibits national batiks from
being taxed any higher than Is
moneyed capital employed In the in
vestment business. Mr. Morsman
points out that automobile loan com
panies, eastern loan companies and
brokerage houses are represented in
Nebraska In opposition to the banks,
and that there are many Individuals
loaning their own money, who are be
ing taxed on a 25 per cent basis under
the Intangible tax law.
Another point raised by hint Is that
the state law Is unconstutional be
cause It makes a different rate of tax
ation for money employed In the In
vestment business than for money
not so Invested.
Concord. Neb., Jan. . (Special)—
Miss Helen Forsberg. age 22. of this
place, will leave soon for a two year
course on medical and language
training in Belgium, before going to
the mission field Ip Africa. She has
been the recipient of linen showers
and many other honors since she was
notified of her call the first of the
Hartington, Neb., Jan. (Special)
R. V. Fletcher of the Lyric theater
here, having Income his own censor,
recently stopped his movie show and
closed the theater on the second night
while showing a film because he con
sidered the picture offf color. al
though It had been passed by the
board of censors, and was supposed
to have all of the objectional features
Add a pinch of soda to the tomato
before combining with the milk for
icmato b'sque and the mixture will
not curdle.
Never dry granite ware over a hot
fire because the expansion may
cause the outside to scale.
Yankton, R. D., Jan. (Special)—
Amendment of the charter of the or
ganization to allow for an Increase of
the capital stock was voted by stock
holders of the Yankton Building and
Loan association in annual meeting.
The present charter provides for tho
issuance of capital stock up to $500,
CCO of which $4S5,000 has been is
sued. Ratification of the state bank
ing department under whose author
ity the association transacts business
will be necessary before final action
©a the proposed amendment is taken. I
Repudiates Confession That
He Used Hammer to
Kill Victim
Hastings, Neb., Jan (.1. N. 8.)—
Donald Ringer, 19 years old, will go
on trial for the hammer murder of
Carl Moore, Hastings automobile
salesman sometime during the next
term of district court which opens
here January 19, according to Indi
Ringer when arraigned In district
court Monday morning stood mute
when esked If lie would plead, and
thus repudiated his plea of guilty
made before the county court last
Judge Dilworth thereupon entered a
plea of “not guilty.” The Judge, how
ever, refused to sustain defense coun
sel In an appeal for expunging the
original plea of guilty.
Now Clay County, Nebraska,
Girl Pleads With Su
preme Court
Lincoln, Neb.. Jan. (Special) —
Mrs. Grover C. Baker, of Clay county,
who eloped four years ago and thrn
returned home afv.'r a four days’
Iiflneymnon, has aske 1 the supreme^/
court to reverse Its r. "sent finding
that It would not give jer an an
nulment of the marriage. She says
that her husband fraudulently ob
tained the marriage license by mis
representing her nge, and that this
being unlawful their cohabitation af
terwards was equivalent to a crimi
nal assault on his part.
Her attorneys say that the court’s
opinion has bound her for U lifetime
to the husband that she loathss,
because the same lack of chivalry
that has made him oppose annulment
would cause him to oppose und de
feat her petition for divorce, thus
keeping her in virtual slavery for
the remainder of her life. She Is
the daughter of a wealthy farmer,
and whs 17 when she ran away with
Baker after her parents had said
she was too young.
Grand Island, Neb., Jan. — -The
2-year-old daughter of Mr. ana Mrs.
John Sebold, farmers residing near
Boelus, though passing a restless
night, Is expected to recover without
an operation, unless complications
arise, despite the fact that she swal
lowed a threaded needle. An X-ray
picture discloses the needle lodged In
the stomach.
Broken Bow, Neb-, Jan. —Dave
Williams, a resident of Custer county
for 39 years, enjoyed his first ride on
a railroad train during a recent storm.
Mr. Williams resides In Helena vic
inity, and it has been bis habit to
make trips by «uto or with a team,
but the last storm was too much.
Wayne, Neb., Jan, (Special)—
A hearing before County Judge
Cherry will be had today In regard
to the election contest between Coun
ty Commissioner Henry Retwlsch
und Thos. Sundahl. Sundahl was
leading Retwlsch by one vote, but
when the vote was taken of those
who voted by null the vote gave
Retwlsch the office by four votes.
Sundahl asks a recount which will
probably be granted.
Wlnalde, Neb., Jan. -Many au
tomobile owners have left their cars
In the garage since December 1, on
account of the condition of the roads
for, while the main roads have been
open most of the ttme, the side roads
have been filled with snow and are
Impassable. About half of the farm
ers who come to town still use
wagons and sleds.
The two truck lines from here to
Norfolk and Sioux City have not
been tn operation for several weeks.
A country church In Brenna has
had no services for five weeks on
account of the bad roads.
Lincoln. Neb., Jan. T. (Special)-—
The state railway commission has
been Informed that a representative
of the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion will be In Lincoln. March 2, to
hear the of the state body
against the rates now tn force on
shipments of Neoraska corn and
grain and grain products Into Okla
homa and Kansas. These are the sum
of the two locals of the two roads
employed, and the commission de
sires a through rate. The following
day the commissioner will hear the
complaint of the state commissioner
pn sugar rates from New Orleans to
interior Nebraska jobbing points,
which are materially higher than
New Orleans to Kansas Jobbing
I towns.
Wayne, Neb., Jan. ' (Special)—
With 98 per cent, of the patrons of
the Wayne pos toff ice signing a. pe
tition for free delivery, the prospects
of it being Inaugurated before the
end of this year are good. The city
has been entitled to free delivery for
eight years but meeting with a little
opposition always dropped the mat
ter, but with growth of the city and
the i ramped condition of the post
office, the patrors decided it is time
for delivery
Forcibly Expelled Man From
Her Home—He Is Held
To Court
Fremont, Neb., Jan. —When
Mrs. Frank Cook found her daugh
ter, Jeanette, In the kitchen with
Harry Ble.ckmore, 19, a neighbor, she
knocked Blackmore down with a
broom. When he got up she hit him
again, and as he ran from the house,
she pursued him for a block, beating
him with the broom,
Blackrnore bore some of the marks
when he appeared before Justice A.
K. Dame to answer charges of at
tempted assault on the girl, who Is
U'ader 16. The girl testified that
Harry accompanied her home from
his house, where she had gone to
visit his wife who Is sick. She said
he followed her Into the kitchen. Cook
was held to district court under
Ponca, Neb., Jan. IB. (Special)—-The
library board here recently added 100
volumes of current and standard
literature to the public library for
general circulation.
ScoKsbluff, Neb., Jan. ~ -Henry
Weitzle. It years old, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Weitale, who live on a
fnrm north of Scottabluff, accident
ally shot his 9 year old sister, Lydia,
while playing with a shotgun belong
ing to a hired man on the place. The
two children were alone in the house.
The boy found tlie gun, not know
ing it was loaded he pulled the trig
ger, hitting his sister along the right
side of the face. Her rondition is
reported critical, X-ray examinations
showing a broken temple bone and
a fractured skull.
Aurora, Neb., Jan. 15.—The Congre
gational and Presbyterian churches
here voted to unite at meetings of
church members. Committees from
each church will start work at once
to prepare the necessary program of
tlie union. The vote in the Congre
gational church was 77 to 18, and in
the Presbyterian church the vote was
unanimous. Both pastors favored the
_ 1
Former Nebraskan Who Has
Lived in Tokio 20 Years
Gives Impression
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. (Special') —
Dr. William Axling, Nebraskan who
has been residing In Tokio for the
last 23 years, made a series of
speeches hero yesterday and today
upon the Japanese problem. lie
said that the action c.f America In
barring any immigrants from Japan
has heen taken by that people to be
a declaration on the part of Amer
icans that the Japanese are unde
sirable and unable to stand by the
side of the people of the west.
lb-. Axling said that Japan would
have accepted in good spirit any
limLMion, say of 2 per cent, on the
quota basis, but that what America
did was *o add to the tide of racial
consciousness that Is sweeping the
whole world, by putting orient
against Occident.
Ponca. Neb., Jan. —Funeral
services for Henry DeWltt Mabie, 74
years old. horseman who In the early
days shipped many horses from
Iowa to Texas, were held at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Louts
Rnhn, being conducted by Rev. Mr.
Smith, of the Presbyterian church.
Interment was made in Silver Ridge
Mr. Mabie was ' orn in Wisconsin
In 1850 and after his marriage to
Miss Laura Jane Eddy, located in
Iowa. In 1893. his first wife having
died, he came to Nebraska and was
married to Mrs. Ida Lawson, at
Craig, in 1898. He is survived by
three daughters: Mrs. Fred Curry
and Mrs. Louis Kalin, both of Ponca,
and Mrs. Dwight A. Payne, of Wat
erloo, la.; one son, Harry Mabie. of
Stanton, and two step-children: Will
Lawson of Ponca and Mrs. Orville
McCoun, of Brookings. S. D.
Yankton. S. L>., Jan. 'Special)—
Preliminary examination of petitions
for citizenship wain field at the court
house here yesterday, with J. P.
Greeley of St. Paul, naturalization
examiner, in charge. Fifteen per
sons appeared during tile day and
filed their petitions which were sub
jected to close scrutiny, and the
cases will come u;x for hearing at
the February term of Yankton county
circuit court.
Humboldt, S. D., Jan. (Special)
—Payment of a 20 per cent, dividend
to depositors or the closed State
bank here will be made late this
month, according to announcement
made by M. G. McMahon, examiner
In charge. The payment wdl be the
first one to be made by the bank
sinca it closed. Papers have been
prepared and will be submitted to
a circuit judge for approval. January
27. the payments to be made Inimed
ietelv after approx 1 Is given by the
President Expected to Take
Active Part in Prohibi
tion Enforcement
Special Tribune Corespondent.
■Washington, Jan. 16.—Five years of
prohibition of (be manufacture anf
sale of intoxicating liquors still finds
the question deep rooted in American
politics, but with the cause of law en
forcement taken up in earnest at last
by a president of the United States.
Slowly anel without ostentation the
“dry” aide has made its impression on
Calvin CooUdge so that law enforce
ment may be expected henceforth
with all the vigor that the govern
ment can command. Mr. Coolidge,
In his early days in politics, was
counted as not altogether “dry” but
whatever lie might have been be
fore. lie stands today as the only
pres dent In the last five years w'ho
has won the absolute confidence of
the ‘‘drys.” Here is a significant an
nouncement by the board of temper
ance of the Method! t Episcopal
:h’.r "h:
''The vigorous and intelligent action
of Attorney General Stone in New
Terser, together with the quite evi
.■1011' personal interest of the presi
ient of the United States in the
problem of law enforcement clcarlj
heralds the dawn of a new day. Tto
erennt official ? will be ‘put down.'
Faithful .nen will be elevated. Crim
inal rebellion will be crushed. 'The
prohibition law wil be enforced.”
“Dry” Jubilant
For several weeks there have been
whisperings that Mr. Coolidge had
taken the prohibition problem into his
own hands and was watching en
forcement very closely. The “drys"
have been Jubilant. They claim to
have been harrassed and obstructed
it every turn by subordinate officials
ind that the president’s recognition
of the situation is a moral victory
for the cause of enforcement.
Mr. Coolidge lias had relatively
little to say about prohibition since
he took office. He is represented,
however, as viewing the matter from
the viewpoint of law and order. An
amendment forbidding the manu
| faeture and sale of intoxicants is a
part of the constitution; a law has
been passed providing penalties for
violation and there is nothing for an
honest and sincere public official to
In but to enforce the law.
Rome of the felling expressed by
I he “drys” (hat they have not been
given co-operation by the government
Is dve to tlie presence in high ad
ministration quarters of pronounced
f ‘wets.’’ The secretary of the treas
ury, Andrew Mellon, is called a "wet.”
having had large interests In a distill
ery before prohibition, lie is much |
too busy with the financial side of
the government to give personal at
tention to the work of one of his
duties—that of internal revenue which
inclu l?s the prohibition unit—and
while no one has ever proved that
he ever interfered with prohibition
enforcement, the “drys” have nevei
been satisfied and there is pending in
congren a bill to reorganize the pro
hibition unit by removing it from tht
authority of the commissioner of
Internal revenue.
The “drys” have been besieging
every president since the Eighteenth
amendment was adopted. President
Wilson was not in sympathy with the
Volstead act. in fact he vetoed it on a
technicality but plainly didn't like the
measure anyhow. Air. Harding never
served liquor at the White House
tide but took a drink regularly after
his gulf game until someone reminded
him that his act in carrying any
liquor from his own rooms in the
White House to the golf club was a
violation of the Volstead law unless
he obtained a permit. After that Air.
Harding refrained and toward the
end of his career, became a teetotaler
and made at Denver, a plea for law
enforcement which entirely satis-ied
the “drys.”
Measures Pending
There are various measures pend
ing in congress relating to law en
forcement. Most of them.look toward
the strengthening rather than the |
weakening of the Volstead act. The
Stalker bill, for instance, would pro
vide Jail sentences for first offenders.
The Johnson bill provides for de
portation of aliens convicted of vi
olating the Volstead law. It once
passed the House hut failed to be
voted on in the Senate and Is now up
again before the House.
In addition to the foregoing, the
"drys” are trying to get legislation
which shall place all beverages, al
choeollc liquors, under control of gov
ernment agencies for sale and dis
tribution and that particularly the
government should acquire all liquor
now In government bonded ware
houses. The purpose of this is said
to be legitimate distribution.
This is not all, however, for the
“drys” are urging too. that “event
ually congress should place under
the provisions of the prohibition act
all intoxicating liquors made and pos
sessed before the passage of the
Eighteenth amendement; at present
| wealfhy owners of ‘cellars’ provided
they can establish the fact or fiction
that their liquors were obtained be
fore prohibition being undisturbed by
the prohibition law.”
Vassar Asks Girls Their
Opinions of Smoking Baa
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Jan. IS.—A
questionnaire is being circulate 1 at
Vassar college to determine under
graduate opinion on the rules of e
student government prohibiting
smoking in public. T n questions are
asked designing to bring forth a fall
expression of opinion on which may
be based future regulations gov ru
ing the relations ot young wont..-', nl
to hue re
- J
Andrew S. C- Clarke.
Bless thou this year, 0 Lord!
Make rich its days
With health, and trark, and
prayer, and praise.
And helpful ministry
To n.eody folk.
Speak the soft word
In cloudy days; ,
Nor let us think ourselves forgot
When common let
Of sorrow hems us round. *
Let generous imposes shame the .
niggard dele
That dwarfs the soul.
May no one shirk his sfc*re of
Through selfish thought.
Each day fulfil Thy holy will
In yielded lives; i
And still the tumult
Of desires
May faith and hope and love, <
Inspired from above,
Bless thou this year, O Lordl
An Allegory.
I walked with Love and Happiness^
Along a sunlit way.
And oh! my feet trod lightly!
And oh! my heart was gay!
But suddenly, I tripped and fell,
And when I raised my head,
And reached my hand for help, both
And Happiness had fled.
Then lay I in the dust of earth,
And wept, and prayed to die,
While clouds of storm and darkness
Obscured the once clear sky.
Then Duty came, with stern demand,
“Arise! You must go on;
You must not fail because your
Of fairer days are gone.”
And so I rose, and gave my hand
To Duly, while the storm
Released its gathered fury on
Dy bowed and shrinking form.
At times I scarce could see. but e’er
Felt Duty’s strong, strong clasp,
I stumbled oft, but aye was kept
From falling, by his grasp.
And presently I, too, grew strong,
strong that I could tread
■ilje dark way bravely, and could
The storm with lifted head.
The storm ceased, and on Duty's face
Which had seemed harsh to me.
There glowed a light that never
On land, or on the sea.
And love and Happiness came back,
Forgiveness to implore,
To ask that they might go with me,
To serve me evermore.
—Clara Aiken Speer, in tKe Kan
sas C’.ty Star.
Untroubled by Trifles.
From the Philadelphia Public Ledger.
At the luncheon table someone,
Esked "Shy certain men never seem!
to break down, even under the sever
est strain. The name of a man,
known to everyone, was mentioned. 1
“He understands the relative im
portance of things,” said a gentleman
at the table. This was accepted as
(rue explanation of the publla
man's ability to do a thousand tasks
without killing himself.
To those who have studied the life
of Benjamin Franklin, it is a con
stant source of amazement that this
Philadelphian could do so much.
John Adams once unwittingly revealed
the source of Franklin's strength.
This was his refusal to got excited
over little things. I
Adams, in anger, said that while1
he (Adams) was “active and alert
In every branch of business, both in
the House and on committees, con
stantly proposing measures, support
ing some and opposing others, dis
cussing and arguing on every ques-:
lion,” Franklin was to be seen “from!
day to day, sitting in silence, a great
part of his time fast asleep in his,
“Vet,” said the biographer, “Frank-'
lln was appointed on every import^
ant committee, and Adams on few;,
and the sage, could he but have read
his brother congressman's comparl-,
son, might have fairly retorted, wlthl
the wisdom of Poor Richard, ‘He1
that speaks much is much mistaken,*,
or ‘The worst wheel in the cart;
makes the most noise'.” I
George Washington was 4. fair
companion of Franklin in his abij-j
11 y to distinguish between the im-|
portant and the unimportant, and to
sleep at opportune moments.
The man in business or In public
life who cannot do this goes to the,
scrap heap early. The human body)
will withstand only so much abuse,
so much strain. The man who keeps
himself under a strain all the tlme.j
through his Inability to size up -his
problems, will break down even
though he has the strength of Atlas.
Men and Women.
By E. \V. Howe, in The Designer.
The young are nearly always
somewhat bolshevistic because they
have not yet had their chance; the
old nearly always are bolshevistic
because they have had their chance
and not taken full advantage of it.
The most sensible people are those
between the ages of 30 and 45.
I speak of men only; w omen .rarely
have any real sense. From the cradle
to the grave they are fed on non
sense, and few entirely get rid of It.
Men campaigning among women are
much like candidates campaigning
among voters with their hand-shak
ing, smiles, bows and compliments.
Women should never believe a man
unless they have other evidence than
his gallantry, his compliments, or
his word of honor.
In his intercourse with other men.
a man’s word is frequently as good
as his bond; It never Is with women.
Here, from youth up, he is taught to
hide his wolf fangs with sheep teeth.
Reliable Witness.
From the Pittsburgh Chronicle-Tele
'•Tell the court where you wore at
half past 5 Wednesday, June 2,” de
manded the prosecutor.
”1 was in Evanston,” was the reply.
”Ah! and what were you doing?''
”1 was asking c. man a question,"
was answered.
"Indeed! and how do you know it was
f:3??” insisted the lawyer.
"indeed yourself.” retorted the other.
•'I was asking him the time of day."
More than 1,000 of the 1,380 registered
money-lenders lu Liverpool, England,
are women
More Actual Cash Involved
In Recent Transactions in
O’Brien County
Sheldon, la., Jan. (Special)—
With the beginning o# .ne new year
tk« land conditions in this neighbor
hood hare taken on an entirely new
aspect. In one thing the land sales
are somewhat different from those in
the past two or three years. The
buyers are making substantial cash
payments and not buying on a shoe
string payment as they did for sev
eral years. Some of the recent
transfers show that the purchasers
are buying them for their own farm
The southwest eighty section
twelve, Carrol township, was soil by
John Groots to Jacob Den Beste for
$210 per acre, this being 40 acres..
Mr. Den Beste already owned the
other 40 acres. The buildings are
rather meager and quite old.
Mr. Groot bought the Fronweln*.
Corwin 56 acres adjoining Sheldon
on the north, known as the Bishop
farm, for $20,000.
During the present week another
real estate deal was the purchase by
Theo. Monk of the farm known as
the Hedquest farm a mile east of
Sheldon abutting to the paved high
way, from H. B. Peterson for $25$
per acre. This is an 80 acre tract.
Mr. Monk will operate the farm.
Rock Rapids, la., Jan. (Special)
—Michael Pendergsurt, while at the
Rock riwhere the ice harvest is
on, «*fhe too close to a saw aafl the
result was that he lost four of the
toes from his left foot.
Spencer, la., Jan. , (Spevial)—
The report on Clay county soils Ciade
by the agricultural experiment (Ra
tion at Ames for the United States
department Of agriculture lias now
been published in a pamphlet. The
report Is complete and maps are
colored to show the character of the
soil on every farm. It contains in
formation concerning the agricultur
of the county, concerning the yield of
different crops, the amount of waste
land and the history of the forma
tions of the soils. Samples of the
soils of each type found In the county
were taken. A small amount of RCld
soil was found and some were found
to be rather low in prosphorous. Tha
report for this county recommends
growing legume crops an dturning
them under where farm manure is
not available. Where the soil is welt
supplied with organic matter, manure
Is recommended to aid In the stimu
lation of plant food as well to add to
the supply. Where acidity or lack of
phosphorous Is found the farmer may
•and samples of his farm soil to the de
partment and receive advice as to
limestone or other fertilizers needed.
This can be done through the local
Farm Bureau or by writing directlp
at Ames.
Manson, la., Jan. (Special)—At
the horns declamatory contest held in
the Richafds Opera house, Friday
evening the places were chosen for
the sub-district contest which will be
held here on January 28. The high
school orchestra under the direction
of the leader. Miss Young, rendered
several selections after which the
contestents gave their
selections. “What War Is,” given by
Dorothy Rodney, won first place and
Albert Christensen, giving, "Univers
al Peace-The Great Ideal” won sec
ond place. In the dramatic class,
Vivien Bork, who Bav® “The Lance of
Kanana," won first place and Celia
Larsen, giving “Logs Monument"
won second. In ths humorous class
Dorothy won first place, giving
"Jane” and "At the Hairdressers,"
given by Edgar Wrltfht, won second.
The ones who toot first place will
compete with the Vinners of the
Pomeroy, Jolly a&d Rockwell City
schools here on January 28. The
Judges of the contest were Mrs. Black
of the Barnuin schools, Superintendent
Spooner of ths Rockwell City schools,
and Superintedent Shedd of the Jolly
Des Moines, Jan. ' .—Iowa hunters,
trappers and fishers 1,193 of them,
paid *26,639.90 in fines and *5,190.81
in costs and served 181 days In jails
upon conviction of violations of the
state fish and game laws during the
two year period ending June 30,
1924, according to the biennial report
of W. E. Albert, state came warden,
made to the governor.
As provided by law, the amount
of the fines were paid to the school
fund of the district in . which each
fine was assessed.
Out of 1,296 arrests made by dep
uty wardens, cnly 42 cases were dis
missed and 50 fines suspended. Thir
teen youthful violators were paroled
by the juvenile courts.
The commonest violations were
taking under size fish, trapping out
of season, shipping fur out of seas
on, shooting ducks out of season and
hunting without a license.
Manson, la., Jan. (Special)—
Frank Griffith is poing to quit
farming and has built an oil station
in Manson. He held a public sale on
ills farm disposing of all his stock
and machinery. The highest price
paid for any horse at the sale was
$120 and the cow bringing the
highest price was $72. The machinery
and chickens sold well. A large
crowd was present aud ths bidding
was lively.