_The Frontier. 4 +:***?. y.-4.. '■*. ti -**«. • ? • : ********* **> 7, > *■ ^ »r* **?. * ri~ w"4 • ' ' ■ •*•* *S, <■' ... ■ ■ —I — — ■■ ... ■ ■■■ i .. .^i.i,i „i i. ,,... m ——. ■ .. l_i ■ ■—«i i!■■>■■■ II «■■—■■■■■ ■ ■■■■ , I ■' fifclft ■ ■■ ■■ ,i __ n | - -- . ________ _^_p _|__ „ -__ VOLUME XLV. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1925. ~~ ~~~ NO. 347* LOCAL MATTERS. George Agnes was in Omaha over Sunday. A son was born last Saturday to M?. and Mrs. Dean Selah, of Bloom field, Nebraska. Bernard Fitzsimmons went to Omaha last Sunday where he expects to make his home. ♦ ————————— A son was born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Talfer Pollard, residing six miles north of O’Neill. Miss Edna Bay went to Omaha Tuesday morning where she expects to accept a position as stenographer. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zimmerman entertained three tables at cards Sunday evening, at their home on east Douglas. Mrs. Ben J. Grady went to Omaha Wednesday morning for a visit with her sister, Miss Margaret Donohoe,, and other O’Neill friends. Phil Ziemer has sold a Kennedy re ceiving set to Frank Johnson, at Til den, Nebraska, and expects to install it the latter part of this week. Gifford Bachman has accepted a po sition as clerk in the Ben J. Grady grocery store. Mr. Bachman was for merly employed as meat cutter in the Sanitary Meat Market. Wm. Paul returned to his home in Toledo, Ohio, early last week, follow ing a ten days visit with his sister, Mrs. C. Wetlauffer, and with his brother-in-law, Andrew Schmidt. Glen Anderson has about completed the installation of a pool hall in the Wise building on east Douglas street. Clarence Sauser has opened a barber shop in the front end of the same building. County Attorney Julius D. Cronin went to Lincoln the first of the week w’here he is attending the convention of the county attornies of the state. Mr. Cronin was on the program for an address. The members of the county board went to Lincoln, Monday, where they will confer with the legislature in re gard to county roads and other mat ters of importance to the tax payers of Holt county. Wm. Gahagan, of Belle Plaine, Iown, and old time resident of this vicinity, was shaking hands with old friends the first of the week. .Mr. Gahagan moved from here about seven years ago. Mrs Phil Ziemer came home from Tilden last Sunday, where she has been \ isiting with her mother, Mrs. E. J. Kockefellow, and a sister, Mrs. Terry Terney, of Calgary, Canada, who is visiting in Tilden. Wm. Grothe and family were down from their ranch northwest of Emmet last Tuesday. Wm. says that he has started for O’Neill many times dur ing the last six weeks but that Tues day was the first time that he was successful in getting through the drifts of snow. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Smith came up from Ewing Wednesday for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. R. I). Henry and family. Late reports from Mr. and Mrs. Buz Bowden, who are in Omaha with their daughter, who is under the care of specialists, indicate that the child is getting along nicely with prospects of recorvery in due time. — Henry Zimmerman sustained a broken wrist when he slipped and fell while on a visit at the home of his son, Leo Zimmerman, at Hutchinson, Kansas, on January 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman are now at the home of their son, Harold, in Hast ings, where they will remain for at least a couple of weeks. The State Volunteer Firemen’s As sociation had been in session Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week, at Hastings, Nebraska. Repre sentatives of the departments along the line east and west of here joined the bunch from the northeastern part of the state at Norfolk Monday even ing where they spent the night and were entertained at a banquet by the city of Norfolk. Last week’s Plainview News con tained the following announcement in regard to the purchase of the Beauty Parlor now conducted by Mrs. C. N. Cole, by Plainview ladies: “Mrs. B. F. Hicks and sister. Miss Tat Wanser, have closed a deal for a Beauty Parlor at O’Neill, and will leave for that place and lake posses sion of their new business February 1st. Their many Plainview friends will wish them success.” For the benefit of those who reside in warmer climates where snow does not pile up so high, we will say that the country roads are still blocked with snow to such a depth that cars cannot run. The farmers are coming to town in wragons and sleds. Warm weather of the past few days is put ting the snow out of business pretty rapidly and if more snow- does not fall during the coming wreek many of the roads will again be passable for cars. George Heinfer, who has been con fined in the county jail in this city for the past few months awaiting admis sion to the state penitentiary, to which j place he was sentenced last fall for his participation in the shooting of the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoar, of- Page, was taken to Lincoln last Monday by the sheriff, where he will complete the sentence imposed by j Judge Dickson. The over-crowded j condition of the penitentiary is caus j ing many of the counties to hold their prisoners for months after they receive their sentences. JUNIOR NOTES Semester examns are over; we find that these who received highest grades in Geometry are Martha Lawrence, 98 per cent and Margaret Leach 9G per cent. In music, Ellen Shaughnes sy, Neva Brentson, Margaret Leach, Margaret Rohde, Hazel and Laura Strube, Adail and Elfreda Greseck were exempted. Iola Purcell was ex empted from Public Speaking. A Valuable Asset • We want every customer to know that his con nection with this bank, will be one of his best and strongest assets. This bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders. Resources over $600,000.00. ' The O’Neill National Bank LOCAL MATTERS. . • Cliff Davis went to Sioux City Wed nesday morning on a visit to his broth er Andy and family. C. E. Smith of Hastings, Ipwa, ar rived here Sunday night on a visit to his son, “Bob” and family. The Missionary Society of the Pres byteria nchurch will meet with Mrs. Wlllcox on Friday, January 29th at 8:00 p. m. T. F .Nolan has moved his office from the Miller building to the form er Humphrey building now owned by Mr. Nolan.—Bassett Leader. The ice harvest for O’Neill is about finished and the Gatz Brothers have some of the finest ice they have been able to secure for many years. Mrs. R. M. Sauers entertained her Sunday-school class—“Young Peo ples”—at her home Tuesday evening. They all report a very nice time. Miss Ruth Barnard went out to the Paul Hoehne home north of Emmet, Tuesday afternoon for a few days vis it. She expects to return Thursday. George Tomlinson (returned Wed nesday morning from Omaha where he had been to attend the state meet ing of the Farmers Union as a dele gate from the local union. The Odd Fellows entertained their wives at the hall Wednesday night to a light lunch, cards and dancing. There was a nice crowd present and all enjoyed the evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Hodgkin left Thursday morning for their home iu Sidney, after spending a few days here visiting old time friends of which ; there are a large number. Sheriff Peter Duffy went to Lincoln | Monday to attend a state meeting of : the sheriff’s and county attorneys’ of i Nebraska. County attorney J. D. ! Cronin went down Tuesday. Sunshine Monday and Tuesday with the snow melting slowly is what the j weatherman gave us, and it seemed ! pretty good to us. It was surely a | relief from zero and we are taking qfj new hopes. The Atkinson Commercial Club is trying to get the afternoon passen ger service 'west restored. With the aid ot th< other towns west to Long I Pine they think this might be ac complished.—Atkinson Graphic. Miss Gladys Peterson arrived here ; Monday night from Long Beach, Cal ifornia, to visit with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Cowperthwaite, and her moth er, Mrs. Peterson, who is also visiting j at the Cowperthwaite home in this j city. * — i Harvey Cromwell, who was sent from here to the reform school for from three to ten years, was paroled , last w^eek to a shoemaker in Lincoln i v.'here lie is now working. He had j served one year and his conduct ! and behavior was such as *o make him I subject to parole. I j Our big advertisers last week all re ; port good business which shows that j advertising is being read closer than ever. The public are informed on prices and they know when they are bargains and when they are not. Ad vertising will pay a larger return at ( this time than for years. ■ ' - — The Catholic Daughters of America I enjoyed a sleigh ride Tuesday even ing by hiring three teams and sleds and driving out to Fred Meuting’s for the evening There 'were about thirty five members to enjoy the ride. Some of the girls deciled that the sleds had more in them then should be so they procured some small sleds from the : boys and tied them on behind, but i we noticed that some of the girls had to push coming back. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gray were up from Oi’eill and visitel at the JJ. J. Mack home from Saturiay until 'lues day, Saturday being the [list birth lay of Mrs. Elizabeth Mack, mother of Mr. Mack and Mr,. Gray. Until two yt; i-£ ago Mrs. Mac!: was re markably well preserved for one of her age but dating from an illness at that tune she has been an inVnlii at the home of her son, confined to her bed the greater part of the time, j —Aii. in ton Graphic. Mi and Mrs S. Downey and Mr. ' and Mrs. Charles Cole gave a danc-, mg party at the O’Neill photo CoJ studio Tuesday night. It was one of those good old-time good time parties in which eveitvone present enjoyed themselves to the limit. At midnight a fine lunch was served at the Coif1 residence and we went back to the studio and continued the good time' until near two o’clock in the morn ing. We are all just “kids” grown up, and us “kids” had a real good time. THE FRONTIER OFFICE - READY FOR BUSINESS ; The new equipment for The Fron tier has arrived and has been put in place in the basement of the Royal Theatre where we will be pleased to meet all of our friends and customers, i Our job department is all new, en abling us to turn out work in the latest designs and with neatness and dispatch. We sincerely ask our friends to send in items of news that will be of interest to the public. Cooperation among the readers of The Frontier will make it a real newsy paper. Sign your name to the copy, so that we will know from what source the items come. We will not publish the names of the sender. - I M. O. Howard, the hustling real estate man from Page, was in the city, Wednesday on business. The L. T. L. society will hold a candy sale at the Ben J. Qrady groc ery Saturday afternoon. Your patron- ; ago is solicited. -- ! Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Hodgkin of Sidney and Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Scott and, Miss Ruth, were dinner j guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Miles Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Malone came over in the evening and we all enjoyed a nice visit in talking over old times in O’Neill. Miss Bridget Carr and Miss Tess Hayden entertained the Monday club at the Subway Monday evening. A nice dinner was served and after wards bridge toccupied their atten tion, writh Miss Miriam Gilligan win ing the ligh score. It was one of those nicely planned affairs where everyone has an enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Grant and little daughter drove up from (Jewell county, Kansas, last week, making it as far as Page, where they were forc ed to leave their car and go by team to the home of her father, C. M. Pear son, near Opportunity. They will make this their future heme and the Independent welcomes them to Holt | county. Bowen’s Racket Store SPECIAL PRICES ON PLAIN WHITE DINNER WARE. 6 Tea Cups and Saucers :... __90c 6 Coffee Cups and Saucers . ..$1.00 6 9-inch Dinner Plates.. ..90c 6 Oat Meals.... .75c 6 Coup Soups.... .. 75c 6 Sauce Dishes........45c Oyster Bowls, each.... 15c Small Platters, each.... ..15c Small Vegetable Dishes, each.....15c On Thursday, January 29th at 8:00 o'clock at the Odd Fellows hall there will be held a social meeting for all Odd Fellows and their wives, and all Rebekahs, and their husbands, and It is expected for all to be present. Mrs. R. R. Morrison and Mrs. F. J. Dishner gave a 7:00 o’clock dinner at the Golden Hotel Saturday night. The tables were beautifully decorated with red and whfte American Beauty roses. A sumptuous dinner was served, niter which (he ladies played bridge, Mrs. H. J. Hammond receiving high hon ors, Mrs. P. J. O'Donnell, second hon ors, and Mrs. Pat Harty, all-cut. There were forty guests present and the party was a great success. ORDER NORTHWESTERN . TO EXPLAIN THEIR SERVICE Lincoln, Nebraska, January 20. 1925 --Oilicials of the Northwestern lloil road company were yesterday ordered to show cause why thcj have disob-'j ed, as alleged, an order issued last August perniittihg the reduction of train service between O’Neill and Long Pine, in northern Nebraska. The order permitted this to be done by combining the equipment of the two trains in mixed train service. Patrons of the road at Atkinson and elsewhere have complained that recently the company substituted a caboose for a passenger car, ana that it Is not handling any mail or express matter. Still Going Full Blast Lots of people are taking advantage of this sale and the bargains given, and are buying all that they need for their i mined ate and future uses. Only a part of this big $25,000 stock of first class merchandise is gone and there is still a good stock left for your selection. Men Men—here is your chance to buy an All-Wool suit for— $16.75 and $20.00—200 suits to select from There is also a big reduction on all Men’s and Boy’s Overcoats, shirts, socks and everything that you need to wear. Women LjJdies—Come and look over the Coats and dresses-you can buy a x coat for $9.95 Regular price was, up to $27.50 And you can buy an all-wool dress for —$3.75—and lots of other bar gains in Ladies and Young Girls clothes, but please remember there is a big reduction on everything in the store. THE TOGGERY M. S. ABDALLA, Proprietor O’Neill, - Nebraska