The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 01, 1925, Image 3

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Mrs. Ashcroft’s Remarkable
Recovery After Taking Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Covinjrton, Ky.—“I was so weak and
nervous I could hardly do mv housework
00 1 CUUIU nut LSI 1(2
because of the bear
ing-down pains in my
back and abdomen.
1 sat down most of
the time anddidwhat
I could do in that
way—as washing
dishes, etc. One day
a book describing
Lydia E. Pinkham’s
medicines was put
in my mail-box. I
saw now the Veers
table Compound had helped others so I
Sve it a trial. I had to take about a
zen bottles before I gained my strength
but I certainly praise this medicine.
Then I took Lydia E. Pink ham's Blood
medicine for poor blood. I was cold all
the time. I would be so cold I could
hardly sit still and in the palms of my
hands there would be drops of sweat.
1 also used the Sanative Wash and I
recommend it alto. You may publish
this letter and I will gladly answer let
ters from women and advise my neigh*
bors about these medicines. —Mrs.
Harry Ashcroft, 632 Beech Avenue,
Covington, Kentucky.
Radio in JRed Russia
“Rostn,” as the Russian Telegraph
agency, the official news agency of
the Soviet government, is generally
called, has adopted radio for supply
ing “official” news to Russian news
papers. By the first of January radio
receiving sets will have been installed
In the offices of 40 newspapers within
a radius of 800 miles of Moscow, ex
tending from Archangel on the edge
°f the Arctic circle down t<> Nlkolayev
on the Black sea and from Minsk In
the west to Samara on the Volga
FQFFl° Housewives
RlV jra Send us your name and
Bj 8 ILL. we will send you,FREE
■ 8 8 138 «■ and POSTPAID a 10 cent
bottle of LIQUID VENEER. Wonderful for
your dally dusting. Cleans,dusts and polishes
with one sweep of your dust cloth R enews pi work, automobiles. Makes
everythin* look like new. Makes dusting a
lure.drug. paint,
jrrocery and
geaeral stores.
*l<K»Io, N T.
After Others Fail
Big Box 35 Cents
The mighty healing power of Peter*
eon’s Ointment when eczema or terrible
itching of skin and scalp tortures you
is known to tens of thousands of peo
ple the country over.
For pimples, acne, rough and red
skin, ulcers, old sores, piles and all
blemishes and eruptions it is supreme
ly efficient, as any broad-minded drug
gist will tell you.
Try the New
Shavind Stick
Fraely Lathwing
Medicinal and Emollient
Mother Dog’s Love
Within n garage at Winslow, Ariz.,
when It was ignited by the explosion
of it drum of gasoline, were eight pup
pies, new-born and helpless. The
mother dog ran through the flames,
to emerge with one of her offspring.
She repeated this eight times, till her
cont was burned from her back, her
last trip completed with a scorched
nnd dead puppy.
Sure Relief
Hot water
Sure Relief
Soothinq And HeAlinq
For Skin Disorders
BcUrre Col&S/n 24/fouriM
■ LaGrtppe in 3 /%s|
B w.h. Hn.Lcg,oOToiT. ^aJ
Inventor Say# 7,000-Ton
Armored Submersible Will
Be Most Dangerous
London.-—That mammoth submar
ines of hitherto unthought-Okf-slxe
will be a feature of future naval war
fare, Is the prophecy of Professor
Oswald Flamm, famous German giant
submarine designer.
Flamm recently attracted world
wide attention through the announce
ment of his designs for the world’s
largest underwater cruiser, and h*
has been one' of the submarine’s
greatest champions for many years.
Former obstacles, hindering the
construction of giant submarines,
have now been overcome by the
adoption of a new hull ensuring per
fect stability, Flaram states. This
new hull conduces to steadiness of
trim and enables relatively enormous
weights to be carried on the upper
part of the hull. Previously monster
submarines, such as the latest United
States and English types, had to bo
heavily weighted with ballast dis
tributed over various parts of the
bottom of the boat, and it is claimed
by Flamm that this decreases under
water running speed and gives the
boat a great tendency to roll.
The new hull is Flamm’s inven
tion, and he states that he is already
considering the plans for a diving
cruiser of 7,067 tons, double the ton- '
nage of any submarine at present
In commission, which would carry
defensive armor weighing 614 tons,
and an armament of turret guns,
quick-firers and torpedo tubes, with
a weight of slightly more than 600
tons. He Is also discussing the pro
ject for a submarine mine-layer, of
7,734 tons displacement, which would
carry a thousand mines, each weigh
ing a ton. Flamm th:nks that the
mine-layer would be one of the most
dangerojs and formidable ships of
Discussing the tactical value of
Ihese giants, Flamm, although he
says that he thinks battleships and
either surface men of war are still
indispensable, claims that the sub
marine will have a much higher place
In future naval warfare than it did
\n the World war.
He characterizes the Washington
conferences’ attempt and agreement
to reduce the size of submarines as
a display of "Anglo-American cant,”
Flamm says that hit new vessel,
mounting one or more heavy guns
In deck turrets and having its sides
plated with armor, could rise to the
surface, and, with only Its upper
works showing, shoot with deadly ef
fect at the sides of n dreadnought.
The submarine would present an al
most invisible target, and could only
be hit by chance.
The proposed new mine-layer
would be able to keep at sea for
months and would have a very high
speed .end wide radius of action. It
would be almost independent of bas
es, or of mother ships.
Flamm emphasizes that the whole
problem of submarine building is
stability, and that the more this prob
lem is successfully overcome the
larger submarines will become.
Berlin Bad Man Jailed
By Wife and Best Pal
Berlin.—Sent to prison by his own
wife, so she could live undisturbed
with his best pal—that is the'mis
adventure of Johann Schreiber, one
of the best-known members of Ber
lin’s underworld.
Schreiber and his pal, Bruno Ka
suske, were both in jail. Kasuske
was to leave first.
Said Johann to his pal Bruno:
"Give my regards to my wife.”
Said Bruno to his pal Johann:
Bruno did. He came, saw, con
When Schreiber came home, he
found his pal Bruno in his place.
At once, Schreiber ran to the po
lice and made one confession after
another about misdeeds and crimes
which he said he had committed with
the aid of his wife and Bruno.
Thereupon, the wife and Bruno ac
cused Schreiber of many misdeedsc in
which they weren't' involved.
Schreiber wasn't able to prove Ids
"confessions.” His wife and Bruno
were able to prove thrir charges.
So Schreiber is back in Jail for
four years, and his wife and Bruno
are nesting cosily in his home.
MinUters* Sons Are j
Really Not Bad
Chicago,—If your father was a
minister your chances of gaining em
inence are 2,400 to 1 better than
those of the laborer’s son. The time
worn tradition that the clergy-man’s
son was more frequently a inmate
of prison than a sucessful business
man has been knocked In the head.
This was the assertion of Frank
E. Hand , Supreme Vice Chief
Hanger of the Independant Order
of Foresters, in an address here
before a child welfare ronference.
"A recent questionalre Issued
by the editors of Who's Who,” said
Mr. Hand, "showed that 2,695 per
sons in the 1923 edition, or 11.1
per cent were children of preach
Railroads Report Speed
In Supplying More Cars
Washington, Dec. 3.— Despite con
tinued record freight loadings for
this season, the numbe of surplus
freight cars in good re; air was re
ported by the America n Railway
Association today to have increased
to 163,101 on November from 145,583
on November 14. The surplus In
cluded 84,367 coal cars, an Increase
of 5,626 from November 14; 5?,274
box oarh, an Increase of 11,970; 935
stock cars, an Increase of 1,520, and
(,333 refrigerator cars, un increase
(Won't you look in the ginger Jar,
your cook book or behind the clock,
wherever you store those bits of po
etry you particularly treasure -and
send one In to this department
for us all to enjoy? We cannot
use verse that has not been pub
lished and please don’t send in a
' poem Over 40 lines long. Often, con
densing it destroys much of Its
Elizabeth D. Waltt of Sioux City
seuds in the following poem because
it “is so appropriate to the season
of the year" besides being very
Christmas Trees
By Robert Frost
(A Christmas Circular Letter)
The city had withdrawn itself
And left nt last the country to the
When between the whirls of snow
not come to lie
And whirls of foliage not yet laid,
there drove
A stranger to our yard who looked
the city
Yet did in country fashion in that
He sat and waited till be drew us out
k-buttoning coats to ask him who
he was.
He proved to be the city come again
r To look for something it had left
And could not do without and keep
Us Christmas.
He asked If I would sell my Christ
mas trees;
My woods—the young fir balsam*
like a place
Where houses all are churches and
have spires.
I hadn’t thought of them as Christ
mas trees.
I doubt if I was tempted for a mo
To sell them off their feet to go In
And leave the slope behind the house
all bare
Where the sun shines now no warm
er than the moon.
I’d hate to have them know it if I
Yet more I’d hate to hold my tree*
As others hold theirs or refuse for
Beyond the time of profitable
The trial by market everything must
come to.
I dallied so much with the thought
of selling.
Then whether from mistaken cour
And fear of seeming short of speech
or whether
From hope of hearing good of what
was mine,
I said, “There aren’t enough to be
worth while.”
“I could soon tell how many they
would cut,
You let mo look them over.”
“You could look.
But don’t expect I’m going to let
you have them.”
Pasture they spring in, some in
clumps too close
That lop each other of boughs, but
not a few
Quite solitary and having equal
All round and round. The latter -he
nodded “Yes” to.
Or paused to say beneath somt
lovelier one, /
With a buyer's moderation, "That
Would do.”
I thought so too but wasn’t there
to say so.
We climbed the pasture on the
south, crossed over
And came down on the north.
He said, “A thousand.”
“A thousand Christmas trees!—at
what apiece?”
He felt some need of softening that
to me:
"A thousand trees would come to
thirty dollars.”
Then I was certain that I had never
To let him have them. Never show
But thirty dollars seemed so small,
The extent of pasture I should strip,
three cents
(For that was all they figured out
Three cents so small beaide tha
dollar friends
I should be writing to within the
Would pay In cities for good trees
like those.
Regular vestry-trees whole Sunday
Could hang enough oa to pick a
A thousand Christmas trees I didn’t
know I had!
Worth three cents more to give
away than sell,
As may be shown by a simple cal
Too bad I couldn’t lay on* In a
I can’t help wishing I could send
you one.
In wishing you herewith a Merry
He Wat Used te Jolts.
From the Youth’s Companion.
There was a head-on collision on a
certain railway, and many people were
injured. \\ hen the wrecker arrived the
crew began to search for bodies before
attempting to move any of the cars and
found an old negro Pullman porter fast
asleep in the wreck. The rescuer*
routed him and asked:
• Didn’t you know that you were In
a serious wreck?"
“No, sah, boss,” he replied. "I did
feel sumpln kind of Jolty, hut I t’ought
dey was a-puttin' on de dlnafc."
Soiled silverware is Instantly cleaned
If dropped Into hot soda solution, pro
vided the latter Is contained in an al
uminum vessel and th« *-are toueue*
the aluminum.
Sportsmen Asked to Report
Violations of Law Against
Plane Hunting
Washington.,—The terrifying effect
of airplanes on wild fowl is to great
'that if any general uae should be
made of them In hunting, the result
would be exceedingly disastrous, ac
cording to the Biological Survey of
the Department of Agriculture. Prob
ably no ofher single method of pur
suit of wild ducks and other game
birds could parallel their deadly ef
fect In reducing the number of wild
j It Is for this reason that the Bio
logical Survey has called upon all
sportsmen and conservationists In
terested In the maintenance of this
country’s supply of wild fowl to
gather and forward to It In Wash
ington accurate Information con
cerning such violations of law.
greatest practical value In helping
"This co-operation will be of the
greaaest practical value In helping
to conserve our wlld-fowl supply,
and, owing to the small number of
game wardens, who must cover a
vast territory, Is much needed,’’ said
E. W. Nelsort, chief biologist of the
Department of Agriculture.
Since the Federal law against air
plane hunting became effective 19
cases have been reported, 6 of them
having been reported during the past
year. There have been 8 convictions
In all and 8 cases remain undisposed
of. In 2 cases true bills were not re
turned and one case only was dis
Monster Structure, Opening
Feb. 15, Hasn’t Delayed
Single Train in Building
Chicago,—A new epoch In rail
way terminal development will mark
the opening of the sixty-mllllon-dol
lar Chicago Union Station on or
about February 15.
Spreading out over a larger and
larger area, the gray-limestone ter
minal has continued to grow until,
In Us massive style of architecture,
It resembles an imposing temple of
antiquity. From atop the bridge span
ning the Chicago river it stands out
like a new city.
When the completed terminal
swings open under auspicious cere
monies, the ancient terminal building
will be quickly demolished- The whole
transformation, Including all work
on the new terminal, will have been
carried out without interference with
a single train. This is just one phase
of the unusual engineering skill.
Three baseball diamonds could he
laid out upon the great floor of the
main waiting room. The concourse
huiliding will have a fifteen-acre
roof of glass, extending 1,400 feet
beyond the main structu.p, to form
the train shed. Steel umbrella train
sheds, extending over several blocks,
are almost finished. Several months
ago most of the exterior, made of
blocks from Indiana’s quarries, had
been virtually completed.
Parts of the terminal are now in
operation, and other sections are be
ing put into use as rapidly as pos
sible. It had been hoped to climax
the ten-year undertaking by opening
the station Christmas day as a
"Santa Claus gift to the city." But
the date was foui.d to be premature.
Belfast—One thousand undelivered
letters were found in the home of
Thomas T. Keady, a Belfast post
man who died two years ago. when
the house was searched by the police
The find included letters from «U
parts of the world including regis
tered packets. Some of the letters
were dated ten years ago. and were
found Intact hidden under a bed
and in all parts of the house.
The police surmise that Keady,.
whenever he felt tired, kept letters
Instead of delivering them.
Actress Is Sued for
Prize Acting Dog
Los Angeles.—Marjorie Rambleau,
well-known actress, has been made
defendant here with a producing
company and the owner of a board
ing house for dogs. In a suit for
$1,000, brought by Adele Lingo, owner
of Nitzie-Poo, a Pekingese dog.
Nitzie-Po, according to complaint
In the suit, was a canine actor of no
small ability. He was borrowed from
Adele Lingo by Miss Rambeau, who
carried the dog In her arms during
an act in "The Goldfish.”
Now Nitzie-Poo has disappeared,
and the owner asks settlement.
Cleveland Schools
To Run Poolrooms
Cleveland.—Cleveland's school
board will operate two poolrooms for
young men, charging 2 1-2 cents a
cue, and .will open two children's en
tertainment centers where films will
be shown every Saturday at two
cents admission.
Floyd A. Rowe, physical welfare
director, plans to place two billiard
tablet In each of two school build
ings. Movies will be shown in two
other buildings.
Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for
Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago
Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism
^ Accept only “Bayer” package
which contains proven directions.
f B Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets
S § Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Aspirin U tbs trad* mark sf Barer Ha—tartara Ml UowMUxUeactdeaUr st BslIejlicadS
Three Minute*—$3,000ftOO
An order amounting to £{0,000,000
at an estimated profit of £{,000,000,
was taken over the telephone recently
by Samuel Vauetaln, president of the
Baldwin Locomotive works. The onler
was for U75 Decapod's for the Pennsyl
vania railroad, and ft required Just
three minutes to conduct the entire
transaction.—Telephone Bulletin.
Green*s August Flower
Ttie remedy with a record of fifty
eight years of surpassing excellence.
Ail who suffer with nervous dyspep
sia, sour stomucb, constipation, indi
gestion, torpid liver, dizziness, head
aches, coming-wp of food, wind on
stomach, palpitation and other indica
tions of digestive disorder, will find
fective nnd efficient remedy. For
fifty-eight years this medicine has
been successfully used In millions of
households all over the civilized
world. Because of its merit and pop
is found today wherever medicines are
sold. 30 and 00 cent bottles.—Adv.
Collectors Now Seek ‘Treen*
The latest of collecting hobbies ap
pears to lie that of “treen,” and not a
few persons of average general Infor
mation have wondered what particular
curio is implied. For those who are
wanting to find objects not as yet too
eagerly sought,. it may bo explained
that the term covers old wooden
plates, dishes and bowls, and the Cen
tury dictionary points out its relation
to tiie more familiar “trencher.”—
London Telegraph.
Don't Forget Cuticura Talcum
When adding to your toilet requisites.
An exquisite face, skin, baby and dust
ing powder and perfume, rendering
other perfumes superfluous. You may
rely on It because one of the Cuticura
Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum),
25c each everywhere.—Advertisement
New Wheat for World
A new British wiient that Is to be
on tilt market for sowing next year
promises to revolutionize the flour In
dustry of Britain.
Take Tablets Without Fear If You
See the Safety “Bayer Cross.1*
Warning! Unless yon see the name
“Bayer" on package or on tablets yon
sre not getting the genuine Bayer
Aspirin proved safe by millions and
prescribed by physicians for 2t years.
Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.
Imitations may prove darigerons.—Ade.
“It’s getting so's It aia’t luinBr safe
for a feller to gb to Kay See any
more," said Burt Blurt of Petunia
"They’ve been holding up folks right
along, and now they’re going farther
than that; I see by the paper that a
hi jacker went ont and held np another
hijacker last night."—Kansas City
I umm”i
n i i 11 ii J
Money la Loot Every Day Prom Poultry
dying from Itoap and Cholera. Prevent It;,
uae ■ reliable remedy. Uuart'd. ft.00 post
paid. The Parker l.aboratorlee, Topeka, Kuna.
Get Rid of Eczema!
Teller, Itch, Rushes, Ringworm and
all skin diseases, old sores, etc. Use
icated soup and one pnekuge Radio!
Ointment postpaid for $1.00. Address
•1007 Spring drove Ave., Cincinnati, O.
Free Information
about established business places fotr
sale. Including merchandise stocks, ho
tels, restaurants, groceries, garages,
mills, creameries, cheese factories, pool)
halls, drug stores, meat markets, ele
vators. electric light plants, bakeries.
Implements, hardware, etc. Tell tis
what you want. BUSINESS KXCHANG1X
CO.. 225 Hamm Bldg., St. Paul, Minn,.
~ The women of the Lake Tchad re^
gion of central Africa vie with one
another as to who can possess th#
longest lips.
To live Is not to llye for oneself
alone; let us help one another.—Me
Hairs Catarrh
Medlritio -mdo wto w.
dSMo for it *■•
tid your system of Catarrh or Deafne*
caused by Catarrh.
F. J. CHENEY &. Ohio
Great Carol's Centenary
“Silent Night. Holy Night." for many
decades the favorite Christmas carol
of Germany, meets with particular de
votion this Christmas, it being one
hundred years old this year.
MOTHER:- Fletcher's
Castoria is especially pre
pared to relieve Infants in
arms and Children all ages of
Constipation, Flatulency, Wind
Colic and Diarrhea; allayiug
Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach!
and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleeps
To avoid im'utions, always took for the signature of
Absolutely 1 armless — No Opiate^ .Physicians everywhere rocoftnueod it