The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 25, 1924, Image 4

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    We Wish You A
^ ~.
‘ V
We wish to thnnk our many customers and friends and wish them a Merry
Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy New Year.
We greatly appreciate the business we have received during the past year
and trust that we may continue to receive a generous portion of your business
during the coming year.
Warner and Sons
O’Neill, Nebraska.
I>. H. CRONIN, Publisher.
Editor and Business Manager.
Entered at the postoffice at O'Neill,
Nebraska, as second-class matter.
The Frontier has arranged for the
Use of the basement of the Royal
theatre where we will be located for a
few months or until a new building
can be erected in the spring. New
equipment is being ordered and the
office will be in working order very
Mr. Miles and the Independent force
are very kind to use and are assisting
us in every way possible to issue our
paper. We will ask our readers to be
as lenient with us as they can in re
gard to news matter. Both the Inde
pendent and the Frontier will use the
same local reading matter for a few
weeks until our linotype arrives. This
will be a little unusual and perhaps be
a duplication for a few who are sub
scribers to both papers, but we assure
you that we will soon be able to issue
separate editions.
V . .—..
Good-bye Old year—The days with you
arc treasurers
Stored up in little heaps, within my
For while of smiles you gave me
double measures
I've wove unto my Past, Part by
Aye; Wove of strands, far softer than
the spiders,
So fine they are unseen, to another’s
Yet woven so they make a mental
That I shall carry with me 'til I die.
’Tho some are eager now, for thy suc
And even I, will give him welcome
These moments are ours, for retro
That I may walk, the Paths of Past,
with you.
Each day you’ve added greatly to my
Taught me to know the finest from
the droll.
Guided by hand, to make the picture,
That has stamped a lasting joy upon
my soul.
You’ve led my thru success and direst
} failures;
Turned my bluest moments, to sheer
Brought me safely thru to thty suc
Who is knocking for admittance
here tonight
The clock is even now slowly strik
Tls the signal for the gates of past
to close.
X leave you but to trod in newer path
Yet I wonder what the future will
*Tho my right-hand Is extended to the
My left can yet safely go to you.
Yet, not for long dare either of us
So again Good-bye and Adeaux.
(Page Reporter., Dec. 18)
Richard P. Every was born in Cana
da, July 12, 1847, and died at Page Ne
braska, December 14,1924, at the home
•f his mother-in-law, Mrs. M. O. Blain,
where he and Mrs. Every had been
visiting since Thanksgiving. He suf
fered a stroke of paralysis about six
jwars ago and had been in poor heajth
since, a week ago last Thursday he
became worse and gradually grew
weaker until the end came at 8:30 last
Sunday morning.
‘ Mr. Every came to the U. S. A. when
a boy, and in 1870 he moved to Madi
son county and took a homestead. In
1902 he removed to Kingfisher, Okla
Mr| Every leaves a wife and eight
children to mourn his loss, his wife,
two sons and one daughter were with
him during bis last ilness. They left
for Kingfisher, Oklahoma, where in
Acnnent was made.
Members of the O’Neill Fire De
partment were the guests of P. J.
McManus at a banquet at the Grand
Cafe Sunday evening. The delicious
spread prepared in the best style of
the cafe was complimentary to the he- j
roic efforts of the firemen in proven- j
ting the spread of the flames from the |
burning Frontier and Biglin build-:
ings last Thursday evening to the.
other valuable properties in the busi- [
ness section of the city. Over the ci-1
garB and coffee at the conclusion of
the feed details of the fire and other
similarly large conflagrations with
which the department had success
ful coped were discussed.
Mr. P. J. McManus will be master
of ceremonies and chairman of the
committee on arrangmnts for the
Firemen’s Ball, which is to be held
sometime in January at the K. C. Hall.
The Ball which will be the real social
event of the winter season, will be a
decidedly brilliant affair with music'
by a noted orchestra and the proceeds
will go to furnish details of equipment
for the members of the department i
which they at present are required J
to furnish individually. The ball is
to be given by the business men of the
city and the members of the commit
tee who will assist Mr. McManus in
preparing for the event are Messrs.
H. J. Reardon, C. P. Hancock, George
Bowen and others to be named by Mr.
McManus later. ,
Invitations to the banquet were ex-1
tended to all members of the depart-:
ment, but owing to the isclement
weather several were unable to be
present. However twenty-eight mem
bers of the department, and friends,
partook of Mr. McManus’ hospitality,
as folows:
E. D. Henry, Geo. Bo'wen, Claude,
Hancock, Donald Cole,-Cole, Clar-1
encc Sauser, Glen Lewis, Jim David
son, W. J. Hammond, H. J. Hammond,
J. J. McManus, Win. Gatz, Ben Harty,
H. J. Reardon, W. F. Willging, Glen
Tomlinson, L. C. Peters, Leo Mullen,
John Kersenbrock, Clarence Zimmer- j
man, Dean Selah, Morris Downey, G.
E. Burge, Frank Howard, G. E. Miles,
P. J. McManus,, Paul Beha and John
! Nolan.
Sleet Storm Damage*
A thousand telephone llinemen arc
still fighting the sleet storm damage
in Iowa and Nebraska. In the 100
mile strip across the two states lay
10,000 broken poles and 100,000 miles
of wire out of service because of tens
of thousands of wire breaks. Con
siderable headway was made Tues
day toward restoration of service a
long important lines.
About 75 per cent of the ice Its still
on the wires east of Seward in Neb
raska and a heavy coat of It still lin
gers to the wires north of Des Moines,
Iowa and west to Mlissouri Valley.
Additional damage resulted to the
transcontinental lead between Omaha
and the Plette river when 70 poles
went down Monday. iLinemen patroll
ing the lines from Omaha to Valley
Monday, were unable to put up the
wires as fast as they broke. There
were times when a circuit would work
for a few minutes and then go dead.
Five crews, or about 76 men are at
work on the transcontinental lead be
tween Omaha and Ashland. Specially
1 prepared insulated wire is being
strung to span the breaks. Cresoted
pine poles will be set in place of the
broken poles in this line.
I It is expected that there will be 50
per cent service on the transcontinen
tal lead west out of Omaha Monday
1 night and practically complete service
, to Fremont and Norfolk. Local trouble
i in Omaha is expected t» be fairly well
cleared by Thursday night.
An idea of the wire damage can be
gotten from the line from Iowa Falls
to Mason Oi*y, Iowa, a distance of 48
miles, which carries an average of 14
wires. There are about 2.800 wire
: breaks in this line. ‘'Long Distance”
> service in Iowa will be available to
| all point3 by Wednesday night, and
. will l>e practically normal by tlia end
of the week.
Farmers should hold back their
hogs< They are now too cheap to
feed them corn, and they are almost
sure to advance. May corn in Chica
go is selling at about $1.20 per bu.:
In order to make feeding profitable in
accordance with the old rule of 13 to
1 feeding basis, hogs should sell at
$15.00 per cwt. Hogs are now selling
at about $9.00 per cwt. In our opin
ion hog prices will advance to a parity
with corn prices and they may even
surpass this parity, because when
their scarcity once becomes known
prices may advance beyond their com
parative basis.
It looks a little hard to feed $1.20
corn to $9.00 hogs, but we believe it
will pay, as hog prices are almost
sure to advance. In addition to that
it will have the effect of consuming
corn on the farms and thus assist in
maintaining a good price for corn,
which is a desirable thing for the
Why Prices of Hogs are Low
Hog raisers have had a panic.
Prices of corn are high and the crop
very scarce. It does not pay to feed
corn to hogs. Therefore, many far
mers have done the natural thihg and
rushed their undersized half-fat
hogs to market. As many as 95,000 a
single day came to Chicaga market the
last week of November. Records were
broken in the number of hogs, received
at western markets. Is it small won
der that prices have continuped low
in face of such phenominal receipts?.
As a matter of fact it is a remarkable j
thing that prices have stayed up as '
high as they have.
Pig Crop Light.
The department of Agriculture at
Washington say that the 1924 spring
crop of pigs was much less than the
previous crop and that a much small
er number of sows are bred for fall!
If one takes into considderation the j
large "panicky” receipts of half-fat
hogs together with the short crop of
pigs both for spring and fall of 1924, j
and then considers the short crop of,
corn of poor feeding value, the con
clusion is inevitable that the country
is being drained of hogs.
Wheat is 60 cents per bushel higher
than a year ago. Corn is 50 cents
higher than a year ago. Stocks in Wall
Street are breaking all previous rec
ords. Everybody is optomistic about
future business, meanwhile hogs are j
only 1% cents per pound higher than '
one year ago. In ether words, wheat j
prices are 60 per cent higher than a
year ago. Corn is 70 per cent higher
than a year ago, while hogs and pork
products are only about 18 per cent
higher than a year ago.
Therefore.we say hogs are too cheap
and that they are sure to advance. We
advise that corn should be fed to hogs
sparingly at first so that the hogs can
j be held back untiil a little later in the
season than usual; then they should
reach a price that will compensate the
farmer for feeding his high priced
! corn to them.—W. E. Gould, Vice
! President Savings Bank of Kewanec,
jKewanee, Illinois.
The national bonus, that political
battledore and shuttlecock of both par
ties has died down now that it has be
come a law. Men who fought for it
have forgotten even to apply for it,
and so the blank oppllcations are pil
ed in Washington and more tax money
is necessarily wasted.
The Adjusted compensation law, pAs
sed last May gave the time limit in
which to apply for the bonus as 1928.
Congress arranged for a new depart
ment under the Veteran's Bureau with
clerks sufficient to handle the ruBb j
of the work, but *he applications have j
* been lagging. To keep this dep&rt
j ment open until 1928 will result in a
| material increase in the cost of ad
administration, and Congress and the
I Veterans' Bureau are anxious to finish
: the work. The tax-paying public,
many of them ex-service men, should
also be anxious to speed up the work.
The Legion posts and Red Cross of
j fices, in co-operation with the Vet
eran’s bureau, have urged and aided
the filing of application blanks, and
yet the figures given out in Washing
ton show that nearly 3 million men
have yet to apply.
The veteran himself is taking a
I chance in delaying his application.
Take the case of John Doe. John
was twenty and nevee though* of dy
ing, so he put off filing his applica
tion. His dependents got *25 in 10
quarterly payments. Had he gone to
the trouble of sending in his applica
tion he would have left tn his family
$15 > 00 payable in a lump sum.
» Delay in sending in the bonus blank
l is deoidely costly to the government
I hut it may he even more so to the de
pendents of cx-service men. Applica
tion bmr.' are available at the office
oi 1 e <r. G Miles at the
pe»|t ( b I | j •'IrinepfVipf f ffi or)
Chicken Embargo.
Governor Prvan has ta^cn up with
Gove rn..! Smith of New York asking
that the embargo on chickens from
Nebraska 1 n raised ard that our chick
en - might be shipped to New York
Governor Smith rep’ies ’bat. he is un
able to do anything, but intimates that
it m’gbt he die if taken up thru tV
proper channels, and this Governor
Bryan wiil do as soon as possible, so
that *V embargo may be lifted on
Nebraska chickens.
Onr Trip to Washington.
Our real trip started at Detroit, for!
we went that far by train. And one
sees so little from the train of the real
life of the country. It is indeed a
privilege to travel by motor.
We saw little of Detroit, which they
claim as t>’e third city of the country.
It didn’t impress me as being busy at
all, after seeing Chicago and the traff
ic on Michigan Boulevard. But it
contains one thing which Chicago
can’t equal—the Ford factory. I
should say “the parent plant,” for I
believe there aie three. This one we
visited, and it was a wonderful ex
Wo wore ushered into the factory
along with fifty or more others. There
were men—65,000 of them, in most
places as close together as they could
stand. Each man had his work car
ried to and from him by great moving
chains, above or below. And these
moved fast enough so that one could
not do much resting between jobs. |
Mysterious looking pieces of machin-!
ery they worked on which meant noth-1
ing to me., but as we followed the1
chain, gradually they grew. One tiny
piece of iron, or one new screw added
by each man handling it. Finally it
became an engine. Then on to a
wheel-base which gradually acquired
wheels, engine, battery, and the num
erous other parts. Then a body
(which I believe is manufactured
elsewhere) was lifted on, fastened,
spots touched with paint, lights and
engine tested, and behold, the finished
car driven off and into the freight cars
for shipping! One had to marvel at |
the genius of the man or men who j
planned it all—it looked like efficiency
to the nth degree. We often think of
housework as monotonous, but it is
indeed full of the spice of life by con
trast to that where one spends 8 or
10 hours a day just tightening the
same bolt in the same piece of iron, i
From Detroit we drove on through
Ohio, with its prosperous looking
farms, at least, judging so from the
size of houses and barns. I wondered
if the large houses are not remainders
from the time of large families, and
when traveling was difficult and slow,
where every farm-house had to be
equipped to care for travelers. ;
In Marion we drove by the Harding
home, which is such as any of us can i
hope to own, homey and comfortable |
looking; by the Star building, dingy
and unattractive; then to that tempor
ary resting place which has been visit
ed by many thousands of people, great
and ordinary. It is indeed inspiring to
see the places which have known a
great man so intimately, and have seen
him rise by his own efforts from a
youth of poverty and few advantages
to the greatest in the world.
From Marion we drove through
country becoming increasingly hilly,
to Canton. There we saw places of
the life of McKinley, and the great
memorial, with its most wonderful
tribute *o him.
And from Canton on one knew he
was getting near Pennsylvania—in
creasing height of the hills, beautiful i
wooded slopes, villages built almost
entirely along the street of the high
way, houses opening on the sidewalks,
then gradualy mines, coke ovens, great
steel and iron works, air which was
hazy with smoke, ravines and wooded
spots, which had been beautiful, but
which were full of immense, ugly piles
of black waste. Through cities which
show the greatest contrast in manner
of life, magnificent homes with im
mense grounds—mile after mile mani
festing great wealth. Then to dingy,
tumbled-down, smoke stained houses,!
dooryeards (where there were any) full
of dirty children and covered with cin
ders, where no sprig of green could
possibly1 live.
South from Pittsburg the great steel
mills became less and less frequent,
and coal mines and coke ovens more
so. At Uniontown, we saw the outside
of a coal mine and coke ovens. They
told us that nearly all of the coal mines
about there convert their entire out
put into coke. The more up-to-date
ovens are "by-product” ovens—where
not onlly coke, but benzol, tar, oil and
other things of value are produced.
But there are innumerable “bee-hive”
ovens where only coke is produced,
which are most effective at night with
their brilliant fires coming through
holes in the tops.
At umontown we entered me moun
tains, not cheerfully, but at least well
warned. Our informer told us that it
was pretty bad, especially for those
who didn’t know the roads—that not
only was it very steep, but the curves
so bad that you would meet yourself
coming back—that many cars turned
over on the curves, and that there was
very sure to be snow in the mountains.
With all this reasuring information, at
the first turn on the way up we saw
the signs, "Prepare to meet they God.”
It was all true, but after we got over
a little of our nervousness, it was
perfectly beautiful. A light snow
which became heavier as we climbed
I higher, covered every leaf and twig—
a real fairy land—every turn a new
view of beauty. We passed the site of
old Fort Necessity where Washington
l had to surrender, the only time in his
I life. And we saw General Braddock's
| grave, all of it making more vivid the
| impressions of the struggles of those
We were in mountains, for many
miles, though they gradually grew less
high. In western Maryland was little
evidence of progress. Everywhere rail
fences, land absolutely waste, with
i stumps, occasionally a man plowing
with a hand plow, little schools which
would scarcely be fit for coal sheds at
home. But everywhere the beautiful
wooded slopes, and no longer marred
by smoke or piles of waste. And so on
(through gradually more familiar, but
Hawaii—that happy land of romance, music and of gorgeous sun
shine has an ever present appeal and there is always a popular de
mand for our friends from this little sister republic in the Far Pacific,
and for the sweet melodies they bring.
To meet this demand St. Mary’s Academy has engaged a companv
of three native Hawaiian singers and players, the
Fernandez Entertainers, for January 16, 1925.
Watch for further announcements.
still beautiful country, finaly to Wash
ington and the place we shall live in
for a few months, but which will not
be home.
New Train Schedule.
A new time card went into effect
on the Northwesttrn Sunday that will
effect the traffic in and out of O’Neill
to some extent.
The details of the new time card
are as follows:
Train No. ,11, the O’Neill-Winner
passenger, will leave Omaha at 6:50
a. m., fifteen minutes later than at
present, will connect with train 111
at Fremont and will arrive at Norfolk
at 11:20 a. m., 25 minutes earlier;
will make connection with No. 32
from Sioux City due in Norfolk at
12:20 p. m. and No. 422 from Winner
due in Norfolk at '12:45 p. m. Train
No. 11 will leave Norfolk at 12:55 p.
m. and arrive in O’Neill at 3:25 p. m.,
connecting with train 63 for Long
Ptae. Train No. 411 will leave Norr
f«R at 1:26 p. m., arriving in Winner
at 9:05 p. m., same as the present.
The passenger equipment will be op
erated between Omaha and Winner
and passengers for the west of Nor
folk will change cars there.
Train No. 12 to run later:
On the return movement train No.
12 (old No. 2) connecting with train
64 from Long Pine will leave O'Neill
at 3:50 p. m. arrive in Norfolk at 6:25
p. m., connecting with train 412 (old
No. 402) from Bonesteel due to arrive
in Norfolk 5:55 p. m. Train No. 12
will leave Norfok at 6:40 p. m., arrive
in Omaha at 11:16 p. m. 46 minutes
later tnan tne present time.
The passenger equipment in train
512 will run thru to Omaha in train
12 and passengers from the west will
change cars at Norfolk.
Train 22, Omaha and Chicaga pass
enger, will arrive in Norfolk at 12:55
p. m. and depart at. 1.10 p. m. five
minutes earlier and will arrive in
Omaha 5:35 p. m. as at present. This
train connects at Fremont with train
125 leaving Fremont at 6:10 p. m.
arriving in Lincoln at 7:50 p. m. daily
except Sunday. Oji Sunday, Decem
ber 21, Dec. 28 and Jan. 4, a special
passenger train will be operated Fre
mont to Lincoln on the time of train
125 for the accommodation of stu
dents and other holiday travel.
Train No. 14 (old No. 6) will leave
Long Pine at 11:30 p. m., arrive in
Norfolk 4:45 a. m., depart at 5:05 a.
m., arrive Omaha 9:50 a. in.
Royal Theatre
The Home of Good Pictures
Gloria Swanson and Tom Moore in
Viola Dona, Alen Forest in
Riddle Rider and Comedy
Jackie Coogan in
Comedy and News.
All Star Cast
Viola Dona, Monte Jllne, Lew Cody
Marjorie Daw in
“Peter Pan.”
“Hunch Back of Notre Dame.”
at the Robert’s Barn
We will have all kindg of feed
and will deliver.
Phone, Office $86—Residence 270—303
Spinal Analysis Physical Diagnosis
. Chiropractor
Glasses Correctly Fitted.
•ftlce and Residence, Naylor Block.
Phone 72.
Phone 304
9’NEIIjIj, ts tf NEBRV .4 SR A
T this joyous holi
day season, as well
as throughout the
entire vear, even the
humblest American
home enjoys con
venient contact with the out
side world over the nation
wide telephone lines of the
Bl'U System.
Our country has two-thirds
of the earth’s telephones and
the most extensively used
service in the world,
v A