The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 25, 1924, Image 3

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    Honored for Rescuing Locatelli, Lost World Flyer
--- .. — '
Captain L. A. Cotton of the U. S. S. Richmond receives a bronze pi aque honoring himself and his crew
tfor the rescue of Lieutenant Locate 111, the Italian around-the-world fly er who was lost In the Arctic. Tha
*>laque was presented by Italian cit izens of the U. S.
Washington is like a great rose b ush abloom with all its buds, now
'that the coming-out season is on. A nd here are some of the fairest. Left
"to right, at top, Margaret Stanfield, d aughter of Senator Stanfield of Ore
gon; Katherine Dunlop; center row, Elizabeth Parker, Beatrice Hender
•on and Katrina Van Rensselaer; lo wer row, Lilita Dawson and Etheld
ceda Seabury.
This baby, born of tubercular par enls, is a prized item of health pro
paganda for the National Tuberculo sis Association’s sale of Christmas
seals. Stamps are going to give him a chance In life worthy of his smile.
Gaze upon one
of the coun
try’s champion
tourists, Rudolph
Ganz, by name.
Before he was
appointed con
ductor of the St.
Louis Symphony
in 1920 Rudolph
had mads nine
tours of the
United States and
Canada as a con
cert pianist. Now
he takes the en
tire orchestra on
tour and in the
past three years
has appeared in
more than 80
cities in the mid
dle, southern and
southwest ern
Don’t think this
man’s a detective
or police sergeant,
even though
you’ve seem many
who resemble him.
He’s Dr. Mederic
T. de Gerin, a
celebrated French
physician who
has come to
America to dem
onstrate to the
doctors of Canada
and the United
States his treat
ment for pneumo
nia. Behind him
he has a record of
treating 600 pneu
monia cases In
the past few years
without a death
Most Perfect Among
350,000 Contestants
Miss Inez Harden, sixteen, ot
Mississippi, was adjudged the win*
ner over 350,000 competitors in the
health contest held in connection
with the Internationa] Live Stock
Show in Chicago. She is five feet
two inches tali and weighs 117%
pounds. Following a,a her health
directions: Sleep ten hours a night,
drink a quart ot milk a day, eat
lots of vegetables, don't use rouge
or powder, and don't wear hlg^
Children of Crooks
Remembered by Her
The will of Sophie Lyons Burke,
notorious woman criminal, who
reformed and became wealthy
honestly, has been admitted to pro
bate in Detroit, Mich. Approx
imately $200,000 Is left in trust
for the children of convicts.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Coolldge, who
are wintering in Washington, were
among the elite at the annual foot
ball game between Army and Navy.
The camera was snapped when the
Ar-ny mule kicked th# Navy
Protected I
Bedecked with the flags of several
nations, this “international" engine
is protected from danger in China.
The train runs under the famous
protocol of 1901, carrying troops of
the United States, Great Britain and
Japan through war swept districts.
Paul Kochanzkl
recently was solo
ist with the Phila
delphia Orchestra.
He played Karol
Szyma nowskl's
“Concerto for Vio
lin and Orches
tra.” It Is said
that Mr. Szyman
owski Is devoted
to atonaltty and
polytonality and
that consequently
he proceeds In a
very dissonant
Idiom. And that
the three move
ments of the piece
were played as
one. Thus It Is
evident that
Kochanwkl tack
led a very big or
der of ham and
beaqs. . ■
puzzles have
pushed the ton
gue-twister Into
the background,
but by way of re
lief from your
regular meander
lngs through th®
horizontals and
verticals see If
you can find %
name more diffi
cult than this on®
to pronounce —•
W 1 a d 1 s 1 a v St.
Reymond. After
you can say It 30
times a minute
look him up and
you’ll find he’*
from Poland and
won the Nobel
Prize for 1924 a*
a writer.
This young lady
can tell you any
thing you want to
know about skel®
to’.is. She’s Dr.
Mary Luca®
Keene who has
been appointed to
the chair of ana
tomy in the Lon
don (Royal Fre®
Hospital) School
of Medicine for
Womei.. It Is said
that she Is the
only woman pro
fessor of anatomy
in the world. Na
turally she Isn’t
the least bit timid
about having the
head of an ancient
caveman right at
her elbow.
Mile. Tamara Swyakaya, known as
the "Pavlowa of Poland," la coming
to America. With her she la bring
ing a new act of gowns, with dancea
to match. This costume empha
sizes a futurist motif.
Receiving Them From London
This is the apparatus that reca lved pictures In New York just M
minutes after they were sent from L. ondon by engineers of the Radio Cor
poration of America.
Two-year-old Virginia Arnold, (seen here In her mother's arms) is bo
Beved to be with her parents ic their flight to escape arrest fur murder. The
parents, W. M. and Mildred Arnold, are wanted in Kansas City, Mo,
for the slaying of Lawrence I. Hatfield, a Pinkerton detective. But
police do not think the couple, on account of the baby, can evade captor*
very long.
Clifford Leroy Samuelson, 17, was his teacher’s pet—and the smartaot
boy In school. Now he’s teacher’s husband. And the little town of Canby,
Ore., Is wondering what Is going to happen to the couple. The teachor,
formerly Kosemondo Lee Shaw, who admits she Is 27, say’s she’ll go
Fight on teaching—perhaps to send her husband through oollege.
Grows Whiskers
ffioY C« 3KAG 1^. ; /*/!*.'
*.11 .. MWIMIII Li — ■■■ I■ «i *111
Roy C. Page, noted flyer, who
brought down four German planes in
the AVorld war, and who Is now a
night flying airmail pilot between
Omaha and Chicago, thought his
wife's long, flowing hair was beau
tiful. But she would be modern, so
she bobbed it. To get even he dis
carded his is/.or, and refuses to
shave until his wife lets her 1 talr
i grow long again.
On the Brain .
Cross word puzzles make an at
tractive millinery design. It was dis
covered by Miss Peggy Cleary, of
New York, shown here with her In
vention. She has a puzzle to fit her
hat, too.