At the Grave of Pastor's Wife, Furnace Victim miiTuni —..girmrr-rr irTiiTminnf^-^rrr* -1..1 The last rites for Mrs. Add ie Sheatslcy are shown here, in the little cemetery at Paris. Ohio. Bowed in the center is the Rev. C. V. Sheatsley, with little Elizabe th, next at the right. Mr. Sheata .ley’s mother, then Mrs. Sheatsl ey*s mother. The eons stand behin d their father. p sEAP^AyjTo^r cA^puyg.^^ isitxrzs'. sB&rx. Perfect co-ordination between the air and sea forces and an imporlant development of aircraft as a na tional defense were achieved in a hazardous experiment successfully conducted by Naval Lieutenants D xlf Kiefer and Malcohn Selby abroad the superdreadnaught California in Los Angeles harbor. t>or the fust tim# an airplane, shown here in its catapult, was launched at night from the deck of a warship. When Mexican and U. S. Labor G roups Met _ _ _————————• Delegates tci the American Federation of Labor convention in El Paso, Tex., met representatives of the Mexican Confederation of Labor at the American gate of the international bridge. Both American and Mexican flags were flying. The visitors marched three miles on foot from their Juarez meeting place, across the bridge, through the streets of El Paso, to Liberty Hall, where the Americans were assembled. Sailless Sailing Ship Has Wind Turbines - - * X'VE IFFJSTSI^ 33~LIT&' %rvx,. ■■ ..... -—.. . ■■—— ——.*»>■ ■■■-- . „n MMV —IMi—»—■————^“ Herewith Is pictured the ratlless sailing ship, built by the German engineer, Anton Flettner, which has proven the au.riue sensation of the year. It is shown in Kiel harbor, where it was demonstrated to the Association o'.’ Marine Architects, instead of sails, Flettner uses two revolving towers, smooth and capped at each end to assure tlte formation of a perfect vacuum. There is no propeller whatever, but the towers are revolved by a small Diesel engine. Only the position of the towers on the ship and the rudder control Its direction of travel. Momentum is given by the pressure of wind from an angle on the revolving towers, whose effective speed is regulated to correspond to the velocity of the wind. Autos Sign of Luxury Taxed High in Vienna Vienna.—Characterized repeatedly in recent years as the "Dying Fairy City," Vienna, once known for its luxury and which had a strong up ward swing into something like prosperity after stabilization of its money, is raptdly again sinking into dire poverty. The best evidence of this is in the rapid decrease of private motor cars within the last few months. In Germany and Austria, motor cars' arc barometer of prosperity—in fact they arc considered the last word in 1 luxury. Automobiles are not recog- i nized as a necessary means of transportation. Particularly are the' tax authorities in Germany and j Austria, where the ox team is still common, obsessed with the idea that motor cars are nothing but luxury. IJ you own a car you must be rich and can afford to pay. There is a luxury tax of 15 per j cent, on each ear, new or second hand, In addition to two and a naif • per cent, sales tax. Then there Is a state operating tax that In Vienna runs up to $800 a year for a high powered car. Vienna with a population of 2, 000,000, the fourth largest city In Europe, had at the beginning of the year only 4,500 private automo biles. Taxes and hard times ha* reduced this number by 1,300, or almost one-third. In the last few months. During October 400 car owners cancelled their numbers, saying they could no longer afford motor car*. Held As Bandit fours.kt5? Frank Burns, dressed as a "blonds flapper," is under arrest In New York City, charged with being a member of a Brooklyn holdup gang. He was the gang's lurs in hla wo man's attire. Three girls In the American em bassy in Berlin are engaged to Brit ish officers. Here is one couple. Miss Frances Wahlstad and Captain B. B. Cochrane. Builds Own Theater wF, cJpmr MAffjyX'EfrPj John Masefield, famous British author and playwright, has bKllt a private theater at Boar's Hill, Ox ford, England, where his plays are produced by native players whom he Is training in the art of stage craft. ' ft in And here’s another of those Amer ican-British alliances In our Berlin embassy—Miss Margaret Nell and Captain Sydney Daw of His Majes ty’s troops. New Governor fim Sir Montague Sherard Dawes But er has been appointed governor of :he Central Provinces of India, suc ceeding Sir F. O. Sly, whose texm of office expires next January. Flees From Publicity Mrs. R. E. L. Knight, Jr., prominent young society matron of Dallas, Tox., applied for a part with a stoc k company In Houston under tho Mme of ‘•Margaret Wilson.” She made such a hit that the newspaper reporters got curious and found out who the young actress really was. Then Mrs. Knight fled back to Dallus. Leads Choir Dr. J. Fred Wolle was the creator of the Bethlehem Bach Choir, known internalionally as the "best choir in America.” He started it 26 years ago and has been its only leader. Ed word Ij. Ba der, mayor of At lantlc City, caught In a frol icsome moment. Edward Is quite one of the boys when the Atlan tic City high school team is on the gridiron. Here he Is decorated for the state cham pionship game with Camden. Introducing Adjutant Bonnot, France’s aviation Bpeed king, who Bays he will try to break the Ameri can record which Is equivalent to 420 kilometers an hour. E o n n e t recently traveled 389.89 kilometers an hour 'in France. Ousted Dr. J. Frank Norris, pastor of th* great First Baptist church of Fort Worth, Tax., charged that the gen eral conference of Texas Baptists In dorsed the teaching of the evolution theory. As a result the convention refused to seat the eight delegate* from Norris' church and the pastor’* charge wan denounced as “an insult to this conference.” Baby Member of U. S. Congress 1— Andrew U Somers. Democrat, elected ^Congress from |he Stetb District of nrookljm^ N.^.. ^“tf^baby*©! the Congress, being only Chapman, Republican, of Kentucky.