The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 11, 1924, Image 7

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    Kennedy Radio
Fits the finest homes or most modest
Thousands of pleased owners will tell
you that a “Kennedy” offers the finest
’’Kennedy Radios”
Never fails to please their listeners.
The tired business man or the house
wife can sit back at ease and enjoy 57
varieties of amusement.
Phil Ziemer
Authorized “Kennedy” Radio Dealer.
Buy Hardware, Furniture and
Toys For Christmas.
Only 11 More
Shopping Days Left
Warner & Sons
(Received last week.)
Miss Hazel Crim spent Thanksgiv
ing at Seward with her parents.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Myers has been quite sick the
past week.
Miss Mildred Stanton returned from
Crofton Monday where she spent
Prof. W. R. French, of Inman, ac
companied the basket ball boys to
Phone, Office 28 j
O'Neill Nebraska
jSj Phone 304. Day or Night. S
Chambers Friday evening.
Prof, and Mrs. John Daly, of Ideal,
spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Dalys
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Dyke.
While carring a pail of water at her
home, Saturday, Mrs C. W. Gumb
made a misstep badly spraining her
Prof. Clarence Richard, of Laurel,
came home to spend Thanksgiving
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Will Blake and child
ren, of Burwell, were called to Cham
bers by the death of the late George
PVof. H. L. Thompson returned from
St. Edward Sunday where he spent
Thanksgiving with his mother and
twin brother.
Mrs. Earl Hatton, who was operated
on at the Lincoln hospital November
2nd, returned to Chambers, Friday,
much improved in health.
A sweet little baby girl came to
brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Gardzelewsgi, of Cola, Sun
day, November 30th, weight 8%
The members of the Chambers Post
No. 320 of the American Legion en
It Is Almost
Christmas is almost here. Have you arranged for
the Christmas dinner?
-We Have
And many other articles that will assist you in
preparing the menu.
Give your orders for the turkeys early.
J. B. Ryan
Meat Market
joyed an oyster supper at the Fairy
f lunch room Friday evening, November
The Inman high school basket ball
team came to Chambers Friday even
ing to play the Chambers high school
team. The score was 28 to 18 In
favor of Chambers.
Miss Edith Hoffman and her friend
Miss Clifton, who are instructors in
the Fullerton public schools, enjoyed
Thanksgiving dinner with Miss Hoff
man’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Miss Genevieve Cooper, who came
home to spend Thanksgiving with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cooper,
left for Norfolk Sunday, to resume her
duties as instructor in the Norfolk
public schools.
Mrs. Edward Adams left for Oak
dale, Monday to visit her sister, Mrs.
J. Hustleton, who accompanied her to
Council Bluffs where a pleasant fam
ily reunion was held at the home of
another sister, Mrs. Charles Hart.
Her brother and bride, of Idaho, who
were recently married being guests of
Mark Twain** Reason
for Not Asking Loan
Dr. Clarence 0. Rice of New York,
who Introduced Mark Twain to H. H.
Rogers In 1894, when the fortunes of
the writer had failed, and thus got the
American humorist back on his feet
financially, has told of his experiences
with Mark Twain as a patient, says a
writer In the Mentor.
According to Doctor Rice, Mark
Twain was never seriously 111 till the
final Illness. Doctor Rice writes:
“Mark Twain was never 111—Just
colds. I would take his temperature
occasionally, but he generally Insisted
that Is was only a bluff and that the
thermometer was put In his mouth
to keep him from talking. He told
me that old yarn of the patient who
obtained a prescription from his phy
sician and, afler looking at the paper,
asked how much the medicine would
cost. When the doctor told him that
It would cost about $2 the patient re
quested the physician to loan him the
$2. The Indignant doctor finally said:
‘Here are the $2; give me the pre
scription. I want to mnke an altera
tion. I’m scratching out the nerve
tonic; you won’t need ^hat.’ Mark
Twain observed: ‘I have always ad
mired that man. That was a noble
piece of graft. I have thought of try
ing the game on you, but I’ve never
seen the time when I thought you had
the $2.”
Got Her Clock Back
In “My Garden of Memory,” Mrs.
Kate Douglas Wlggin, the famous au
thoress, tells a story of the time when
she was the guest of some friends,
and was kept from sleeping by the
ticking of a clock In her bedroom.
Finally, she had to place the clock
among some blankets in a drawer.
Leaving early next morning, she forgot
to tell^the maid about the clock, writes
Puck In London Tlt-BIts.
Three months afterward, In Ger
many she remembered it. She would
! have cabled, but it seemed bizarre to
say, after an Interval of many months:
“Clock buried in guest room between
blankets in bottom drawer. Impossible
to sleep with it! Forgive!"
Instead, she wrote, nnd by rc-piy
came word from her former hostess
that her new chambermaid had
searched fo- „nd recovered the clock.
The annual bazaar and food sale of
the Presbyterian church will ho held
in the dining room of the Golden hotel,
Saturday afternoon. December 13th,
beginning at two o’clock. 27-2
(By F. 0. Hazen.)
’Tho you’re all used to it,
Open your mouth and take this bit!
You’ve stood and ate my grain and hay
But now you’ve some thing to learn
Get over a little! Now stand still!
You’ve something to do 'sides eat
your fill.
Turn 'round, you brute! I don’t
know which
End of you I’d better hitch.
I guess there ain’t no settled rule
By which a fellow can hitch a mule.
Whoa, there Molly, Don’t have a bug!
Just wait ’till I hitch that other tug.
Now perk your ears and we're for
It wouldn’t look nice to have them
Get up! Get up! Say are you dead
You haven’t even wiggled your head.
Come on! Let’s go! What ails you
You’re just as stubborn as a cow.
Why don’t you start ? You old Galoot,
Has all four feet took solid root?
Oh! Here we go and blast your hide,
The faster you go, the faster I ride.
But say, That bit is to guide you by!
A lot I care just to look at your eye.
Hey, Quit that kicking! Ain’t you got
no sense!
There goes the dash-board over the
Gosh! That foot came close to me!
I’ll bet the’re laughing in that school.
Gee, its fierce to drive a mule.
Whoa, Molly! Whoa, Molly! Whoa,
Molly! Whoa!
I could’nt get you started a while ago;
Now, you brute, you’ll stop by heck,
Or I’ll twist your head ’till I break
your neck!
No! No! Molly: Come over this way,
You can never get over that stack of
Well! I figured a mule did have some
But you went thru that barbed wire
Hey, Molly! You better wait a minute;
That creek has got water in it!
I A fellow must be calm and cool,
If hs’s going to break a pesky mule.
Say, you mule. When will you stop ?
i I’m not good for another flip-flop.
I see, in the fracus, we lost a wheel,
I It’s busted up just like I feet
Now listen, mule; plague take your
I’m still a hanging, ’tho I’ve lost
But sooner, or later, you’ll go home,
I’ll bet!
And the folks will find I’m with you
The folks may say, I’m a blasted fool:
But they can’t say, I gave up the mule!
Xmas Candies
At Cut Prices
30c size Borden’s Eagle Brand 011*
Milk, can ..... L I C
40c Sunshine Christmas Candy OCp
Cookies, lb. 4wu
4 lbs. of Bulk IQp
1 Pkg. Quick Cook Oatmeal, OQp
weight 3 lbs. 7 oz... fc3b
1 Pkg. Large size Swans 99 p
Down Cake flour ._. 33b
1 Box Thompson fancy seedless 1 dp
1 Pkg. Dromedary Citron OC p
Sliced and Candied. fc3b
1 Pkg. Dromedary Golden 9Qf»
Dates ...._... Cub
2 ^Pkgs. Fancy California .... 25c
3 lbs. Box Sunshine Gnaham d7p
Extra Selected Christmas Trees
Assorted Sizes 39 50 59 65c
75c grade House Brooms, R7<*
each . 31b
1 doz. good lead “I C p
2 Cans Velvet Pipe and 9 It ft
Cigerette tobacco .„. fc3b
10c Pkg. Re-Nw. Dye Soap Cp
Pure Honey, 1 lb, Comb 9Hp
at .......................... .....
3 No. 2 Rayo TuFF Glass /L7p
Womens Christmas Handkerchiefs of
Quality and style at very low
pree5.5101520 and 25c
Wonder values in Mens’ Handker
chiefs for Christmas, Prices
10 15 20c * 25c
85c An Exceptional value. Men’s
Grenadine Knit four in hand CCp
ties, each . 03b
$1.50 Fancy Knit... All Silk Men’s
Four in Hand ties. New QQp
styles for Christmas, each.... 30b
Royal Tailored Made to Measure
Suits and Overcoats $25.00
57 Steps
Sells for Less
I A Valuable
We want every customer to know
that his connection with this bank,
will be one of his best and strongest
This bank carries no indebtedness
of officers or stockholders.
Resources over $600,000.00
O'Neill National
Lee Steskal has purchased a coupe
from Tom Strong.
J. C. Graham is in Omaha this week
purchasing his stock of winter goods
from the wholesale dry goods houses.
J. B. Ryan sold his 320 acres, three
miles northeast of Emmet, to a man
from Clearwater. Guy Beckwith made
the sale.
Will McCaffrey has accepted a posi
tion as traveling salesman for Crane
& Co. His present headquarters is
Grand Island, Nebr.
John Lowry and J. H. Bailey went
to Garfield County on a hunting trip
last Wednesday, the day before the
blizzard. They are probably snowed
in at some ranch house.
Joe McCaffrey and wife left on No
vember 27th for their new home at
Boulder, Col. They will make their
future home with Leo McCaffrey who
is janitor at the University of Colo
rado, at Boulder.
The snow storm hit Emmet hard.
The snow is piled in places four feet
high. And what makes it worse is that
there are some people who do not
clean the snow off their sidewalks.
Tom Strong has purchased from
Herman Janzing, Sr., the McCaffrey
house of ten rooms in Emmet. Tom
has already taken possession and is
going to run a rooming and boarding
house. A place of this kind is badly
needed in Emmet as the old hotel
building is now used as a cold stor
age for wild animal skins.
While Jim Shorthill was working on
the section last Saturday he saw a
large coyote scratching^ in the snow.
Jim ran to the depot for Ward Cos
grove’s high powered rifle. Jim kill
ed the coyote with one shot at an ac
tual measured distance of two hund
red and ten yards. Jim put a bullet
through the coyote’s eye. He says
that is the way he always kills coyotes
by hitting them in the eye.
> ..—IIII —»
I will sell on the R. E. Maw place, 2 miles south of Meek; about 15 miles
north of O’Neill fair grounds, the following described property, at one
o’clock sharp, on
Thursday, December 18th
10 Head Horses and Mules
One team of geldings, black and buckskin, smooth mouth, weight about
2600; one team Jin mules, weight 2400, smooth mouth; one team Jack and Jin
mules, coming 6 and 7 years old in the spring, weight about 1700; four mares
unbroke, weight about 1100 each; three mares coming 6 years old with foal to
a Jack, service fees paid, and one coming 4 year old mare.
22, Head o! Cattle
Seven cows; one Red Pole bull, coming 3 years old in February; 2 faU calves.
Two cows; 3 yearling steers; 1 yearling heifer; 6 spring calves. Also one
6-foot McCormick mower.
Twenty-nine Red Shoats.
Machinery, Household Goods, Etc.
Two lumber wagons with box and hay rack; 1 spring wagon; 1 4isc, 9 on
each side; 1 weeder with grass seed attachment; 1 6-foot Acamy mower;
1 sulky plow, 20-inch; 1 3-section harrow; 1 harrow cart; 1 surface
cultivator; P. & O. 4-shovel cultivator; 1 New Century 4-shovel cultivator; 4
set of harness; 1 lister; 1 loose ground lister with 120 rods of wire; 1 stock
saddle; 1 Luther tool grinder; truck for V/2-horse engine, and other tools.
Hay and Grain—4 stacks of prairie hay; 2 stacks of alfalfa; sudan hay,
bound; about 20 bushels sudan grass seed; about 400 bushels of corn.
One Triumph Eclipse range stove; 1 Climax Oak heating stove; 1 box
heating stove; 1 Bell City Incubator, 140 eggs; 1 Economy King separator;
1 Vickings cream separator; 1 10-gal. barrel churn, some other household
TERMS—Nine months’ time wiU be given on all sums over $10.00 with
approved security and 10 per cent interest. $10.00 and under cash. No
property to be removed until settled for.
C. A. Ferber, Owner