The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 11, 1924, Image 3

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    Cheapest and Best I
Salt You Can Buy I
TTERE’S the salt you need for general I
farm use—Fanners’ Best No. 4—sells at I
an unequaled low price—assures you far I
more economy than ordinary grades of I
evaporated salt.
Extra quality, medium fine ground rock I
salt of guaranteed purity. Full-flavored I
and full strength. Fine for salting stock I
feeds and for dozens of other farm uses. I
Weather-resisting—will not melt so quick- I
ly. Get the salt that costs less — goes I
further. Ask your dealer. csul I
Hutchinson, Km. Omaha, Neb. I
Gives the Best That’s in Your Set—
, -Aftar
k **oio*i>K30^CTy>*
A Shakir Hxui &
Tone - Quality.
Clarity of
Sensitivity to signals.
Ample volume.
For literature send
your name to the
Multiple Electric
Products Co., Inc.
365 Ogden Street
Newark, New Jersey
Atlas products
are guaranteed.
Cautious Prisoner
The following conversation betweei
i prosecuting attorney and a prisonei
vas heard in a courtroom far up ir
he mountains of West Virginia:
“Prisoner, do you know this man?’
“I’ve seen him.”
“Did you maliciously assault him?’
“I hit him.”
“Did you use a dangerous weapon?'
“No, I had a club.”
“Did you knock him down?”
“He fell.”
“Did you hurt him?”
The prisoner smiled for the flrsl
time. “Ask him,” he replied.—Youth’s
No Harm in That
Doctor—I forbid all brain work.
Patient—But I am a poet.
Doctor—You can go on with that.
Permanent roads
are a good
The —not an expense I
High Cost of
Poor motor roads stifle
industry and agriculture;
waste huge sums annu
j ally in high maintenance
costs, and greatly increase
gasoline, tire «nd repair
There is not a state, not
a county, not a commu- j
nity, that isn’t paying a
heavy price for having
too few permanent roads.
There are still many sections
of the country—even whole
states—that are trying to operate
twentieth century traffic over
nineteenth century roads.
This is costing millions of dol
lars every year, and will keep on
costing millions until we have
well developed permanent high
way systems everywhere.
Even what we often call the
\ more progressive communities
are far behind the demands of
modern highway traffic with its
, 16,000,000 motor vehicles.
From the Atlantic to the Pa- f
cific, and from Canada to Mex
ico, we need moreConcrete roads
—the roads for twentieth cen
tury traffic.
Your highway offidala want
to be of the greatest possible
service to you. Get behind them
with ways and means that will
* provide more Concrete roads
and streets. Such an investment
will pay you big dividends year
after year.
til West Washington Street
o4 National Oreaniration to Improve
and Extend the Utet of Concrete
Offices in 29 Cities
^OUX CITY PTQ. CO., NO. 60-1®2<h
Guarded from all that gtwM UN
Prom fear of failure, every rough
Contact with elemental things.
We have been sheltered long
Take your full toll of men and ships.
Oh, fierce and Inexhaustible seal
Lay salt upon our flaccid Ups,
Teach us your terrible treachery!
Come, wind, and thrust a searching
Between the doorslll and the doorj
Dust, creep across each barricade.
Teach us what these frail hands
are for!
And then, when we have been pre
By sand that stings and salt that
When in adversity we've shared
This wonder knocking at our
Mingled again, identified
With earth and air, with fire and
Ve’ll fling these dctors and windows
Saying lo life,' Come home.
—Leslie Nelsor Jennings in the New
York Sun.
Have Gained in Volubility.
Ella Hep*,orth Dixon, In th<*> West*
minister Gazette.
The women of the last generation
were, as Miss Mayor, that observant
novelist points out, "incapable of
discussion. They were as inartic
ulate as the uneducated, though
often almost erudite.” Certainly
those women were better read than
most girls are nowadays; they knew
several modern languages, painted
tolerably in water-colors, played
Beethoven, and read their Robert
Browning. But the mass of upper
middle-class women did not talk well.
They bored their partners at din
ner. The late Sir Victor Horsly used
to declare to young women that only
*s the twentieth century dawned did
he begin to enjoy dining out. Before
that time it was considered "not
quite nice” for women to air their
opinions at the dinner table. Like
children, they were there to be seen,
not heard.
How many of us can remember a
mother in pink silk flounces who ac
cused some feminine guest at a
dinner party of having "talked for
effect?” To talk for effect was as
much a crime in later Victorian so
ciety as to “dress for effect.” Neither
was in the best taste. "My dear, eat
your dinner and do not talk so much"
was the parting advice handed out,
later on, when the daughters took
their mother’s place at London dinner
parties. How odd it would sound
now, when most of the talk issues
from feminine flips, and the men sit
round, amused and listening!
The chief drawback of conversing
with the young nowadays is that
they all talk at once and seldom
listen for a reply. It Is something
of an achievement to get a word in
edgeways, and even then you may
be proud if it is taken up and argued
about before it is dismissed for good.
The Voluntary System.
From the London Times.
The figures on the Income and ex
penditure of British hospitals situ
ated outside of London as ascer
tained by Dr. Kay Menzies, acting on
behalf of the Joint Council of the
Order of St. John and the British
Red Cross society, deserve the close
attention of the public. They are re
markable both in their magnitude
and in their relationship to each
other. Thus income exceeded expen
diture last year by the amount of
£213,694, while a sum of more than
£7,000,000 was actually obtained
from voluntary subscriptions.
This large volume of support has
flowed not from a few wealthy men
or women, but from the whole people,
rich and poor alike. It represents a
national impulse to serve the weak
and the disabled which, without
doubt, is as strong as it Is inspiring.
In face of this expression of good
will, statements to the effect that
the "voluntary system” has failed or
outlived its usefuless lose their point
The voluntary system, as these re
turns clearly indicate, has given to
a whole people the means of ex
pressing continuously its kindest and
most unselfish feelings. It has
organized the spirit of service on be
half not only of the sick, but also of
humanity; and the greatest gain is
to the givers. Indeed It Is no exag
geration to say that, as a people,
we owe a great debt to all those who,
by Inviting help for the hospitals,
have made vast numbers of their
feilowcitizens partners In the noblest
of enterprises. The advocates of med
ical socialism overlook this aspect.
At a heavy charge on the National
Exchequer they may promise larger
institutions equipped with more cost
ly apparatus—though it Is possible
that even this promise may not be
fulfilled. But it is hard to see what
they can give to compensate for the
lost of that sense of comradeship In
misfortune which is the most pre
cious of ail the elements of a free
will offering.
Oup Debt to Children.
By Norman Hapgood, in Hearst’s
Better teachers, fuller school equip
ments, it matters not what they cost
We owe them to our children. And
we owe them more. We owe them
our own example. What we do, and
the lives they live with us, will affect
them most. Give them a chance to
be careful in their childhood, to prac
tice thorny, to do for themselves.
If the greatest men have usually been
born In the country and later gone
to the city, there Is a reason. Hux
ley warns us not to let a child’s
schooling interfere with Its education.
It ought to have the best schooling
our brains and our purses can pro
cure. But its deepest education Is In
the hands of Its parents.
The National Association of Railroad
Ticket Agents has elected W. F. Polen
»f Steubenville, Ohio, president
A Fly In ths Ointment.
From ths Ohio Stats Journal.
The election resulted in so few
republican lams ducks that ws hardly
know how ths appointive offloss of
great trust and responsibility ars go
lng to bs filled. *
After making seven round tripe from
CHy. Ore., to New Tftrk—total
ot 44,268 miles—to take ship for Ger
many to visit her mother, and each
time returning to her western horns be
cause of homesickness, Mrs. Martha
Bauer finally started for Hamburg.
Even this time she bad her passage
canceled the day before she sailed.
Later the deoided to sail, and after
waiting at the pier an hour before go
ing aboard, walked up tbs gang-plank
at ths last minute.
| Chief Figures m the News of the Day
rremicr Zaghloul Pasha, of Egypt, has handed to General Allen
by, British High Commissioner, the reply to the 24-hour ultimatum.
Egypt also has paid Indemnity for the murder of Gen. Sir Lee Stack.
Gloria Swanson, American movie actress, is seriously ill In Paris,
where she has been making a picture. Mrs. Mlnta Arbuckle has
gone to Paris for a divorce from “Fatty" Arbuckle, former motion pic
ture star comedian. Her petition for divorce was filed in Providence.
Ft. I., last January, but was withdrawn when her legal residence in
Rhode Island was questioned.
Masonic Temple and Hard
ware Building at Worth
ington, Minn., Burn
Worthington, Minn., Dec. 7. (Spec
ial)—A spectacular fire, discovered
shortly after midnight Sunday morn
ing, destroyed the Masonic Temple
and the building occupied by the
Rickbeil Hardware company, caus
ing a Joss estimated at $46,500 and
, insurance of but $31,700.
The fire was discovered in the
Rickbeil store, where explosives, am
munitions and oils were stored. A large
quantity of dynamite was removed
from the basement, before the fire
had progressed far, but explosions of
oil containers and of ammunition
shells frequently sent flames high in
to the air and caused much excite
ment. The loss to this establishment
was estimated at $18,000. There was
$13,000 insurance.
The Masonic lodge lost Its building
and paraphernalia, valued, at a low
estimate, at $20,000. It carried but
$15,700 in insurance.
The Eicholt Meat market, on the
first floor of the Masonic building
had a total loss of stock and fixtures
valued at $8,500. There was but $3,000
i insurance on this establishment.
Two families living over the Rick
beil store escaped and managed to
save most of their furniture. Their
losses and insurance are not known.
Tho fire was prevented from
spreading further Into the block by
the fire wall which separated the
Rickbeil store and the Geyerman
Ladles’ Ready to Wear establish
ment which had some loss from fire
and water.
-- ♦ --
One Killed, One Hurt
In Effort to Aid Girl
' i
Battle Fatal to Chicago Offi
cer — Eight Persons
Chicago, Dec. 7.—A battle in Tess
ville8 “lovers lane" Sunday cost one
police officer his life and resulted in
serious injuries to a special offlcei
when they came to the aid of a girl
whom they believed In danger of kid
naping. The girl and seven men are
in custody.
The slain officer was Albert M.
Burgeson, and his companion was Ed
ward Engelkraut, a member of the
Illinois constabulary.
According to Engelkraut they heard
the screams of Mr*. Betty Van Gei
sen, a pretty divorcee and owner of
a modiste shop, who was struggling
with two men in an automobile Id
front of a road house. Her compan
ion* who were taken after a search
Of *everal hours, charged Putriclt
Keefe, owner of the roadhouse with
slugging the two officers, who, they
Intimated, sought to “shake down"
the party of merrymakers.
Mitchell, S. D., Dec. 4 (Special)—
Mitchell’s city ordinances are to b«
coded for the first time in the history
of the city. Heretofore, whenever it
ha* been necessary to have the ordi
nances re-printed It has been lo *
technical form
When the Duchess ef Atholl entered
the House of Commona with a fan Just
before the close of the last session,
friends said that It was the first fan
to appear there, so had It sent to the
PsrMhir* Museum for preservation.
New York Solon Introduces
Bill to Assure Future
Of Service
Universal Service.
Washington, Dec. 7.—Despite its
splendid record, the United States air
mall service Is, technically, but a
temporary organization, living a hand
to mouth existence, and could be put
out of business at a moment’s notice
without the consent of congress, Rep
resentative F. H. La Guardia of New
York said Sunday.
La Guardia is In charge of a bill,
due for action in the House Wednes
day, which proposes to give the post
master general definite statutory
authority to transport the mails by
airplane. Just as he now has authority
by law to employ the railroads.
"This may not seem Important at
first glance,” La Guardia said, "but
as a matter of fact it Is vital. Un
less that authority is granted an un
sympathetic postmaster general could
stop the air mail at his will and
“The air mall service needs this
definite guarantee of permanency to
remove forever the feeling of enter
talnty that now exists.
"The air mall is no longer a ven
ture. The trans-continental service
has Justified itself. They are flying
by night with 96 per cent, efficiency.
We are developing first class avia
tors who will be trained and ready
for any call that may come for na
tional defense."
v» _ _ — .
Temperance Women
Cop Another Trophy
“Schooner” From Famous
Saloon. of “Hinky Dink”
Presented to Organization
Universal Service
Evanston, 111., Dec. 7.—The Wom
en’s Christian Temperance Union
brought home another trophy of vic
tory Sunday.
It is a rare antique, a "schooner”
If you please, which is now stranded
high and dry on the mantel at Rest
Cottage, national headquarters of the
W. C. T. U. here.
The schooner was presented to Miss
Anna A. Gordon, president of the
temperance union, by former Aider
man Micheal Kenna, familiarly known
as “Hinky Dink.”
As owrier and manager of the
famous Hinky Dink beer garden of
pre-Volstead days, Kenna supervised
the safe passage of many such
schooners over the bar. The one
presented to Miss Gordon was the
last of its race.
New Orleans, La.,- Dec. 6. (I. N. S.)
—Two young and well dressed ban
dits held up two payroll messengers
today and escaped with $6,800 In
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 4.—Nebraska
has two new champion Holstein but
ter producing cows, according to g
report received from the Holstetn
Frleslan association headquarters
here. Both made their records in
the University of Nebraska sub-sta
tion herd at North Platte.
N. P. Re-Beeky Segis Hcngerveld
la the new state leader for one year’s
production as a senior 2-year-old
with a record of 19,410.7 pounds of
milk and 704.78 pounds butterfat—>
i equal to 880.9 pound* of butter.
r^L.%ast Foam
A/fnth pyc F Y°ur children do not possess
IVlUwlvla very keen appetite for baker’s
bread, try home-made bread and note the sudden
increase in the youngsters’ bread consumption.’"
_| —Dr. Philip B. Hawk.
Send for free booklet
"The Art of Baking Bread”
Northwestern Yeast Co.
* • 1730 North Ashland Ave*
Chicago, 111, ’ >
Study Decay of Stone
Granite and marble and the other
kinds of stone used In buildings an*
not nearly so eternal as most people
imagine. The surface gradually de
cays and cracks off. On many old
buildings in England this has already
become a serious danger. Now the
United States bureau of standards is
studying this problem on buildings in
New York in the hope of finding some
way to protect the stone before the
damage becomes serious. The decay
is believed to be due to the action of
gases and moisture of the air.
Doing His Honeymoon Well
Friend—Handy, ain't yo’ ’spiclous
'bout yo’ husband cpiittln’ work soon
as he done married you?
Handy—Yo’ jes' keep yo’ Jealous
nose outa mnh business, Sally John
son! Hah husban’ um merely tukin’
his honeymoon.
Little things are not to be despised;
at least, they make one feed happy in
his frivolous moments.
She Wouldn't Come
An Indianapolis youth recently was
visiting relatives in the country. Ho
was asked one evening to go after a
cow in a nearby pasture. After soma
time elapsed he returned empty
“What’s the matter?” he was asked;
“couldn’t you ilnd her?”
“Yes, I found her," lie replied, “but
she wouldn’t come.”
No Bureau of Information
Wife (disappointedly)—Tom, you
never seem to be aide to answer my
Hub—Well, instead of marrying me
you should have bought an encyclope
In Hie Line
She—No sane person can under
stand tills map.
He—Let me see It.
Which do you like best—to bo
slapped on the back or whispered to
In tlie ear?
Children Cry FOR
MOTHER:- Fletcher’s
Castoria is especially pre
pared to relieve Infants in
arms and Children all ages
of Constipation, Flatulency,
wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising there
from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the
assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
Absolutely Harmless - No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it
Salary for the Minister
The governing board of the church
was conferring upon the election of u
new pastor, and the principal bone of
contention was the salary. The chair
man, who hnd been known to lapse
Into profanity under the stress of
great excitement, at last became thor
oughly exasperated. He rapped thun
derously upon the table.
“Stop this quibbling over the salary
of the minister,” he exclaimed. “For
God’s sake let's pay enough to get a
good one!”—Everybody’s Magazine.
Caused by Coryza
"How did you happen to say that
Itlank is worth a billion?”
“I meant a ‘million,’ but I had a cold
In my head."
Non-Attendance Record
“Any luck on your fishing trip, old
"Very little. If fish go in schools
they always seem to be playing truant
or having a holiday when I go after
them.”—Houston Post.
The Cuticura Toilet Trio.
Having cleared your skin keep it clear
by making Cuticura your everyday
toilet preparations. The Soap to cleanse
and purify, the Ointment to soothe and
heal, the Talcum to powder and per
fume. No toilet table is complete
without them.—Advertisement.
Live fish have been found by arte
sian well borers 200 and 300 feet be
neath the burning sands of the Sa
hara desert.
Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for
Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago
Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism
Accept only “Bayer” package
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
ttSPlAa is tbs trade aaifc of Barer Manufacture of MumsctUcacidoater of “-"t1*—pitf