The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 04, 1924, Image 8

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    I have 30 or 40 prospective cash buyers for
Holt county farms.
If you will come in and list your farms with
me at cash prices I am positive that I can turn
them by March 1st, for cash. No use putting on
war time prices because they can not be sold that
I also have some attractive trading proposi
tions for large tracts.
If you want to buy, sell or trade, see me.
Over Nebraska State Bank.
John Miskimins,
O’Neill, Nebraska
Get Our Prices On
Tires and Exide Batteries
Walter H. Stein
FOR SALE—6-cyl. automobile cheap. KODAKS, FILMS, KODAK FINISH
—R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 20-tf ing.—W. B. Graves. O’Neill. 30-tf
In everything, systematic proced
ure wins. Hit arid miss tactics always
This applies with equal force to
saving mbney. Save systematically.
Put away a stated minimum amount
every payday, or every so often, and
the rapid accumulation will surprise
On our books are many successful
people who save regularly—in good
times and bad—and most of them
started with only one dollar. You can
do it, too. We pay 5 per cent on
The Nebraska Stale Jlai)k
©▼H« A.L.M.CO.
We would all like to believe every
kitchen is clean; that all tenements are
sanitary, and all alleys sweet and airy—
but do we?
If you send your washing out, why
not safeguard yourself and family by
calling in an organization like ours
which makes a business of sanitation,
and which sterilizes while it washes?
You will like our Family Laundry
Sendee both for its purity and for its
thoroughness in every detail.
_ /
O’Neill Sanitary Laundry
Progress and Satisfaction Streets
The Farm Bureau Board will receive
bids up to 3 p. m., Monday, December
i 15, for the building used a3 a storage
1 room by the Farm Bureau Office,
building being 14x18 feet and 8 feet
high with floor and to be removed
from premises. Farm Bureau Board
reserves the right to reject any and
j all bids.
(First publication December 4.)
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the office of
the County Clerk of Holt County, at
O’Neill, Nebraska, up to noon the 1st
day of January, A. D. 1925, for the
furnishing of the books and blanks
for the various offices of Holt County
for the year 1925, and that said bids
shall be opened by the Board of Su
pervisors of said county and the con
tract awarded to the lowest and best
The following is the probable num
ber of each of the items of books,
blanks and stationary that will be re
quired during said year:
Class “A” Books.
6 Records, 8 quire bound, medium
plain, each.
6 Records, 8 quire bound, medium
printed heads, each.
6 Records, 8 quire bound, medium
printed page, each.
6 Records, double cap, 8 quires,
printed, each.
6 Records, double cap, 8 quires,
printed heads, each.
8 Loose leaf records, medium plain,
6 Loose leaf records, medium, print
ed head, each.
6 Loose leaf records, medium, print
ed page, each.
1 8 quire personal tax list.
3 Double'medium tax list, 10 quires
printed page, each.
300 Special Index tabs with shields
for tax lists.
10.000 Tax Receipts, 200 in a book,
duplicate, well bound, ruled and print
ed to copy, furnished, numbered con
secutively, per M.
1 Dozen Sheriff’s pocket documents,
34 1 quire personal assessment rec
ords, each.
6 2 quire personal assessment rec
ords, each.
7.000 Duplicate personal assessment
schedules, per M.
7,000 original personal assessment
schedules, per M.
000 Smeiads Banded files specially
printed, per M.
12 Assessors schedule files, each.
40 Real Estate Assessors books.
20 Patent Backs, each.
20 Canvas covers, each.
40 Assessment of improvements on
real estate, each.
1 Dozen Revenue Laws, each.
24 Memorandum of morgage indebt
edness, Manilla bound, each.
12 books, Treasurers Receipts for
school money, cloth bound, each.
12 Books order of County Clerk for
Overseer of Highways, cloth bound,
12 books, receipts of Overseer of
Highways, each.
1 Double Medium Surveyors record,
with tracing cloth, 600 pages, each.
2 Rebinding complete records for
Clerk of District Court, each.
6 4-quire day fee books, half bound,
printed heads, each.
36 Special claim files, each.
1 Real Estate assessment record 1
quire each.
500 Special assessment schedule, 10
forms, each.
All above books, except where bind
ing specified, are to be extra Full
bound, numbered and lettered on back
and made of Byron Westen’s linen
Ledger paper.
Class “B’ Blanks.
2.000 Legal Blanks, full sheet, per
3.000 Legal Blanks, half sheet, per
5.000 Legal Blanks, quarter sheet,
per 1,000.
3.000 Legal Blanks, eighth sheet,
per 1,000.
2.000 Letter Heads, printed 8%xll,
Westend Mills or equal paper 201bs.,
per 1,000.
10.000 Envelopes printed, No. 1
Rag, 20 pound, size 6%, white, per
1.000 Envelopes printed No. 1 Rag,
50 lb., size 10, white, per 1,000.
1,000 Envelopes printed No. 1 Rag,
50 lb., size 11, white, per 1,000.
Supplies For The County
Superintendent *
Class “C.”
300 Teachers' Check cards.
J00 Free High School Certificates.
100 Maps of Townships.
2 Books Notice to Director of tax
100 Folders for Examination.
100 District order books on the dis
trict treasurer.
100 District Order books on County
100 Combination registers.
50 Boxes of teacher’s examination
100 Clasp envelopes (10%x7%).
100 Clasp envelopes (12x9).
100 Clasp envelopes (15%x9%).
100 District treasurer’s bonds.
25 Director’s records.
25 Moderator’s records.
25 Treasurer’s records.
100 Records of visits.
200 Books of perfect attendance
100 School laws.
50 District Treasurer’s bond.
1 Book examination No. for trans
50 History of school district bond.
50 Teacher’s contracts.
100 Census blanks.
50 Desired transfer for school pur
50 Notice to director of transfer.
50 Petition to change boundry line.
7 Books free high school tuition
7 Books free high school attendance
| report.
300 Certificates of award (small).
200 Certificates of award (large).
1. Alphabetical index (one letter to
the card).
250 Daily programs blanks.
200 Courses of study.
240 Director’s legal blanks.
300 Application for free high school
100 Classification and term sum
mary blanks.
200 Mailing tubes (10 inch).
200 Mailing tubes (16 inch).
10 Report of private and parochial
200 Eighth grade diplomas.
250 Institute note books.
275 Teacher's card sets.
3 Reams drawing paper (not punch
3 Reams history note paper (not
1.000 Report cards for pupils.
300 Cards application for free high
Bchool tuition by pupil
100 First grade certificates.
100 Second grade certificates.
1 Book free high school admission
15 reams examination paper, per
Class “D.”
6.000 Printed Government postal
cards, one side only, cards furnished
by county, per 100.
12 Quarts Carter’s writing fluid
per quart.
12 Pints, Carter's red ink, per pint.
10 Gross Spencerian Glucinum or
Silver series pens, per gross.
4 Gross Velvet pencils, per gross.
4 Gross Faber’s pencils, per gross.
6 Gross Perfection pencils, per
300 Manuscript ..ozers, per 100.
6 Reams typewriter paper
24 Reams Alexis bond, per ream.
6 Reams onion skin, per ream. ■»
6 Reams, numbered line legal cap,
best quality, per box.
24 Stenographer’s note books, each.
12 Boxes No. 20 Typewriter papei,
per box.
6 Dozen Senate Pads, 84x14, per
6 Chattel mortgage files, each.
6 Motor vehicle license books, each.
2 Quarts Carter s mucilage, each.
2 Quarts Liberty paste, each.
1 Dozen IXL Steel erasers, per
5 Pounds rubber bands, per 14 box.
500 Sheet best grade carbon paper.
2 Dozen Webster or equal type
writer ribbons, per dozen.
3 Reams court reporter paper, per
10 Dozen Towers pen holders, per
10 Reams Marginal ruled typewriter
paper, net weight, per ream.
5 Reams Marginal ruled typewriter
paper, light weight, per ream.
1 Dozen i!4 oz, bottles Ruids
stamping ink, per ov.
24 Boxes Hotchkiss staples, No. 1,
per box.
1 Gross blotters 414x9, old English
cloth finish, per grog.
3 Dozen Comet erasers, per dozen.
3 Dozen document boxes, metal
bound, 2x4x10, per dozen.
3 Dozen document boxes, metal
bound, 4x4x’.9, per dozen
12 Dozen boxes "Dll'* eyelets, per
2 Dozen full sheets English cloth
finish blotting paper 19x24, per
1 Dozen Safety ink stands, No. 2,
1 Dozen Capital ink stands, each.
1 Dozen box letter files, Excelsior,
or equal, each.
1 Dozen Adar glass pen racks,
3 Dozen roll Cresent pins, No. 4,
1 Dozen Crown daters, No. 1%.
Separate bids must be made on
books and blanks. All supplies must
be furnished in accordance with speci
fications furnished by the office order
ing same.
Payments to be made by warrant on
the County General Fund.
All supplies are to be furnished as
Bids must be marked for class “A”,
“C”, “D”, as the case may be and ad
dressed to the County Clerk of Holt
County, Nebraska.
The successful bidder will be re
quired to furnish a good and suffici
ent bond for faithful performance of
The County Board of Supervisors
reserve the right to reject any and
all bids.
Bids to be opened according to the
requirements of the law at the first
meeting of the County Board on and
after January 13, 1925.
Seal) E. F. PORTER,
27-4 County Clerk.
(First publication Nov. 27..)
Estate No. 1182.
In the County Court of Holt County,
Nebraska, November 21, 1924.
In the matter of the Estate of Frank
Bowen, Deceased.
All persons interested in said estate
are hereby notified that the adminis
tratrix of said estate has filed in said
court her final report and a petition
for final settlement and distribution of
the residue of said estate; and that
said report and petition will be heard
December 17th, 1924, at 10 o’clock A.
M. at the Court Room in O’Neill, Ne
braska, when all persons interested
may appear and be heard concerning
said final report and the distribution
of said estate.
(County Court Seal.)
26-3 County Judge.
(First publication Nov. 20.)
(J. H. Meredith, Attorney.)
The State of Nebraska, Holt County,
Service Quality
Fresh Pork & Beef
A supply of fresh sausage, Hamburger, pork
chops, roasts and lard always on hand.
The largest dairy herd. Plenty of milk at all
times. I want you to call and inspect our place with
all modern equipment.
Deliveries of milk and meat twice each day.
I also have a few bushels of fine selected potatoes
on hand.
The Sanitary Dairy
Phone 84. F. H. LANCASTER, Owner
ss: paper printed in said county, for four
In the Probate Court of said County, consecutive weeks prior to said day of
In the matter of the Estate of Henry hearing.
A. Potthast, Deceased. (County Court Seal.)
On this 15th day of November, A. . C- J. MALONE,
D., 1924, Sophia Potthast filed her _ ^^5_County Judge.
petition in this court, and presented (First publication Nov. 13.)
an authenticated copy of the dast will (JuUus D> Cronin, Attorney.)
and testament of Henry A. Potthast, NOTICE TO CREDITORS,
deceased, late of Stephenson County, iaqq
nSS 5rayf f jlid In the County' Court of Holt County,
rZZ day bf fiX6d by Nebraska, November 7, 1924.
SS dWi 0f M?Pr0V; In the matter of the Estate of George
ing and allowing said last will and R supnwt n^p-mpd
fiGledaand^o^de^f^fthi^oflW6 *1+'l6 CREDITORS of said estate are
therefore Wb^ ^ ® K hereby notified that the time limited
ORDERED, That Saturday, the Panting claims iigainst said es
13th day of December, A. D., 1924, at tate 13 and for the
10 o’clock A. M. be fbced for hearing 18n?S£“i7£’
said petition, when all persons inter- an^ ttiaL on,
ested in said matter may appear and 19^4, and on March 12th, 192o, at 10
show cause why the prayer of said ^ ^ay> I at
petition, should not be granted; and the County Court Room in said County
that notice of the pendency of said to receive, examine, hear, allow, or
petition and the hearing thereof, be a^J^st all claims and objections duly
given to all persons interested in said “led.
matter by publishing a copy of this (County Court Seal)
order in The Frontier, a weekly news- C. J. MALONE,
24-4 County Judge.
Reduced Rates
Round-trip winter excursion
rates now in effect to the
principal resort places of Flor
ida, Texas, the Gulf Coast
and all the South.
Let me assist you in planning
a fine winter tour going one
way, returning another, em
bracing all the chief points of
interest and with stopovers
where you wish along the
Comfortable, modern, reli
able BURLINGTON trains
make convenient connections
at Chicago and St. Louis,
with best through trains via
all routes South.
Ticket Agent
Parts Supplies Hemstitching
The Singer Shop
New and Second-Hand Sewing Machines
All Makes Cleaned and Repaired
W. A Guy, Manager
O’Neill, Nebraska
r O 33
Farm Loans; Fire, Lightning, Tornado, Wind
storms, Cyclone, Hail, Auto, Compensation, Public
Liability, Property Damage, Collision, Accident,
Health and Life Insurance, see
Phone 9. L. G. GILLESPIE, O’Neill, Neb.