MYSTERY IN PASTOR’S WIFE’S DEATH IN FURNACE I DlAffi . Fltt^AC#' §> SH£A$i'M--V FAMI W- r : ^ Great mystery surrounds the finding of the charred body of Mrs. C. V. Sheatsley, wife of the pastor at a Columbus, Ohio, Lutheran church, in a burning furnace in the parsonage, the furnace door being closed. Dr. Sheatsley. at first charging murder, finally indicated his belief that his wife, stirred by religious fervor, purged herself of fancied sins through the ordeal of fire, as practiced by the ancients of Europe. He said knowledge she gained during eight months in India, when he did missionary work there, may have shows her the ability of human beings, through religious fanaticism, to make their bodies practically Insensible to pain. A strange episode in the woman’s death was the admission of her sixteen-year-old son, Clarence, that 3to saw his mother's body in the furnace, but said nothing about it until his father found the body. Above are shown Rev. and Mrs. Sheatsley and their children and the death furnace. BIG HOTELS BURN IN ATLANTIC CITT. I * c.xan«r fhs^:. ____z\ i_—s->—— -*—i----:---—11 .•:. l * _* ■ • ' ----—— ——————— » At least two lives are known to have been lost In a $1,000,000 fire which destroyed the Hotel Both* well, the Senator Hotel and the casino on the $1,000,000 Steel Pier in Atlantic City, N, J. This photograph •hows the ruins of the Hotel BothwelL RUSSIA DEMANDS RETURN OF HER FLEET I P2lT??IAI>r TlSZKm. svzr,. , ^ •'? I J". -j-rnr-T-r- -r^tt-T..I.. vnt.r y11'1'1 l ag-.-i . '**" ^ -1'TTtt- ' m". '-I Here In the Russian fleet. Interned by the French since the World War, the return of which has been demanded by the Soviet now that France and Russia have resumed relations. Actress May Join Walt* CELEBRATE 62ND WEDDING ANNIVERSARY P*rty‘ L. gASMV valued at $1,000,000. * Youth Pays Tribute to Old Age De b u t a ntea and home of Mrs. George H. Martin, of Pasadena, Cal., when Mrs. Martin, entertaining in honor of Mrs. George S. Fleming, seised the golden oppor tunity to pay tribute to six great grandmothers and more than fifty grandmothers who gathered under her roof. The photograph shows sin great grandmothers. Seated, left to right, Mrs. Clay Holmes. Mrs. C. W. Leffingwell and Mrs. J. C. Fttsgerald. Standing, left to right, Mra. John Hk Dwight, Mrs. Frank O. Bartlett and Mrs. J. H. Woodward.