The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 30, 1924, Image 8

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Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for
Accept only “Bayer" package which contains proven directions.
Handy “Bayer” bores of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Aiai-la U tie trade mark of Bajer Manufacture of Monoacellcacldester of EallcjMcacld
_ _
Spohn’s Distemper Compound
*• break It up and get them back In condition. Thirty years’
two baa made "SPOHN’S” Indispensable In treating Coughs and
Culds, Influenza and Distemper with their resulting complica
tions. sad all diseases of the throat, nose and lungs. Acts
snarvetoosly as proventlve; acts equally well as cure. 60 cents
•ad tl.tO per bottle. Sold at all drug atores.
These Men
Officer—80 ye've lost y'r husband,
have ye? Is there anything to dis
tinguish firm by?
■“Well, sir, he "vlirt have a merritahl
tattooed on his left shoulder; but then
I suppose all gents has that."—.Tadgo.
< Wejl-Mentedl Success
Honored politically and profession*
ally, Dr. R. V. Pier^ whose picture
n I# v • i » iivt
made a success
few have
equalled. H i s
pure herbal rem
edies which have
•toed the test
for fifty years
are still among
the "best sell
ers.” Dr. Pierce’s
Golden Medical
Discovery is a
blood medicine
ana stoma cn alterative, it c.eari the
akin, beautiile* increases the blood
supply and the escalation, and pim
puts you in'tine condition, with all the
organs active. All dealers have it.
Send 10 cents for trial pkg. of tab
lets to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Fed Captive Offspring
Mrs. T. W. King of Lament, Iowa,
tins Houle domesticated orioles which
she captured In the nest when the
tilrdk, were just about ready to fly.
•One morning Mrs. King notice* the
[father of the hints heating against the
•cage In an effort to get to his young.
Stlie then hung the cage on the porch
and the father brought food for his
family. »le continued this untH the
birds learned to take care of them
Hall’® Catarrh
rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness
caused by Catarrh.
Sold by dnqxtrfi far tmtr *0 ptan
r. J. CllENEY & CO, Toledo, Ohio
brfuT*03tnrrsUnta. Oartook (‘axmt-Sm-.t
*i-'- 1 !«**•«• t«. U; rent /W» VFris* LACEY *\ LACEY,
«> e wtoHwOM. P-C. KutaMiOuilJ inea.
This One Rushes the Season
tie—Yog don’t believe 1« ‘‘saying p
with flowers,” do yon?
Slit*—Yea—certainly I do.
tie—Hop right under that mistletoe.
The older a girl gets the more re
spect she has for the wisdom of tier
Saxon end Norman
Forms of Speech
When the Normans conquered Eng
land anil dispossessed tlie Angl Vax
ons of their lands they spoke what is
known as Norman-French. Tills con
tinued to he the official language for
many years, according to a writer in
London Tit-lilts.
One of the most remarkable, though
often unnoticed, results of tlds dual
language in tin* same country is the
different names we give to the dead
un i living animals used as food.
The Saxon was (he serf who tilled
the soil and tended cattle; the Nor
man was the overlord who ate the
meat thus provided. While we call the
living animal a cow, we call the dead,
animal beet, the first word being Sax-;
on c.r.d the second Norman.
Similarly, the serf called the living'
animal a sheep, but when it was
served on the ha roll's table it was,1
mutton. In file mime way deer be
came venison, calf became veal, and
the bog became pork.
A Lady of Distinction
13 recognized by the delicate, fascinat
ing influence of the perfume she uses.
A bath with Cuticura Soap and hot
water to thoroughly cleanse tho pores
followed by a dusting with Cuticura!
Talcum powder usually means a clear,
aweet, healthy skin.—Advertisement.
Old Salts Scoffed
at Naval Academy
Eighty years ugo, when Ueorge linn
croft, tin* historian, and then secre
tary of the navy, founded the United
States Naval academy at Annapolis,
old sea ilogs scoffed at the idea of
training naval otiicers ashore; says the
Mentor Magazine. Previous to that
time any lad who aspired to eommnnd
of n man-o’-wnr went to sea at I lie1
age of ten, and was placed under the
tutelage of a commissioned officer wiio
stood sponsor for the training of young
midshipmen. It whs a hard school..
This practical training among the
“roughnecks,” the scum of the water
fronts of seaport towns, produced
some of the most illustrious names in,
American naval history; hut tins train
ing also unmade many an ambitious
young lad. In spite of the opposition;
from hardened sea dogs, Bancroft'
founded the naval academy, and to
day it stands as the loading school for
the training of naval officers in the
Karpin,, oil, for which there is in
sufficient storage, can lie pumped
hack into the earth, to remain there
until wanted.
pared to relieve Infants in
amis and Children all ages of
Constipation, Flatulency, Wind
Colic and Diarrhea; allaying
feverishness arising there! rom, ana, by regulating the btomacn
and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep.
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
Absnhitelv Harmless - No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it
Ragged Edge
Harold MacGrath
I Ruth drank in these lnter
[ lectaal controversies- storing
J away facts. What she admired
In her man was his resolute
defense of his opinions. Me*
Clintock could not browbeat
him, storm as he might. But
whenever the storm grew
dangerous, either McClintock
or SpuCock broke into saving
McClintock would bang his
fist upon the table. “I
wouldn’t give a betel-nut for a
man who wouldn’t stick to his
guns, if he believed himself in
the right. We’ll have some fun
down there at my place, Spur
lock; but we’ll probably bore
your wife to death.”
“Oh, no!” Ruth, protested
*‘I have so much to learn.”
“Aye,” said McClintock. in
a tone so peculiar that it sent
Spurlock’s glance to his plate..
“All my life I’ve dreamed of
something like this,” he said,
divertingly, with a gesture
which included the yacht.
“These islands that come out
of nowhere, like transparent
amethyst, that deepen to sap
phire, and then become thickly
green! And always the white
coral sand rimmkig them—
emeralds set in pearls!”
“A thing of beauty is a joy
forever!” quoted McClintock.
“But I like Bobby Burns best.
He’s neighbourly; he has a
jingle for every ache and joy
I’ve had.”
So Ruth heard about the
poets; she became tolerably
familiar with the exploits of
that engaging ruffian Cellini;
she heard of the pathetic deaf
ness of Beethoven; she was
thrilled, saddened, exhilarated;
and on the evening of the
twelfth day she made bold to
enter the talk.
“There is something in The
Tale of Two Cities that is
wonderful,” she said.
“That’s a fine tale,” said
Spurlock. “The end is the most
beautiful in English literature.
‘It is a far- far better thing
that I do, than I have ever
done; it is a far, far better rest
that I go to, than I have ever
known.’ That has always haunt
ed me.”
“I like that, too,” she re
pied; “but it wasn’t that I had
in mind. Here it is.” She open
ed the book which she had
brought to the table. “A
wonderful fact to reflect upon,
that every human creature is
constituted to be that profound
secret and mystery to everv
caller. A solemn consideration
when I enter a great city at
night, that every one of those
darkly clustered house encloses
its own secret; that every
room in every one of them en
closes its own secret; that
every beating heart in the
hundreds of thousands of beasts
there, is, m some of its imagin
ings a secret to the heart near
est it!’ . . .It kind of terri
iies me,” said Ruth, looking up
first at the face of her husband,
then at McClintock’s. “No
matter how much I tell of myself
I shall always keep something
back. No matter how much you
tell me, you will always keep
something back.”
Neither man spoke. McClin
toek stared into the bowl of
his pipe and Spurlock into his
coffee cup. But McClintock’s
mind was perceptive, whereas
Spurlock’s was only -dully con
fused. The Scot understood
that, gently and indirectly,
Ruth was asking her husband
a question, opening a door if he
cared to enter.
So the young fool had not
told her! MeClintoek had sus
pected as much. Everything in
this world changed—except
human folly. This girl was
strong and vital: how would
she take it when she learned
that she had cast her lot with a
fugitive from justice! For Me*
Clintock was certain that Spur
lock was a hunted man. Well,
well; all he himself could do
would be to watch this singular
drama unroll.
The night before they made
McClintock’s, Ruth and Spurlock
leaned over the rail, their
shoulders touching. It might
' ha’/e been the moon, the
phosphorescence of the broken
water, or it might have been
his abysmal loneliness; but sud
denly he caught her face in his
hands and kissed her on the
“Oh!” she gasped. “I did
not know . . . that it was .
. . like that!” She stepped
back; but as his hands fell she
caught and held them tightly.
‘ ‘ Please, Hoddy, . always tell
me when do I things wrong. I
never want you to be ashamed
of me. I will do anything and
everything I can to become
your equal.”
“You will never become that,
Ruth. But if God is kind to me
someday I may climb up to
where you are. I’d like to be
alone now. Would you mind?”
She wanted another kis% but
she did not know how to go
about it; so she satisfied the
hunger by pressing his haud to
her thundering heart. She let
them fall and sped to the com
panion, where she* stood for a
moment, the moonlight' giving
her a celestial toueh. Then she
went below.
Spurlock bent lii9 head to the
rail. The twists in his brain had
suddenly straightened out; he
■was normal, wholly himself;
and he knew now exactly what
he had done.
McClintock island was twelve
miles long and eight miles wide,
with the shape of an oyster.
The coconut plantation covered
the west side. From the white
beach the plaras ran in serried
rows quarter of a mile inland,
then began a jungle of bamboo,
gum-tree, sandalwood, plantain,
huge fern, and choking grasses.
The southeast end of the island
was hilloeky, with voleauic sub
soil. There was plenty of sweet
The settlement was on the
middle west coast. The stores,
the drying bins, McClintock’s
bungalows and the native huts
sprawled around an exquisite
landlocked lagoon. One could
enter and leave by proa, but
nothing with a keel could cross
the coral gate. The island had
evidently grown round this
lagoon, approached it gradually
from the volcanic upheaval—an
island of coral and lava.
There were groves of cultivat
ed guava, orange, lemon, and
pomegranate. The oranges were
of the Syrian varitey, small but
filled with scarlet honey. This
fruit was McClintoek’s particu
lar pride. He had brought the
shrub down from Syria, and,
strangely enough, they had
Unless you have eaten a
Syrian orange,” he was always
saying, “you have only a rud
imentary idea of what an orange
The lemons had enormously
thick skins and were only mildly
acidulous—sweet lemons, they
were called; and one found
them delicious by dipping the
slices in sugar.
But there was an abiding ser
pent in this Eden. McClintock
had brought from Penang three
mangosteen evergreens; and,
wonders of wonders, they had
thrived—as trees. But not once in
these ten years had they borne
blossom or fruit. The soil was
identical, the climate; still, they
would not bear the Olympian
fruit, with its purple-lined jacket
and its snow-white pulp. One
might have said these trees
grieved for their native soil;
and, grieving, refused to bear.
Of animal life, there was noth
ing left but monkeys and wild
pig, the latter having been do
mesticated. Of course there were
goats. There’s an animal! He
thrives in all zones, upon all
manner of food. He may not be
able to eat tin-cans, but he tries
to. The island was snake-free.
There were all verities of bird
life known in these latitudes,
from the bird of paradise down
to the tiny scarlet-beaked love
birds. There were always par
riots and barrakeets screaming
in the fruit groves.
The bungalows and stores
were built of heavy bamboo and
gum-wood; sprawly, one-storied
affairs; for the typhoon was -no
stranger in these waters. Deep
verandaa ran around the bung
alows, with bamboo drops which
were always down in the day
time, ffending off the treacher
ous sunshine. White men never
abroad without helmets. The air
might be cool, but half an ho_ur
without head-gear was an in
vitation to sunstroke.
Into this new world, vivid
with colour, came Spurlock, re
ceptively. For a few days he was
able to relegate bis conscience
to tlie background. There was
so much to see, so much to do,
that he became what had once
been normally, a lovable boy.
Me Clintoek was amused. He
began really to like Spurlock,
despite the shadow of the boy’s
past, despite his inexplicable at
titude toward this glourious
girl. To be sure, ha was atten
tive, respectful; but in his con
duct there was none of that
shameless Cameraderie of a
man who loved his woman and
didn t care a hang if all the
world knew it. If the boy did
not love the girl, why the devil
had he dragged her into this
Spurlock was a bit shaky bodi
ly, but his brain was functonng
clearly; and, it might be added
swift y— as the brain always
acts when confronted by a per
plexing riddle. No mater how
swiftly he pursued this riddle, he
could not bring it to a halt
Why had Ruth married him? A
penniless outcast, for she must
have known he was that. Why
had she married him, off-hand,
like that? She did not love him,
or he knew nothing of love
signs. Had she too been flying
from something and had accept
ed this method of escape? But
what frying-pan could be equal
to this fire?
All this led back to the
original circle,. He saw the
colossal selfishness of his act;
but he eould not beg off on the
plea of abnormality. He had
been ill; no matter about that:
he recollected every thought
that had led up to it and every
act that had consummated the
To make Ruth pay for it! He
wanted to get away- into some
immense echoless tract where
he could give vent to this wiid
laughter which tore at his vitals.
To make Ruth pay for the whole
shot! To wash away his sin by
crucifying her: that wp.s precise
ly what he had set about. And
God had let him do it! He was—
and now he perfectly under
stood that he was-treading the
queerest labyrinth a man had
ever entered.
Why had he kissed her? What
had led him into that? Neither
love nor passon—utter blank
ness so far as reducing the aet
to terms. He had kssed hs wife
on the month . . and had been
horrified! There was real mad
ness somewhere along this road.
He was unaware that his ill
ness had opened the way to the
inherent conscience and that the
acquired had been temporarily
blanketed, or that there was any
ancient fanaticalisra in his
blood. He saw what he had done
only as it related to Ruth. He
would have to go on: he would be
forced to enact all the obliga
tions lie had imposed upon him
His salvation—if there was *o
be any—lay in her ignorance o£
life. But she could not live in
constant association with him
without having these gaps fill
ed. And when she learned that
she had been doubly cheated,
what then? His thoughts began
to fall on her side of the scales,
and his own misery grew lighter
as he anticipated hers. He was
an imaginative young man.
Never again would he repeat
that kiss; but at night when
they separated, he would touch
her forehead with his lips, and
sometimes he would hold her
hand in his and pat it.
“I’ll have my cot in here,”
said Spurlock to Ruth, “where
*this table is. You never can tell.
I’m likely to get up any time in
the night to work.”
Together they were making
habitable the second bungalow,
which was within calling dis
tance of McClintock’s. They had
scrubbed and dusted, torn down
and hung up until noon.
“Whatever you like, Iloddy,”
she agreed, wiping the sweat
from her forehead. She was
vaguely happy over this ar
rangement which put her in the
wing across the middle hall,
alone. “This will be very com
“Isn’t that lagoon gorgeous?
I wonder if there’ll be sharks?”
“Not in tbe lagoon. Mr. Mo
I _ — ~ ~~—..
Clintock says they can’t get in
there, or at least they never try
“Lord!—think of having
sharks for neighbors. Kvery
morning 1 11 take a dip into the
lagoon. That'll tune me up.”
“/But don’t ever swim off the
’main beach without someone
with you.” _ •
“I wonder where in the dace
I’ll be able to find some writing
paper? I’m crazy to get tc work
“Probably Mr. McClintock
will have some.”
“I sha n’t want these cur
tains. You take them. The ver
anda bamboo will be enough for
He stuffed the printed chintz
into her arms and smiled into
her eyes. And the infernal
thought of that kiss returned—
the softness of her lips and the
cool smoothness of her cheeks/
He turned irresolutely to the
table upon which lay the scat
tered leaves of hie old manu^
“I believe I’ll tear them up.
So long as they’re about. I’ll
always be rewriting them au\l
wasting my time.”
“Let me have them.”
“What for? What do you
want of them?”
“Why, they are . . . yours.
And I don’t want anything of
yours destroyed, Hoddy. Those
were dreams.”
“All right, then.” He shifted
tlie pages together, rolled and
thrust them under her arm.
“But don’t ever let me see them
agan. By George, I forgot! Mc
Clintock said there was a type
writer in the office and that I
could have it. I’ll dig it up. I’ll
be feeling fine in no time. The
office is a sight—not one sheet
of paper on another; bills and
receipts everywhere. I’ll have to
put some pep into the game—
American pep. It will take a
month, to clean up. I’ve been
hunting for this particular job
for a thousand years!”
She smiled a little sadly over
this fine enthusiasm; for in her
wisdom she had a clear percep
tion where it would eventually
end—in the veranda chair. All
this—the island and its affairs
—was an old story; but her
own peculiar distaste had van
ished to a point imperceptible,
for she was seeing the island
“lrongh her husband’s eyes, as
in the future she would see all
Soft Formation of Extinct
Volcano Yields Readily
to Rivers of Mud
Can Francisco.—Is California on
the eve of a new geological period?
Scientists discussed this possibility
with interest following the spectacu
lar erosion of historic Mount Shasta
by a “wild” glacier, which during the
past six weeks has torn up thonsands
of tons of soil from the peak.
Hundreds of thousands of years
ago, according to geologists, the
mighty mountain ranges of the Pa
cific Coast were formed by the
shrinking of the crust of the earth.
I-atcr came a glacial age, when
gigantic masses of ice poured down
from the mountain ranges as a ro
sult of an unusual period of winter,
which piled up snow and ice la such
quantities that finally they suc
cumbed to the force of gravity.
Today Mount Shasta lias turned
loose another glacier. Only this
time it is pouring down the slopes
au a result of one of the dryest and
hottest summer seasons in many
As the glacier reaches the lower
levels of the slopes. It is trans
formed into a giant river of mud,
carrying everything before it.
McCloud, a little settlement
perched on one ol ‘die • lower slopes
of the mountain,-has been intermit
tently swept by masses of mud,
which today arc piled up over thou
sands of acres.
May Wash Down
Scientists declare that Mount
Shasta is in danger of losing its
position as one of the highest peak*
in the United States.
Should the glacial flow continue,
they claim. J*> will be only a ques
tion of time before n good part of
the 14,380 feet that make up Jta
altitude will have been washed down
Into the lower valleys. 1
Mount Shasta is unlike other gla
cier-harboring peaks in that it la
of soft geological formation.
OKher mountains pour down un
counted millions of tons of snow
and ice each year, but, because o!
the hardness of their rock lose only
an imperceptible amount of their
Shasta, being soft In comparison
with those other peaks, has already
lost enough of its top sol; to make 'ts
changed topography no! iceahls
experienced ubaerver*