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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1924)
MORE LOCAL MATTERS. O. W. Baker and family have moved .'om Amelia to the Ambrose Slattery _ I farm four miles southwest of O’Neill. Mrs. Frank Harnish and little son will leave for Omaha Friday morning where they will join Mr. Harnish and President of Holt county for 44 years C. D. KEYES INMAN, NEBRASKA REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1924. Your support will be appreciated Pure Bred Duroc Hog Sale! PURE BRED DUROC SALE IN EWING, NEBRASKA MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3 42 HEAD—(All Immune.) CONSISTING OF 26 BOARS AND 16 GILTS CHAS. W. MCDONALD, Owner Public Sale Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at Public Sale at the farm, y2 mile west of Emmet, Neb., on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Sale commences at 1:00 p. m. 39 HEAD OF CATTLE 28 HEAD OF PIGS 22 HEAD OF HORSES AND MULES Farm Machinery, Etc. Free Lunch at Noon. Bring Your Tin Cups Terms—9 months’ time approved security. $20.00 and under, cash. T. H. STRONG, Owner Elwood Wallen, Auctioneer. W. P. Dailey, Clerk. make their home. Dr. C. H. Lubker spent Sunday with his family at Arlington, Nebraska. The Doctor has rented the Henry Stanton residence in the north part of the city and will move his family here the latter part of this week. The bazaar dinner and dance given by the Catholic ladies, at the K. C. Hall Wednesday and Thursday of this week was a success in every way. The Ash Srtatton orchestra, of Omaha, furnished the music for the dance each evening. _ A young fellow, a deaf mute, was picked up at Spencer today in posses sion of an auto belonging to Carl Tenborg, which he is supposed to have appropriated from the streets of this city ? short time before he was taken up by the authorities. His hearing will be held Saturday. A family reunion is being held at the home of Tony Greseck. A sister, Mrs. Byslin accompanied by two half sisters and a half brother, Mrs. Han nah Aim, Mrs. Lulu Ziemer and Fred Meyer drove over from Fairmont, Minnesota, last Wednesday evening. This is the first time that the family has been together for twenty-five years. FOR SALE — BUFFET, SMALL heater, four dozen pint jars and nursery chair.—Inquire at J. C. Har nish Store. 22-lp W. C. T. U. NOTES. The Womans Christian Temperance Union met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Hough on Tuesday, October 21st. A large number of members and visitors enjoyed the meeting and the discus sion afterwards. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Roy War ner, on Tuesday, November 4th. A full attendance is requested and visi tors are always welcome. Come and see what we are doing. FARMER’S HOPE IS IN G. O. P. ASSERTS SENATOR NORBECK Legislation to place the farmer’s dollar on a parity with those of other classes, and the chances of securing it under a Republican, a Democratic or a La Follette administration, was the theme of United States Senaor Peter Norbck of South Dakota, speaking to a good audience at O’Neill Friday afternoon and to a large one at At kinson Friday night. It is the history of farm-labor and producer-consumer organizations, he said in first paying his respects to the La Follette movement, that they even tually throw their strength and sup port tp the stronger of the two factions composing the organization, which be cause of lack of organization is never the farmer or producer end of the combination. When, during the war, he continued, the price of wheat was fixed at $2 by the administration it in reality was a maximum price which when the price .»!*../ . f - .1. . .... ST.,,.- . * ■ ■ Sit gives the engine in Ford cars and trucks effective and protective lubrication. ®It provides proper lubrica tion for the Ford transmis sion and gives quieter, smoother operation. Poiarine “F,! comes to you as the result of careful study of the Ford engine and exhaustive laboratory and road tests, It has the unqualified endorsement of automotive experts. It is made for Ford cars and trucks exclusively. Poiarine “F” is not just another so-called “non chatter” oil. They usually give only temporary re lief. Poiarine “F” builds up and maintains a stable lubricating film on the transmission drum which holds v n even under extreme pressure of the bands. You can now get Poiarine “F” at any Red Crown Service Station and at most garages \yhere you see the Poiarine sign. Have your crankcase drained today and then filled with Poiarine “F”, you’ll notice the difference at once. Try it and see for yourself. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA of labor and other commodities soared away out of proportion to that of the farmer’s product, became an un just and restrictive oppression to the producer. At that time he as the gov ernor 01 Sobth Dakota, acting with the governors of Nebraska and the other northwest agricultural states and their congressional delegations, besought the administration to raise the price of wheat or at least take off the re striction. Their petitions and efforts had some prospect of success until the head of the largest farm-labor or ganization, the Non-Partisan league, in a letter to the administration de clared that the farmer at $2 per bushel was getting enough for his wheat. This ignoring the rights of the minority to pander to the major ity merely bore out the history of the farm-labor organization. He urged the return of Congress man Simmons from the Sixth district and the election of Republican con gressional candidates in the state in the interest of agriculture and to avoid disaster to the northwest. Comparing! the Republican policy of including agriculture in the pro tective tariff with the Democratic doctrine of free trade, the senator re cited a little British history of the last sixty years under a free trade policy which, he said, had ruthlessly sacri ficed the British farmer for the manu facturer. And then, in closing Sena tor Norbeck asked why, if as La Fol lette had said, congress is not to be trusted, does the Wisconsin senator want congress to review court decis ions ? Senator Norbeck’s addresses at O’Neill and Atkinson met with the endorsement of his farmer audiences and were favorably commented upon afterward. They concluded his speech es in Nebraska and he spoke in Greg ory county, South Dakota, Saturday. JOSEPH CLEMENT HORISKEY. Joseph Clement Horiskey was born in Elkader, Iowa, and moved to Holt county with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Horiskey, when a small child. He spent the early part of his life on the homestead northeast of O’Neill. He moved to O’Neill with his parents at the age of fourteen years and at the age of fifteen years began work ing in a grocery store, and continued this line until in 1902 when he entered the grocery business for himself and has continuously conducted the store uiiwi ins utctui last ounuay evening. Joe, as he was familiarly known, enjoyed a wide circle of friends among all classes and was an untiring work er for the best interests of O’Neill and adjoining territory." He was one of the leaders in the community’s progress. A number of traveling salesmen who had been calling on Mr. Horiskey for many years, called at the home Monday in respect for their departed friend. He was united in marriage to Miss Susie McManus of this city, on Octo br 22, 1907. The deceased leaves a father, three sisters, Mrs. W. H. Miller and Miss Dorothy, of Salina, Kansas, and Miss Mary G., of this city; three brothers, John, of Cody, Wyoming; Walter and Michael of this city, besides a host of friends. The entire business section of O’Neill was closed during the funeral hour Wednesday morning. The funeral services were held from St. Patrick’s church Wednesday morn ing at nine o’clock. Burial was made in Calvary cemetery. FOOT BALL. - The Butte high school came, saw and was conquered to the tune of 67 to 0, Friday, October 24. The entire squad was used in the game. At all times the locals were masters of the situation being forced to punt but once. Butte came into possession of the ball on intercepting passes and fumbles only to be held for downs and forced to punt. The brand of foot ball displayed, though against a weaker team, was a great improvement over that of the previous games and with more work they should compare favorably with the teams of this section of the state. There were no outstanding stars in the game for the accomplishments of any individual were made possible by the “team work” of the eleven men. A noticeable feaure was the greater fighting spirit of the entire team. This week’s game will be played at Spencer, an aggregation reputed to be both husky and speedy. O. H. S. can be depended upon to fight it out to the finish. O’Neill’s line-up: Substitutes: Left end—Minton Phalin Left tackle—.Carney Arbuthnot Left Guard—Hough, H. Center—Abdouch Quinn Right Guard—Bressle; Sabin Right Tackle—Hough, Winchell Right end—Hirsch ('arson Q. B.—Downey h'roye P. H.—Morrison L. 1L—Hall F. B.—Hunt. Touchdowns: Hirsch, Hall (3). Hunt (2), Morrison (2), Downey. Points after touch down: Morri son (2), Hall. ROBERT G. SIMMONS There is one candidate for office this • be supported ly the Tribune and that is Congressman Keep Bob ora ths lob RE-ELECT Robert G. Simmons TO Congress HisBesl Years for Service Ahead An Unsolicited Testimonial W. L. PHILLEY What his home town friends think of him W. L. Philley, candidate for tho State Senate, District No. 22, is a man of more than ordinary business ability. He is frequently consulted and his council has invariably resulted in sound proceedure. - His entire time is devoted to the betterment of everybody. He is a first-class man on general principles. He assisted in the organization of and later managed the Ewing Cream ery which has for a year and a half been successfully operated. This Creamery has resulted in a higher price for butterfat about four cents more per pound being paid in southern Holt county because of it. At this time he is secretary and treasurer of the Ewing Agricultural Credit Corporation, which organization has loaned the farmers of this community ninety thousand dollars at six and one-half per cent interest. This organization is composed almost entirely of farmers and was or ganized for the purpose of obtaining money from The Federal Intermediate Bank. He has always been a booster for this part of Nebraska, is a land owner and personally interested in the welfare of the fanner and stock raiser. Mr. Philley believes that as a member of the Senate he can greatly ex tend his usefulness and his record at home attests the fact. The undersigned citizens and business men heartily recommend him to the voters of the 22nd State Senatorial District. J. N. Trommershausser L. W. Gemmill S. W. Green Rev. Anthony Alberts Mervin Butler F. R. Bignold Roy Wiseman E. V. Ruby Yvo E. Sanders B. R. Gunter Coe Butler L. B. Haneman A. B. McKay S. E. Adrian J. H. Wunner A. W. Burbank E. u. Davies Fraa\ Linder J. C. Kay S. A. Kay J. S. VanZandl Dan O’Donnell H. W. Lawhead C. W. Lee N. S. Short Garry Benson J. E. Sanders W. W. Bethea S. H. Trussell Dr. R. H. Gallagher Geo. Wiseman J. J. Berigan R. 0. Anderson jj A. W. Marquardt <j R. B. CreUin Frank Noffke Bert Lawrence H. R. Porter Bob Krachie Simmons. We have one good reason for this and a lot of other reasons which are nearly as good. The one reason is that he has a future in Con gress. The Sixth district should be represented by a man who can get something done. Congressman Sim mons didn’t get much done last term. He was too new. There are several hundred congressional districts in the United States where the voters are scrapping over democrat and republi can and changing congressmen back and forth and they are scarcely rep resented at all in congress. Then there are a number of districts where the voters have learned that it ia not so important whether their congress man is democratic or republican as it is to find a good man and then keep him there. These districts are get ling all the favors. We would like to put the sixth Nebraska in the latter class and keep Bob Simmons in Wash ington as long as he behaves himself. That isn’t saying anything against his opponent.—Editor WilsoiuTout in The North Platte Tribune. S. E. KELLEY FOR COUNTY JUDGE To the Voters of O’Neill and Holt County: I am a candidate for County Judge and would appreciate your support. Have an L. L. B. Degree, also certifi cate of Admission in the State of In diana, and feel comfident to take care of the office, if elected. S. E. KELLEY. NOTES FROM THE EAST END. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hansen, of Greg ory, South Dakota, was looking after their farm property in this vicinity last Friday. Mrs. M. A. Summers accompanied her son, Leslie, to Yankton, South Da kota, on Wednesday of last week when he was united in marriage to Miss Ethel Goree, of Inman. Mrs. Sum mers says that the new bridge is a wonderful sight and a great benefit to both states. There is a large boul dei on the court house grounds at Yankton that featured in the Indian raid of 1862 when the white people took refuge there when they were at tacked by the Indians. GET AT THE CAUSE! Many O’Neill Folks Are Showing How To Avoid Needless Suffering. There’s nothing more annoying than kidney weakness or inability to prop erly control the kidney secretions. Night and day alike, the sufferer is tormented and what with the burning and scalding, the attendant backache, headache and dizziness, life is indeed a burden. Doan’s Pills—a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys—have brought peace and comfort to many O’Neill people. Profit by this O’Neill resi dent’s experience. J. M. Ashley, says: “My back pained so I could hardly keep going, and the kidney secretions were highly Judge C. J, Malone Candidate for re-election as County Judge, November 4, 1924. Non-Political Ticket. colored and unnatural. The last at tack came on after having the meas les. After taking a few Doan’s Pills, I could see a change for the better so I kept on with them until I had used three boxes, which I got at Reardon Bros.’ Drug Store. I was cured of the trouble.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Pills—the same that Mr. Ashley had. Foster-Milbum Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. (37) Send him your photograph and he will send you one in return. It takes only a few minutes to have your Pho tograph taken. We have the Easel Frames to match. Photographs will please as Xmas Gifts. (22-23) ANNOUNCEMENT! Dr. C. H. Lubker, of Lincoln, Nebraska, wishes to inform the people of O’Neill and Holt County that he has opened an office in O’Neill, Nebraska. Office Hours: 9:00-12:00 M., 2:00-5:00 P. M. Evenings by Appointment. Phone 316 Special Analysis. Physical Diagnosis