The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 30, 1924, Image 5

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(Stuart Advocate, Oct 16.)
Tuesday morning, October 14, 1924,
at 9:00 o’clock the wedding of Mr.
Joseph Bruening, of St. Helena, Ne
braska, and Miss Katherine Schneider
of Stuart, Nebraska, was solemnized.
Rev. Father Jungles officiated at the
ceremony which was performed at St.
Boniface church in Stuart
Miss Helen Schneider, sister of the
bride, was bride’s maid while Mr. Ig
natius Bruening acted as best man.
Mrs. Bruening is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Schneider well known
and highly respected residents of Stu
art. Mr. Schneider is the local man
ager of the Standard Oil Co. Mrs.
Bruening has been employed in the R.
S. Waterbury and the Jones’ stores and
in her work there has greatly increas
ed her friendship and acquaintance
with a large number of people.
John J. Melvin
Democratic Candidate For County Assessor
Election November 4,1924.
Railroad taxes charged and paid to Holt county for 1923 amount
ed to $46,855. Do you want the railroads to continue to pay, or do
you want to pay it A vote for LaFollette is a vote for government
ownership of railroads. His program would mean the loss of
$5,000,000 in Nebraska taxes.
Radicalism and socialism breed discontent and more discon
tent. They represent anarchy in its earlier stages and these
elements are supporting LaFollette in this campaign.
Radicalism never has and never- will cure the ills of those
who believe that the world owes them more than they are get
ting. Higher taxes are essentially a part of any socialistic
First cost of the LaFollette plan of socializing industry,
according to Ex-Congressman Pat Kelley of Michigan, would
reach the staggering sum of seventy-six billion dollars. Add
to that the present national debt of twenty-one billion and
twelve billion which represents state and municipal obliga
tions and you have one hundred nine billion against the prop
erty of the people, a mortgage of nearly fifty cents on every
dollar invested.
Depression, hard times, unemployment and bread lines are
tied to socialism. This has been demonstrated in Russia.
He has dominated Wisconsin since 1901 and his personal
machine is in control of governmental agencies. During the
twenty-three years of his control TAXES HAVE IN
the same period the Wisconsin population has increased
twenty-eight per cent. Average wa^es paid in Wisconsin at
this time are lower than wages paid in neighboring states.
Taxes are higher in spite of the fact that IN THIS LA FOL
LaFollette is not running for the presidency as a nominee
of duly elected representatives of the people, but was chosen
by a group of socialists, labor leaders, radicals and other self
constituted “delegates” to a conference dominated by him.
LaFollette appeals for the support of followers of Theodore
Roosevelt, champion of true progress, a real progressive, but
not a believer in the doctrines of the socialist party. In his
magazine, under date of July, 1912, Mr. LaFollette repudiated
and denounced Roosevelt in the strongest terms. He charged
that he was no true progressive and declared that he, Roose
velt, had built a party around himself. He said further that
no party can succeed with the organization built about a man.
Men who supported Roosevelt can not consistently support
LaFollette’s program carried to its last analysis, would, we
believe, nullify the constitution by permitting congress to re
enact and make valid the laws found unconstitutional by the
supreme court—the one and only institution which protects
the rights of a minority as against the whims of a radical
States of the east, states of the greater middle west and far
western states are for Coolidge. In her COMMON SENSE
way, Nebraska will remain in the COMMON SENSE column
The republican administration has reduced the national debt
$3,070,442,666. WHY CHANGE?
The cost of government has been cut from $5,538,000,000 to
$3,497,000,000. WHY CHANGE?
A national surplus of $86,000,000 has been built up to
$500,000,000. WHY CHANGE?
Short time obligations amounting to $7,000,000,000 have been
refunded or paid. WHY CHANGE ?
The administration has released 95,456 employes who held
posts under the former administration. WHY CHANGE?
More than forty per cent of the foreign debt has been
collected and interest is being paid the United States on the
remainder. WHY CHANGE?
The republican administration brought about limitation of
armament as a step toward war prevention and advocates
further reduction.
Calvin Coolidge has eliminated waste. The simple, eco
nomical habits of his own life have been carried to W, hington
and put into practice there. WHY CHANGE?
United States Senator Arthur Capper, of Kansas, al ays on
the side of the farmer, says:
“Credit for governmental economies must go to President
The republican party in Nebraska presents a strong Con
gressional a”d state ticket headed by Adam McMullen,
nominee for governor. The legislative record of Mr. Mc
Mullen, an active farmer, offers proof of his stand for economy
and more economy. He -favors legislation such as the pro
posed tax on gasoline, to further reduce general taxes. This
would tax the thousands of tourists who use Nebraska roads.
Mr. McMullen favors a program for good roads and is for
lowering license fees on automobiles. He would not apply the
gas tax to motorized equipment used on the farm. More than
three-fourths of the states have the gas tax and it has proven
satisfactory in every instance.
Mr. Bruening is a highly respected
farmer of St. Helena, Nebraska.
After completion of a new residence
on his farm the young couple will
make their home there.
We all wish them luck and happi
ness and regret to see Mrs. Bruening
depart from the community.
(Political Advertisement.)
John B. Donohoe, Democratic Can
didate for Supervisor of District Num
ber 2, solicits your vote and support
for election to this office, he promises
efficiency and economy to the voters
and tax payers of this district if
elected and pledges himself to work
at all times for the best interest of
tire tax payers without any fear or
favor and without lecognizing any
outside influence. He further pledges
himself to guard not only the inter
est of his district but of the entire
County and promises to promote the
development of his District or the
County as a whole without regard to
Your Support Will Be Appreciated.
Election Tuesday, November 4, 1924.
(Political Advertisement)
John A. Robertson, of Joy, Holt
County, Nebraska. He was nomi
nated by the Democrat and Progres
sive parties at the regular primary
election, April 8th. He came to Ne
braska in a “Covered Wagon” in 1883,
and has been a resident and taxpayer
for 40 years. He is a farmer and
stockraiser and lives on, owns and
opeiates a large farm. Married and
has raised a large family and is very
much interested in the educational,
moral and financial welfare of this
district. For the repeal of the Code
law and the Intangible tax law so all
property will bear its fair share of
taxes. Under the republican Intangi
ble tax law in Holt county $1,686,376.
that had been listed by the precinct
assessors was exempt and the farm
ers, home owners and business men
had to pay more taxes to make up the
For good roads but against graft
and favoriteism in their construction.
Robertson lead the fight that made ex
Robertson lead the fight that made
state engineer George E. .Johnson send
up a draft for $18,652.76 to pay for
bridges and also pay one-fourth of the
new Whiting bridge about $10,000.00
saving the taxpayers of this county
almost $30,000.00 and there was about
$25,000:00 of Holt county’s road fund
given to a favorite contractor for
which the county got nothing that has
never been explained that will be in
vestigated and not whitewashed if
Robertson is elected. This $25,000.00
would build a lot of road some place
in the county where it is badly needed.
He introduced and secured the pas
sage of the “Mothers Pension” law in
Nebraska. Has always supported pro
gressive legislation when represent
ing this district. He has the experi
ence and ability and will fight for the
interests of this district. ..Robertson
does things.’ Vote for him. 19-4
Charles W. Beal
i y,-. -.... , -!-!-'I
Democratic Candidate for
Sixth Nebraska District
Repeal of the Fordney-McCumber tari..
/aw—and a radical reduction of tariff duties.
Repeal of the Each Cummins transportation
law and lower freight and passenger rates.
Reversal of the policy of deflation pursued
by the Federal Reserve Board, and that
money shall be issued for the benefit of the
people and not for Wail Street.
(October 1G, 1924.)
Fifth Grade.
Kenneth Carson is absent from
school an account of illness.
Alvie Schilowsky is a new pupil in
the Fifth grade. He entered school
The following received 95 per cent
in deportment for the past six weeks:
Phyllis Hough, Elizabeth Henry, Es
ther Sexsmith, Marjorie Gillespie,
Marie Williams, Geraldine Madison,
Gerland Bressler, Eva Frieson, Fern
Wilkinson, Marie Bay, Audrey Colfax,
Fern Dougherty, Harvey Howerton,
Donovan Martin, Hazel Vaught, Ralph
Ratliff and Kenneth Carson.
Eighth Grade.
The Eighth grade has completed
their six weeks tests.
The following earned 100 per cent
in Agriculture: Amolia Merrill, Beryl
Winchell, Louella Purcell, Violet
Strube, Gladys Williams, Ray Toy.
Lena Cromwell and Laurel Hough.
98 per cent: Charles Hancock, Ben
nett Gillespie, Vera Eidenmiller, Vi
vian Eidenmiller, Loretta Saunto and
Phoebe Abdouch.
97 per cent: Glenn Maw.
Charles Hancock and Bennett Gilles
pie didn’t have a mispelled word in
their agriculture papers; Vera Eiden
miller, Alma Springer, Louella Pur
cell, Opal Breiner and Ray Toy had
but one misspelled word.
100 per cent in Arithmetic: Char
los Hancock, Alma Springer, Bennett,
i Gillespie, Beryl Winchell, Vera Eiden
miller, Gladys Williams, Kay Toy,
Phoebe Abdouch, Lona Cromwell and
Loretta Saunto.
99 per cent in Arithmetic: Helen
Pinkerman and Louella Purcell.
98 per cent in Arithmetic: Violet
Strube and Glenn Maw.
100 per cent in English: Helen
99 per cent: Louella Purcell and
Glenn Maw.
98 per cent: Beryl Winchell and
Gladys Williams.
The class devoted Monday reading
period to the life and voyages of Co
In orthography this week the
Eighth grade has been drilling on the
words missed in their test papers.
The Eighth grade had but one case
of tardiness during the last two weeks
of school.
Junior Notes.
Our first six-weegs’ tests were
given last Friday, and those juniors
who received the highest grades in
reviews were Edith Sexsmith, 90 per
cent, and Margaret Leach, 88 per cent.
Those highest in Civics were Margaret
Leach, 98 per cent, and Edith Sex
smith 93 per cent; in Physics, Francis
Welsh 98 per cent and Elfreda Gres
eck 96 per cent. In Algebra, Mar
garet Rhode 100 per cent and Martha
Laurence 100 per cent.
Viola Rosier visited the junior class
one day this week.
Howard Miskimons, of Glen Rock,
Wyoming, is the latest addition to the
junior class.
Seventh Grade.
The following pupils were neither
absent nor tardy the first six weeks
Verean Clyde, Grace Hancock, Anita
Liddy, Blanche Mohr, Bruce Rummel,
Elwin Thompson and Don Vaught.
First Grade.
Eloise Liddell is a new pupil in the
First grade.
The pupils of the First grade who
have been neither absent nor tardy
the first six weeks are: Yvonne
Briener, Clayton DeLand, Gerald Hoh
man, Arnold Ingram, Doris Mohr,
Sebnna Smith, Elberta Van Avery,
Pearl Wilton and Frances Youngkin.
Sixth Grade.
The following pupils were neither
absent nor tardy the first six weeks of
school: Boyd Bay, Jack Davidson,
Gladys Hough, Mary Ellen Pinkerman,
Albert Rummel, Lola Smith, Ralph
Tomlinson, Nellie Toy, Dorothy
Youngkin and Stella Van Avery.
Alden Briener was absent Wednes
The following earned 100 per cent
in the six weeks tests:
Arithmetic—Gladys 'Hough, Doro
thy Youngkin.
History—Edgerton Haskins, Jack
Spelling— Nellie Toy, Katherine
Shoemaker, Ralph Tomlinson.
Second Grade.
Donald Bay, Max Hough, Jean
Ruumel, Anna Toy and John Mohr
were neither absent nor tardy during
the first six weeks of school.
Fourth Grade.
Albert Schikouski is a new student
in the Fourth grade.
Rebecca Haskins, Thomas Liddy,
.Bernice Scofield, Hazel Schwisow and
Orville Winchell have been neither
absent nor tardy during the first six
weeks of school.
The attendance in the Kindergarten
is much better this week than last
Aileen Goree, who came down from
Long Pine for two weeks, returned
home Sunday.
Ralph Saucerman, from Lynch, is a
new pupil this week.
Monday morning we were delighted
to have Virginia Malone, from Wash
ington, D. C., enrolled as a new pupil.
Third Grade.
A new pupil, Leroy Saucerman,
from Emmet, entered the Third grade
Earl Benedict is absent this week.
Mary Campbell, Wynona Breimer
and Jack Haney received 100 in the
six weeks’ spelling test.
The O’Neill Public school won $3.50
prize money at the state fair. The
following prizes being awarded: Sec
ond premium—Illustrated Booklet on
Farm Animal Topics. Second pre
mium—Soil Map of Nebraska. Four
th premium—Free Hand Cutting of
Illustrated Story. (Primary). Fifth
premium—Free Hand Cutting of
Illustrated Story (Intermediate).
Our school won $17.50 prize money
at the county fair: They are as fol
lows: Second premium—Display of
Slant Penmanship. First premium—
Collection of Pencil Drawings. Sec
ond premium—Collection of Crayon
drawings. First premium—Adver
tising Postor. Second premium—Best
Collection of Water Colors. First
premium—Best Illustrated Story.
Manual Drawings: First premium
—Largest and Best Exhibit by one
pupil, John Peter.
Second Premium—Largest and Best
Exhibit by One Pupil, Dale Bressler.
First Premium—Tabourette, Leon
ard Shoemaker.
First Premium — Book and Tie
Rack, Danna Zimmerman.
First Premium—Foot Stool, Vern
Sewing—Second Premium—Largest
and Best Exhibit, Edna Simonson.
First Premium—Largest and Best
Exhibit, Mildred Tomlinson.
First Premium—Bungalow Apron,
Mary Knapp.
First Premium—General Exhibit
(Continued from last week.)
O’Neill, Neb., Sept. 25, 1924, 9 a. m.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. All members present. Board
called to order by Chairman. Minutes
for September 24, 1924, read and ap
O’Neill, Neb., Sept. 24, 1924.
To the Honorable Board of Supervi
sors of Holt County, Nebraska.
Your petitioner respectfully re
quest that you refund to him $38.65,
taxes erroneously paid by him for the
year 1923, on part of the S% SE)4 of
Section 34, Township 27, Range 9, be
ing Non-descript No. 11, 2^4 acres, for
the reason that the property on which
ho paid the taxes was and is owned
by Anna M. Borden and not the prop
erty of petitioner. Tax receipt is
hereto attached.
By m. h. McCarthy.
On motion prayer of petition was
granted and clerk instructed to write
refund accordingly.
Motion by Skidmore seconded by
Nellis that Chairman appoint a com
mittee of four to go to Lincoln to con
fer with the Department of Public
Works in regard to bridges on Pro
ject No. 139 and No. 139E, Chairman
to be one of committee.
Upon same being put to vote by
Chairman it was declared carried.
Chairman appointed Gibson, Sullivan
and Skidmore with himself as such
P. C. Donohoe appeared before the
board in the matter of compensation
The following claims were audited
and on separate motion allowed on the
General fund:
K. C. Club, election . $ 6.00
J. P. Gallagher, Co. poor. 65.46
Lewis Chapman, witness . 12.10
H. E. Plecer, Co. poor. 29.60
W. (). Feezer, Co. poor. 49.70
P. J. McManus, mdse. 45.00
St. Mary’s Hospital . 200.00
Bur Edward Hintz, Burroughs
Add. Mch. lumber . 20.97
J. P. Gilligan, case . 5.00
Hans Storjohan . 15.00
Geo. Bressler, Co. poor . 20.95
Lewis Chapman, witness . 18.90
Percy Grass, witness. 4.00
Charles E. Stout, mdse. 22.65
Richardson Bros., dray . .70
Remington Typewriter . 2.60
W. B. Anderson, calking . 76.00
Burroughs Add. Mch. Lbr...3.... 4.1
Hans Storjohann . 10.00
J. P. Gilligan, service . 105.00
To The Hon. Board of Supervisors,
of Holt County.
Gentlemen: Through error I was
assessed for four horses in Frances
Township for 1923.
These horses were assessed in
Pleasant View Township, therefore
making a double assessment. There
fore, I pray your Honorable body to
instruct the County Clerk to strike
from the tax list for 1923 the amount
of taxes levied against me in Francis
Township amount, $2.90.
Upon motion prayer of petition was
granted and Clerk instructed to strike
the erroneous tax.
12 o’clock noon, on motion board
adjourned until September 26, 1924, at
9 o’clock a. m.
L. C. McKIM, Chairman.
E. F. PORTER, Clerk.
O’Neill, Neb., Sept. 26, 1924; 9 a. m.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All members present. Board called
to order by Chairman. Minutes for
Sept. 25, 1924, read and approved.
To the Honorable County Board of
Holt County, Nebraska:
We, the undersigned, being the own
ers of the land adjacent to the pro
posed road, hereby petition your hon
orable body to grant and establish a
public road, described as follows, to
Commencing at the Northwest cor
ner of Section Eighteen (18), thence
south on the section line between said
Section Eighteen (18) Township
twenty-seven, Range Sixteen, to the
southwest corner of said section Eigh
If the road be established as above
described we relinquish and waive all
claims for damages except for the
amount set opposite our names, which
sum we agree to accept in full satis
faction for all damages to our respect
ive lands as follows:
R. O. Clifford, SEWSEW 13-27-16
H. Hookstra all of.NEW 18-27-15
Jos Dobrovelny.. NEWSEW 13-27-16
We, the undersigned, are interested
in the establishment of said road and
reside within five miles of the said
proposed road and we have each given
the location of our land and residence
opposite our respective names in sec
tion, town and range:
J. B. Jonas . NWW 17-27-15
F. J. Dobrovelny . NWy4 1-27-16
C. L. Jonas :. NWW 24-2j-16
George Wright . SEW 19-28-15
W. A. Dierks . SEW 20-28-15
F. E. Boettcher.NEW 19-27-15
R. R. Graver. SEW 4-27-15
E. O. Slavmaker . 20-21-27-15
F. E. Hoffman .SWW 19-28-15
C. P. Buckman . SWW 19-28-15
H. F. Dickau . SEW 25-28-16
The State of Nebraska, Holt County,
Personally appeared before me, J.
C. Flannigan, a Notary Public, in and
for said County and State, duly com
missioned and qualified, Wm. Krotter,
who being first duly sworn according
to law, deposes and says that he per
sonally is acquainted with the parties
whose names appear on the within
petition and that each of them reside
within five miles of the within pro
posed roads and are legal petitioners
for the same.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 2nd day of September, 1924.
Notary Public.
Mp Commission Expires No. 24, 1925.
Mr. Chairman: In reference to the
above petition. This being a consent
road and no damages asked, I move
the prayer of the petition be granted
and the County Surveyor be instructed
to survey and plat the same.
Upon same being put to vote by
Chairman it was declared carried.
The following claims were audited
and on separate motion allowed on
the Highway fund:
Wilton Hayne . $ 17.25
John McIntosh . 140.00
Frank Howard . 17.50
Minn. Elect. Dist. Co. 1.50
The following claims were audited
I on separate motion allowed on
the Road Dragging fund:
John Bratetic . $ 19,60
I Charles Ernst . 2.70
J. r. Johnson . IB no
Ca 1 Bollwitt . g on
H. J. Tucker.26 60
Glen E. White ..
Rol ert Pease . <L0O
John Steinhauser . 40.60
He: ry Hookstra . 9’60
Ha ry Sullivan ..._. g'oo
Ed Asher . 9.10
R. M. Sauers . b.01
Frank Musil . 18.00
Oliver Hill . 60.75
A. D. Doud . 6.30
O. W. Baker . 5.6O
Guy Blake . 4.05
Jack Welch . 18.00
Lyle Radcliff . 40.00
Ed Sparko . 3.00
Cyril Hirsch . 8.40
The following claims were audited
and on separate motion allowed on the
Road fund:
Jos Dobrovolny . 8 75.00
Frank Howard . 22.05
Henry Hookstra . 100.00
Mutual Oil Co. .. 27.20
R. O. Clifford . 25.00
The following claims were audited
and on separate motion allowed on the
General fund:
John Sullivan . $ 27.60
Seth Noble . 340.28
C. E. Havens .. 19.40
C. B. Nellis . 32.00
L. L. Larson . 19.30
O. E. Roben . 61.37
Minn. Elect. Dist. Co. 29.40
Hans Storjohann . 10.00
E. Gibson . 24.40
L. C. McKim ._... 64.90
The board proceeded to select a list
of names from which to select a jury
for the November term of court, which
list is as follows:
Sand Creek—Fred Mulford, Stuart.
Dustin—A. E. Lee, Dustin, Neb.
Cleveland—’Charley Mlinar, Stuart.
Pleasant View—Carl Hoppe, Atkinson.
Coleman—Romaine J. Rhode, Phoenix
Rock Falls—John Naber, Atkinson.
Saratoga^-Henry Gottchalk, Atkinson
Iowa—Frank Allen, Page, Neb.
Antelope—Frank Snyder, Page.
Shields—Robert Fullerton, Atkinson.
Shields—L.G. Fuller, Opportunity.
Steel Creey—Carl Grant, Dorsey.
Paddock—F. E. Crawford, Paddock.
Paddock—Orville Harrison, Agee.
Willowdale—0. O. Newman, Star.
Scott—Frank Oberle, Opportunity.
Grattan—J. C. Carney, O’Neill.
Grattan—John Dumpert, O’Neill.
Grattan—Thomas Griffin, O’Neill.
Grattan—J. P. Hanley, O’Neill.
O’Neill City—H. E. Coyne, O’Neill.
O’Neill City—James E. Davis, O’Neill
O’Neill City—L. G. Gillespie, O’Neill.
Ewing—Art Snyder, Ewing, Neb.
Ewing—Bert Lawrence, Ewing.
Ewing—A. H. Marquardt, Ewing.
Golden—J. A. Boice, Ewing.
Golden—Geo. Wiseman, Ewing.
Deloit—Dell Edwards, Ewing.
Deloit—Fred Anderson, Ewing.
•Verdigris—Sam Coover, Page.
Verdigris—S. D. Nicholls, Page.
Verdigris—N. G. Miller, Page.
Chambers—H. J. Porter, Chambers.
Chambers—Mark Cribble, Chambers.
Conley—A. C. Fauquier, Chambers.
Lake—Seth Hertle, Martha.
McClure—R. J. Starr, Martha.
Inman—R. M. Gannon, Inman.
Inman—Chas. Stark, Inman.
Shamrock—Ray Hoffman, O’Neill.
Conley—Ruben Fleek, Chambers.
Green Valley—Dave Beck, Stuart.
Francis—Frank Dobrovolny, Tona
Swan—Victor Howarth, Inez.
Josie—August Schutt, Josie.
Wyoming—P. E. Fisher, Amelia.
Fairview—Chas. Withers, Inez.
Sheridan—Theo. Kubart, Atkinson.
Emmet—Rex Beckwith, Emmet.
Emmet—D. E. Cole, Emmet.
Atkinson—F. O. Hamerberg, Atkinson
Atkinson—Thos. Davis, Atkinson.
Atkinson—Chas. Shane, Atkinson.
Atkinson—Albert Purcell, Atkinson.
Atkinson—Roy Woods, Atkinson.
Stuart—Frank Biglow, Stuart.
Stuart—F. Barclay, Stuart. '
Stuart—W. R. Cobb, Stuart.
Stuart—Harry L. Cowles, Stuart.
At 12 o’clock noon on motion board
adjourned to October 28th, unless
sooner called by the clerk.
L. C. McKIM, Chairman.
E. F. PORTER, Clerk.
O’Neill, Neb., Oct. 7, 1924, 10 a. m.
Board met in regular session. All
members present.
Board called to order by Chairman.
Minutes for September 26, 1924, read
and approved.
Mr. Tenborg from Emmet appeared
before the board in the matter of
claying a portion of the Federal road
between Emmet and O’Neill.
At 12 o’clock noon on motion board
adjourned until 1 o'clock p. m.
B. T. WINCHELL, Chairman
E. F. PORTER, Clcik.
O’Neill, Neb., Oct. 7, 1924, 1 p. m.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. All members present.
Board called to order by Chairman.
Board spent the afternoon in In
vestigating delinquent personal tax
end in conference with County Attor
ney regarding delinquent real estate
Mr. Chairman: I move the County
Treasurer make statements of all de
linquent Real Estate Taxes in the Vil
lage of Ewing and deliver same to
County Attorney for collection at
Upon same being put to vote by the
Chairman is was declared carried.
At 5 o’clock p. m. on motion board
adjourned until October 28, 1924, at
10 o’clock a. m., unless sooner called
by the clerk.
L. C. McKIM. Chairman. <
E. F. PORTER, Clerk.