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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1924)
The Frontier D. H. CRONIN, Publisher. W. C. TEMPLETON, Editor and Buisness Manager. Entered at the post office at O’Neill, Nebraska, as second-class matter. One Year. $2.00 Six Months . $1.00 Three Months . $0.60 ADVERTISING RATES: Display advertising on Pages 4, 6 and 8 are charged for on a basis of 25 cents an inch (one column wide) per week; on Page 1 the charge is 40 cents an inch per week. Local ad vertisments, 10 cents per line first insertion, subsequent insertions 5 cents per line. Every subscription is regarded as an open account. The names of sub scribers will be instantly removed from our mailing list at expiration of time paid for, if publisher shall be notified; otherwise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscription price. Every subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract be tween publisher and subscriber. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. Next Tuesday, November 4, is elec tion day. On that day the American citizen has the privilege to exercise and the duty to perform of expressing through the medium of the ballot his preference for officials to administrate the affairs of government in his na tion, his state and his county. He also may indicate what policy he desires these officials to pursue by voting for the candidates of any one of the several parties, as each group of can didates stand as advocates of the plat form of principles or policies of gov ernment adopted by its party. The citizen who fails to vote next Tuesday unless prevented by circumstances over which he or she has no% control will have no kick coming nor any right to criticize what later may de velop. The Frontier believes that this year the republican party presents one of the best lists of candidates from top to bottom ever presented to a people for its endorsement and stand ing on a platform which spells pros perity, peace and unity. It is a plat form pledging economy in public ex penditures without the crippling of efficiency of administration, the re duction of taxes and of the public debt. The voters are familiar with the qualifications and merits of the re publican national and state candidates through the medium of the press, of public addresses and of their past rec ords both public and private. They are able, efficient and honest. Senator , < orge W. Norris needs no introduc 1 i. He is for the people and the people are for him. Congressman Robert G. Simmons is the present able representative of the Sixth congres sional district. Senator Norris has spoken in favor of his candidacy and is urging his election, which is a N guarantee of his true merit. William Leonard Philley of Ewing is the republican candidate for state senatorr from the Twenty-Second dis trict which includes Holt county. No person who casts a ballot for him will have occasion later to regret it, for he is not the kind of man who will be tray or who has betrayed a public trust imposed in him. He is familiar with the needs of his district and of its farmers. He was one of a little group at Ewing who when they saw that the farmers of their territory were being robbed by the creamery trust, established a small creamery at Ewing, not for profit. Farmers of that vicinity now arc receiving for their butterfat more per pound than are the' farmers of elsewhere in the county and the business men of Ew ing are prospering because of the trade the little creamery and its trust competitors who also are paying the better prices are attracting to the town. For more than a year he acted without pay as the manager of the little creamery that the town and com munity might benefit and the people of Ewing and viciniy are his most ardent supporters. The farmers of the Sixty-Fourth state representative district who want a man in the lower house of the legis lature to truly represent them can make no better selection than that of J. M. Hunter the republican candi date. Mr. Hunter is one of the pio neers of the county, a real and suc cessful farmer who has always been identified with the farmers interests. He has succeeded each year during his term as county assessor in securing reductions in exhorbitant values for purposes of taxation, even though on occasion and during the present demo cratic administration of state affairs he has had to fight Governor Bryan and his appointees to do so. He knows conditions and what is needed for re . ' ■ v’ t ~ J ■ # ssir lief. He is of mature years and knowledge to command the respect and confidence of his colleagues in the house if e J. The house of rep resentatives is the body in which under the constitution appropriations and tax measures must originate. In this respect it is the most important of the two legislative bodies. Mr. Hunter is not a follower of that school of dis contented European theorists whose teachings would abolish state and church and all of the good things of life and which would spell revolution, anguish and bankruptcy if carried into effect. Knowing from experience the hard actualities which constantly con front the firmer and the stockman he is the man to represent them. Ira H. Moss is the candidate of the republican, the democratic and the progressive parties for re-election as clerk of the district court. All of these parties so highly approved of his present efficient administration of his office that they nominated him at the primary this spring without opposi tion, which is the highest praise that can be accorded an official in public life. C. I). Keyes of Inman, early and long time resident of Holt county, is a real dirt farmer and one who takes a live and active interest in agri cultural affairs and needs. He is the republican candidate for county as sessor. There is no man in the county perhaps who is more familiar with farm land and livestock values than Mr. Keyes, and none who is more capable of viewing matters ot taxa tion valuations from the farmers standpoint. Holt county is the second largest county in the state. Its resources are varied, although confined principally to agriculture and livestock raising and the problems of road building and county administration that confronts its board of county supervisors much more complicated and difficult than do, those of many of the smaller counties of the state, some of which could almost be tucked away on a large Holt county farm or ranch. The present board of supervisors is a capable cne which is truly and econ omically representing and serving the taxpayers. There is no breath of scandal attached to any of its mem bers. Three of its members are can didates for re-election and the tax payers of their districts owe a duty to themselves to return them to office. L. C. McKim is the present supervisor and republican candidate from the Second district, L. E. Skidmore from the Fourth and C. B. Nellis from the Sixth district. Each of these gentle men has looked after the needs of his district ably and at the same time without discriminating for or agains any other section of the county. Each with his knowledge ot the county’s affairs is of far more value to his con stituency than his opponent could possibly be for several years in any event and the voters will make a mis take not to re-elect them. Mr. McKim is the present chairman of the board, now serving his second term as sueh. Mr. Skidmore in addition to his other services has given his district some thing, it badly needed, a considerable mileage of good roads. Mr. Nellis, who is serving out an unexpired term of a former member, is engaged in a like program and it is apparent that his efforts are meeting with the hearty approval of his district, for he has no opposition. There is no candidate oh the repub lican ticket for whom the party needs to apologize. None but whom is de serving of the most fulsome praise. It is with pride that they are presented to the people and with pleasure that The Frontier endorses them. -o JUDGE ROBERT R. DICKSON SHOULD BE RE-ELECTED One of the most important offices to be filled at the election next Tuesday is the non-political one of district judge for the Fifteenth judicial dis trict. The district comprises . Holt, Boyd, Rock, Brown and Keya Paha counties. Holt county is as large as any other two of the counties in the district. Its population will equal if not exceed that of any other two of the counties. For these reasons more litigation naturally arises in the county than in any other of the dis trict. O’Neill, the county seat, is the most accessible and easily reached point of any in the district lor liti gants and their attorneys. These are the things that make it an imperative necessity that the presiding judge of the district be a resident of O’Neill. But these things alone are not the reason why The Frontier believes that the voters not only of the town and county, but of the entire district, should cast their ballots for the re-election of Judge Robert R. Dickson, the present incumbent. The office is one requir ing a person of high legal attain ments, of unqustionable honesty and impartiality and of judicial experience. These qualifications are possessed by Judge Dickson in a high degree. His decisions and opinions are rarely re versed by the supreme court of the state and in this respect he is perhaps the ranking district judge of the state. The respect that the supreme court holds for his learning in evidenced by supreme judges frequently calling him to Lincoln to assist them in their labors. Among the most important and far reaching decisions made by Judge Dickson during his present term of office is the one in the Long Pine state bank case which prevented the looting of the state bank guaranty fund by unscrupulous persons and cor porations and save millions of dollars to the small depositors in the state banks of Nebraska. Judge Dickson is in the prime of life, vigorous and possessed of an alert mind, and in every way fitted and capable to perform the onerous duties of the office. The recital of the quali fications of Judge Dickson is in no way to be considered a criticism of or a re flection upon his elderly opponent. It is merely a presentation of why The Frontier believes that Judge Robert R. Dickson should be re-elected to this most important position. f-.11,11 •' ^ PEGGY O’NEILL ANI) MADAM RENAULD DRESSES JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF THE PEGGY O’NEILL DRESSES. Mrs. L. Chapman -at Donnelly & DU ion .....% ART GOODS JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY PACKAGE OUTFITS --AT Donnelly &Dillon WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE “NO” To The Voters of Nebraska. Your attention irrespective of party, is called to the proposed amendment to the State Constituion, submitted next Tuesday, November 4th. There is widespread misunderstand ing as to what this amendment really provides. Its ostensible purpose is (1) to write the direct primary law into the State Constitution and (2)toelimi nate the party circle. Its real purpose and effect is much more serious. It forbids the use, upon the election bal lot, of any party designation or any identification whatever opposite the names of candidates. This amendment, if adopted, will de stroy every political party in Ne braska. Furthermore, it will prevent the effective organization of any new political party in Nebraska. The amendment denies the voter the light to know who, among the candidates, are Republicans, or Demo crats, or Prohibitionists, or Socialists. It prohibits a candidate from admit ting his allegiance To a party platform or his responsibility to the party which supports his candidacy. It puts masks upon the candidates and blinders upon the voters. ♦ We do not here oppose the direct primary or the elimination of the party circle. Many voters favor one or both of these proposals. We ob ject to this amendment because, under pretense of serving these ends, it at tempts to capitalize this favorable sentiment for a totally different pur pose. This amendment would forbid the people of Nebraska to freely organize political parties or to exercise in effective manner their right, hereto fore inalienable, to nominate and elect to office, by joint endeavor, the men and women of their choice. No state in the Union has ever given serious consideration to such a revolu tionary departure from traditional, forms of free American government. It is not necessary to vote “Yes” to stain the primary. That already is o law. To vote “Yes” is to encour s deceit, destroy responsibility and recipitate governmental chaos. When you vote “No” you vote to retain the direct primary as it is, with the party designation which serves to identify one candidate from another. We appeal to you to explain this matter to your neighbors and friends. This is the ONLY Constitutional amendment to be voted on. Put an X before “No.” No. 19 ^ ma>\ doesn’t y'ealizie -U\e bless*f\g or poverty Urdt t he gets* oyer »b " Used Pianos For Sale Piano Boxes BOWEN’S RACKET STORE Clean Vp Public Sale I have decided to quit ranching and will sell at public auction on the ranch, 5 miles south and 1 mile west of Emmet, Nebraska, commencing at 12:30 o’clock sharp, on Monday, November 3rd 31 Head of Cattle Eight milch cows; 11 coming two year old steers; 5 coming 2 year old heifers; 7 calves coming one year old. 30 Head of Horses and Mules Eight head of mules from 7 to 9 yearsold, weight 1100 each; team of brown mares, 9 years old, weight 1300 each; team of bay mares, 8 years old, weight 1300 each; team of black geldings, 9 years old, weight 1300 each; 1 black gelding, 9 years old, weight 1300 lbs.; 1 bay gelding, 5 years old, weight 1300; 1 bay gelding, 4 years old, weight 1100 lbs.; 6 dark bay and brown mares, 6 to 8 years old, weight 1100each; 7 bay and black geldings, 6 to 9 years old, weight 1050 each. Above horses and mules are in good shape and gentle farm horses and mules. About 300 Head of Hogs Forty thin Sews, average weight, 175 pounds each; 100 shoats, average weight. 80 pounds each; 100 shoats, average weigh, 50 pounds each; 7 sows with litters of pigs by side about two weeks old. Farm Machinery and Miscellaneous Five wide tire wagons; 1 narrow tire wagon; 2 manure spreaders; 1 manure loader; 7 6-foot McCormick mowers; 3 hay sweeps; 1 hay stacker; 2 riding listers; 3 riding cultivators; 1 .sets double work harness; 2 gas engines; 4 baling racks; 1 corn binder; 1 hay press with gasoline engine complete; 1 steel range; 1 davenport; beds complete; 6 dining chairs; 2 rocking chairs and many other articles too numerous to mention. 1,000 tons of hay in stack on the ranch, Arrangements might be made to feed this hay on premises. FREE LUNCH AT 11:30 A. M. BRING YOUR TIN CUPS TERMS—Nine months’ time will be given on all sums over $20.00 with approved security and 10 per cent interest. $20.00 and under cash. No property to be removed until settled for. W. A. Blore, Owner COL. JAMES MOORE, Auctioneer. W. P. DAILEY, Clerk. L. PUBLIC SALE! — -.. ■ ■- »■■■■■«> I will sell at my place 20 miles northeast of O’Neill; 4 miles east and l/2 mile north of Opportunity; one mile east of old Mineola; 4 miles west and y2 mile south of Star, beginning at one o’clock sharp, on Tuesday, November 4th 52 Head of Cattle Fourteen head of milch cows; 3 coming two year old heifers; 1 coming two year old Durham bull; 34 head of coming yearling calves. 8 Head of Horses Seven head of horses. One real “kid” pony. 20 Head of Hogs Farm Machinery and Miscellaneous Three sets of work harness; 1 saddle; 1 one-row eli; 1 two-row eli; \ lister; 1 disc cultivator; 1 walking cultivator; 1 walking plow; 1 disc; 1 drag; 1 six foot Minnesota mower; 2 five-foot Deering mowers; 1 AA Dain hay stacker; 1 12-foot hay rake; 1 sweep; 1 rack and wagon; 1 box wagon; 1 organ; 1 single bed, springs and mattress; 1 sanitary cot; 1 sewing machine; 1 new $115.00 Primrose separator; other articles too numerous to mention. FREE LUNCH AT NOON. BRING YOUR TIN CUPS. TERMS—Nine months’ time will be given on all sums over $10.00 with approved security and 10 per cent interest. $10.00 and under cash. No property to be removed until settled for. G.F. Reynolds,Owner COL. BUY WANSER, Auctioneer. O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK, Clerk.