Explorer MacMillan Bade In Civilization After weary month* In the Artie, the little signer "Bowdoln" has returned to Wlscasset. Me., brin^ tog Donald McMillan and his party back to civilization. MacMillan 1 s shown wearing his Artie. furs. MUJ Mary B. Fassett. of Woodmere, Long Island. N. Y.. a sdmmer vacation!, t in Maine, donned the. south gieea pre-nuptial costume worn by Eskimo girls and brought back by the exp! dltlon- The suit 1s trimmed with lace, beads and fur. ZR-3 on Her Last Flight Over Fatherland The giant Zeppelin built In Friedrichshafen, Germany, for the United States Government, is shown hen on her last trial flight over Germany. She wae snapped aa she flew over the famous Brandenburg Gate on Uater den Linden, in Berlin. First Photoraph of Disastrous Russian Flood - --——————•• The most disastrous floods in Russia for the past hundred years nearly Inundated Leningrad (old St. Petersburg) and for a time cut the city off from the rest of the world. At points the water was 12 feet over the city. This photograph shows one of the busi ness streets, covered with debris, after the water had partially subsided. Would Nab Pedestrian* For Breach of Traffic St. Louis.—Pedestrians who pass •A automatic traffic signal which Is •et against them will get a ride In the patrol wagon if the plans of Alderman John V. Brod, Jr., chair man of the Traffic Council to make this city safe for motorists, are car ried out Brod has announced he would ask that the police be Instructed to arrest pedestrians wiho disregard the sig nals of the silent policemen, in the same manner that motorists are now arrested for the same offense. Bred has jointed out that care lessness on the part of pedestrians has been a contributing factor in the record automobile fatality toll IMP X«e* which at the beginning of September had exceeded last year’s total for the same period by 22 per cent. Fishing Schooners Will Have Motors and Radio Galveston, Texas.—When the Gulf Fisheries three-masted schooner Areas sails out of the channel to the gulf here within the next thirty daye | the old era of the fishing schooner ! will have passed, and for the first | time a fishing boat will enter the | Gulf of Mexico equipped with radio ! apparatus and power other than her ! sails. The entire fleet of the Fisheries | company here is being equipped with l radio sets and gasoline power engines, the first company to make 1 such Improvements along the entire gulf. It will be a different world for the crews in tho future, with the strains of Jazz from distant cities and ths throb of motors supplanting ths “song of the sails-’’ Clarence Loveless Is Wedded to Ruth Loving Amarlll o, Texas,—“Loving-Loveless Wedding” read the caption on the society page of an afternoon news paper here. “Quite common," remarked a read er, but the Item revealed that Miss Kuth Loving had taken for her hus band Clarence Loveless. Not Inap propriate that a loveless young man should take a loving bride Scopolamin Failed tq Get Confession Scepolamln, or “truth serum,1* failed to make Mrs. Annie Willoif confess participation In the murdQf of her husband, according to tho physicians who gave It to her. Mr*. Willow was tried In Mlddletovfc Pa., on the charge of forcing sev enteen - year • old Ralph Shadel to kill her husband so sue could love, the boy, who was, on a separate trial, sent to prison tram ton tt twenty years. Major Kirby Made Head of U. S. Money Plant 4t? Major Wallace Kirby, 0. S. A~, has been named head of the Bu> reau of Engraving and Printing In Washington, which W™8 out the paper money, stamps and bond*? for the United Statea Government The appointment follows a reor gantzation of the bureau after t bitter partisan figru of two yearn ago, when President Harding dlb» missed twenty-sLx officials withOaV a bearing. Married Woman Lead3 University Class ,'KR^A2W-U t> Tirootx^ Mrs. Anna D. Wood, a Junior of Boston, Mass., University, has been awarded a silver medal for hav ing attained the highest academic standing In a class of more thaa 300. Although eighty per cent oj the class are men, she boat theix. easily, Retwoen classes, she de\\£ her own housework. ROMAN PAVING ON RHIN? Trier, Germany.—Road builders ^ the Althaea- elver valley have un earthed a stretch of atone paving blocks dating back to the days of the Romans. These stones, covering a stretch of several hundred yards if© to b© number© 1. taken up and ralaid tor ©shlbUt in purposes lr T'.Vtm. PRINCE OF WALES VISITS HENRY FORD, I pjamce o/'tsssj/zs $ ree:isnaar ! ■ ' " '""'ii v " 'i'l '■■■ ~ ■ iTi' M ' ’ ~'i"■■—. H. R H„ the Prince of Wales, Is shown with Henry Ford on thl occasion of his visit to the latter's automobile plant in Detroit, when the Prince saw the entire assembly'of a Ford car. SWALLOWS POISON IN CHICAGO COURT. C.O. TCS'TTA25X>. /*•/*. , , • _ _. ___ When Mrs. Charlotte Qrjtes Testard, twenty-four years old, wat awarded $75 a week alimony by Judge Joseph Sabat.U, of Chicago, In her suit for separation from her husband, James V. Testard, from whom she asked $100 a week, she swallowed poison, and for a time her death wras feared. Her husband Is a wealthy road house owner. ROYAL ENGAGEMENT TO BE ANNOUNCED. I gacrow sgiarcE vbqpot/d % maxas/va. j According to dispatches from Rome, the engagement ot Princess Mafalda, daughter of the Italian monarchs. to Crown Prince Leopold ot Belgium will be officially announced on either November 4 or on Novem* her 11, the latter date being the King’s birthday. At one timo it was, reported Princess Mafalda was desperately In love with Prince Nicholas of Roumania, now « midshipman on the British cruiser Benbow, and; that she had threatened to kill herself it compelled to marry Leopold.' “Canned Jags" Puzzle Kansas City Officials Kansas City.—Canned Jags Is the latest wrinkle that authorities are trying to iron out of hooch imbibers In this section of the country. It has stumped the authorities, be- * cause the "liquor" cannot be confis cated as an Intoxicant, and neither can they arrest a man with It la his possession; nor can venders b« apprehended as violators of the law.