SMALL PER CENT. OF CORN HURT Crop Drying Out Nicely in Nebraska—Wheat Looks Fine Lincoln, Neb.. Oct. (Special)— The mid-month report of the division of crop estimates says that 83 per eent. of the corn crop In Nebraska es caped serious Injury by frost, and that it has been drying out in fine shape during the recent war mweather. Only 10 per cent, of the total actual ly suffered serious damage. More than 90 per cent, of the wheat crop for next year was seeded by October 15, and more than half of it Is up. The n»‘>iRture supply in most parts of the state is ample for 4he present. The crop is ahead of Its usual stage in south central Ne braska and generally favorable re ports come from western Nebraska, TOWNS HELPLESS THE RAIL BOARD SAYS Lincoln. Neb., Oct. (Special)— In a finding made Monday the state railway commissioners say that the last legislature, in drafting a law to compel physical connection of trans mission lines, gave everybody but municipal corporations the right to ask its aid in deciding how much should be paid and what facilities should be furnished. The legislature Included municipal corporations, but worded it in such a way that it can be effective only In a few cases. Tho commission, therefore, dismissed the case brought by the village of Cotes fleld to require its neighbor, the town of Elba, to hook a line from Cotesfield with one from Elba to Dannebrog, so that it might get power from the latter point. Elba wanted $3,500 for the privilege, or part of the cost of building the line to Dannebrog. TO RES'ST CANCELLATION OP JOINT RATES Lincoln, Neb., Oct- ' . (Special)— The state railway commission has intervened in the application of the Santa Fe railroad company to be al lowed to cancel Joint rates on grains and grain products going from Ne braska to points in the southwest. Tho railroad proposes to require ship pers to pay the local rate to Kansas City and then another local from there to the point of destination. The commission says there is no justifi cation for the Increase. Tile Nebraska ratlronds and the Santa Fe have been quarreling over the division of the Joint charges, and the Santa Fe seeks to end it by abolishing them. The Santa Fe re cently withdrew, after the commis sion had protested, a cancellation of the joint rate through the Superior gateway for corn shipments Intel southern Kansas and Oklahoma. HOLDUP STORY JUST A RUSE Hotel Clerk at Brookings Confesses and Returns The Cash Brookings, Oct. -The reported holdup at the Hotel Dudley recently has turned out to have been a pure fabrication on the part of the night clerk, and Brookings' record of Im munity from robberies and liold-ups has not been broken, as was heralded. A week ago it was announced that Btanley Parker, clerk at the Hotel Dudley, had been blackjacked and rob bed of $150 of hotel funds. Mr. Parker supplying this Information himself. On Mr. Dudley's return to the city, how ever, investigations were made and satisfactory explanations were not forthcoming. Finally Parker confessed that the robbery was wholly imagin ary and restored the missing fund* he had appropriated h'*nselt SALESMAN MISSING, FOUL PLAY FEARED Hastings. Neb., Oct. —Foul play is feared in the disappearance of Carl \V. Moore, Hastings auto mobile salesman, who has been missing since Thursday morning. A stranger came to the Brandts garage and told Moore of a pros pect for a rale on r farm near Koselnnd, a town nearly 20 miles south of Hastings. Moore went with the stranger and has not been heard from since. Officials throughout the s'ate were notified last night. State Sheriff Carrol shortly before midnight noti fied Shtriff Harm here that the car take n out by M >ore wir located at Wilber, tut nuthlntt lu.d been seen of either Moore or the; man who went with Mm. Moore ip 2i years old and lias n wife and child. WHOLE rt.VlLV VENT TO ViriV DEAD RELATIVES Tecv.nv-ch. Nth., O t -Mr. anti Mm l’r< <1 Kahne. who .ivo In Min neso'tt. a;'"* to SlcrllnR this week t‘- t vo >helt' ln't co isius^ the late Mr. (ltd Mrs. Chris Hochne and four « i iidn tv -i -jrjulpe. The enl-o IVehne f-r.Tvi'v war. killed at a rail roari (•■<"• iutr aovik'nl two miles v i at «f S eri ins In September. toCN’S Cl.EE CLI P FOR CO. DAKOTA UNIVERSITY Vermilion. S. 1>.. O t. (Special! —A. b. WTsnn. who hae been ton i ted w*th South Dakota T’nivrr »-:t>'r. department of music for nine year-, has mutant’id a men's ft'.et r’u't C'ltrii oo'il of the follow int upl vi rsl'.v rf'tder.'s: First tenors, Smith Ealey. Vs'es. Ren t: eeoond tt nors. f’>t»rk. T'". h'ahen, Htil: barlton's Mtiiseu^oider Kiri t at rich. Morgan V h s-es Erttekett, ITutMe. Ben edict. V’n'.i f r. I,emends, ll-i-’e Rem < n *s. rt S nox 1 als, > in n- re an' J'v-j-i m< 1*f husbands and fathers, none of them having charge of land used In farming or owning, managing, controlling and distrib ution of crops are not qualified to sign remonstrances, the law limiting (bat right to those who are actually and actively engaged In farming and who are bona fide residents of u county. HAILSTORM VISITS WATERTOWN TERRITORY Watertown, S. 1)., Oct. —During a freak October storm, which had all the features of a mid-summer thunder storm, hail fell In all direc tions around Watertown, but missed tiie city entirely except f r a few scattered hailstones that bounced on the pavements during the brief rain. It Is rarely the case that an October ball storm is experienced here. Reports from t lie region west, not tliwest and north of Watertown tell of the hailstones being so thick that they covered the ground, some of the hailstones being as large as smalt eggs. Heavy rain fell south and southwest of the city, and also to the east and northeast of the city. NEGRO TRUSTY HUNTED BY PRISON OFFICERS Siouz Falls. S. IV. Oct. * (Spe cial)—Isaac Hurbey, negro, a trusty at the South Dakota tjenitentiary tailed to report Monday for the noon roll call and police officers in all parts of the state have been warned^ to be on the lookout for him. He, ns a trusty, was given liberty during the daytime and lias been working nil summer in the ground surround ing the prison. It Is believed that he bearded a train going north some time during the morning. He was convicted In Brown county on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon. He would have been re leased In November, officials stated. MISSING COUPLE BELIEVED TO HAVE ELOPED Salem. S. D-, Oct. _* -Search was started here Monday tor the 14-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Muth and (lien Stark, 22 years old, who are believed to have run away from home here Sunday afternoon. The girl left a note In her room tell ing her mother that she was going away and that she would write her in a “couple of weeks.1’ The two have been keepin i company for some time, but the girl’s parents did not believe the affair vrould involve an elopement . CONVICTED MAN IN NOVEL PLEA Asserts Calf He Stole Had No Value So There Was No Offense Lincoln, Neb., Oct. (Special)— Among the defenses presented in an argument to the cupreme court in the case where Ray Gragg, convited of calf stealing, had appealed from a two to four year sentence, was the novel one that maybe the calf did not have any value, and if it had none the defendant should be dis charged The old law' required a jury in cases of this character to fix the value, but since the stealing of a calf “of any value” lias been made a felony, the court has held that it is not necessary for a jury to say how much the animal was worth. Attorneys for Dragg said that every cattleman knows that under some circumstances calves are of no value, and that, for the protection of men who take calves that are worthless, juries ought stlil to be required to say if the animal a man ischarged with taking had anyl cmfwyp etao with taking had any value. THIRTIETH HONEYMOON ON THE TRAIL AGAIN Dixon, Neb., Oct. , (Special) — Mr. and Mrs. McGowan, according to their annual custom, left home here to celebrate their wedding anniver sary without stating definitely where they were going, hey began their first honeymoon in a frorse-drawn vehicle 30 years ago and have lived here during their entire married life. It was learned that they intended to buy a new automobile in which to travel while celebrating S::th anni versary and it was predicted that before their fiftieth anniversary they would be traveling tHeir honeymoon trips in on airplane. SOCIETIES ARE BLACKLISTED Members of Organizations At Nebraska University Vi slated Rides Lincoln, Neb., Oct. • (Special).— Fix fraternity and eight soroities of the University of Nebraska were placed upon tlie black list today by the senate committee on student or ganizations. The fraternities and soroities, In cluding the. most prominent Gragk letter societies, both locally and na tionally, are specifically accused of holding unchaperoned "sneak night” parties late into the night in road houses and parks near town- The fart r mil lea blacklisted are Phi Kap pa Psi. Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Sig ma. Beta Theta, Pix Signma. Phie Episllon and Alpha Sigma Pb 1. DENIED SLANDER DAMAGE, APPEALS Lincoln. Neb., Oct. . (Special)— Edward C. Mnnsil has appealed to the supreme court from the verdict of a jury in Saline county that denied him $15,000 damages asked of Vac lav Skutchan. He says that the lat ter charged. In a farmers' union elevator stockholders’ meeting, that he and oilier officers were getting 10 cents a bushel more than the stock holders. He says he lost his job be cause of this slanderous utterance. The defendant said that lie made the statement believing it to be true, and that it was no* actionable because made only to men Interested in the subject matter of his lalk. FOOTBALL PLAYER DIES FROM HURTS Omaha, Neb., Oct, (Special)— Harold Bruce AVatktn-, tit years old. of Crofton, Neb., died at a local hospital from injuries received in a scrimmage between the first and sec ond teams of the Crofton high school. Watkins, it is said was kicked in the head anil death was caused by "per sistent hemorrhages.” JUST THE BONES OF AN ORDINARY BUFFALO Hastings, Neb., Oct. -Professor AV. .1, Kent, head of the natural sci ence department of Hastings college has identified the bone and tooth re cently unearthed here as those of a common buffalo. The remains- were discovered at u depth of 21* feet by workmen on the new four-mile sewer extension in the northwest part of the city. Speculation as to what animal the bone and tooth might have belonged to, reached a high pitch, and many persons beAteved they might have been part of some prehistoric monster. PRESBYTERIANS TO COLUMBUS IN 1925 Hastings, Neb., Oct. •—The Ne braska synod of the Presbyterian church will meet In Columbus In 1925, It was decided by a vote of that body In annual session here Thurs day. RAILROAD ORDERED TO PUT ON MORE HELP Lineoln. Neb.. Oct. - (I. N. S.)— The state railway commission today i sued an order compelling the Bur lington railroad to maintain a crew of three brakemen on all freight trains within the slate In accordance with Nebraska law. This action followed a complaint by J. K. Moredlck. brother hood official, that the read had been operating trains between AVymore and Ked Cloud with only 2 brakemen. Scattering Cities Show That Tax Reduction Still Is Possibility From the Minneapolis Journal The 1925 tax rate for Minneapolis lias been fixed at less than 70 mills, a reduction of more than five mills from the 1924 rata This represents a pjod piece of work by the tax-fixing authorities and their unofficial, but very helpful advisers of the Municipal Research Bureau. It represents a reduction in the total taxes to be collected in this city for state, county and city purposes of $775,000 in spite of the increased valuation of Minneapolis property. Assuming that the best possible has been done, is no farther saving for the benefit of Minneapolis taxpayers in sight? To put it in another way, is it necessary for the tax-spending officials to use up in 1925 all the money that has been allotted to them? Probably they will, almost all of them, spend every cent at their disposal. That is the way of American officialdom. But there are exceptions. For instance, the Tennessee city of Knox ville recently announced a dividend of ten per cent, to taxpayers in the shape of a rebate on their taxes for the current fiscal year. This was done by saving $280,000 out of the expenses of running the city’s business for a year. The achievement has been ascribed to the fact that Knoxville has a city manager who watches all the corners. Such tliipgs are possible, it is added, in small cities. But along comes Baltimore, a much larger city, with the old style mayor-and-eouncil form of government. The mayor has re cently announced that, as a result of putting all the departments on a business basis by the first of January there will be a surplus in the city treasury of two and a half million dollars. There will be large savings in department appropriations for this year and other accounts, he fays, which may swell the surplus to a round three millions. Accordingly, there will be a ten per cent, dividend for tin stockholders of the municipality of Baltimore, that is to say, the taxpayers, and this will be distributed by means of a ten per cent, reduction in the tax rate. Here are two examples of what can be done by the use of strict business methods in American municipalities. What a pleasant, and helpful surprise it would be for the taxpayer-stock holders of Minneapolis, if at the end cf another year they were to receive a dividend of ten per cent.—all saved out of running expenses by careful and thrifty management! REVERENCE FOR THE LAW Abraham Lincoln. Let every American, every.lover of liberty, every well-wisher to his posterity, swear by the blood of the Revolution, never to violate in the least particular the laws of his country, and never to tolerate their violation by others. As the patriots of ’76 did to the support of the Declaration of Independ ence, so to the support of the Con stitution and of the laws let every American pledge his life, his pro perty and his sacred honor; let every man remember that to vio late the law is to trample on the i blood of his fa*her, and to tear the charter out of his own sad his children's liberty. Let reverence lor the law be breathed every American mother to the lisping babe that prattles on her lap. Let it be i taught in the schools, in stmin and in almanacs. Let It be written In primers, spelling books I and in admanacs. Let it be preached from the pulpit, pro claimed in legislative halls and enforced In courts of justice. And, In short, let it become the politi cal religion of the nation. A Little Dream. A little house where someone waits At night, for my returning; Where, on the hearth a cheerful fire Is laid, and brightly burning. A little house where lights shine far Out where the dark is P iling, Each gleaming ray a tender voice To me is softly calling. A little table, neatly set. The teakettle a-boiling, A little woman’s kiss to pay Me for my day of toiling. A little house where someone waits, At night for my homecoming, A little chubby hand—maybe— Upon the window drumming. —Ira M. Thomas, in Dream World. Round the World. From the London Times. In most scrupulous manner the American airmen finished their flight 'round the world, and they will hold the record for this unexampled feat until a similar combination of air manship, careful preparation, and good fortune enables another expedi tion to cover the distance in a short er time. The last lap has been un exciting, for once arrived In the United States no such perils and mis chances awaited the airmen as In more northerly latitudes. In view of the nature of the course from start to finish and the peculiar conditions of circumterrestrial flight, which force airmev. into regions which they would naturally shun, it may yet be some time before the same feat is done again. There are elements which no amount of foresight can measure, as the dropping out of two members of the expedition at differ ent stages proves. At the same time, there were long ‘ranscontlnental tracts which gave the airmen prac tically no trouble. There seems, however, to be r.o alternative to the route which the American and the British expeditions mapped out for themselves. The passage must be by the fogbound Arctic for want of stop ping-places elsewhere. W liether the eastbound rcurse taken by the Americans is easier than the west bound, over which Squadron-Leader MacLaren failed, may be Impossible to decide. The success of the pro ject, whichever route Is chosen. Is subject to sporting chances, which sportsmen must take as they find them. It may be that the weather throughout the route was worse this year than It often Is; 1’ so, all the Unimpeachatle Authority. Fron\ the Wall Street Journal. A certain officer was In bad humor. His superior ’.ad just "called him" about the condition of his troops. So he tried to pass It on down the line. In a gruff voice he bawled out, "Not a man In this division will be given liberty today 1" At that a disguised \olce from the rear said. "Give me liberty or give me death!" “Who said that?" demanded the an gry officer. Voice from the rear, "Patrick Henry!" Bolivia’s mineral expoits, principally lead, tin and bismuth are showing a be*w inee^M this rear. I 1 more honor to the Americans fo overcoming it, and perhaps all th« more chances for others in a mort normal summer. It can hardly bt supposed that there will not be fresl attempts; but the glory of being thi first will remain with the Americans Nor should their achievement b< judged ioo narrowly by utilitariax standards. That there cannot b« (unless aviation is enormously de veloped) a regular scrvic.*- 'round ihc world does not matter. Tne challenge thrown down by the sphencity of the earth was bound to be answered by airmen as it was generations ago by seamen. Its provocation is like that »f the North Pole, or of Everest; it is a world to conquer, and the conquest, if it Is nothing more, is an honor to human perseverance. Wealth of the World. From Manufacturers’ Record. The aggregate pre-war wealth of the twenty-odd nations actively en gaged In the great war, according to an estimate recently completed by the research department of the Bankers’ Trust Company of New York, amounted to 630 billion dol lars. The wealth of these same na tions today is estimated to be about 619 billion dollars. The pre-war wealth of the British Empire—that is, of Great Britain, the Dominion, India and the Crown colonies—was approximately 140 billion dollars, while today the wealth of this same group of nations is estimated lo be around 149 billion dollars. The wealth of France before the war is placed at just under 60 billion dol lars, and is estimated to be approxi mately the same today. The pre-war wealth of the United States is placed at 300 billion dol lars ana the wealth today at 330 ! billion dollars, while the pre-war wealth of Germany is estimated to have been upward of 80 billion dol lars and today to be about £5 bil lion dollars. These figures are all on the gold pre-war basis of values, having been adjusted for inflation The per capita wealth of Great Britain today Is placed at $1,489 and of the different nations composing the British Empire at *418, including the wealth and population of India. The wealth of France is estimated In 1918 to be $1,484 per capita and of Iho United States $3,090 per capita. The wealth of Germany is placed at $901 per capita. The Bankers’ Trust Company points out that the total wealth of the former belligerents has not materially changed as a result of the war but that there has been a marked redistribution of such wealth, this redistribution having taken place not only as between nations, but also us between tlxe peoples within the boundaries of each nation. Not the Pugilist. From the Passing Show. London. Most of our best authors do their work In the country—Shaw at Ayot St. Lawrence, Wells at Dunnntw, Hardy in Dorsetshire, Lytton S‘;ra* they at Pangbourne. I gather from two or three of them that it is not h) much the song of birds or the sight of trees that is necessary for in spiration, but rather the Absence of visitors and telephone calls. Mention of H. G. Wells brings to mind a strange incident iu the lite of that prophet. Ho was introduced at some social gathering to Mrs. Pat rick Campbell. The latter appeared to be delighted with the meeting and asked sweetly when his next boxing match would take place. He ex plained that his business in life was book-writing, not boxing. •Oh!" ex claimed 1 he famous actress with great disappointment, "I am so sorry; 1 thought you were Mr. Bom bardier Wells." Sensation, and a few lnsupprtsslble gurgles from stand ers-by. Pitying Him. From the Pittsburgh Chronicle- Tele graph. The tongues of the gossips were husy in the suburban town, over the latest marriage. "Have you seen the bride?” asked one. "lias her husband any money?" "1 don't know about that," replied the other with some reluctance. “You know he didn't live here." "Well.” said the first speaker, "you know she said she rover would marry a poor man." "1 know, my dear, but she hasn't been married a month, yet everybody i is saying, poor man.' ” Relieved of Catarrh Due to La Grippe ^ Thanks To PE-RU-m ■ -— Mrs. Laura Berberick, over 70 years of age, 1205 Willow Ave.„ Hoboken, N. J., writes: “A severe attack of La Grippe left me with a hoarseness and slime in the head and throat. I had chronic catarrh. It grew worse. I could not lie down or sleep at night. I was always bothered by the slime, pain in the back and a terrible headache every morning. Finally I bought a bottle of Pe-ru-na which was of great bene fit-It gave me blood and strength. I have no pains in head or back, nor noises in the head. The slime has gone and I can sleep. My weight has increased. I am cheer ful and happy, thanks to Pe-ru-na, which I shall always keep in the house and recommend to my friends.” For every form of catarrh Pe-ru-na meets the nec-J, Coughs, Colds, Nasal Catarrh, Indigestion, Bowel disorders are all forms of catarrh. Jt any where in tablet or liquid form. Marine Mowing j The water in the Nemasket rh'er at Middleboro Is being lowered so that 'the eel grass in the rigor between the Jectric light station and the lake can >e mowed. The.grass has grown so leavy that but little power is left in :he current.—New York World. ••There U Hope” Don’t let yourself run clown. Don’t make easy the way for age and disease. Keep your whole system toned up with .Munyon’s Paw Paw Tonic and Nature will work won ders for you. For Constipation use Munyon's Paw Paw Pills MUNYON’S PAW PAW TONIC Satisfaction iruarantred or mo-nr\ refunded Aimed to Be Correct I She (rending newspaper in restait rant)—It says here in B. 0. O.’s col umn that John Prinkwater pronounces his name “Prinkitter,” and Oliver Onions his “O'Nighons.1’ He—That so? Waiter, a glass of itter, please, and hurry up that order of beefsteak and o'nighons. Labels bearing the name and prin cipal business profession of the wear ers were a recent innovation at sev eral British society gatherings. Help That Achy Back! Are you dragging around, day after day, with a dull, unceasing backache? Are you lame in the morning, both ered with headachee, dizziness and urinary disorders? Feel tired, irritable and discouraged? Then there’s surely something wrong, and likely it’s kidney weakness. Don’t neglect it! Get back your health while you can. Use Doan’s Pills, a stimulant diuretic to the kid neys. Doan’s have helped thousands, and should help you. Ask your Neighbor! A South Dakota Case iwrs. r-minu r»ye, Norton Ave., Sa lem, S. D., says: "My kidneys were weak and I had a lame, aching back that made me miserable. X felt dull ana had no energy. Severe headaches and I dizzy spells came over me, but I used Doan's Pills and they relieved the backache ana put my kidneys in good order.” nn a kpc pills L/Wxlil O 60c STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS Fo»tei-Milbum Co^ Mfg. Chem.. Bu9«Io. N. Y. A Sneeze 1 A Shiver t Quick ! At the first sign of • cold take Dr. , Humphreys’famous "77.” Drive the cold « out of your system. Keep "77” handy ft r ' emergencies. Ask your druggist for it I today, or, w rite us. FREE.—Dr. Humphreys* Mannnl. f (112 pages.) You should read it. Tells about J the home treatment of disease. Ask your I druggist, or. write us for a copy. Dr. Humphreys’ "77." priceSflc. and tl On, at drug stores or sent on remittance tour risk) cr C.O.D. parcel post. HUMPHREYS’HOMEO. MEDICINE CO. 77 Ann Street, New York. Clear ThePores Of Impurities With Cuticura Soap Snap. Ointment. Talcum sold everywhere.