STOCK SHIPPERS Leave via Burlington 10 a. m. each Sunday. Arrive at Sioux City 6 p. m., at South Omaha at 4:45 a. m. Equal rates. 17*tf Spinal Analysis. Physical Diagnosis DR. C. H. LUBKER CHIROPRACTOR Office Opens Monday, October 13th Phone 316 O’Neill, Nebraska. NEW FEED STORE! In the Roberts Barn in connection with the Feed Barn. All kinds of feeds and hay carried in stock. We make de livery. We do custom grinding. Office, 336. Res. 270 or 303 ROBERTS & HOUGH DR. J. P. GILLIGAN -PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special Attention Given To DISEASE OF THE EYE AND CORRECT FITTING OF GLASSES .. THE O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY —Compiles— “Abstracts of Title” THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY. i •«.— f NEBRASKA CULVERT AND | MFG. CO. AUSTIN-WESTERN ROAD | MACHINERY ARMCO CULVERTS Everything In Road Machinery Western Representative IL C PETERS O’Neill :: Nebraska etsmsmtmw W. F. FIN LEY, m.D* Phone, Office 28 J O’Neill Nebraska DR. L. A. CARTER Physician and Surgeon \ Glasses Correctly Fitted. Office and Residence, Naylor Blk. --Phone 72 O’NEILL :: :: NEBRASKA IH. L. BENNETT GRADUATE VETERNARIAN Phone 804. Day or Night. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday Morning Service, 10:00 a. in., Sunday School 11:00 a. m., Young People's Service 7:00 p. m., Evening Service, 8:00 p. m. Midweek Services: Tuesday, 8:00 p. m.; Young People’s Prayer Ser \ice Wednesday 8:00 p. m., Regular 1 rrayer Meeting, Thursday, 8:00 p. m. Rev. J. A, Hutchins, Pastor. ST.PATRICK’S CHURCH CATHOLIC Sunday Services: first Mass 8 a m., Second Mass 9 a. m., High Muss at 10.30 a. m. Vespers 7:30 p. m. Daily Mass 8 a. m. Catechetical Instruction for First 9 onimua*cants 3 p. m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Confession, Saturday from 3 p. m. to 6 p m. and from 7 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. Children’s Confession, First Thursday every month at 1:30 p. m. Very Rev. M. F. Cassidy, Pastor. PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS. The Public Library will be open each day except Sunday and Monday, from 2:00 until 6:00 p. m. MARY McLAUGHLIN, Librarian. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICES: Sunday School at 10 o’clock. Preaching service at 11 o’clock. Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock bible study. You are welcome to all of these services. Please note the change of time and change in the order of the services. GEO. LONGSTAFF, Pastor. r PAID LOCALS. | Paid announcements will ap- fl fl pear under this head. If you have anything to sell Q fl or wish to buy tell the people of I fl it in this column. Ten cents per line first in- I I sertion. subsequent insertions I fl five cents per line each week. fl We Have Carbon Paper For Sale. A K M i " x NS— RHP A RK Fit WM FOR SALE—ONE KITCHEN Range. —Mrs. Flora B. Lewis. 21-2p KODAKS, FILMS, KODAK FIN1SH ing.— W. B. Graves. O’Neill. 30-tI FOR SALE—6-cyl. automobile cheap. —R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 20-tf FOR SALE—ONE DINING TABLE —Mrs. Mary Fallon. Call J256. 17 FOR SALE—REGISTERED HAMP shire boars.—Harry Russell, Cham bers. 21-tf A MODERN ROOM FOR RENT with or without board.—Mrs. J. J. Thomas. 22-tf WANTED — A COMPETENT GIRL for general housework.—Mrs. T. F. Birmingham. 18-tf FOR SALE—SINGLE COMB RHODE Island Red roosters. Phone 7F22, Oscar Keithley. 22-3p FOR SALE—SOME FINE SPOTTED Poland China boars.—Ed Hubby, Paddock, Nebraska. 22-2p FOR SALE — PUREBRED S. C. White Orpington Roosters.—Mrs. Anna Dahms, Emmet, Neb. 21-tf FOR RENT—ON SHARE OR FOR cash, 760 acres of hay land. Good house and barn.—Peter Reifer. 8-tf LOST—SEAT FROM A MORRIS chair. Leave at the Frontier office. —Mike Piklapp, Star, Nebr. 21-2p I WANT SOME FARM AND RANCH loans. If you want money come in and see John L. Quig. 32-tf FOR SALE!—ONE ADMIRAL HAY press, horse power. In good run ning order.—R. L. Lawrence. 22-2p PURE BRED BARRED PLYMOUTH Rock Cockerels for Sale at $1 each, if taken soon.—Mrs. Will West, Page, Nebraska. 31-2p FARM AND RANCH LOANS, 5% per cent, no commission.—F. J. Dishner, County Agent Joint Stock Land Bank. 17-tf THE REAL SILK HOSIERY MAN will be in town for eight days. Now is the time to get in on Christmas or ders. Leave calls at Golden Hotel. 22 6% INTEREST AND NO COMMIS sion. I am now loaning Money on Farms and Ranches at 6% interest and no commission to pay. New Loan Company I just got.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 3-tf IF YOU NEED THE OLD LOAN ON your farm renewed for another 5 or 10 years, or if you need a larger loan I can make it for you.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 21-tf LUTHERAN SERVICE. There will be Lutheran services at the Episcopal church in O’Neill on Tuesday eyening, November 4th, at 8 p. m. Rev. Wm. G. Vahle, of Atkinson, will conduct these services. If you are interested come. FOR SALE OR TRADE. One square block, in College Hill, Hot Springs, South Dakota. Half section in Montana, north of Billings. 10-tf PETER REIFER. POLLED HEREFORD BULLS. I have a few choice young Polled Hereford bulls that I will offer for sale for a short time. 22-3p J. STEIN. BLOCK. Registered Spotted Poland China Hog Sale, 9 miles west and 1 mile south of Verdigre, Nebraska, on Mon day, November 3, 1924. 50 head fall and spring boars and gilts and sows with litters, all double reated. Prize winning blood lines. EMIL BLOCK, 22-lp Walnut, Nebraska. PLEASANTVIEW ITEMS. Mrs. Katherine Ulrich spent a few days in Omaha last week. Henry Winkler, Jr., and family are sporting a new Chevrolet car. Fred Alfs called at the home of C. A. Strongs Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klingler called on Joe Bruder’s family Saturday even ing. Mrs. Geo. Reise is building on to her hog house a 10x20 addition this week. James O’Connell and son, of near Emmet, called on Joe Bruder Sunday afternoon. Wm. Steskal and Ed Early were guests of the Ed Steskal family Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Strong spent Sunday afternoon with their niece, Mrs. Walter Bohee. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sterns and Jim McDermott called at the John Grutseh home Sunday afternoon. Fred Johring sold a fine Chester White stock hog to Mr. Hudson and Sons, of Meek, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Waltnofer were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heeb and family Sunday evening. Earl Miller and Walter Reise autoed to Brunswick Saturday where Reise purchased a fine black stock hog. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler cele brated their tenth wedding anni versary at their home Tuesday even ing. Mrs. Josephine Steskal, of Atkin son, is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Jce Cruder and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murphy and son, of near Emmet, spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruder and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Waltnofer and brother, Elmer, spent Monday even ing at the home ^of Albert Klingler and family. YOUNG BUSINESS MAN OF ATKINSON MARRIES (Atkinson Graphic, Oct. 9.) From The People’s Standard, Loup City.—A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the St. Mary’s church at Rockville Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock, when Miss Clara Tyma of Rockville and Mr. John Nowakowski, of Atkinson, were married by the Rev. Father Stakemeir. They were attended by Miss Louella Dilla, cousin of the bride, and Mr. Stanley Tyma, brother of the bride. The bride was becomingly dressed in white flat crepe and carried a pretty bouquet of white roses and white car nations. The dainty veil was held in place by a band of orange blossoms. The bridesmaid wore pale yellow georgette over stain of the same shade and carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations. The groom and best man wore the conventional dark blue serge. The bride is Ahe second daughter of Mrs. John Tyma living near Boelus. She was born and raised in that lo cality and is well known and respect ed by a large circle of friends, Mr. Nowakowski is the son of Mr. Emil Nowakowski who lives in Po land. He is an energetic and wide awake business man of Atkinson, hav ing lived there for thd past ten years. He is a baker by trade, having learned the work in his former home in Eu rope. He is proprietor of the Atkin son Bakery and is well liked and re spected in the community. He is a young man of pleasing personality and seems fully capable of making a happy home for the young lady whom he has won for his life partner. A big wedding was served to the immediate relatives of the bride at the home of the bride’s mother. The center piece on the long, neatly appointed table was a bride’s cake of several tier, beautifully and elabor ately decorated, the handiwork of the groom. The happy couple will make their home in Atkinson where the groom has prepared a home for his bride. We wish to add our congratulations and best wishes to those of their many friends and hope they may enjoy health, happiness and a long married life together. BOOK EXCHANGE. We have installed a book exchange at our store. Buy the first book for 75c, exchange it for another book for 10c. 20-8 GRAVES JEWELRY STORE. (First publication Oct. 30.) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Estate No. 1660. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, October 29, 1924. In the matter of the Estate of John Petr, Sr., Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the Executor of said estate has filed in said court his final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate and that said report and petition will be heard No vember 17, 1924, at 10 o’clock A. M. at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. (Seal.) C. J. MALONE, 22-3 County Judge. (First publication Oct. 30.) LEGAL NOTICE. Minnehaha State Bank of Garret on South Dakota, a corporation, non si lent defendants, impleaded with -onowi State Bank of Monowi, Ne naska, a corporation and Southwest ‘iinrtei of Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 20, Township 31 North, Range 10 West 0th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska, is notified that on October 30, 1924, M. C. Meer plaintiff, com menced an action in District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against de fendants above named the object of which is to foreclose a tax lien for tax sale to plaintiff for taxes on South west Quarter of Southwest Quarter Section 20, Township 31 North, Range 10 West 6th Principal Meridian in Holt County, Nebraska, for year 1918, and subsequent taxes on said premises for years 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, and 1923, paid by plaintiff to protect her security. Plaintiff alleges there is due on said tax lien $56.80 and in terest at 15 per cent from October 30, 1924, and prays that the premises above described be sold to satisfy the amount due. You are required to answer said petition on or before December 8, 1924. M. C. MEER, 22-4 Plaintiff. (First publication Oct. 30.) NOTICE. • TO: Payne Sargisson, C. W. Payne, real name unknown, N% of the NW1/* of Section 29, and SWV4 and S(4 of NW14 of Section 17, all in Township 32 North of Range 16 West of 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska. Defendants will take notice that on the 29th day of October, 1924, plain tiff tiled its Petition in the District. Court of Holt County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose tax sale certificates on the above described real estate, on which certilcate there is now due the sum of >116.71 with interest at 15 per cent from the 7th day of November, 1924. You are required to answer said clii Y i on or before the 8th day of ember, 1924. NE1IGH INVESTMENT COMPANY, By WILLIAMS & KRYGER, 22-4 Its Attorneys. (First publication Oct 23.) NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the township board of Emmet township, Holt County, Nebraska, will sell the following property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, in the Village of Emmet, Nebraska, on Sat urday, November 1, 1924, at two o’clock, P. M.: One steel bridge, 20 foot road-way, and 12 foot waterway; Two steel bridges, 20 foot roadway, and 8 foot waterway; One elevator grader. By order of the Township Board. 21-2 J. W. BAILEY, Clerk. (First publication Oct. 23.) LEGAL NOTICE. L. W. Hagerman, real name un known, David T. Pettet and all per sons having or claiming any interest in the following real estate in Holt County, Nebraska, to-wit: Beginning at a point 40 rods north of southeast corner of Northeast Quarter of Sec tion 13, Township 28 North, Range 10 West 6th Principal Meridian, run ning thence north 5 rods; thence west 16 rods; thence south 5 rods; thence east 16 rods to place of beginning, real names unknown, defendants, are notified that on October 21, 1924, Ma tilda G. Blain, plaintiff, filed a peti tion in District* Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you the object of which is to quiet in plaintiff the title to and right of possession of the real estate above described; to have you decreed to have no title to or interest in said premises; and to have you for ever enjoined from asserting any in terest in or title to said premises ad verse to plaintiff. You are required to answer said petition on or before December 1st, 1924. MATILDA G. BLAIN, 21-4 Plaintiff. (First publication Oct. 23.) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In the matter of the application of Zada Russ, formerly Zada Schreier, ruardian of Henrietta Schreier, a minor, for leave to sell real estate. Order To Show Cause. Now on this 21st day of October. 1924, this cause came on for hearing on petition of Zada Russ, formerly Zada Schreier, guardian of Henrietta Schreier, a minor, for leave to sell the undivided one-half interest of Hen rietta Schreier in South Half of South Half and the North Half of Southeast Quarter and South Half of Northeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 25 North, Range 11 West 6th Principal Meridian in Holt County, Nebraska, and it appearing to the Court from such petition that it is necessary and would be beneficial to said Henrietta Schreier that her interest in said es tate should be sold and the proceeds applied to her maintenance and edu cation and the balance, if any, placed at interest. It is, therefore ordered that the next of kin of Henrietta Schreier, a minor, and all persons interested in her es tate, appear before the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, on the 24th day of November, 1924, at 10 o’clock A. M., in the Court Room in the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, to show cause why a license should not be granted for the sale of the interest of Hen rietta Schreier in the above described real estate. It is further ordered that notice shall be given the next of kin of Henrietta Schreier, a minor, and all persons interested in her estate by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks in The Fron tier, a newspaper published in Holt County, Nebraska. BY THE COURT: ROBERT R. DICKSON, 21-3 Judge. (First publication Oct. 23.) (Julius D. Cronin, Attorney.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate No. 1689. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, October 22, 1924. In the matter of the Estate of Carl F. Grossman, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said es tate is February 20th, 1925, and for the payment of debts is October 9th, 1925, and that on November 20th, 1924, and on February 21st, . 1925, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and object ions duly filed. (County Court Seal.) C. J. MALONE, 21-4 County Judge. (First publication Oct. 23.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate No. 1688. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, October 17, 1924. In the matter of Estate of Andrew J. Gallagher, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said es tate is February 20th, 1925, and for the payment of debts is September 25th, 1925, and that on November 20th, 1924, and on February 21st, 1925, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and ob jections duly filed. (County Court Seal.) C. J. MALONE, 21-4 County Judge. (First publication October 16.) (Julius D. Cronin, Attorney.) NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR AD MINISTRATION. Estate No. 1699. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, October 15, 1924. In the Matter of the Estate of George R. Shellhart, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of George W. Shellhart as Administrator of said estate, and will be heard November 7th, 1924, at .10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Ne braska. (County Court Seal.) C. J. MALONE, 20-3 County Judge. (First publication Oct. 9.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate No. 1677. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, October 7, 1924. In the matter of the Estate of Frank Jugler, Deceased: CREDITORS of said estate are here by notified that the time liiqjted forj presenting claims against said estate is February 6th, 1925, and for the payment of debts is August 6th, 1925, l and that on November 6th, 1924, and! on February 7th, 1925, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or ad just all claims and objections duly filed. (County^ Court Seal.) C. J. MALONE, 19-4 County Judge. I will sell at my place, 2 miles north and 5 miles east of the fair grounds at O’Neill, beginning at one o’clock, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 7 HEAD OF HORSEJS “ Two bay mares, weight 2500, aged 7 and 8 years; 1 bay mare, . 1250, smooth mouth; 2 bay geldings, smooth . mouth, weight ££Q^ij_l_gray_mareL-Weight l200, Bmooth mouth; 1 yearling mule colt. 11 HEAD OF CATTLE Six good milch cows, 3 giving milk, others fresh soon; 1 coming two^yeai^oMheifer; 1 two year-old bull 3 last spring heifer calves. FARM MACHINERY, ETC. One wagon and box; 1 disc; 1 14-inch walking plow; 1 two-row eli; 1 riding cultivator; 1 lister 1 spring wagon; 2 sets of harness; 1 rake; 1 sweep; 1 1% horse power Satley engine; 1 one-hole corn sheller almost new 1 hand feed grinder. HOUSEHOLD GOODS—One Copper Clad range; 1 Airtight heat er; 1 cupboard; 1 kitchen table; 1 Sattley cream separator almost new; 1 dining table and chairs, new; 1 wardrobe; 1 chigonier; beds and dishes Old Trusty incubator; other articles too numerous to mention. _ Free Lunch at Noon. Bring Your Tin Cups Terms—12 months’ time. $10 and under, cash. Wm, Engjlehaupt, Owner Col. Jas. Moore, Auct. Neb. State Bank, Clerk Our regular Annual Public Sale, Saturday, Nov. 8. If you have anything to sell list with us right away. 9 months time. John L. Quig, Manager LET HAYDEN FIX IT E.M.Hayden Carage For Service —. Auto Accessories of All Kinds Repair Work and Welding a Specialty. -Storage — Office-186 Residence-141 O’Neill, Neb. . i Parts Supplies Hemstitching The Singer Shop New and Second-HandjSewing Machines All Makes Cleaned and Repaired W. A Guy, Manager O’Neill, Nebraska Farm Loans; Fire, Lightning, Tornado, Wind storms, Cyclone, Hail, Auto, Compensation, Public Liability, Property Damage, Collision, Accident, Health and Life Insurance, see Phone 9. L. G. GILLESPIE, O’Neill, Neb. SERVICE POTATOES’ QUALITY Fine selected Early Ohio potatoes for winter. Phone your order now. Will make delivery about October Its. Only nice ones sold. Try a bushel now before buying. -MILK We have plenty of milk. Deliveries morning and evening. Plenty of cream for our milk customers. The Sanitary Dairy Phone 84. F. H. LANCASTER, Owner ^