v The Frontier. ----------- --— -----* . ... .. VOLUMN XLV. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1924. NO. 22. T* - - - - ■ - -- This Is Radio Time! The air is full of Radio. Come now and let me demonstrate. I have sets that begin where other sets leave olf. I have the very best factory-made machines. I am also equipped to build any kind of a home-made machine that you want, at your own price. See me before buying that Radio. Free service at all times on my machines. Phil Ziemer - LOCAL MATTERS. Mrs. George Miles went to Norfolk Wednesday to attend the district ses sion of the Woodmen Circle. The Woman’s Society of the Presby terian church will meet with Mrs. Loren Richardson, Thursday, Novem ber 6th. • Everett Ryan and Willard Reece, of Savanah, Missouri, arrived Wednes day for a visit with Mr. Ryan’s uncle, Arthur Ryan. Albert Herrick came up from Waterbury Saturday night and spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Elmer Surber and family. Mrs. Frank Phalin was called to Prairie de Chene, Wisconsin, Satur day on receipt of intelligence of the illness of her mother. Dr. and Mrs. George Burgess and Mrs. DeBow, of Randolph, were over Sunday guests at the home of the former’s brother, Dr. L. A. Burgess, and wife. J. M. Seybold drove to Omaha on Sunday of last week and on Wednes day accompanied Mrs. Seybold and their four weeks old daughter, to their home in O’Neill. Mrs. Max Golden entertained at a dancing party at the Golden ranch last Saturday evening in honor of her mother, Mrs. Gaudrie, and Mrs. Flan agan, of Chicago. Carl Romaine, aged about fifty years, suffered a stroke of paralysis last Saturday. Mr. Romaine is in a serious condition at the home of Tony Greseck in the south part of the city. W. H. Gust returned home last Fri day evening from Norfolk where he submitted to an operation for inter nal trouble, early in the month. Mrs. Gust and their little daughter were with him. Inman Leader: Ed Clark, living souh of town brought in a wagon load of sweet clover seed Tuesday, weigh ing 5700 pounds, which netted him the neat sum of $495.75. The clover seed was raised on thirteen acres which is a good yield. If cold weather holds off just a little while longer John T. O’Malley expects to have roasting ears on the market • from his second crop of corn this year. The new crop is a volunteer one com ing up in a field which had been hog ged down this fall. The stalks of new corn already are more than a foot high and growing rapidly. Miss Kathleen Roskoff, one of the High school teachers, was called to her home in Norfolk last Friday by the serious illness of her mother Late reports are that her mother is some what improved. Francis Mullen of this city, who has been engaged in the legal department of the Mutual Benefit Health and Ac eidnt Association of Omaha, left Mon day for Oakland, California, where he will be located as state manager of his company for California. L. C. Chapman enjoyed a visit last Thursday and Friday from a brother, R. M. Chapman, and two sons, Ralph and John, all of Minneapolis, Minne sota. Miss Ida Chapman returned home with them Saturday morning. The trip was made in their car. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Summers are now located on a farm northeast of Ewing where they will farm during the com ing year. Mr. and Mrs. Summers were married at Yankton, South Da kota, about five months ago, the an nouncement of which failed to reach this office until recently. Mrs. J. L. Gaudrie, accompanied by Mrs. Flanagan, of Chicago, returned home this morning following a three weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. Max GoLden, at the Golden ranch, southeast of O’Neill, and with her sis ters, Mrs. F. D. McMillan and Miss Mary Markey, in O’Neill. Dr. E. E. Gallagher, Dr. Simminies, of La Cross, Wisconsin, and Dr. J. F. Gallagher, St. Louis, came the latter part of last week for a visit at the J. P. Gallagher home in his city and to join J. P. on a hunting and fishing trip to the lakes in Cherry county. The party went to the lakes Monday and are expected home Friday. Mrs. F. D. McMillan and Miss Mary Markey entertained at a seven o’clock dinner followed by cards Thursday evening at the McMillan home in honor of Mrs. J. L. Gardrie and Mrs. Flanagan, of Chicago. Mrs. L. A. Burgess, Mrs. H. J. Reardon and Miss Kathleen Roskoff were awarded the prizes at cards in the order named. Following its usual custom The Frontier will give an election return party at The Frontier office all of Tuesday night and continuing there after until the results are definitely known. Everybody is invited to at tend regardless of race, religion or previous condition of servitude; Stand patters and radicals are requested to leave their weapons on the outside. This Is Fair, Isrv’t It? Most of us can read well enough, but not all can think wisely. The interchange of ideas has saved many a man from serious loss. We exchange our ideas for your ideas and we both profit—use us. This bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders. Resources over $600,000.00 ✓ - ^ - J5he O’Neill Natiorval Bank J. H. Shultz just finished painting his house, bam and out buildings on the Fallon acreage. J. H. has one of the best homes in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young, of Op portunity, are rejoicing over the ar rival of an eight and one-half pound baby girl, bom October 26th. University of Nebraska, Oct. 27.— Burton Kiltz, of O’Neill, senior in the College of Agriculture, was elected to Alpha Zeta, national honorary scholarship society in the College. To be eligible for election, a man must have had three semesters in the Col lege and must rank among the highest two-fifths of his class. The ten mem bers this year were announced at a convocation of the college. Page Reporter: On Wednesday, October the 15th, Mr. Chase finished his twentieth year as postmaster of Page. When Mr. Chase started as nostmaster, the post office was down the street where Roberges building now stands, later it was moved to its present location. He also says, that there is quite a change in the present business. When he first started there was no parcel post, C. 0. D. or Insur ed mail. AINSWORTH-O’NEILL. The local high school met its first defeat Friday, October 17th, at the hands of Ainsworth, 13 to 6. The game was hard fought and for the most part weak played. The fact that Ainsworth outweighed the O. H. S. fifteen pounds per man caused the latter to resort more or less to an open style game. Ainsworth first score came after they had secured the ball on O’Neill's forty yard line and had marched down the field for a touch down. In the try for point they were successful in an off-tackle play. O’Neill scored early in the second quarter on a cleverly executed play— a tripple pass resulting in Hunt’s skirting the end for eighty-five yards and a touch-down. He was aided nicely by Hall on interference. The final counter came for Ains worth as a result of a bad pass from center going out of bounds on O’Neill’s eight yard line. At the end of the fourth down the ball was barely over. The try for point failed. The last quarter found O .H. S. car rying the ball well into Ainsworth’s territory only to lose it as a result of costly penalties and intercepted passes. The encouraging part was the np ticeable improvement in play over that in the Ewing game. To pick out anv star for the game would be unfair to the other players for they played as a team. CHAMBERS ITEMS. Mrs. Dewey Holcomb is in Ihe sick list. Miss Hazel Crim and Miss Mildred Stanton were shopping at O’Neill Saturday. The Presbyterian Ladies Aid meets this week Thursday all day with Mrs. A. R. Bell. Master Donald Grimes was operated on at Norfolk last week for the re moval of his tonsils. Lyle Bernhardt, who has been se riously ill the past two weeks, is much better at this writing. The M. E. Ladies Aid will hold a bazaar and serve dinner and supper at the band hall election day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robertson are the proud parents of a nine pound baby girl, born Saturday, October 25. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Churchill and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Churchill, of Ash land, were Chambers visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Disney are re joicing over the arrival of a 6% pound baby boy, born Wednesday, Oc tober 29 th. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sageser return ed to Chambers, Monday, after a pleasant visit at Wayne with their son, Bower, who is a student at Wavne college. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Lee were hos tesses to the Masonic club Wednesday evening, October 22nd. Luncheon was served at midnight and a delightful evening was spent. Car loads of hunters are still pass ing through Chambers every day in quest of wild game. Last week four strangers succeeded in killing eigh teen wild geese besides other game. Mrs. J. H. Newhouse, who has been spending the past two months in Chambers with her son and daughter, T. E. Newhouse and Mrs. Clarence Holcomb, will leave this week for California for an extended visit with another daughter. .Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tibbetts and Miss Hazel Crim motored to Neligh, Monday, to visit Mrs. Arthur Tib betts, who was seriously ill. Mrs. Tibbetts passed away Tuesday morn ing at 4:30. Miss Crim returned to Chambers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Tibbetts remained for the funeral. LEWIS THOMAS. J. J. Thomas of this city recently returned from Sturgis, South Dakota, where he was called by the death of his father, Lewis Thomas, who passed away on October 16th at his home in Sturgis. The funeral services were held the following Saturday. The funeral services were conducted by the Masonic order of which he had been a continuous member for sixty-five years. Two hundred soldiers from Ft. Mead, were also in attendance at the services. Mr. Thomas was past eighty-nine years of age. He made his home in this city for a number of years. Courtesy of Sioux City Journal. Meet Deputy Sheriff Clarence Bergstrom, Fred Lowry and John Kersenbrock, the three O’Neill nimrods who Saturday afternoon, October 18, bagged the first wild geese of the season. Some say they got them over north and some say down south. Ta' e your choice. The bag of fourteen geese shown in the picture are Hutchins geese, a small edition of the big Canadian geese. They migrate a bit earlier than their big relation. MRS. MARTHA JANE HAYNE. Mrs. Martha Jane Hayne died at the heme of her son, John A., seven miles v of Page, last Saturday | afternoon about five o'clock following' an illness of pneumonia, aged seven ty-five years, ten months and eighteen days. Martha Jane Butler was born De cember 7, 1848, in Lee County, Illi nois. where she grew to womanhood. She was united in marriage to George W. Hayne December 28, 18G5, at Mar shalltown, Iowa, where they resided until April 1, 1883, when they came to Holt county and located on the farm which she and her husband owned and operated during the following years and where she resided until her death *ast Saturday. She was the mother of twelve children, nine of whom are still liv ing, three daughters, Mrs. Almeda Nichols, Miss Mary and Mrs. Mathesa Davenport having preceded her in death. The children living are Mrs. Gertrude Long, of Ida Grove, Iowa; Mrs. Samantha Outhouse, of Spring view, Nebraska; Mrs. Florence Stake, of Montezuma, Iowa; Mrs. Harrietta A|de£Son, of Page; Mrs. Pearl Thomp son, of Burton, Nebraska; John A., Winfield, and Wilton, of Page; and Charles, of Montezuma, Iowa, day afternoon from the Methodist day afternoon from the M ethodist church at Page, conducted by the Rev. Todd. Burial was made in the Page cemetery. The four sons acting as pallbearers. All of the children were present at the last sad rites. YANTZI-BARNARD. C. E. Yantzi and Miss Edna H. Barnard of this city were united in marriage in Yankton, South Dakota, Thursday, October 23rd, by the Metho dist minister. The ceremony occur red at five o’clock in the afternoon. The following morning they drove to Bridgewater for a visit at the home of Mr. Yantzi’s sister, Mrs. C. A. Ives. According to the schedules they were to go to Onawa, Iowa, last Sunday for a short visit with relatives of Mrs. Yantzi. They are expected home this week. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Barnard of this city, and enjoys a large circle of friends. The bridegroom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. .T. U. Yantzi, old and highly respected residents of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Yantzi are too well known to the people of O’Neill and vicinity to need any introduction at this tim. They have both lived in O’Neill since they were quite small. Each is a graduate of the O’Neill high school. Mrs. Yantzi has been a faith ful and obliging assistant in the O’Neill postoffice for the past eleven years. Christy served his country during the world war; since his return from service he has been associated with his father in the poultry and produce business and has also been an assistant in the postcffice during the early morning hours. Mr. and Mrs. Yantzi will make their home in this city and will be at home to their friends after November 15th. The Frontier extends congratula tions. SUMMERS-GOREE. Leslie Gordon Summers, of Page, and Miss Ethel May Goree, of Inman, accompanied by their mothers, drove over to Yankton, South Dakota, last Wednesday where they were married that day. Mr. and Mrs. Summers are weil known in the eastern part of the county where they have resided most of their lives. SCHOOL NOTES. Kindergarten. Richard Clyde is a new pupil in the Kindergarten this week. Glen Lancaster is visiting in Lin coln with his mother. Dick Brennan is back in school after a visit in Iowa. Sixth Grade. Nina Belle Filsinger visited school Thursday. Arnold Williams and Ralph Tomlin son were absent Monday on account of severe colds. Junior Toy visited this room Friday. The language class studied Millet’s life and one of his pictures this week. Mis. Van Avery visited the Sixth grade a few minutes Friday. Fifth Grade. Esther Se'xsmith dropped out of school Monday as she will attend school in the country from now on. The Fifth grade are enjoying new geographies which arrived Tuesday. The following received 100 per cent in arithmetic this morning, it being our first lesson in long division this year: George Abdouch, Helen Han cock, Clarence Saunto, Hazel Vaught, Phyllis Hough, Garland Bressler, Elizabeth Henry, Helen Toy, Marie Williams, Marjorie Gillespie, Gerald ine Madison, Eva Frieson, Marie Bay, Fern Dougherty, Donovan Martin, Velma Hunt, Scott Hough, Audrey Colfax and Edrey Colfax. Third Grade. Mrs. George Van Every visited the Third grade Thursday. Vernon Hohman and Opal Boyer are absent this week. Elizabeth Wyant has been absent last Thursday. } Junior Notes. , Some of the Public Speaking class, under Miss Hackman, gave live-minute talks before the assembly Tuesday afternoon. Those who spoke were: Marguerite Hough on “The Uses and Abuses of Slang.” Ellen Shaughnessy on “Athletics for Girls.” Richard Morrison on “School Spirit,” and Mar jorie Alderson on “The Importance of Good Health to High School Students.” The talks proved very interesting and helpful. Political interest is warming up in High school. One of our new Juniors, Arthur Sabin, gave a very good little talk on his opinion of the subject under discussion, “Why are you for Coo lidge, LaFollette, or Davis?” The Junior and Senior girls gave the Butte football team a lunch last Friday after the game. WOMAN’S CLUB ACTIVITIES. The Department of Literature and Ait held a short but very interesting meeting/on Wednesday, October 29th. Mrs. Gilligan, leader, opened the meeting by giving the opening scenes from Bess Streeter Aldrich’s new book, “Mother Mason,” which only whetted our appetites for more. Miss Mildred Malone gave a talk on the Development of the Short Story in Literature, which showed much thought and study, and much research. Miss Malone is our youngest member, and we are very proud of her talents, both as a reader and entertainer. Miss Miram Gilligan gave a review of Guy De Maupassant’s short story, “The Necklace” which was greatly en joyed by all present. Miss Gilligan told the story in so vivid a manner, that each one was able to take part in the discussion, although only a few had read it. Mrs. Arthur Cowperthwaite gave a very fine description of Von Mark’s picture, “The Mill,” at the same time exhibiting a small copy of the picture to each one present. It is the wish of the President and the Executive board of the Woman’s Club, that each and every member make a special effort to not only get out and vote on next Tuesday, but to get other members to vote, that our dub may be a one hundred per cent i dub. sjoyal Theatre. “HOME OF GOOD PICTURES” - FRIDAY - Frank Mayo and Mildred Harris in “SHADOWS OF EAST” Comedy - SATURDAY ---- Tom Mix in “LONE STAR RANGER” (Zane Grey Story) -SUNDAY & MONDAY Betty Compson in “WHITE SHADOWS” Comedy, News — TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY — Pauline Starke and David Butler in “ARIZONA EXPRESS” Comedy - THURSDAY & FRIDAY - Edith Roberts in “ROULETTE” Comedy Coming— “Strangers of Night.” “Ituggles of Red Gap.” “Great White Way.” “If Winter Comes.” St Doesn't Work Both Ways Saved money may someday be spent, but this statement cannot be reversed. Spent money never can be saved—by you! But the money you spend, which ought to have been saved, will circu late until it reaches the hands of some one who does save—then he will be using the dollar you should have put away. There’s no better habit than the saving habit—and it’s easy to acquire once you’re started. A dollar will open an account here and will draw 5 per cent interest. We Pay 5% On Savings. The Nebraska State J3ai)k