innnmiiiiiimmrmiii'itninnniwnainiiBinflDnnn— VAr Ragged Edge i by I Harold MacGratb | L JUHinn'mirfmiiriiiiimiiiiiniiiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiitiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiimmHnttniinfirniitlllTilii! CHAPTER XX To Spurlock it seemed as if a groat iron door had swung in Jbghind him, shutting out the old world. He was safe, out of the beaten track, at last really comparable to the needle in the haystack. The terrific men tal tension of the past few months -—that had held his botlily {tourishment in a kind of strangu lation—became as a dream: ami now his vitals responded rapidly to food and air. On the second day out he wTas helped to a steamer ch .ir on deck; on the third day, his arm across Ruth’s shoulder, he walked from his chair to the foremast and back. The will to live had returned. For five days The Tigress chugged her way across the burnished South China, grumpi lv. as if she resented this med dling with her destiny. She had been built for canvas and oil lamps, and this new thingumajig that kept her nose snoring at eight knots when normally she was able to, boil along at ten, end lliese unblinking things they called lamps (that neither smoked nor smelled), irked and threatened to ruin her temper. On the sixth day, however, they made the strong southwest trade, and broke out the canvas, stout if dirty; and The Tigress answered as a bird released. Taking the wind was her busi ness in life. She creaked, groan ed, and rattled; but that was only her way of yawning when she awoke. The sun-canvas was stowed; and Spurlock’s chair was set forward the foremast, where the bulging jil) east a sliding blue shadow' over him, Rather a hazardous spot for a convales cent, and McClintoek had been doubtful at first; but Spurlock declared that he was a good sailor, which was true. lie loved the sea, and could give a good account of himself in any weather. And this was an ad venture of which he had dream ed from boyhood; aboard a windjammer on the South Sea3. There were mysterious sounds, all of them musical. There wrere swift actions, too : a Kanaka crawled out upon the bowsprit to make taut a slack stay, while two others with pulley-blocks swarmed aloft. Occasionally the canvas snapped as the wind Veered slightly. The sea was no Songer rolling brass; it was bluer than anything lie bad ever seen. Every so often a wall of water, thin and jade-coloured, would rise up over the port bow, hesi tate, and fall smacking amid ships. Once the ship faltered, and the tip of this jade wall broke into a million gems and splashed him liberally. Ruth, standing by heard his true laughter for the first time. ims lauguter released some thing that had been striving for expression—her own natural buoyancy. She cam s ns The Tig ress, a free thing. She dropped beside the chair, sat cross legged, and laughed at the futile jade-coloured wall. There was no past, no future, only this exhilarating present. Yesterday! who cared? To-morrow!— who knew ? “Porpoise,” she raid, touch ing his hand. ' “Fox-terriers of the sea; friends with every ship that comes along. Funny codgers, aren’t they?” he sail. “When you are etrongcr we’ll go up to the cutwater and watch the i from there.” ‘ I have . . . from many slips.” A shadow, which was not east by the jib, fell upon them both. His voice had changed, the joy gone out of it; and she under stood that something from the past had rolled up to spoil this hour. But she did not know what he knew, that it would always be rolling up, enlivened by suggestion, no matter how trifling. What had actually beaten him was not to have known it' some one had picked up his trail. The acid of this incertitude had disintegrated his nerve; and in Canton had come the smash But that was all over. Nobody iovM forcibly find him now 1 The doctor would never betray him. He might spend the rest of bis days at McClintock’s in per fect security. McClintock, coming from below, saw them and went for ward. “Well, how goes it?” he asked. “Thank you, sir,” said Spur lock, holding out his hand. McClintock, without comment, accepted the hand. He rather liked the “sir”; it signified both gratefulness and the chas tened spirit. “And I want to thank you, too,” supplemented Ruth. “Tut, tut! Don’t exaggerate. I needed a man the worst kind of way—a man I could keep for at least six months. What do you think of the old tub?” “She’s wonderful!” cried Ruth. “I love her a1 ready. I had no idea she could go so fast.” “Know anything about ships?” “This kind. I have seen many of them. Once a sick sailor drew three pictures for me and set down every stay and brace and sail—square-rigger, schooner and sloop. But this is the first time I ever sailed on any one of the three. And I find I can’t tell one stay fr6m another 1” McClintock laughed. “You can’t go to sea with a hook of rules. The Tigress is second-hand, built for coast-trade. There used to he ail after deckhouse and a shallow well for the wheel; but L changed that. Wanted a clean sweep for elbow-room. Of course I ought to have some lights over the saloon; but by leaving all the cabin doors open in the daytime, there’s plenty of daylight. She's not for pleasure, but work. Some day I’m going to paint her; but that will he when I've retired.” Ruth laughed. “The doctor said something abom that.” “I’ll tell you really why I keep her in peeled pamt. Datives ire queer. I have established a fine trade. She is known everywhere within the radius of five hundred miles. But if I painted her as I’d like to, the natives would instantly distrust me; and I’d have to build up confidence all over again. I did not know you .spoke Kanaka,” he broke off. “So the watchman told you? I’ve always spoken it, though I can neither read nor write it.” “ I never heard of anybody who could,” declared McCiintock. “I have had Kanakas who could read and write in Dutch, and English, though. The Kanaka—• which, means man--is a Sand wich Islander, with a Malayan base. He's the only native 1 trust in these parts. My boys are all Sandwich Island born. I wouldn’t trust a Malay, not if he were reared in the Vatican.” Spurlock, who was absorbing this talk thirstily, laughed. “What’s that?” demanded MeClintock. “The idea of a Malay, born Mahometan, being reared in the Vatican, hit me as funny.” “It would be funny—just as a trustworthy Malay would be funny. I have a hundred of them—mixed blood—on my is land. and they are always rook ing me. But none ever puts his foot on this boat. To-morro v we’ll raise our first island. And from then on we’ll see them, port and starboard, to the end of the voyage. I’ve opened the ease of books. The’re on the forward lounge in the saloon. Take your pick, Mrs. Spur lock.” 'The shock of hearing this title pronounced was equally distributed between Ruth and husband; but it aroused two absolutely different emo tions. There came to Spurlock the recurrence of the grim re solution of what lie had sot out to do: that comradeship was all lie might ever give this cx quisit. qreature; for she was ex quisite, and in a way she dominated this picture of sea and sky and sail. Ruth’s emo tion was a primitive joy: she was essential in this man’s life, end she would always be happy because he would always be needing her. “You will be wanting your broth, Iloddy ” she said. ‘‘I’ll fetch it.” She made the companion without touching stay or rail, which necessitated a fine sense of balance, for there was a growing vigor to the wind and a corresponding lift to the roll of the sen. The old fashiqrjed dress, with jts juries qf ruffles anil printed flowers, ballooned treacherously, revealing her well turned leg in silk stockings as it snapped against her body as a mould. Silk. In Singapore that had been her only dissipation: a dozen pairs of stockings. She did not question or analyze the craving, she took the plunge joyously. It was the first ex pression of the mothers blood. Woman’s love of silk is not set by fashion ;it is bred in the bone; and somewhere, some how, a woman will have her bit of silk. McClintoek watched her in terestedly until her golden head vanished below; then with toler ant pity, he looked down at Spur lock, who had closed his eyes. She would always be waiting up on his boy, he mused. Proper enough now, when he could not help himself, but the habit would be formed, and when he was strong again it would become the normal role, hers to give and his to receive. He wondered if the young fool had any id^a of what [ie hacj drawn in this tragic lot tery called marriage. Probably hadn’t. As for that, what man ever had ? That s a remarkable young woman,” he offered, merely to note what effect it would have. Spurlock looked up. “She’s glorious!” lie knew that he must hoodwink this keen-eyed Scot, even as he must hoodwink everybody: publicly, the devoted husband; privately, to celebate. lie was con'; nimby drama!i;ing the future, anticipating tho singular role he had elected to play. He saw it in book-covers, on the stage. “Did you ever see the like of her?” “No” answered McClintock, gravely. “I wonder how she picked up Kanaka? On her is land they don’t talk Kanaka lingo.” Her island! How well he knew it, thought Spurlock, for all lie lacked the name and whereabouts! Suddenly a new thought arose and buffeted Mm- How little he knew about Ruth—- the background from which she sprung! He knew that her father was a inissioner, that her mother was dead, that she had been born on this island and that at the time of his col lapse, she had been on the way to an aunt in the States. But what did he know beyond these facts? Nothing, dearly. Oh, yes; of Ruth herself he knew much; hut the more lie mulled over what he knew, the deeper grew his chagrin. The real Ruth was as completely hidden as though she stood behind the walls of Agra Fort. But after all, what did it matter whether she had secrets or not? To him she was not a woman but a symbol; and one did not in vestigate the antecedents of symbols. “She tolls me there was a Kanaka cook; been in the fam ily as long as she can re member.” “1 see. I deal with the Malay mostly: but twice a year I visit islands occupied by the true blacks, recently cured of their ancient taste for long pig” “What’s that?” “Think it over-” said Mc Clintock, grimly. “Good Lord!—cannibals?” “Aye. Someday I’ll take yon down there and have them rig up the cocoanut dance for you. The Malays have one, too, but it’s a rank imitation, tom-toms and all. But what I want to get at is this. If your wife can coach you a bit in native lingo, it will help all raound. I have two Malay clerks in the store; but I’m obliged to have a white man to watch, over them, or they’d clean me out. Single 1 earls—Lord knows where they come from!—are always turn ing up- some of them of fine lus tre ; but I never set eyes on them. My boys buy them with beads or bolts of calico of mint?. They steal over to Cope ley’s at night and dispose of the pearl for cash. That’s how I finally got. wind of it. Primari ly your job will be to balance the stores against the influx cf coco nut and keep an eve on these boys. There’ll be busy days and idle. Everything goes—the co pra for oil, the fibre of the husk for rope, and the shell for car bon. If you fall upon a good pearl, buy it in barter and pay me out of your salary.” “Pearls!” “Sounds romantic, eh? Well, forty years ago the pearl game hereabouts was romantic; but {here's only one real pearl re gion lefT—tlie Persian Gulf. In these waters the shell has about given out. Still, they bob up occasionally. I need a whit* mail- if only to talk to; and it will be a god send to talk to someone of your intelligence. The doctor said you wrote.” “Trying to.” “Well, you’ll have lots of time down there.” Here Ruth returned with the bro|th; ani^ McClintock1 strode aft, convinced that he was going to have something far more in teresting than books to read. Spurlock stared at Ruth across the rim of his bowl. lie was vaguely uneasy; he knew not what about. Here was the same Ruth who had left him a few minutes since: the same out wardly; and yet. . . . ! On the ninth day Spurlock was up and about; that is, he was strong enough to walk alone, from the companion to his chair, to lean upon the v di when the chair grew irksome, to join Ruth and his employer at lunch and dinner: strong argue about books, music, paintings. He was, i:i fact, quite eager +o go on living. V X yj JDVJ 1 ir\ l j HjU) CONSTRUCTION IN U. S. SHOWS GAIN Contract Awards in First S’x Months Exceed Those of First Half of 1923 New York, Aug. 15.—Construction operations in the United States for the first six months of this year in creased 0.71 per cent over the same period in 1923, Engineering News Record reports. Totals of contract awards for the period this year were $1,026,505,000. as against $1,019,230,000 up to the end of June in 1923. The southern states show the greatest increase in construction for the six month period compared with that of last year or with any of the other sections. The increase is 26.6 per cent., making the 1924 half year total $117,623,000. Construction is holding relatively high rates in southern, western and middle atlantic sections. Substantial increases in these sections are shown month by month over their records of last, year with the exception that the southern section fell below in June, the western in March and the middle atlantic in April. • The middle atlantic section shows an increase of 16.5 per cent over the first six months of last year with aggregate awards of $321,035,000. The city of New York has had an unprecedented building period but the increase of this section cannot be accredited to that of the city alone, as tfce reported statistics show con struction work has been active throughout the section. The middle west shows the great est reduction in construction, falling 30.9 per cent, below the 1923 period. The 1924 six month figure for this section is $210,190,000. West of the Mississippi, tho total of $163,850,000 is 12.1 per cent, short of the 1923 figure. New England is 6.1 per cent, under the same period of last year with its total of $61,278,000. Most of the classes of construction show an increased money value of awards for this six month summary. The most active ones are sewers, bridges, excavation and Irrigation, streets and roads, commercial build j ings. Chinese Blame Temple Fire on Angry “Great Dog” Shanghai.—One of the oldest land marks in Shanghai and an object of Interest to thousands of foreign tour ists each year was lost when the rung wang mloa, or eity emperor’s temple, was destroyed by fire during the “Festival of the Ghosts." The tcvnple, situated In the Chi nese city, about a mile from the foreign settlement, was near the famous willow tree pattern tea house, the original of the tea house appearing on so much china ware. It was built during tire time of the Ming emperors, about 1500 and had served as a place of worship and festival day and night over since that time. After making offerings in the temple, the Chinese, with the Citj God enshrined in a gaudily deco rated chair, paraded through the city. While the procession was in progress and the temple deserted the fire broke out, and when the cel ebratants returned to the temple the building was smouldering in ruins. Because it oceurrea on the day of the "Festival of the Ghosts’’ and because at the same time an eclipse of the moon was In pro gress, all sorts of causes are given. The most popular, however, is that the “great dog” (ths eclipse), being unable to swallow the moon (the em press) and thereby separate her from her heavenly lover (the sun), set fire to the temple in revenge. Eclipses, according to the Chinese, are merelv attempts of the “great dog’’ to swal low the moon. BERLIN CABINET CRISIS COMES TO ABRUPT END President Ebert Dissolves Reichstag—Germany Faces Election BY KARL H. VON WIEGAND, Universal Service Correspondent. Berlin, Oet. 20.—The German retch stag and "Dawes reiohstag” was dis solved by a decree of _ President Ebert late Monday night. As a result, Germany like America tnd England, will have elections .vhich will probably take place be ‘ween November 30 and December 7. That is the dramatic climax to the /ery undramatic cabinet crisis which has dragged on for exactly a month ind led to so much inter-party bick ering and attempted trading that It nearly degenerated into a farce. The dissolution marks a defeat for Stresemann whose party precipitated the cabinet crisis with the demand that Chancellor Marx reorganize the cabinet to include German national ists. All attempts in that^direction came to an end when democrats refused to work with the nationalists in the same government on the ground that their presence put the cabinet's present policy of international con ciliation in jeopardy, as without th‘»m it could scarcely count on a work able majority. Behind the cabinet crisis and the election fight there are bigger issues than jobs and personalities. The real issue, the one that will play the biggest role in the election campaign, is the burdens under the Dawes plan, which the reiohstag accepted. That also is the real reason behind the original move of Stresemann’s party, for this party as well as the national ists, Is dominated by big business, big industrialists and a big agrarian combination. Those two parties would have dominated the reiohstag and therefore dictated all the laws of distributing the tax burden under the Dawes plan. Against this one sided domination the democrats took a firm stand, Marx wouldn’t agree to a cabinet without them. The new election is expected to bring about a big shrinkage of both the communists and the Ludondorfl radicalists, the two extremists parties. A general consolidation of the moderate parties is probable but th» complexion of the future cabinet is very much in doubt. Supply to Ee Shipped From Plant in Texas Soon GY W. BOYD GATEWOOD. Universal Service Correspondent. Fort Worth, Tex., Oct. 70.—A triir load of helium, noninflammnble gas used by the United States govern ment for Its dirigibles, will shortlj be on its way to Lakehurst, N. ,T. for the mighty ZR-3. America's new est dreadnought of the skies, it wa? announced here Monday. Liet. Z- W. Wicks, commander o( the helium plant here, told Universal Service that an order for 2.000.000 cubic feet of gas had been received from Washington and that shipments will begin at once. This dispels rumors that a shortags of helium existed at the local plant, the onlv one of its kind in the world. The shipment of such a vast quantity of the nonexplosive gas will require 24 cars into which 14,000 large metal drums will bo loaded to transport the rare gas to the mam moth hangar at Lakehurst. There is sufficient gas on hand at the plant to fill the order for the ZR-3 and to reinflate the Shenandoah when It ties up here at the moor ing mast enroute to Lakehurst on the last leg of its 9,000 mile trans continental test flight. The order for helium to- fnflute tha ZR-3 likewise establishes definately that the bureau of aeronautics dot* not intend to perform a transfusion operation on the Shenandoah, drain ing Its helium to swell the gas bag* of the ZR-3* as was first reverted. Plans are being made to supply the Shenandoah when it arrives here, and It is expected the big ship will anchor here two days to take on gas. fuel and spplles. New York Bank Employes Form “White Collar” Union New York, Oct. 20.—Ernest Rohm, secretary of the Bookkeepers, Stenog raphers and Accountants union, an nounced that the Bankers Trust com pany and the New York Trust com pany, employing about 1,700 persons, had granted their employes permis sion to join the union. Bank officers. howo\ er, would not confirm the an nouncement. Burns Prove Fatal to Blind Wife of Invalid Chicago, Oct. 20.—Mrs. Henry J. Dericken, Evanston, died Sunday from burns received Saturday evening while cooking dinner for her invalid husband. Mrs. Dericken was blind. When her clothing caught fire she rushed to her husband, wh •> was in their lit le cigar store below their home. A customer, C. C. Mci>ougaU, extinguished the flames wh.le tha helpiesa husband watched. Advice to Suffering Women! Springfield, Mo.—"I had a nervou# breakdown and tried several remedies without getting any permanent benefit from them. I suffered f r o m bloating, chills and terrible headaches. Final ly, a lady advised me to try Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription; I did so, and it overcame the trouble completely aiiu x i i«i vc cnjoyea guou neaun ever since. I advise all suffering women to give Jhe 'Prescription' a fair trial.”— Mrs. Bert Faulkner, 2069 Howard Ave. Obtain this “Prescription” of your nearest dealer, liquid or tablets: or send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Invalids’ Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for trial pkg., and write for free advice Chapped Hands X Cracked Knuckles Rub “Vaseline” Petroleum Jelly on your hands before wot king in the cold or wet and you’ll avoid chapped hands and cracked knuckles. For cuts, burns, bumps, bruises and sores or skin troubles, apply "Vaseline” Jelly liberally. Always safe, soothing and healing. Look for iht trodt-mark " Vast'int"’ ^ on ivtrypackafi. It is jour protection. Chesebrough Mfg. Company State Street ICoos'd) New York Vaseline nao. U. S. PAT. OFF. pP* PETROLEUM JELLY The Dim Future lie—Gladys has promised to marry me when I am famous. She—What a polite rejection! Molasses Drop Cakes. % cup butter % cup of boiling water 1 cup molasses 1 level teaspoon soda % level teaspoon Calumet Baking Powder 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon cinnamon % teaspoon salt Flour for drop batter Melt the butter In the boiling water and add the molasses, then other in gredients sifted together. Drop from a spoon onto a greased baking tin, having the cakes some distance apart. Bake In a hot oven, 350 degrees F. An Ideal mother is one who knows which one to spank when all appear equally guilty. MU N YON’S PAW PAW PILLS for Constipation "Thera fa Hope* Do not scour, gripe or weaken, but stimulate liver to normal activity, thus correcting consti pation in a natural way. Munyon’s Paw Paw Tonic Bakes you well, keeps you young. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded Atlas ^ trade mark Radio “Reproduction Is balanced because it gives: '-AIM'-' SMAUM UBMIflf 1. Beautixul iONE Quality. 2. Clarity in voice reproduction. 3. Sensitivity on weak signals. 4. Harmonizer ad justment 5. Ample sound Volume. For literature send yoar name or your dealers to the manufacturer. Multiple Electric Products Co., Inc. S6S Ogden Street i Newark, New Jersey Atlas products are guaranteed. Cuticura \ Soap and ^/Ointment Keep the Scalp Clean and Healthy Promote Hair Growth CURES COLDS r*( LA GRIPPE in, Z+Jiavura in 3 I>ajS |—CASCARA^OIIINSNL— Standard cold remedy world over. Demand box bearing Mr. Hill's portrait and signature. Am, At All Prujgi»t* — 3Q Cents