The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 23, 1924, Image 1

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    ' The Frontier.
St, Patrick’s Parish
-will give a
Bazaar, Dinner And
-at the K. C. Opera House
Wednesday and Thursday
October 29th and 30th
Dinner will be served each day from 5:30 to 7:30.
Dance each evening beginning at 9:30.
Mrs. R. R. Dickson ivent to Omaha
the first of the week for a visit with
Miss Bessie McLeod was visiting
friends in Omaha and Lincoln last Fri
day and Saturday.
J. B. Mellor, S. J. Weekes and J. F.
O’Donnell went to Omaha Tuesday to
attend the bankers convention.
k Mrs. J. B. Mellor went to Lincoln
Wednesday for a visit with her son,
Ralph, who is attending the state uni
A daughter was bom to Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Pound last Sunday, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Mrs. J. F. O’Donnell accompanied
by her daughter, Miss Irene, and her
f brother, Lawrence Skirving, drove to
Omaha Wednesday.
The woman’s missionary society of
the Presbyterian church will meet with
Mrs. George Longstaff on Thursday
evening, October 30.
Judge R. R. Dickson and Reporter
C. B. Scott went to Bassett Monday
where they are holding the regular
fall term of the district court.
Bert Shoemaker left Saturday
morning on a hunting trip through
western Nerbaska and South Dakota.
He expects to be absent about two
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Erb, of Had
iey, Minnesota, who arrived Monday
ot last week for a short visit with
relatives, returned to thier home by
auto Sunday.
Loyal Crawford, 14, son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. E. Crawford, is about recover
ed from injuries received when a
horse he was riding fell with him a
couple of weeks ago.
Atkinson Graphic: Capt. Fullerton
of the Presbyterian ball team reports
winning another ball game, 6 to 4,
Wednesday, played with a mixed. Em
met and O'Neill team at Emmet.
Rev. George Longstaff went to
Omaha the ftrst of the week and from
there will go to Hastings where he
will attend the Presbyterian synod
which is in session there this week.
Atkinson Graphic: Dist, Clerk
Moss came home from O’Neill and
spent Sunday and visited with his
brothers, John from Spokane and Earl
from Chicago, who are taking a vaca
tion and visiting their parents.
Henry C. Peterson, traveling agent
for the C. & N. W. Ry. Company was
visiting the O’Neill business men Wed
Dr. A. H. Corbett returned home
from Denver, Wednesday, slightly
“under the weather” threatened with
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Surber and two
daughters, drove up from Norfolk
Sunday and visited until Wednesday
at the home of the former’s brother,
Elmer, and family.
The ladies of the Et-A-Virp club
and their husbands gathered at the
Sam A. Arnold home Monday evening
and surprised Mrs. Arnold, one of their
members. The evening was pleas
antly passed.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Coffey, of Fair
fax, South Daokta, stopped in O’Neill
last Sunday and remained until the
following day with relatives. They
were returning home from Lincoln.
Atkinson Graphic: Born, to Mr.
and Mrs. John Winkler, October 14th,
a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lance,
October 14th, a girl. To Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. F. Giunke, October 11th, a girl.
M rs. A. L. Willcox, Miss Helen
Willcox and Miss Bernadette Bren
nan drove over to Springfield, South.
Dakota, Friday afternoon, to visit
friends, and took in the Yankton
bridge celebration Saturday and Sun
Mrs. Martin Bazelman received th6
sad news Wednesday, of last week,
that her nephew, Keith Borland, had
passed away at Columbus, Nebraska.
Joseph Bazelman left that evening’for
Columbus, where he attended the
funeral of his cousin.
John C. White accompanied by his
two nieces, Mrs. Ethel Pilger and Miss
Nora White, came up from Omaha and
spent last week visiting at the home
of their brother and uncle, Tom White,
at Redbird, Nebraska. They returned
to Omaha Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fehr arrived in
O’Neill Monday from St. Louis Park,
Minnesota, and will be located in this
city in the future. Mr. Fehr is an
electrical engineer and will have
charge of the operation of the electric
light plant here.
Dr. J. P. Gilligan assisted by Dr.
O. W. French, of Page, performed an
operation Monday upon Dee Grass,
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Grass resid
ing east of O’Neill, who is suffering
with pneumonia. Miss Lura Grass is
also quite ill with pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bay attended
a family reunion last Sunday, at the
home of Mrs. Bay’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Kaczor, who resides north
of Spencer. All of the children were
present excepting Fred, Jr., who lives
in Montana. The occasion was the
eighty-fourth birthday anniversary of
Mr. Kaczor.
W. B. Golden, assistant superin
tendent of the Chicago 8: Northwest
ern Railway Co., was shaking hands
with the business men of O’Neill,
Tuesday morning. Mr. Golden is be
ing favorably mentioned for the pos
ition of division superintendent which
office was made vacant by the sudden
death of Superintendent Boone who
was killed in an auto accident near
Norfolk about two weeks ago.
' W '
The Logical Choice
of die Careful Buyer
The Touring Car
Runabout • $263
Demountable Rime
and Starter $85 extra
Coupe • - • • $523
Tuaor Sedan • • 590
Fordor Sedan - • 685
All prices f. o. b. Detroit
You con buy any model by
making a small dowrupay
men! and arranging easy
terms lor the balance. Or
you can buy on the Ford
Weekly Purchase Plan.
The Ford dealer In your
neighborhood will gladly
explain both plans in detail.
The Ford car delivers more useful, care-free,
economical service per dollar invested than
any other car. Its sturdy, rigid construction
is striking evidence of enduring materials.
Every minute operation is scientifically tested
and accurately checked.
Control of natural resources and complete
manufacture in large volume have made pos
sible value that is the one standard by which
every motor car must necessarily be judged.
The Ford car is the logical and necessary
choice of the buyer who wants to get
the utmost from every motoring dollar.
Senator Peter Norbeck, of South
Dakota, will speak in O’Neill Friday
afternoon, October 24th, at three
o'clock upon the political issues now
before the people as viewed from a
Republican standpoint. Senator Nor
beck is an interesting speaker. Don’t
fail to hear him.
J. A. Ponohoe is in Omaha attend
ing the bankers convention
Mrs. R. M. Sauers was in Norfolk
last Thursday between trains.
J. W. McPherran, of Ponca, arrived
here Monday and will be employed at
the light plant.
James Connolly hauled in a car load
of hogs in his new truck last Tuesday
for John O’Malley, who shipped them
to Omaha.
W. R. Riddlesbarger, principal of
the public school, went to Lincoln
Saturday to attend the Colgate-Ne
braska foot ball game.
Father M. J. Brady, of Omaha, new
assistant to Father Cassidy at St.
Patrick’s church, arrived last Thurs
day and has entered upon his duties
Walter Phillips, of Star, managed
to tear a front wheel from his car
Saturday evening while turning a cor
ner too fast, about ten miles north
east of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Rooney, of
Chadron, spent Monday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Harty. They
were on their way to Omaha to at
tend the bankers convention.
Robert R. Dickson, grand master of
the Masonic order in Nebraska, went
to Bellevue, Nebraska, last Saturday
where he officiated at the laying of
the corner stone of a large community
Mrs, D. H. Clauson and Mrs. H. H.
Haffner entertained the Presbyterian
Ladies Aid society in the church base
ment last Thursday. The rooms were
tastily arranged with Halloween dec
''ifttiorand autumn leaves. Twenty
five ladies were present.
The Minnesota Electric Light Com
pany have completed the pipe line
from the Northwestern tracks to
their light plant and Wednesday
morning the boilers were fired for the
first time with fuel oil. The machin
ery is being rearranged in the power
house and when the work is com
pleted the plant will be more efficient.
Loyd Brown is believed to have es
tablished a record for hay baling, at
the George Shoemaker ranch south of
town. Mr. Brown recently with a six
man crew and six four-mule teams
recenti.V baled and delivered for J. B.
Ryan 30 stacks or 264 tons of hay.
Seven and one-half days were.required
for baling1 and eight days for hauling,
or an average of a little over 35 tons
baled per day.
Lawrence Skivving, of Sacramento,
California, arrived here Monday from
New York City, where he had been to
identify a large quannhy of wool that
was stolen from him at Sacramento.
The theft was discovered and the
wool located before the boat on which
the cargo had been loaded, left the
docks. The boat sailed through the
Panama canal. Lawrence went to
New York and identified the wool as
it wa3 unloaded from the ship.
Some time ago a number of the
ladies of the Presbyterian church sent
a box of presents to John Longstaff
Goodenberger, the young son of Rev.
and Mrs. E. C. Goodenberger, who are
located in the province of Yunnan, in
the interior of China. Recently a let
ter was received from Mrs. Gooden
berger acknowledging the receipt of
the presents. The letter was unique
in that it was written in verse and
each verse contained something about
some article sent. The ladies who
contributed to the box gathered at the
home of Rev. and Mrs. Longstaff Tues
day evening at which time the letter
was read. Mrs. Longstaff served
luncheon during the evening.
Atkinson Graphic: The State and
Federal Aid highway between Atkin
son and Emmet, formerly one of the
poorest stretches of road along this
line, is now open to traffic as one of
the best roads in the county. With
six miles of new grading and five miles
of rebuilt grading this road consti
tutes one of the long-needed valuable
improvements to east and west travel
through Atkinson and other towns
along this highway. The work on this
road was begun in the latter part of
August and about thirty-two days of
working time was spent upon its im
provement. Two men with a tractor
and a grading outfit did the work and
the estimated cost of the project is
only $1,150.00. County Road Super
sor, C. E. Havens, of Atkinson, was in
strumental in having this new grade
put in.
Zeb Warner and son, Fred, returned
home Sunday evening from a six
weeks’ auto trip to Zeb's old home
at Point Pleasant, Virginia, where he
spent his boyhood days. This was the
first visit to the old home for forty
years and Zeb says that things have
changed to such an extent that he
hardly new the place. The trip was
an interesting one and included stops
at various points enroute where they
visited with old friends. A stop of
three days was made in Columbus,
Ohio, where they visited relatives.
Zeb says that he visited the state
penitentiary there and viewed the
electric chair. There are 3,000 con
victs in this pen, including 500 life
termers. The travelers report that
the roads are not first «Iass nil of the
way and that they encountered con
siderable bad roads on the highways
in the east as well as this side of
On Friday, October 17th, occurred
the marriage of Jennie Griffith, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grif
fith, and Samuel D. Jones, of San
Antonia, Texas.
The young couple drove to Burke,
South Dakota, accompanied by the
bride’s brothers, Charles and Cecil,
and an uncle of the bride, Rev. W. R.
Griffith, pastor of the Hawthorne M.
E. church of Chicago, Illinois, a sub
urb of Chicago, who performed the
ceremony uniting this young couple.
The bride wore a most becoming
gown of Mocha tan canton crepe and
carried a bouquet of pink roses and
white carnations. The bridegroom
wore the conventional suit of blue.
Immediately following the ceremony
the bridal party returned to the home
of the bride’s parents, twenty miles
north of O’Neill, where about thirty
five immediate relatives and friends
were served with a three course din
ner. The dining room was tastily
decorated with pink roses and white
carnations, interspersed with ferns
and in the center of the table was an
immense wedding cake on which stood
a minature wedding couple under a
white wedding bell. The cake was cut
by the bride, and the supposition is
that a number of the young lady
guests slept with a piece of the cake
under their pillow that night.
The following vocal numbers ren
dered during the reception were “The
Dawn” d Hardlot; “Loves Garden”
Bulreigh, by Mrs. Cotton. Violin
numbers, “La Serenata” Braga, “By
the Waters of Minne-tonka” Lorenz,
by Miss Scannell.
The newly weds departed for the
west Friday evening where they will
visit points of interest enroute to their
new home in San Francisco, Califor
The bride is a graduate of the
O’Neill high school and also of the
Van Zandt business college, of Oma
ha. She went to California with
friends in the spring of 1921. While
employed as a stenographer for the
Dodge Bros., Motor Co., in Fresno,
she met her fiance, who flras then em
ployed as auditor for the San Joaquin
Valley Rasin Association.
Mrs. Jones returned from California
in July and has been spending the
past few months with her parents on
the farm near Meek, Nebraska.
Although Mr. Jones is not well
known here he is a younng man of good
habit and a member of the Masonic
fraternity and served over seas dur
ing the late war.
Many useful and beautiful presents
were received by the newly weds.
Both young people have received
hearty congratulations from their
friends both here and in California,
who are wishing them a long and
happy life in their California home.
Mrs. C. N. Thompson, of Amelia, Is
on the sick list.
Arthur Tibhitts. of Neligh, is assist
ing his brother, C. E. Tibbetts.
E. E. Nelson, of Chadron, is in
Chambers this week tuning pianos.
Lyle Bernhart, of Bliss, is seriously
ill at the home of his parents with an
attack of “Flu.”
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Elkins are the
happy parents of a nine pound baby
girl born Sunday, October 19th.
County Superintendent Miss Anna
Donohoe, of O’Neill, visited the schools
in and around Chambers a few days
this week.
While playing on the school grounds
Tuesday, Charles Disney fell from a
swing sustaining a compound frac
ture of the wrist.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walter and sons,
Lyle and Floyd, left Wednesday for
Arapahoe for a visit with Casper
Walter and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rousselle, of
Seward, who are visiting Mrs. Rous
elle’s sister, Miss Hazel Crim, left for
their home at Seward Thursday.
Judge and Mrs. C. J. Malone and
daughter and Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Win
chell, of O’Neill, spent Saturday at
Chambers, interviewing the voters.
Mrs. Wilbur Burrel and children
left Saturday for Norfolk where little
Milford will be a patient in the Lu
theran hospital for surgical attention.
Mi-, and Mrs. Hamer and children,
of Loup City, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Kiser, of Amelia. Mr.
Hamer was ill a few days, but is bet
ter at this writing.
Prof. Harold Thompson, of St. Ed
ward, motored to Chambers Saturday
Phonograph Sale
Used Pianos:
One Fisher.$85.00
One Needham.110.00
One Kingsbury ..125.00
One Chickering . 135.00
One Patterson.-_135.00
One Bollinger.135.00
One Leland, oak.. 150.00
One Wellington__150.00
One Russell & Reed... 160.00
Pathe Phonographs:
$125.00 Model.... $50.00
$150.00 Model. 60.00
$175.00 Model.„ 70.00
$250.00 Model ..... 85.00
Sale Starts Saturday, Oc
tober 25th, and will continue
for thirty days.
Racket Store
and his twin brother, Prof. Howard
Thompson, accompanied him to St.
Edward for a week-end visit with their
.mother and sister.
D. C. Gill, H. 0. Richardson, and S.
A. Wassum, of Tekamah, arrived in
Chambers Tuesday for a short visit
with the former’s brother, Dr. J. W.
Gill and family. They left Wednes
day for Rock county on a hunting trip.
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Gill entertained,
Monday, at a 7 o’clock dinner in honor
of Mr/ and Mrs. Elmer Rousselle, of
Seward. The other guests were Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Tibbitts, Miss Hazel
Crim, Miss Mildred Stanton and Prof.
H. L. Thompson.
Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Oxford and Dr.
and Mrs. J. W. Gill motored to At
kinson Thursday to attend the meet
ing of the Eighth Councillor District
Nebraska State, and Holt county medi
cal societies. The meeting was well
attended by Doctors from all over
the state. The program was both in
structive and entertaining. Much
credit is due the people of Atkinson
for the hospitality extended to the
doctors. A three course luncheon
was served at 1 p. m., when the doc
tors and their families were the guests
of the Atkinson Commercial club at
the Commercial cafe.
l£oi)a) Theatre
Miss Dupont in
Lionel Barrymore and Lena Owens in
2>Reel Comedy, Santa Fe Trail
Earnest Lawrence and Anna Q. Nilson
Comedy, News
MatineeMonday—i p. m.
Rex Beachs*
Betty Blythe and Mahlon Hamilton
-——i THURSDAY ---
Frank Mayo and Mildred Harris in
“White Shadows.”
“Strangers of Night.”
“Ruggles of Red Gap.”
“If Winter Comes.”
“Feet of Clay.”
This Is Radio Time!
The air is full of Radio. Come now and let me
demonstrate. I have sets that begin where other
sets leave off.
I have the very best factory-made machines. I
am also equipped to build any kind of a home-made
machine that you want, at your own price.
See me before buying that Radio.
Free service at all times on my machines.
Phil Ziemer