The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 16, 1924, Image 7
fiife Frontier t L>. H. CRONIN, Publisher. W. C. TEMPLETON, Editor and buisness Manager. Entered at the post office at O’Neill, Nebraska, us second-class matter. One Year . $2.00 Six Months . $1.00 Three Months . $0.50 ADVERTISING RATES: Display advertising on Pages 4, 5 and 8 are charged for on a basis of Po cents an inch (one column wide) per week; on Page 1 the charge is 40 cents an inch per week. Local ad vertisments, 10 cents per line first insertion, subsequent insertions 5 cents per line. Every subscription is regarded as an open account. The names of sub scribers will be instantly removed from our mailing list at expiration of time paid for, if publisher shall be notified; otherwise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscription price. Eve'ry subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract be tween publisher and subscriber. In assisting financially in the or ganization of the Ewing creamery and in acting without pay as the manager of that institution for a year or more, W. F. Philley, republcian candidate for state senator for this district, has enabled the farmers and dairymen of the southeast section of Holt county to receive from four to five cents more per pound for butter fat than do producers elsewhere in the county. This is of more real benefit to the farmers than is the frequent fertilization of the air by his demo cratic opponent. -o A good example of the campaign of falsehood being conducted by the local democratic organ is its malicious at tack on the Chambers Sun for not publishing the communication from the joint chairman of the democratic and so-called progressive parties ad mitting the charges of M. F. Har rington to the effect that the so-call ed progressive party in reality is a f^oyal Theatre “HOME OF GOOD PICTURES” - FRIDAY - Edmund Lowe and Martha Mansfield —in— “THE SILENT COMMAND” Comedy - SATURDAY - Conrad Nagel, Mae Bush, Patsy Ruth Miller, Hobart Bosworth and Creighton Hole in “NAME THE MAN” 2-Reel Comedy, Santa Fe Trail -SUNDAY & MONDAY — Rudolph Valentino, Bebe Danials, Lois Wilson and Doris Kenyon in “MONSIER BEAUCAIRE” Comedy, News — TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY — Conrad Nogel in ‘ RENDESVOUS” - THURSDAY & FRIDAY - Miss Dupont in “WHAT THREE MEN WANTED” Comedy Coming— “Side Show of Life.” sideshow of the democratic organiza tion. As a matter of fact the Sun did publish the article, on its first page, and it reached a much larger number of readers through the Sun than it did through the local democratic sheet. -o That sly old fox, M. F. Harrington, has been at it again; and as a result there is loud wailing and gnashing of teeth among the local (democratic leaders. Several week ago Mr. Har rington made a few remarks through the medium of the public press, in which he took pains to explain why LaFollette was running on an inde pendent ticket instead of the so-called progressive one. He characterized the so-called progressive party in Ne braska as being conducted by a bunch of political fakirs as a sort of side show to the democratic party. The biting utterances of Mr. Harringon so aroused the ire of the chairman of the local democratic county central com mittee that he took the bait, hook, line, sinker and all, and rushed to the defense of the so-called progressives over his own signature; thus proving the contention of Mr. Harrington. The local democratic leaders are much chagrined that their chairman by fall ing into the trap, so convincingly veri fied the assertion of the LaFollette leader. -o LARGE AUDIENCE HEARS SENATOR NORRIS AND GOVERNOR McMULLEN An audience which filled the K. C. hall to overflowing this evening listen ed to two masterly addresses on the political situation, delivered by United States Senator George W. Norris and Adam McMullen, republican candidate for governor. Delegations of citizens from every town and most of the pre cincts of the county were noticeable among the large attendance and the large number of women voters in the gathering was particularly pleasing to the candidates. The meeting at O’Neill concluded a day of strenuous campaigning by Mr. McMullen, who following his address at Springview Wednesday afternoon opened the day at Ainsworth, speaking at Long Pine, Bassett, Newport .and Atkinson en roi'.te to O’Neill. He was greeted by goodly and attentive audiences at all of these points and the frequent ap plause which punctured his remarks at each point indicated an affirmative reception of his remarks and candi dacy. Senator Norris, who delivered an address at Valentine Wednesday evening, came to O’Neill Thursday morning, to rest up from a several days speaking campaign in prepara tion for the night meeting. Mr. Mc Mullen was the first speaker and dis cussing state finances and highway development pointed out that it was the state legislature that provided for the levying of taxes and which made ap propriations. He complimented the last legislature for its reduction of expenditures and its cutting down of the extravagant budget proposed by Governor Bryan almost a half million dollars. He was well received and after the meeting many voters crowd ed around .to assure him of their ap proval and support of his campaign. Senator George W. Norris was never better than in his address of more than an hour and a half duration, fol lowing Mr. McMullen. He held his audience spellbound with his magic ora tory and demands for the recognition of the agricultural west. A price for his products which would insure him a profit on his toil and investment, and the elimination of the unneces sary exactions of the middlemen be tween the producer and the consumer he pronounced as the solution prefer rabie to plans for financial assistance which would not release the farmer from his bondage. He scored un faithfulness in public office, condemn Charter No. 5770 Reserve District No. 10 REPORT OF CONDITION OF TheO’NeillNationalBank AT O’NEILL, In the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on October 10, 1924. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts . $313,128.42 Overdrafts, secured, NONE; unsecured . 182.91 U. S. Government securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value).$50,000.00 All other United States Government securities . 24,850.00 74,860.00 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc.: . 62,889.13 Banking House, $2,788; Furniture and fixtures, $1,680 ... 4,468.00 Real estate owned other than banking house . 8,233.20 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank . 22,422.88 Cash in vault and amount due from national banks .172,662.72 Amount due from State banks, bankers, and trust com panies in the United States (other than included in Items 8. 9, or 10) . 802.92 Checks on other banks in the same city or town as re porting bank (other than Item 12) . 550.00 Miscellaneous cash items . 73,27 196,511.79 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer . 2,500.00 Total . ""362,763.45 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .. § 50,000.00 Surplus fund .-.*. 50,000.00 Undivided profits . 25,702.72 Reserved for taxes and interest. 10,965.85 Circulating notes outstanding . 50,000,00 Amount due to national banks . 8,557.44 Amount due to State tanks, bankers, and trust com panies in the United States and foreign countries (other than included in Items 21 or 22) . 60,598.65 Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days:) Individual deposits subject to check .*..172,780.17 Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) . 39,985.00 State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this bank or surity bond . 20,438.47 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings): Certificate of deposit (other than for money borrowed) ..173,735.15 476.094.88 Bills payable other than with Federal Reserve Bank .... NONE Bills payable with Federal Reserve Bank . NONE Total . $062,763.45 State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss: I, S. J. Weekes, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. J. WEEKES, President. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of October, 1924. (Seal) JULIUS D. CRONIN, Notray Public. My Commission Expires August 14, 1925. Correct—Attest: C. P. Hancock, J. P. Gilligan, H. P. Dowling, Directors. This Bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders. ing it regardless of party, and gave an account of his stewardship which aroused his hearers to enthusiastic demonstrations of approval. NAME NORTH PLATTE MAN HEAD OF STATE L O. O. F. Hastings, Neb., Oct. 6.—Grand Is land will have the 1925 grand lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fel lows of Nebraska, it was decided at the grand lodge which closed a four day session here this afternoon. Charles Wayne Ray of North Platte was elected grand warden, and will automatically become grand master two years later. The new grand lodge officers were elected as follows: Grand master, W. H. Vancleve, Te kamah; deputy grand master, H. A. Taylor, Osceola; grand secretary, E. S. Davis, North Platte; grand treas urer, Frank B. Bryant, Omaha. The officers appointed were: grand instructor, Fred Mersholm, South Sioux City; grand marshal, Henry C. Blaco, Kennard; grand conductor, Richard, Johnson, Omaha; grand herald, S. S. Milliman, Falls city; grand chaplain, E. T. Lay, Seneca. The Rebekah assembly elected of ficers as follows: President, Mrs. Mary Frush, Wahoo vice-president, Mrs. Rosalie Crabtree, Lincoln; war den, Mrs. Lois Harris, Lynch; secre tary, Mrs. Emma Talbot, Lincoln; treasurer, Mrs. Mary E. Stuht, Omaha. Miss Melita Taylor, of Blair, was elected delegate to the Association of Rebekah Assemblies, and Mrs. Mary Caldwell, of Auburn, was elected a member of the York home board. FOOT BALL. The second game of the season will be played at Ainsworth, Friday, Octo ber 17th. The two practice games held with the alumnae of O H. S. resulted in the “grades” winning the first and the high school the second. However the purpose of the games has been, not so much to determine the relative strength of the two teams, as to fur nish opportunity for the high school boys to obtain a little of the necessary seasoning Ainsworth is reported to have an un usually fast team this year, in spite of their defeat at the hands of Neligh. Early in the season they won from Winner, South Dakota, champions of the Rosebud country. So a hard fought game is expected, for the local boys are out to win. The first home game will be played at the fair grounds on October 24th, with Butte. With the proper support O. H. S. should give a good account of themselves. The first injury of the season oc curred Tuesday night in practice when Clark A. Hough sprained his writs in an attempt to tackle McDonald of the town team. The injury is not serious and it is hoped that Clark will be in suit for Friday’s encounter. Don’t forget the Butte game here on Friday, Ocober 24th. TO THOUSAND OF HOMES IN 48 STATES Heatrola Has Brought The Joy Of Furnace Comfort. Step for a moment upon a “magic carpet” and take a flying trip across the country. From the white cottages of Cape Cod, over the modern sub urbs of lake cities, down through the farmes of the Middle West and the plantations and towns of Dixie, over scattered homes in the mountains to the bungalows on the Coast! A 10,000-mile trip in a few seconds! And not once during the entire journey were you out of a “Heatrola neigh borhood.” In every state there are Heatrola homes—brick, frame and stone; homes large and small, with and without basements, in cities and on farms; thousands of homes that have aban doned the bother of stoves for the comfort and economy of this modern heating system. Even heat for the whole house. Nor is this wonderful record of Heatrola installations surprising when you realize all Heatrola does. For this unusual heater, set up in the living room or wherever there is a chimney connection, supplies heat to the whole house, upstairs and down— heat that is even and dependable no matter how low the, thermometer goes. Works just like a furnace. The Estate Heatrola, instead of radiating heat over a small area as a stove does, circulates heat just like a furnace. Great volumes of air—16, 000 cubic feet every hour—are drawn into and through the heater and cir culated throughout all the rooms. Comers distant and near are warmed to the same comfortable temperature. And the heat is not dry and irri tating to the throat, but softly moist and pleasant. Ask any doctor—he will tell you this is the most healthful heating method known. A thing of beauty, too. Besides, in installing Heatrola, you are adding an attractive piece of fur niture. As one woman said, “it cer tainly beautifies the home.” The rich grained mahogany, vitreous enamel finish, smooth as glass and everlast ing, give Heatrola the appearance of a fine cabinet and makes it just as easy to keep clean. A dust-cloth is all that’s needed—no polishing or shining. As for fuel, Heatrola bums any kind of coal—also wood—using no more than an ordinary stove, despite the tremendous area heated. You will discover a sure shrinkage in fuel bills. Go to the Heatrola dealer in your city and see this heater yourself—or ask us to direct you to a Heartrola owner in your neighborhood. “Estate HEARTROLA” Built by The Estate Stove Company, Hamilton, Ohio. Sold at Bowen’s Racket Store, O’Neill, ....ebraska. Judge C, J, Malone Candidate for re-election as County Judge, November 4, 1924. Non-PoliticaK Ticket. SENATOR NORBECK OF SOUTH DAKOTA TO SPEAK HERE NEXT FRIDAY United States Senator Norbeck, of South Dakota, will speak in O’Neill Friday evening, October 24, at 7:30 o'clock. LUTHERAN SERVICE. There will be Lutheran services at the Episcopal church in O’Neill on Tuesday evening, October 21st, at 8 p. ni. Rev. Wm. G. Vahle, of Atkinson, will conduct these services. If you are interested come. EXPENDITURES OF THE HOLT COUNTY FAIR, 1924 1923 Premiums and Claims $ 362.19 Premiums, 1924 . 1,442.10 Preparing Grounds . 253.62 Printing and Advertising .... 645.75 Help at Fair ..'... 345.92 Forage for Animals . 17.00 Insurance on Buildings . 143.84 Telephone and Telegraph .... 11.40 Stamps . 32,72 Races and Roper.. 949.00 Base Ball Games and Balls 471.50 Cash for Kids Parade and Prizes . 230 00 Miscellaneous Expenditures and Expense . 315.24 Unpaid Premiums and Claims for 1924 . 217.05 $5,437.05 Cash Receipts of the Holt County Fair Pasture and Rent.$ 98.00 Concessions . 535.00 Entry Fees and Rentals on Stalls . 355.39 Advertising in Premium Book 248.00 Holt County Fair Dues and Stock . 90.00 Holt County Board . 1,000.00 Gate Receipts First Day. 390.45 Gate Receipts Second Day .. 861.17 Gate Receipts Third Day .... 1,337.70 Miscellaneous Receipts . 304.57 Total Receipts . $5,220.28 Deficit . 217.05 * - $5,437.33 JOHN L. QUIG, Secretary and Treasurer. Bring your Boy and Girl to the Studio and we will make you al photo graph of them that you will prize in future years. WM. L. PHILLEY FOR STATE SENATOR Wm. L. Philley, of Ewing, is the Candidate on the Republican ticket for Smte Senator from the twenty second district. Lived in Nebraska for eighteen years. Graduate of our state university. Served in Company C, 23rd Machine Gun Battalion during the World War. Has always been in terested in the state and county’s wel fare but never a candidate for office before. Is making no promises ex cept that if elected to be fair to every constituent and to aid in the ac complishment of any and everything for the best interests of all the peo ple of the district. And further to remain as now, absolutely independ ent of any boss or group control. Stands for ^ The reduction of taxes insofar as such does not retard the progress of our state. Every county having its quota of good roads, and especially for the elimination of graft in road construct ion. For free vaccines and serums for stockmen. For cooperative marketing of agri cultural products. For the creation of a game and fish reserve in the district from funds re ceived from the sale of huning and fishing licenses. For just return for labor with the living wage as the minimum. For clean and progressive, sane and equitable government. ' I _ (Political Advertisement) FOR STATE SENATOR. John A. Robertson, of Joy, Holt County, Nebraska. He was nomi nated by the Democrat and Progres sive parties at the regular primary election, April 8th. He came to Ne braska in a “Covered Wagon” in 1883, and has been a resident and taxpayer for 40 years. He \s a farmer and stockraiser and lives on, owns and operates a large farm. Married and has raised a large family and is very much interested in the educational, moral and financial welfare of this district. For the repeal of the Code law and the Intangible tax law so all property will bear its fair share of taxes. Under the republican Intangi ble tax law in Holt county $1,686,376. that had been listed by the precinct assessors was exempt and the farm ers, home owners and business men had to pay more taxes to make up the deficiency. For good roads but against graft and favoriteism in their construction. Robertson lead the fight that made ex Robertson lead the fight that made state engineer George E. Johnson send up a draft for $18,652.76 to pay for bridges and also pay one-fo- .'i of the new Whiting bridge about $10,000.00 saving the taxpayers of this county almost $30,000.00 and there was about $25,000.00 of Holt county’s road fund given to a favorite contractor for which the county got nothing that has never been explained that will be in vestigated and not whitewashed if Robertson is elected. This $25,000.00 would build a lot of road some place in the county where it is badly needed. He introduced and secured the pas sage of the “Mothers Pension” law in Nebraska. Has always supported pro gressive legislation when represent ing this district. He has the experi ence and ability and will fight for the interests of this district. ..Robertson does things.’ Vote for him. 19-4 Keep Bob on the Job RE-ELECT Robert 8. Simmons TO Congress His Bes t Y ears for Service Ahead ANNOUNCEMENT! Dr. C. H. Lubker, of Lincoln, Nebraska, wishes to inform the people of O’Neill and Holt County that he has opened an office in O’Neill, Nebraska. Office Hours: 9:00-12:00 M., 2:00-5:00 P. M. Evenings by Appointment. Phone 316 Special Analysis. Physical Diagnosis John J. Melvin Democratic Candidate For County Assessor Election November 4,1924. YOUR SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED How State Taxes Were Cut by Republican Legislatures Challenging Comparison For the present fiscal year, federal tax receipts will show a sav ing to the people of $6,000,000 a day as compared with 1921. This shatters all records for tax reduction and was accomplished under the Harding-Coolidge administration. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, governmental expendi tures were $5,538,000,000 and the surplus, $86,000,000. For the past fiscal year, expenditures were reduced to $3,497,000,000 and the sur j plus was built up to $600,000,000. The reduction in the public debt means an annual saving in j interest of more than $120,000,000. * When the republican administration took over the governmental reins, demobilization and liquidation remained to be completed. Hugei accounts with railroads were unsettled. Approximately 5,000,000 men I were out of employment. The administration fell heir to short-time obligations amounting to more than $7,000,000,000. These have all been refunded or paid. Charles G. Dawes, as first director of the budget, assisted ma terially in restoring economy in national affairs. Nebraska was one of the first to cut the heart out of high state taxes. A republican legislature in 1922, at one stroke, reduced them 33 per cent. In dollars and cents this reduced the total tax charged to the several counties from $10,930,607.11 in 1921 to $7,340,953.10. This, too, was a record-shattering accomplishment. A republican legislature was returned again in 1923 to further reduce governmental costs. It lowered the $7,340,953.10 of 1922 .to $6,404,457 for 1923, a reduction of 12 per cent. This was made possible largely because of the completion of the fund for soldier relief. And for 1924, the republican legislature provided for a further reduction in state taxes of 10 per cent. If the voters select with care, the men who are to represent them in the state legislature next winter, governmental economy will be assured. One economical move proposed by the republican party is a tax on gasoline used in motor vihicles, the proceeds to be used exclusively for the building and maintenance of roads. This system has been adopted by more than three-fourths of the states and the people of those states are satisfied. It means that the thousands of tourists who cross Nebraska shall help pay for the roads they use. It means less money to be raised by general taxation for road purposes. It will not apply to gasoline used in connection with activities on the farm. The republican plan contemplates a lowering of present excessive license fees upon ordinary motor cars as a result of the gasoline tax. CONSTRUCTIVE ECONOMY AND COMMON SENSE ARE THE PROMISES OF THE REPUB LICAN PARTY—THEY HAVE BEEN FULFILLED BY THE NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND THE NATIONAL CONGRESS AND BY THE REPUBLICAN STATE LEGISLATURE. Republican State Committee.