The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 16, 1924, Image 3

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Jljter every meal /
A pleasant
and agreeable
sweet and a
benellt as
Good tor
teetb. breatb
and digestion.
Makes the
text cigar
taste better.
i A
Is balanced because it gives:
k -Amt-*
tk e*eoiUwt>ov:T«»
a Smart Haunt
1. Beautiful Tone
2. Clarity in voice
3. Sensitivity on
weak signals.
4. Harmonizer ad
5. Ample sound
For literature send your
name or your dealer's
to the manufacturer.
Multiple Electric
Products Co., Inc.
365 Ogden Street
Newark, New Jersey
Atlas products
are guaranteed.
I [j Lj •
Protect yourself from colds, and
the grip. Take Dr. Humphreys’ famous
"77. ltgoesdirecttotho sick spot Keep
"77” handy. Break up colds that hang on.
Ask your druggist for "77," or. write us.
FREE.—Dr. Humphreys* Manuel.
(112 pages.) You should read it. Tells about
the homo treatment of disease. Ask your
druggist, or, write us for a copy.
i Dr. Humphreys’ "71,” price30c. and $1.00.
at drug stores or sent on remittance (our
risk) or C.O.D. parcel post.
77 Ann Street. New York.
Don’t take chance* of your hone* or male*
being laid op with Distemper, Influenza,
Pink Eye, Laryngitis, Heaves, Cough* or
Colds. Give “SPOHN’S” to both the sick
and the well ones. The standard remedy
for 80 year*. Give “SPOHN’S” for Dog Dis
temper. 60 cents and fl.20 at drug stores.
The New-Rich
Mayor Hyian of New York said at
a dinner in New York:
“Our new-rich multimillionaires are
very amusing. The naive way they
display tlieir wealth reminds me of
little Willie.
“Little Willie was wearing his first
pair of pants for the first time. As
he played in his father's law office
anotiier lawyer dropped in. The two
lawyers talked away together, but not
a word about the new pants was said.
"Willie stood this as long as he
could. Then lie said in a careless and
Indifferent way:
“ 'There’s three pairs o’ pants in
this room.’ ”
"How are you getting along at
school, Jimmie?” “Fine. We’re learn
ing words of four cylinders now 1”—
The mule doesn't admire the short
ears of the horse.
Stomach Distress?
Waterloo, Iowa.—“My stomach
was so bad that almost everything I
aie wouia dis
tress me terribly.
Sometimes just
a drink of cold
water would
hurt me. I was
hungry and
weak. I had con
stantly a dull
pain in my side
caused by my
liver, and I
would get up in
the morning
with that tired feeling, and had ter
rible headaches. 1 surely was a
wreck. I had only taken two bottles
of the ‘Discovery’ when I began to
feel so much hetter, 1 could hardly
believe it was i.iyself.”—Mrs. Frances
A. Pyle, 511 Vi Sycamore, Apt. 3.
All dealers. Tablets or liquid.
jBlOUX CITY PTQ. CO., NO. 42 -1924.
John Burroughs.
It may be observed that what we
call beauty of nature is mainly
negative beauty; that is, the mass,
the huge rude background, made
ap of recks, trees, hills, moun
tains. plains, water, has not beauty t
as a positive character, visible
to all eyes, but affords the mind
the conditions of beauty, namely,
health, strength, fitness, etc.,
beauty being an experience of the
beholder. Some, things, on the
other- hand, ns flowers, foliage,
J>rilliant colors, sunsets, rainbows,
waterfalls, may be said to be
beautiful in and of themselves;
but how wearisome the world
would be without the vast nega
tive background upon which these
things figure and which provokes
and stimulates the mind In a way
the purely fair forms do not!
President Coolidge, praising the
Red Cross, suggests that wars be
eliminated by “practical idealism.”
It is a beautiful abstract thought.
For the United States just now,
however, the best peace Insurance
would be found in 10,000 practical
fliers, with first class machines to
fly in, capable of carrying mail in
peace, bombs and poison gas In war.
Practical power enables a na
tion to develop its “practical ideal
ism” without being suddenly knock
ed over the head in the midst of its
In a California decision, the state
attorney general forbids, in public
schools, even the Lord’s Prayer, in
the way of religion. There is no
doubt that the public school system
should teach the three R’s and other
positive knowledge, leaving religious
teaching to the discretion of par
It Is wise to keep all religious
teaching or favoritism out of public
schools. On the other hand, it is un
wise, and an outrageous interference
with the rights of parents to tell
them that they cannot at their own
expense, send their children to pri
vate or parochial schools where re
ligion is taught—provided that edu
cational requirements are met.
Bishop Hughes, presiding over the
Methodist Episcopal church, says
that, apart from his general views
on capital punishment, he would
hang the Rev. Lawrence M. Hlghi,
who killed his own wife to get. an
other woman and made that woman
kill her husband.
Capital punishment is abominable,
but an exception in its favor misht
be well made in the case of the llev.
Mr. Hight. If it were possible, he
ought to be hanged twice, once for a
double murder and once for dis
gracing a most noble, unselfish call
ing. They used to do that in China,
strangling a man almost to death a
dozen times or more, before killing
him. They used to saw criminals
lengthwise for parricide.
When you hear talk against "big
business” as though It were a bad
thing in itself ask a few questions.
Did* you know that Canada and
Australia are in a combination—pro
perly—to help each other's business
at the expense of the United States?
Did you know that Germany and
France, enemies in other things,
combine to regulate and maintain
the prices that the United States
must pay for fertilizer?
Are you aware that Czecho-Slo
vakia and Roumanla are preparing
a "trade defense pact?”
It is necessary to have “big busi
ness” to meet and compete with big
biz” across the ocean, which is or
ganized on an international scale.
The Duke of Devonshire’s house in
Piccadilly is to be pulled down—■
many Americans remember the yel
low wall around it. The site will be
occupied by apartments on the
American plan and an American
architect, Thomas Hastings, will
boss the job. Mr. Hastings is the
man who got the gold medal from
the king.
The English are willing to learn
even from an American. They could
learn a great deal about practical
building from L. J. Horowitz, who is
there now.
On big building operations in Eng
land they still have men crawling up
ladders, carrying bricks and mortar,
as they probably did on the Tower
of Babel.
Mr. Frelinghuysen, /ormerly sena
tor from New Jersey, has bought the
Newark Press, a tabloid evening
Wishing Senator Frelinghuysen
the best of luck, it is only fair to
warn him that he will now go
through an experience that will
make politics seem like child’s play.
One year’s financing of a new news
paper is a whole education in itself.
Gould heirs fighting over the
millions left by old Jay Gould, are
.-epresented by S5 lawyers.
Whenever they meet in court it
costs the heirs $2,500 an hour. And
there are legal guardians appointed
by the court for the numerous min
ors. As Jay Gould looks down, it
must make him shiver, in spite of
the fact that money is of no impor
tance where he is now.
Foolish Either Way.
Prom the Illinois Sportsman
"Don’t you want to buy a bicycle to
ride around your farm?" asked the
hardware clerk as he wrapped up the
nails. “They're cheap, now'. I can
sell you a first class one for $35.”
"I'd rather put $35 In a cow,” replied
- the farmer.
"But think." replied the clerk, “how
foolish you'd look riding around on a
“Oh, I don’t know,” said the farmer,
stroking his chin; “No more foolish. I
guess, than I would mtlkln a bicycle.”
Bread On the Waters.
From the Boston Transcript.
An old woman in Austria \ as deeply
impressed by a sermon on "Charity.’'
she read in a church magazine. She
took two $1 bills, went out Into the
street and handed them to an honest
hut seedy-looklng young man who was
leaning against a lamp poet.
"What are these for?" he asked.
"Charity," she replied.
"Kighto, missus!" he said, and dis
appeared without a word of thanks.
Next day he called at her house and
handed her 20 $1 bills.
"What are these for?" she gasped.
"Charity, missus,** he replied. "You
*e:e lucky. y«u are the only on* who
Two Cities Break World Records
In Giving Rebates to Taxpayers
From the Christian Science Monitor.
Knoxville, Tenn., recently gave its taxpayers a pleasant surprise
by declaring a dividend of 10 per cent, for them in the shape of a
rebate on their taxes for the current fiscal year of the city. The
total sum was $280,000, a surplus saved out of the expenses of run
ning the city’s business for the year. This achievement was
ascribed by Knoxville—and the explanation was generally accept
ed—to the fact that the city’s affairs are run on the city manager
plan and that the town had selected an efficient business head.
Now comes a much larger city, Baltimore, with a similar story.
Its mayor announces that by Jan. 1, 1925, the city will have a sur
plus of $1,500,000 over and above the amount of current taxes that
will have been collected at that time and also a surplus of $1,0(K),>
000 in collections of arrearages, penalties, and interest, making a
grand total, which the citizens will surely consider “grand,” of
$2,500,000. The dividend that the citizen stockholders of Balti
more will receive will also take the form of a reduction of the tax
rate of approximately 10 per cent.
The mayor declares that this financial showing is the result of
putting all the departments of the municipal government on a bus
iness basis. There will be large savings in department appropria
tions for this year and in other accounts, he says, which are likely
to increase the total surplus to $3,000,000, but the dividend that
the city will be in a position to declare will be based on tax collec
tions only.
Without a doubt the mayor is right in attributing Baltimore’!
good fortune to the employment of business methods only in all
the affairs of the city. Coming so soon after the Knoxville record
made under the city management system, the Baltimore achieve
ment in a city with a mayor and the ordinary kind of municipal
government is especially interesting and encouraging. It shows
that it is not so much the system used that produces such unusual
but excellent results in city financing as it is the employment of
sound business methods by officials who know how to use them and
are sincerely in earnest in putting them into effect in all branches
of municipal affairs.
Baltimore officials are naturally inclined to boast of their per
formance and to call attention to the fact that their success was
made with a regular and ordinary form of city government, and
not, as in the case of Knoxville, through any experimental city
manager plan. Here is a chance for an enlivening and most profit
able race or contest among American cities. Supposing a number
of big towns with common or garden styles of government should
start in to prove that they can use business methods and save mor<
money than municipalities that employ city managers. Supposing
the city manager cities should take up the challenge and do their
best to show that this could not be done, but that their way wae
the only one that would produce the desired results.
What an entertaining competition this would be and what im
mense profit it would bring to the taxpayers of cities that entered
Autumn laying here and there
A fiery finger on the leaves.
Autumn wins you best by this, its
Appeal to sympathy and decay.
—Robert Browning.
.- I
Autumn is a weathercock
Blown every way.
—Christina G. Rossetti.
-- l
All-cheering Plenty, with her flowing
Led yellow Autumn, wreath’d with
nodding corn.
—Robert Burns.
- \
When autumn suns are soft and sea
winds moan,
And golden fruits make sweet the
golden air.
—Andrew Lang.
.- i
Every season has its pleasures;
Spring may boast her flowery
Yet the vineyard's ruby treasures
Brighten Autumn’s sobrer time.
Now Autumn’s fires burn slowly
along the woods,
And day by day the dead leaves fall
and melt,
And night by night the monitory
Wails in the keyhole, telling how it
O’er empty fields, or upland solitudes
Or grim, wide wave; and now the
power is felt
Of melancholy, tenderer in its moods
Than any joy indulgent Summer
—William Allingham.
I saw old Autumn in the misty morn
Stand shadowless like silence,
To silence, for no lonely bird would
Into his hollow ear from woods for
Nor lowly hedge nor solitary thorn;
Shaving his languid locks all dewy
With tangled gossamer that fell by
Pearling his coronet of golden corn.
O, Autumn, laden with fruit and
With the blood of the grape, pass not
but sit
Beneath my shady roof; there thou
mayst rest
And tune thy jolly voice to my
fresh pipe,
And all the daughters of the vear
shall dance!
Sing now the lusty song of fruits and
—William Blake.
Word* Are Softer.
From the Boston Transcript.
Action may be better than words,
but the umpire would rather be
bawled out than have pop-bottles
hurled at him.
A Fable.
From the Santa Barbara New*.
A Loafer eat on an empty dgoods
box, and whittled listlessly.
A Boy and his Father came by and
the Father pointed to the I^oafer.
“You’ll never win Success that way.”
he said. And the Bey was impressed.
A Successful Man walked by and
saw the Loafer sitting tlvere.
The Successful Man stghed and said,
“I wish I were as happy as that fel
This fable hasn’t any moral, so far
as we have been able to discover, but
it does illustrate a point.
Three-fourths of all the explosives
used in the United States are consumed
in mining operations.
Principles Don’t Count.
From the Milwaukee Journal.
Qreat rejoicings In the Coolidge
camp followed the declarations that
Gov. McMaster of South Dakota, wht
beat the regular Senator Sterling foi
nomination to the Senate, would sup
port Coolidge and Dawes. For there
is more joy over one radical whu
puts on a party button thar.
over a dozen republicans who stay
But now Gov. McMaster goes a bit
further. ‘‘Yes, I'll support Coolidge
and Dawes,” lie says, "but If elected,
and it's necessary, I'll Join the farm
bloc or any other bloc.” So here Is
another senator who won’t follow
the party leadership. Like Brookhart
and Couzens, he’ll do as he pleases,
and the heads of the party won’t
have anything to say because they're
so glad to get a kind word in the
Afterwards, when congress isn’t
getting anywhere and the presi
dent, if it should be Mr. Coolidge
again, can’t get any more support for
his measures than he did last spring,
the air will be filled with excuses
about these wicked blocs, made up
of men who aren't really republicans
—men nevertheless against whom no
finish fight was waged when the
campaign was on, or even In the con
vention at Cleveland. If Mr. Cool
ldge is elected, he cannot have a
congress; that is plain now. But It
is no plainer than the fact that the
party Isn’t making a fight on prin
ciple where it can get a Brookhart
or a Couzens or a McMaster to sup
pert the ticket—or even to remain
silent and not support the La Follette
Colombia Air Mail Leads.
From the New York Times.
Colombia Is the first nation In the
world to connect all of Us principal
commercial centers by air mail, ac
cording to an announcement by the
Colombian government bureau of in
formation. Seaplanes thread its
jungle rivers. Land planes hurdle
the northern extension of the Andes
A night-flying transcontinental ser
vice has revolutionized time
schedules. Air mall postage is 30
cents the half-ounce.
Not the least Interest ing of the
achievements of the Colombian air
establishment, which the bureau re
ports, is the feat in surveying hereto
fore Impenetrable swamps ana
jungles from the air.
The air mall service there reached
Its present maximum efficiency with
the Installation of two new linrs this
summer. While the air line routes
measure only 1,104 miles, the ob
stacles they have eliminated and th«
time they save give them a produc
tive value proportionately far
"Six seaplanes following the tor
tuous course of the Magdalena
river,” the bureau says, "and three
land planes vaulting the mountain
ranges reduce communication to
hours as contrasted jiWth days, and
even weeks, by shallow draft
steamer, railway or pack team.”
Religious Differences.
From Everybody’s Magaatn#.
A friend Inquired of Sandy, who had
recently married, how he and his wife
were getting along.
’’We mon get along fine week days.”
replied Sandy. ’’But when It comes
Sabbath, we walk doon to the comer
together and she gaes off to yon Meth
odist body, while I gang to the House
o’ God.”
The "Circuit Rider” Is represented Ir.
a statue recently placed on the capitol
grounds in Salem, Oregon. It was
presented to the state of t Oregon by a
firomlnent business man of that state
n* memory of Oregon s early itinerant
preachers, among whom was ths don
or's own fathsr.
The secret * a vm
off good breads iCSSt FOAHL
Are your
children sturdy?
If your child is delicate, ir
ritable,backward in school,
look carefully to the food
eaten* Have plenty of good
home-made bread. It’s
wholesome and children (
love its flavor.
Send for free booklet
"The Art of Baking Bread”
Northwestern Yeast Co*
1730 North Ashland Ave.
Chicago, ill.
Substitute for Glass
A chemical product which resembles
glass and can be used for many of ttie
same purposes lias been produced in
Germany. It can be rolled, bored, pol
ished or cut and does not have the
tendency of glass to splinter. Because
of this quality it lias been recommend
ed for the glass panes of automobiles,
optical instruments, ornaments, and
toilet articles. Fritz Poliak, the inven
tor, arrived at this product by con
densing carbamide and theoearbamlde
with formaldehyde. Amides are slm-y
pie, nitrogenous substances related to
Suspicious Looking
Hospital Visitor — Are you mar
Patient (much battered and plas
tered)—Oh, no! I bumped into a
A New Order
Mrs. Longwed—"Is your husband
an Elk or a Moose?" Mrs. .Tustwed—
“Neither one. He’s just a dear.”
Would Mean More Trouble '
“The average flapper touches op
her face fifty times a way.”
“It's lucky she can’t see the back
of her neck."—Louisville Courter
_ |
Cuticura Soothes Itching 8calp.
Oa retiring gently rub spots of dan
druff and Itching with Cuticura Oint
ment. Next morning shampoo with
Cuticura Soap and hot water. Make
them your everyday toilet preparations
.and have a dear skin and soft, white
Cuba Buys American Eggs
Cuba likes eggs from American hens
and buys -10 per cent of all that we
ship, while Canada and Mexico each
take 20 per cent.
Most of the success In the world
has been won because of the spur of
Man is the only animal that can't
be trusted to remain idle.
Unless you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for
Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago
Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism
Accept only “Bayer” package
/V7|^r which contains proven directions.
£ M Handv “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets
§ Alto bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Aspirin Is the trad* mark of Barer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldeatar of Salley Ucadd
Two niglits u week, the little bunga
low at Hollywood and Cahuenga is de
serted. Viola Is taking esthetic danc
ing lessons—“to reduce my weight,”
she explained to Frank.
He was considerably upset, there
fore, to stroll into the drug store one
night and hud VI getting away with
her third chocolate sundae.
"My goodness, how in the deuce do
you expect to reduce when you eat
a lot of sweet stuff like that?”
“That's Just tlie idea,” explained Vi.
“If 1 didn't eat the sweet stuff, I
might get thin, and if I got thin, I
wouldn’t have any excuse for taking
the dancing lessons, and I enjoy them
so much.’’—Los Angeles Times.
The smaller the man the larger his
troubles seem to him.
Home Fire Extinguisher
One of the best and simplest of
chemical fire extinguishers can bq
made out of old burnt-out electric
light globes. These are submerged,
nipple or point downward, in a dishl
or basin of carbon tetrachloride.
Then with a pair of pliers the point
is nipped off. The liquid then it
sacked in by the vacuum in the lamp
globe until nearly full. Wlipn filled
the minute entry hole should be
stopped with wax or cement which
should not he allowed to come Into
contact with the liquid content. Th«
tilled globes should be stored in spe
cial racks, point upward. They are
excellent as first-aid extinguishers fo*
domestic or laboratory fires.—New
York World.
Chance is always powerful.
■ 1
MOTHER:— Fletcher’s Cas
toria is a pleasant, harmless Sub
stitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
ieething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared fact
Infants in arms and Children all ages.
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it