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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1924)
atterjjevery meal Cleanses month and teeth and aids digestion. Relieves that over eaten feeling and acid month. Its l-a-s-t-l-a-g flavor satisfies the craving for sweets. *, Wrlgley’s ts doable value In ths benefit and NtxS Buick >re wer ete new >endable Champions at least once a year gives more power and speed. Performance is greatly improved. Oilandgasare saved. Champion Spark Plug Co* Toledo, Ohio CHAMPION D*p*»dmht9 /#r Ewetp Engin« Adas ^ trade marh Radio - Reproduction Is balanced because it gives: 1. Beautiful Tone Quality. 2. Clarity in voice reproduction. 3. Sensitivity on weak signals. 4. Harmonizes ad justment. 5. Ample sound Volume. For literature send your name or your dealer's to the manufacturer. Multiple Electric Products Co., Inc. 365 Ogden Street Newark, New Jersey Atlas products are guaranteed. | “Mors Money from livestock" ■ will open your eyes to new profitsl I No farmer or stockman—large or ■ small—can afford to be without fl this valuable book. f St The third edition la bigger, better! <W more helpful than ever before. Make this j ■ your big profit year. Have healthier, I heavier livestock to sell at better prices. ■ One copy mailed FREE and Postpaid ■ to those writing at once. Oct your | M copy nod. Write today! » -w> ■ THE CARKYSALT COMPANY I Ossktit " Bstsklnsss, Ksss.. * ' ---——— —■- 1 ■ ■■ ■ ■ ' i ■ ■ ■ "■ ■ s MUNYON’S PAW PAW PILLS "n«r. u Hap*" tor Lontripanon Kalian haadacka, dixadnaaa and othar diaordara dua to bowal conaaation. A parfact laaatlva. Worka mildly with out griping. Mufijaai’a Paw Paw Taala aalw jaw wall, kaapa jaw jawwf. Wfii/acwow ytiranUed or money rtptmdwm | PROBE DENISON BANK’S ASSETS More Than 9,000 Acres of Land Must Be Appraised —Examiners Meet Denison, la., Oct. ' (Special)—E. J. Kelley, of Des Moines has come t •> Denison as a Master In Chancery to examine the condition of the Bank of Denison as to assets and liabilities. The hearing began and continued for three days when an adjournment was taken until Monday, October 6. The hearings are held in the court room but may be transferred to Sioux City and Council Bluffs at a later date. The bank Is represented by attor neys Sims & Page of Denison and Tinley, Mitchell, Rose & Mitchell, and George Mayne, of Council Bluffs. The Interests of the petitioning creditor* are looked after by attorneys Andrew Bell, L. W. Powers and P. W. Hard ing, of Denison. Tho Illinois Merch ants Trust and Savings bank of Chi cago and the Joint Stock Land bank of Des Moines, preferred creditors, have attorneys looking after their in terest. One of the Important questions wit) be the valuation of lands. It is un derstood there are over 9,000 acres of Iowa land to be appraised. - I 1C P.’S HAND OUT MEDALS AT CHEROKEE. Cherokee, la., Oct. (Special)—In accordance with annual custom Cherokee lodge, Knights of Pythias, baa awarded three medals for citizen ship to students !n the Eleventh grade in high school. Awards are made op term standings In civics. William McCulla was awarded tho gold medal; Lila Whitehouse the sil ver medal and Esther Whitehouse the bronze medal. __ < OO NOT FEED YOUR COWS FROZEN ALFALFA! Cherokee, la., Oct. “ (Special)— There are reports of loss of cattle from bloat, caused by eating frosted alfalfa. Carl Lundgren, of Liberty township, lost three good animals from that cause. Frosted alfalfa Is said to cause bloat. The danger Is not understood by some farmers to whom alfalfa is a new crop. - 4 ACCUSE CHIROPRACTOR OF FORGING A NOTE. Cedar Rapids, la., Oct. ~ (Special) —Something of a sensation has been -caused In local professional circles by the arrest of Harold M. Garner, chir opractor, on a charge of forging a $6,000 promissory note, and with th* false uttering of two checks, one for $28.75 and one for $15. The note was given to Dr. Carl E. Brown and was payable at the Cedar Rapids National Bank. The note was signed by Garner but It Is alleged he forged the endorsement of Dr. Rosa E. Donnelly and Lera V. Roger*. Garner used the money to establish himself in an office here last May, th* complainant says. On recommendation of Dr. Brown, Justice G, S. Llghtner, released Garn er on $1,000 bond which was furnish ed by hi* mother. LAYMEN’8 ASSOCIATION TO MEET SATURDA? LeMars, la., Oct. ,' (Special)—The Laymen’s Association of the Metho dist Episcopal church for Northwest Iowa holds Its annual session Satur day, October 4, at Rockwell City, where the Northwest Iowa conference Is In session this %veek. Five hundred laymen representing most of tho 150 In the conference are ex pected to attend. A business session will be neld In the morning. Tho re duction of the number of districts In the conference 1* one matter of busi ness likely to come up for dlscuesion. At the afternoon session Congress man L. J. Dickinson, of Algona, will talk on "The Christian In Public and Political Life,” and Bishop Hender son, of Cincinnati, and Bishop Ains worth. of the Methodist Episcopal church South, will deliver addresses. The session will be a Joint meeting of the ministerial and lay conferences. E. W. Oates, of Storm Lake, will preside at the sessions of the confer ence. HOLD SHORT COURSE FOR ELEVATOR MEN Hawarden, la., Oct. !' (Special)— The agricultural extension depart ment will hold a short course for the benefit of th® managers, officers and directors of farmers elevators In Sioux c ounty. The course will be held at Sioux Center, on October 7 and 8. Delay Action in Brookhart Case Des Moines, la., Oct. • (A. P.)— The republican state central commit tee was still debating what action it would take with reference to Senator Brookhart at 1 o’clock and shortly af terward State Chairman Burnquist announced that no statement would be made public until 4 o'clock. Advised that Senator Brookhart had quoted him as saying that "Dawes has wrecked the campaign In the west,” Burnquist said he would make a personal statement simultan eously with the committee's state ment. AGED MAN AGAIN ON THE WING North Platte, Neb., Oct. 3. »i. N. S.)—Ezra Meeker, 94 year oia trail btdzer, who is flying to Dayton, Ohio, in an army plane piloted by Lieuten ant Oakley O. Kelly, roused himself at • o'< lock this morning for a re sumption of the flight eastward. Meeker arrived here last evening at 6:30 oVlock, completing the 680 mile tri> from Pocatello, Idaho, in six hours and 10 minutes. The grand old man of the Oregon trail declared he felt fine and wa« enjoying the flight i immensely. Irene Castle Back From European Trip Irene Castle, the famous dmcer, in private life Mrs. Irene Caste Me Loughlin, has returned to New York from a tour of Europe. She recently announced she was through v ith the i stage. EXPECT STIR IN BOOTLEG C ASE Frenchman Admits He Is Rum Runner But Not Pirate BY C, F. BERTELLI, Universal 3ervice Correspondsnt. Paris, Oct. 5.—Sensational do ;iils of the liquor smuggling business, in cluding how French and Brltls'i con cerns finance the rum runner, will be divulged at the hearing W* dnes day of Max Jerome Phaff, th» al leged Pirate of the steamer Mul house, who has admitted to the auth orities: "I am an honest bootlegger, but never was a pirate." The American authorities will keep their hands off the Phaff case. Al though the smuggler sent to Vnited States Attorney Hayward sayln/r: "It you will act In my behalf I will hand you Information which will eaable you to make New York 'dry* in one month," it is understood that Colonel Hayward has decided against fnaklng any pact with the self confessed breaker of the American law. Well Informed circles expect that the preliminaries of the Phaff trial at Brest will last for months with his ultimate release for lack of evidence because the company, Morue Fran calse, owning the largest liquor fleet with headquarters at Miquelon Island, refuses to display the log book of the steamer Mulhousa and other evidence which might aid In convicting Phaff on the piracy charge. “It Is a case where the accusers and the acoused are both tarred with the same brush," said Phaffs lawyer. RIVERA TO MADRID San Sebastian, Oct. 4. (I. N. S.)— Gen. Primo Rivera will report to Madrid October 7 to give the gov ernment an outline of the progress of the Moroccan campalgh. 4 4 WALL 8TREET OFFERING -4 4 SIX TO FIVE ODD8 THAT 4 4 8ENATOR8 WILL WIN 4 4 Universal Service 4 4 New York, Oct. 6.—Wall Street 4 4 Is laying odds that the Senators 4 4 will win both Monday's game 4 4 and the World Series. 4 4 W. L. Darnell and company, 4 4 44 Broad street, announced Sun- 4 4 day night that they have $12,000 4 4 to bet against $10,000, or odds of 4 4 6 to 5, that the Giants will be 4 4 defeated for the world's chum- 4 4 plonship. The firm Is also offer- 4 4 lng to lay $22,000 against $20,000 4 4 or odds of 11 to 10 that Wash- 4 4 lngton will win the third game 4 4 of the series. + ♦ 4 44-44444 44444444-44 44 Chicago Judge Sentences Two Counterfeiters to Pen Chicago, Oct. 6.—Federal Judge Louis Fitz Henry, who has been “spe cializing” In counterfeiting cases since his assignment here, added two more prison terms to his list when he sentenced Kosta Dlmltroff to Leaven worth for three years anil gave Boris Dlmltroff a year and a day In eon aectlon with the same plot. DAVIS ABANDONS WESTERN TRIP; TO HELP SITU Plant to Spend Week In New York State; Surrenders Ohio BY 8EARS TAYLOR, Universal Service Correspondent. New Tork, Oct. 6.—John W. Davis' campaign for the presidency of the United States will be waged in New York state exclusively during the next week, it was decided by the democratic strategy board here Sun day. Speaking In five of the principal cities in the state, Davis will combine his own plea for the presidency with an Indorsement of Governor “Ar Smith, democratic gubernatorial can* didate. The previously announced Itinerary of the candidates second western tour has been "thrown to the winds” and the speakers' bureau of the demo cratic organization was busy Sundaj arranging a new route for him. Surrender Ohio According to the present plans Davis will not speak In Ohio at all on his forthcoming western stumping tour. This was decided after demo cratic chieftains had conferred with party leaders from the Buckeye state. This shift In the plans was taken by political observers as a definite Indi cation that the democratic party had given up hopes of carrying Ohio and had surrendered the state to LaFol lette and Coolldge. The nominee will leave here Mon day for Schenectady where he will speak In the afternoon, proceeding to Albany for an evening speech. Tues day afternoon he will address a meet ing at Utica and Tuesday night he will speak at Syracuse. Wednesday he will deliver an address at Buffalo, returning to New York early Thurs day morning, Instead of proceeding westward as had been previously planned. Return To Register One of the reasons why Davis will return to New York Thursday, in stead of continuing on his western trip, was divulged when It was learned that the registration board In the district where Davis resides does not open until late Monday night anfl he has to return to this city In order to register some time during tne next two weeks. Another reason for the cancellation of the nominee’s tour. It was stated, was the condition of his health. While Davis Is far from being "down and 1 out," the strain of the past six weeks Is telling on him and he will be physically unable to conduct a cam paign during the next month as strenuous as the battle he has fought during the month Just past. Davis has lost 16 pounds since he was nom inated, one of his secretaries admit ted. When the new Itinerary has been completed It Is expected that 11 will Include speaking dates In Tennessee, a normally democratic state which Is reported to be wavering this vear Davis Is counting strongly on ths electoral votes of the “solid south” te keep either LaFollette or Coolldge from cutting Into his strength there. Man Kills Wife And Shoots Self Tragedy Follows Quarrel of Chicago Couple Over Paralytic Boy " i Universal Service Chicago, Oct. 6.—W'.jllam Ehrlg walked Into the Union Trust Bank building Sunday and announced he was going to end his life. He fired three bullets Into his body but he was stUI alive Sunday night. Seventeen hours before his attempt ed suicide, Ehrlg had shot and killed his wife. They had quarrelled over Hal Ehrlg, a nephew who made his home with them. The boy Is a paralytic. Ehrlg In sisted the boy be sent away. HI* wife had Insisted on keeping him. Young Hal had gained some promin ence as a painter, working In bed. Ehrlg waylaid and shot his wife when she returned from shopping. He fled and detectives were unable to find him. __ Reroute Lincoln Highway To Dodge 4Death Crossing* LaPorte, Ind., Oct. 5.—Rerouting of the Lincoln highway between La Perte and South Bend so that It will run to the south and miss New Car lisle was announced by the State Highway commission. The new route will shorten distance about two miles and will eliminate "Death Crossing" from the highway. A new road will be opened from the intersection of the new and old Lincoln highway to Rolling Prairie, connecting with the Michigan road. Girl Who Slept In Bams For Week Back Home Chicago, Oct. 5.—Miss Anna Mus ter, 15 years old, was returned to her home after a week’s absence, which she told the police had been sleeping In barns and on suburban farms. She disappeared when she thought her par ents had discovered that ahe had "flunked" In several studies, and was often absent from school. WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE ' ‘ Praise Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound “A Blessing to Suffering Women," Writes One Louisville, Illinois. —*'I certainly thank you for the great benefit I have received from taking Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. I first learned about it from my step-mother who got so much help from it. Sev eral years ago I took it for inward weakness ana since then I have taken It during the Change of Life and it has been a great help to me. It certainly is a blessing to suffering women and I take pleasure in recom mending it. My health has been better this summer than it has been for five years. I am now able to do all my work and have canned 840 quarts of fruit and vegetables this summer.” — Mrs. Kate McPeak, Louisville, Illinois. Wants Letter Used As Proof Frankford, Pennsylvania.—“I am sure if women who suffer through the Change of Life as I have, with hot flashes, nervousness and other weaknesses, would give Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound a trial they would be benefited as I was. My nerves were so bad that every little noise made me jump, but now I am not bothered that way at all.* My husband saya he really hated to look at me I looked so miserable. I hope you will use this letter as proof of the help the Vegetable Compound Is giving me.”—Mrs. Abbie Harvey, 6701 Leonard St, Frankford, Pa. Forced To Remain in Bed Carlisle, Illinois. — “ During the Change of Life I suffered with severe nervousness and with disturbances of the entire system. These continued probably two years before I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. I could do none of my work and was not always able to be up- For ten days at a time I was forced to remain in bed with my hipe propped higher than my head and the pains were terrible. The doctor helped some but each time I was forced to go over the same suffering. I had taken the Vegetable Compound in 1910 after my twins were born and it had helped me so I decided to try it again. I became better and gained in strength. I have taken it for about three years now but not steadily. I am able to do my house work but I avoid all heavy lifting and washing and ironing as I know I am not strong enough yet. I give theVeg etable Compound to my daughters and recommend it to my friends. Mrs. Louisa B. Brand, 460 Fairfax Street, Carlyle, Illinois. In a recent country-wide canvass of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, over 100,000 replies were received and 98 out of every 100 re Krted they had been benefited by use. For sale by druggists every where. Wonderful Piece of Work Scarcely as big as a tooth, the tini est skull In the world was brought recently to the United States. It took infinite patience and skill nt the hands of a Chinese workman who la bored many months to complete the curiosity. It is complete in every de tail and caned from a minute piece of ivory, small enough to fit on the tip of a pencil.—Popular Science Monthly. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION _ I | .NDIGlsgO^ 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELI.-ANS 256 AND 756 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE The Feminine Touches The elderly and wealthy bachelor, always the possessor of a home known to his friends to be the height of com fort and tasteful decorations, boasted for years that he would never murry— but finally capitulated. A short while later, he was entertaining an old friend at his home. “Look here,” he said, pointing to a sewing basket and two or three strands of thread on the carpet, “these are the things that make life worth living. And this,” he said, drawing n needle from t\e arm of an over-stuffed chair, “is impresses one with the truth of this, that it is the little feminine touches that count.” Cuticura Comforts Baby’s 8kin When red, rough and Itching, by hot buths of Cuticura Soap and touches of Cuticura Ointment. Also make use now and then of that exquisitely scent ed dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum, one of the Indispensable Cuticura Toilet Trio.—Advertisement. Accept Responsibility The man who habitually shirks re sponsibilities, misses opportunities for developing his capacities. Accepting responsibilities develops Initiative, in ventiveness, Ingenuity, resourcefulness and efficiency. It does what nothing else can do.—Grit. * _ A Success “How was your garden this year?” “Great! My neighbors chickens took first prize at the poultry show.” PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Remove* DanarufT-RtnptU&lrFainni Restores Color end Beenty to Grey end Faded Hafa Me. and It 00 at Itrnctritta. Rtseoz Chcra. W ha Patch™* ue. M. T. HINDERCORNS Remoras Corns, Ckl lonws. et*., stops alt pals, ensuras comfort to tlu» tret, makes walking can. Ik. by mail or at Onam gists. Bisson Chemical works. Pebeboroo, tL I, FOB KALB—10-ACBE MOUNTAIN VAD LKY HOME, at sacrifice. Price (2.100, worth much more. Come and see this Independent home. B. NICEWANNKH. FLIFPIN, ARK. Married Women can earn extra money at home, writing addresses for Lister's Com plexion Cream. Sultana Discs. No canvassing. Cash for llats. Sultana Co.. Lovlngton. N. M. Juat the Same Polite Escort (helping her Into a rowboat)—Be careful, every falsa step you take In u rowboat is dangerous. Flapper—Just the way it is on land. Isn’t It? Hall’s Catarrh lfailSfil«A I* a Combined IVlCVIKvlUC Treatment,both local and Internal, and has been success ful in the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Sold by all druggists. F. I. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio Rob "Vaseline" Petroleum Jelly on yoor hands before working in the sold or wet and you’ll avoid kaneklcs. For cats, burns, bumps, braises end sores or akia troubles, apply "Vaseline" Jelly liberally. Always safe, soothing and beating. £#ei/srrte/rs*-»er* "fWfao" as ovary gsriago. It fiyeorpretortfea. Chcaebrough Mfg. Coaapaay State Struct <CW» New York Vaseline MIO. U. 9. PAT. OPP. PETROLEUM JELLY SIOUX CITY PTQ. CO., NO. 41-1924 CALUMET The Economy RAKING POWOEi» die next time you bake—give it just one honest and fair trial* One test in your own kitchen will prove to you that there is a big difference between Calumet and any other brand—that for uniform and wholesome bak ing it has no equal* A