The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 09, 1924, Image 3

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    Hope for Doomed Seen in Loeb-Leopold Decision
Fire persons, all of them young, have turned their eyes and their hopes toward Chicago and Judge
Carerly, of the Cook County Criminal Court, following his declaration that youths eo young as Nathan
V. Leopold, Jr., and Richard Loeb, twenty each, Bhould not be put to death for their confessed murder of
little Bobby Franks. They are Walter Krauser and his companion, Edward Grant, both in the Cook
County Jail and sentenced to death for the murder of a Chicago policeman during a holdup; Claude Dobbs,
of Baltimore, and Thomas Foran, Philadelphia, both penniless boys who killed during a holdup; Edgar
Perrygo, son of a poor truck farmer near Washington, D. C., now under death sentence, and Louise Thomas,
poor mulatto girl, aged nineteen, who is sentenced t o death for the murder of a Philadelphia policeman.
When MacMil lan Was Ice Bound in Frozen North
Winter came but spring was far behind. When it finally did come, the members of the MacMillan crew had
shovel and hack their ship out of the Ice and snow hummock which had covered it. The expedition Iras re
>uned safely to Wiscasset, Me., after being locked In the Ice for a year in North Greenland.
MacMillan’s Ship Ready for Dash to U. S. After Escaping Ice
Here la the Bowdoln ready for the home dash on July 31 of this year. In Refuge Harbor, Smith Sound ]
Worth Greenland, Where, with the M acMillan North Greenland expeditio n she was looked in the loe fcj Ml
day a She had to make her way thr ough the lee around the epen atrip a hown in the picture, J
It, tssgx/Tg&ixg f ~~ Ji
For the first time since 1914, members of the various branches of
the German royal family, in full regalia, gathered at the ancient Castle
Salem, in Hesse, to attend the wedding of Prince Wolfgang von Hessen,
nephew of the former Kaiser, to the Princess Marie Alexandra von
Baden, daughter of Prince Max von Baden. The former Kaiser strongly
opposed the union, as Prince Max was Chancellor of the German Empire
In 1918, and made public the Kaiser’s abdication before it had been
officially signed, compelling Wilhelm to flee into Holland.
Here is "Steve," Jersey City (N. J.) oldest horse, with Andrew
florin, his keeper, and "Snookum," his stable mate. “Steve” has just
celebrated his forty-fifth birthday, and has been with Horin for twenty
five years.
This photograph of Mrs. Elsie Sweetln. of Ina, HI., was taken m her
cell at Salem, 111., where she was taken for safe keeping after confessing
she murdered her husband, Wllford Sweetln, with arsenic at the same
time Rev. Lawrence M. Hight killed his wife by the sams means, so
they might be free to love each other. Her love for the pastor-murderer
has turned to ashes since she found he was not the superman she deemed
him. She divides her time in her cell between reading and weeping.
New Drive on Cigaret
Memorial to Famed Foe
Chicago.—Loaders of the National
Antl-Clgarette League are planning
a “memorial” to their late president,
Lucy Page Gaston, in the form of a
strenuous nationwide renewal of
their fight against the cigarette. An
nouncing the preliminaries of the
call to battle, the nation was warned
that "If the overwhelming Increase
in the use of cigarettes is not Im
mediately checked the welfare of the
w4iole nation will be seriously Im
Vote Against Bobbing
Her Six-Fooft Hair
Mrs. James Wire, of Kountze, Tex,
has hair six feet long. Sho wanted
to know If she should bob it and keep
pace with the modern flapper. So a
local newspaper canvassed its read
ers on the question, and by a vote of
six to one it was decided that she
should keep her long tresses.
Captures English
Beauty Contest
A beauty contest was held recently
at Folkstone, Eng., In which men,
married couples, engaged couples and
families were awarded prizes in their
various classes. Basil Scott was
awarded a prize as the most beautiful
man entered in the competition.
Law of U. S. May
Separate Family
Mrs. Ann* Picardl, 17 years old.
Is fighting hard to save her hus
band, Antonio Plcardl, from de
portation on charges that ha Il
legally entered the United States
by deserting as a seaman. They
are living In New York.
Charles M- Courtney Is the new
commander of the Department of
Nebraska, American Legion, and Mrs.
C. B. McGlasson, Is the new presi
dent of the Nebraska American Le
gion Auxiliary. They will be in of
fice when Omaha Is host to the na
tional convention of the Legion in